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本文以801名企业员工为样本,使用结构方程模型和回归模型研究了组织政治知觉对职业倦怠和组织公民行为的影响以及真实自我在其中的中介作用.研究结果表明,组织政治知觉与职业倦怠是显著的正相关关系,而与组织公民行为是显著的负相关关系,真实自我在其中起部分中介作用,论文最后提出了减少组织政治知觉对员工负面影响的对策和建议.  相似文献   

We explore the effects of the social context on the relationship between psychological contract breach (PCB) and perceived organizational support (POS) in two studies. We build on the premise that psychological contract breach (i.e. the organization's failure to fulfil the obligations employees believe they are owed) signals to employees that they are not cared for and valued by the organization (i.e. reduces POS). In support, a longitudinal study of 310 employees shows that PCB at Time 1 explains significant variance in POS at Time 2 (beyond that explained by POS at Time 1). Building on this result, we advance the argument that employees' perceptions of organizational politics serve as a heuristic for the overall benevolent or malevolent character of the organization and its agents. Accordingly, we expect that when employees perceive PCB and high levels of organizational politics, they will be more likely to hold the organization responsible for PCB and thus report lower levels of POS in response to breach. This line of reasoning received support in a second study of 146 employees which showed that perceptions of organizational politics moderate the PCB–POS relationship. Our results suggest that the social context in which psychological contract breaches occur matters and that managers should consider the organization's perceived political landscape when anticipating how employees will respond to broken promises.  相似文献   

Research on psychological contract breach has referenced social exchange as its dominant theoretical foundation. In this study, we draw insights from the group value model as a theoretical extension to explain employees' negative responses to psychological contract breach. According to the group value model, fair treatment by group members communicates symbolic messages about the relationship between the organization and the employee, and has implications for whether employees can take pride in their organizational membership. When people are treated unfairly, they lose trust in the organization and dis‐identify from the group. This in turn results in less willingness on the part of the employees to engage in organizational citizenship behaviours (OCBs). We tested these relationships across three studies. In Study 1, we conducted a longitudinal test of the role of trust as a mediator between breach and organizational identification. In Studies 2 (cross‐sectional) and 3 (longitudinal), we tested the complete model in which we examined the role of trust and identification in mediating the link between breach and OCBs. All three studies provided support for the mediated model. Furthermore, as predicted by the group value model, the hypothesized relationships emerged in response to relational but not transactional contract breaches. Theoretical and applied implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of psychological contract breach, procedural justice, and interactional justice in influencing employees' anticitizenship behaviors. It was posited that the association between contract breach and these negative employee outcomes would be moderated by perceptions of both procedural and interactional justice. In particular, employees' anticitizenship behaviors are hypothesized to be higher following a breach when both procedural and interactional justice are low. One hundred and sixty-five employees from a variety of organizational settings completed measures of contract breach, procedural justice, and interactional justice whereas their respective supervisors completed a measure of anticitizenship behavior. Results revealed a 3-way interaction between contract breach, procedural justice, and interactional justice on anticitizenship behavior. The nature of the interaction was further investigated through simple slope analyses. Consistent with the study's propositions, anticitizenship behavior was higher following a contract breach when both procedural and interactional justice were low. Theoretical and practical implications as well as directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this research was to examine both procedural and interactional justice perceptions as moderators of the relationship between psychological contract violation and workplace incivility. Affect Infusion Model (AIM) was used as a theoretical basis for predicting an interaction in which there was, in general, a positive relationship between violation and incivility. However, a stronger relationship between contract violation and incivility was predicted under high-justice conditions, compared to low-justice conditions, due to the deeper, more elaborate information processing needed to reconcile a psychological contract violation occurring in an otherwise just organization. An online survey was administered to 975 U.S. respondents. The hypotheses were confirmed. Results indicated that the positive relationship between violation and instigated incivility was stronger among employees reporting a just work environment. Implications for applying AIM to organizational settings are discussed.  相似文献   

我国民营企业经过30多年的快速发展,成为社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分.文章从心理契约的概念入手,对交易型、关系型、理念型心理契约进行深入分析,重点阐述理念型心理契约在组织能力构建中的作用,并阐述其与企业中高管理层的凝聚力、激励作用、组织承诺、组织价值观等的关系.  相似文献   

我国民营企业经过30多年的快速发展,成为社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分。文章从心理契约的概念入手,对交易型、关系型、理念型心理契约进行深入分析,重点阐述理念型心理契约在组织能力构建中的作用,并阐述其与企业中高管理层的凝聚力、激励作用、组织承诺、组织价值观等的关系。  相似文献   

员工角色压力对工作满意感的影响:组织氛围的调节效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文作者对52个旅游企业121个部门1594名员工进行了一次实证研究.多层次线性模型分析结果表明,员工的角色模糊对工作满意感有显著的负向影响,部门的支持型领导氛围部分中介了企业的支持型领导氛围对员工工作满意感的正向影响,员工的心理受权部分中介了部门的心理受权氛围对员工工作满意感的正向影响.此外,企业的支持型领导氛围既会调节部门的心理受权氛围对员工工作满意感的影响,又会调节员工的角色模糊对员工工作满意感的影响,企业的员工服务行为评估氛围则会调节员工的角色冲突对他们的工作满意感的影响.  相似文献   

