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欧盟单一监管机制是建立欧洲银行业联盟的关键环节。欧盟单一监管机制旨在以统一监管取代分散监管,在欧盟层面辨识和阻止银行风险的过度聚合和集中。该机制对我国有重要借鉴意义:我国金融监管职能应统归中央银行行使,强化对系统重要性银行的监管;在制度设计上,明确央行的货币政策职能同监管职能相分离;完善监管协调制度和金融监管信息共享机制;完善监管主体的监督方式。  相似文献   

中央银行在宏观审慎监管体系中的地位与权限   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球金融危机后,欧美等主要国家加快了金融监管改革步伐。在新的金融监管框架中,中央银行的监管地位明显加强。实际上,中央银行在履行最后贷款人职能、实施货币政策、开展宏观审慎监管和维护支付清算系统运行中都扮演着金融稳定的重要角色。因此,强化中央银行监管权限有着充分的理论依据。中国人民银行担负着维护金融稳定的法定职责,在构建我国宏观审慎监管体系中,应进一步明确其监管地位,赋予其应有的监管权限。  相似文献   

论混业经营条件下国内宏观金融监管模式的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融业的混业经营是我国加入世界贸易组织后国内金融发展的基本趋势,在混业经营条件下,我国宏观金融的传统监管模式将面临挑战,同时,随着我国中央银行货币政策与金融监管两种职能的分离以及由此而产生的中央银行货币政策独立性的发挥,国内宏观金融的监管架构必将予以重新塑造。因此,研究混业经营条件下国内宏观金融监管模式的取向,使之适应国内金融混业经营发展的需要,具有与时俱进的意义。  相似文献   

任碧云 《现代财经》2002,22(2):11-15
近来,关于如何加强我国金融监管问题的探讨较多。笔者认为以下四个问题非常值得思考,即:中央银行货币政策与金融监管的兼容性与分离,专门机构集中监管与分设机构分业监管,保护债权人权益与维护金融稳定,非现场监没与现场检查。对此,笔者的观点是:中央银行货币政策与金融监管应该分离,应该设立中国金融监管委员会实施集中统一监管;尽快建立我国的存款保险制度;强化非现场监测的监管。  相似文献   

我国中央银行以保持币值稳定、促进经济增长为重要的货币政策目标。中央银行政策是货币政策发挥作用的重要条件,当前我国中央银行货币政策与发达的市场经济国家相比,还存在一定的差距,本文从分离货币政策与金融监管职能、增强中央银行的独立性、实现宏观调控方式的转变、完善货币政策传导机制和增强货币政策的前瞻性五个方面探讨了完善我国中央银行货币政策的手段。  相似文献   

曹焕 《生产力研究》2013,(10):120-122
由于中东欧国家银行业改革的起点是非常类似的,为研究多元化监管对银行业的影响提供了绝佳的研究样本。文章通过实证分析,得出:中央银行对银行业的监管会显著降低银行的盈利能力,同时也降低了银行的间接成本,与此相反,多元化监管则会显著提升银行的盈利能力。而从其监管的效率和结果来看,中央银行监管银行业会削弱中央银行自身的独立性,而多元化监管则容易形成监管漏洞,导致"政策套利"。  相似文献   

国外中央银行职能分离的改革动向及其借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈峥嵘 《财经研究》2003,29(7):57-63
本文首先介绍国外中央银行的独立性模式,接着分析国外中央银行增大独立性的趋势及立法实践,并通过考察国外中央银行分离银行监管职能的改革动向,以此为借鉴,得出了对我国成立银监会、重构金融监管体制的几点有益启示。  相似文献   

建立动态随机一般均衡模型对宏观审慎监管政策与货币政策的交互作用进行分析,结果表明:在技术冲击引起的经济波动中,货币政策效果优于宏观审慎监管政策;在金融冲击引起的经济波动中,宏观审慎监管政策效果优于货币政策;宏观审慎监管政策与货币政策的合并使用并非在任何情况下都有稳定经济的作用。因此,货币政策仍是当前宏观调控框架下的核心政策,宏观审慎监管政策是针对金融冲击设计的扩展工具,它是货币政策的补充而并非替代品。我国应积极借鉴发达国家金融监管制度改革的经验,强化中央银行的监管职能,建立金融监管部门与货币政策制定部门的信息共享与处理平台以完善我国宏观金融调控体系。  相似文献   

当代中央银行职能的一个重要变革就是金融监管职能的分离。本文从金融创新的角度分析了这一历史性的变化,认为金融创新过程中出现的虚拟资本扩张与金融危机加重、放松管制带来的货币政策实施环境变化以及混业经营引致的综合性监管是中央银行职能变革的主要原因,同时也对当代中央银行体制产生了深刻的影响。  相似文献   

从世界各国的中央银行制度安排来看,无论是中央银行兼容货币政策与金融监管两项职能,还是中央银行独立行使货币政策职能,都十分注重发挥货币政策与金融监管的协同效应。从我国情况看,银监会成立后,中央银行已不再承担对金融机构的直接监管,因此如何加强货币政策与金融监管的协调与沟通,充分发挥二者之间的协同和互助效应,就显得尤为迫切和重要。1.货币政策与金融监管是紧密相联、互为作用的。货币政策与金融监管如同一枚硬币的正反两面,在政策操作中相互作用、相互制约,存在着密不可分的联系。一方面,金融监管活动中所产生的金融机构的各种…  相似文献   

This paper builds a micro-behavior model of central bank and financial institutions from the perspective of property-rights. By analyzing the theoretical model and the practice, we conclude that, in the framework of the present financial stabilization policies in China, the central bank’s functions of monetary policy and financial stabilization are enslaved to financial institutions. Thus, central bank independence has been damaged because of the actual property-right relation between the central bank and the financial institutions. The policy implication is to cut off the property-right relation between the central bank and the financial institutions. __________ Translated from Caijing wenti yanjiu 财经问题研究 (Research on Finanical and Economic Issues), 2007, (6): 3–9  相似文献   

Regulatory and Supervisory Independence and Financial Stability   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Despite its importance, the issue of financial sector regulatoryand supervisory independence (RSI) has received only marginalattention in literature and practice. However, experience hasdemonstrated that improper supervisory arrangements have contributedsignificantly to the deepening of several recent systemic bankingcrises. In this paper we argue that RSI is important for financialstability for the same reasons that central bank independence(CBI) is important for monetary stability. The paper lays outfour key dimensions of RSI-regulatory, supervisory, institutionalbudgetary - and discusses ways to achieve them. We also discussinstitutional arrangements needed to make independence workin practice. The key issue in this respect is that agency independenceand accountability need to go hand in hand. The paper discussesa number of accountability arrangements. (JEL G18, G28, K23,L50).  相似文献   

不同的银行特征会对金融危机和货币政策传导的银行信贷渠道产生异质性影响。本文运用2001-2015年公司层面银行信贷数据实证检验了我国货币政策传导的银行信贷渠道,随后进一步研究金融危机对不同特征银行信贷供给的影响差异。经验研究发现:我国货币政策银行信贷渠道主要通过非国有控股银行传导,并引起不同资产负债表特征银行信贷供给的异质性反应。银行规模越大、流动性越强、资本充足率越高,银行信贷供给对货币政策越不敏感。金融危机期间,银行信贷渠道的传导效率显著降低,高资本充足水平的银行和国有控股银行受金融危机的冲击较小,并且宽松的货币政策对国有控股银行信贷供给调控的效率更高。  相似文献   

This paper studies the role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in promoting central bank independence (CBI). While anecdotal evidence suggests that the IMF has been playing a vital role for CBI, the underlying mechanisms of this influence are not well understood. We argue that the IMF has ulterior motives when pressing countries for increased CBI. First, IMF loans are primarily transferred to local monetary authorities. Thus, enhancing CBI aims to insulate central banks from political interference to shield loan disbursements from government abuse. Second, several loan conditionality clauses imply a substantial transfer of political leverage over economic policy making to monetary authorities. As a result, the IMF through pushing for CBI seeks to establish a politically insulated veto player to promote its economic policy reform agenda. We argue that the IMF achieves these aims through targeted lending conditions. We hypothesize that the inclusion of these loan conditions leads to greater CBI. To test our hypothesis, we use a recently available dataset on IMF programs that includes detailed information on CBI reforms and IMF conditionality for up to 124 countries between 1980 and 2012. Our findings indicate that targeted loan conditionality plays a critical role in promoting CBI. These results are robust towards varying modeling assumptions and withstand a battery of robustness checks.  相似文献   

冲销干预对中国货币政策独立性的影响表现出长短期不一致的特征,在短期内有助于保持货币政策的独立性;但在长期内,冲销干预不仅会制约货币政策的操作空间,削弱其独立性,累积金融风险,导致恶性后果。对此,应优化央行票据的期限结构,完善以国债市场为核心的公开市场操作,发展外汇掉期交易,建立外汇平准基金制度,增强货币政策独立性。  相似文献   

马克思以英格兰银行为例,深入地研究了中央银行在应对资本主义经济危机中的作用,其主要思想可以概括为三个方面.一是中央银行具有国家货币管理机构和信用枢纽的双重性质,这决定了中央银行有应对经济危机的内在职能.二是存在两种货币危机,即货币资本运动引发的"特种危机"和"任何危机的一个阶段".针对"特种危机",中央银行的应对措施既...  相似文献   

In this paper, we survey the case for central bank independence (CBI). We conclude that CBI is neither necessary nor sufficient for monetary stability. CBI is just one potentially useful monetary policy design instrument among several, and CBI should not be treated as an exogenous variable. Instead, the question that should be addressed is why societies decide to make their central banks independent? The reasons why CBI is chosen are related to legal, political, and economic systems. A number of empirical studies find correlations between CBI and low inflation rates. Endogeneity of CBI suggests, however, that the correlation has no implications for causality.  相似文献   

This paper derives and evaluates empirical implications which separate the naive voters view [Nordhaus, W.D., 1975. The political business cycle. Review of Economic Studies 42, 169–190.] from the rational-voters view [Barro R., Gordon, D., 1983. Rules, discretion, and reputation in a model of monetary policy. Journal of Monetary Economics 12, 101–121.] under rational expectations. The observational equivalence of the two approaches obtained under a natural rate vanishes as output persistence is introduced. An analysis of inflation in the G-7 countries reveals election patterns supporting the joint hypothesis that demand shocks persist and that monetary policy courts retrospective voters. Patterns turn weaker as central banks become more independent, but do not disappear. Reducing inflationary bias not only requires more central bank independence, but as well less persistence.  相似文献   

崔建军 《经济学家》2008,(3):106-112
财政政策发挥调控功能以国家财政拥有一定财力为基础,货币政策发挥调控功能以商业银行体系对中央银行的资金依赖为前提。失却此基础和前提,财政政策和货币政策调控功能就会大打折扣甚或完全丧失调控功能。新中国财政政策与货币政策作用空间的变迁经历了三个阶段,与之相适应,财政政策与货币政策调控功能分别经历了“强、弱、强”和“弱、强、弱”三种状态。经验表明,财政政策与货币政策作用空间的变迁与经济体制、国民经济运行格局息息相关。财政政策和货币政策要真正发挥宏观调控功能必须改善其赖以发挥作用的经济运行环境并加强两者之间的协调。  相似文献   

央票是一种有中国特色的公开市场操作手段,但是,它的传导效应特别是它的区域传导效果有待验证。本文基于中国大陆31个省、自治区、直辖市的面板数据,使用PVAR方法对2003年4月至2012年6月中国央票交易的货币政策传导效应进行了研究。得到的结论是:在我国,从央票操作到市场利率与货币供应量,再到经济产出与物价水平波动的货币政策传导路径确实存在;但是在发达地区、次发达地区与不发达地区,传导效果存在差异。当局应当在央票交易的货币政策之外,配套实施其他的宏观调控政策,才能有效消除地区不平衡,促进经济的共同发展。  相似文献   

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