通过263个组织雇员样本的回归分析,结果显示:事务型心理资本、人际心理资本和总体心理资本均有助于提高工作满意度和组织承诺;人际型心理资本有助于降低离职倾向;事务型心理资本与人际型心理资本对组织承诺具有正向交互作用,两者对工作满意度与离职倾向的交互效应未达到显著水平;人际型心理资本与事务型心理资本相比,更有助于提高个体工作满意度、组织承诺和降低离职倾向。研究结果凸显了人际型心理资本的独特价值。  相似文献   

心理契约已逐渐成为民办高校师资管理中的一个有效工具。教师心理契约形成的信息源是心理契约管理中的重要始点。本文通过实证研究,探析民办高校教师心理契约形成过程中对信息源采择及差异。研究发现民办高校教师心理契约形成过程中采择了多种信息源。教师在感知学校对自己的心理契约责任时,更多地采择组织代理人信息源,而在感知自己对学校的心理契约责任时,更多地采择个人职业经验信息源。民办高校应注重多种信息源的信息沟通的一致性,同时积极引导教师将个人职业经验与学校管理信息有机结合。  相似文献   

通过对企业组织资本内涵的界定,指出组织资本在企业培育和保持核心竞争力方面发挥着重要作用,进而揭示出组织资本信息披露对企业利益相关者的重要性。分析了目前组织资本信息披露的困境,并从信息披露客体、信息披露主体、信息披露方法及信息披露受体四个角度分析组织资本信息披露困境的成因,在此基础上,提出促进企业组织资本信息披露的建议。  相似文献   

支农政策调整对农业信贷资金运行既是机遇也是挑战。为了落实支农政策,有关部门必须深化农村金融改革,培育竞争性农村金融市场;制定支持农业信贷的有关政策,调动各农村金融主体支农积极性;创新信贷支农机制、体制、监管方式,规范和引导各类信贷资金服务于农业,以提高农业综合生产能力。  相似文献   

资产减值会计对信息可靠性的影响及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本在分析资产减值的经济实质及资产减值会计理论起点的基础上,探讨了资产减值会计对信息可靠性的影响,并对提高资产减值会计信息的可靠性提出了一些构想。  相似文献   

谦卑型领导的前因与结果:人格与组织政治知觉的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,谦卑型领导作为一种全新的领导行为,虽然受到理论界的重视,但对其前因与结果的探索尚处起步阶段.文章采用配对样本收集数据,对谦卑型领导的前因与结果进行了探讨,结果表明宜人性和责任心对谦卑型领导有显著的正向影响,即越具有宜人性和责任心的领导,更可能是谦卑型领导,同时,谦卑型领导对员工沉默有显著的负向影响,并且员工组织政治知觉在谦卑型领导与员工沉默的关系中起完全中介作用.  相似文献   

研究了原始设备制造商的预测信息分享对一个原始设备制造商和一个与其同时有合作和竞争的合同制造商组成的供应链系统的影响,建立制造商间信息分享的模型,该模型包括一个原始设备制造商和一个合同制造商。研究发现,原始设备制造商关于市场潜在需求预测信息的分享对其预期利润是不利的,同时需求信息预测的精度对原始设备制造商信息分享的决策也有影响,原始设备制造商没有动机与其供应链成员进行信息分享,但信息分享使得供应链整体利润增加。最后,建立一个信息分享补偿机制分享供应链利润的增加量,以期通过信息分享补偿机制促使原始设备制造商有动机进行信息分享,从而实现其与合同制造商的“双赢”。  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,知识经济、信息经济的迅速发展,人才愈来愈成为企业重要的核心竞争力之一。同时。随着市场经济的日益完善、人才流动观念的更新以及企业用人机制的灵活性和人才招聘信息的及时共享性,使得离职行为越来越具有广泛性和普遍性。而在饭店行业,员工的流失率更是居高不下,成了严重制约饭店行业健康发展的瓶颈。因此,能否留住人才关系到饭店企业未来的可持续发展。  相似文献   

信息技术对企业内部控制影响分析与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息技术改变传统企业的信息处理方式,并对企业内部控制产生很大影响.针对企业内部控制要素的新特征,企业在进行内部控制系统设计时,需要结合信息技术的特点,从组织控制、流程控制、信息系统控制三方面制定对应的设计策略.  相似文献   

信息技术对企业内部控制影响分新与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息技术改变传统企业的信息处理方式,并对企业内部控制产生很大影响。针对企业内部控制要素的新特征,企业在进行内部控制系统设计时,需要结合信息技术的特点,从组织控制、流程控制、信息系统控制三方面制定对应的设计策略。  相似文献   

While researchers continue to debate how firms might attain ambidexterity, recent research demonstrates that top management teams (TMTs) play a pivotal role. We enrich this line of inquiry by specifying a model that blends the effect of the CEO and the TMT on ambidexterity. Specifically, given the importance of networking and building social capital to the access of timely, valuable, and diverse information, we first envision that the CEO's network extensiveness will positively impact ambidexterity. Next, we argue that this impact will be bolstered when the CEO–TMT interactional interface, including communication richness, functional complementarity, and power decentralization, enable the entire TMT to process disparate information demands essential to attaining ambidexterity. We test and find general support for our model using multi‐source survey data from 122 small‐ to medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs).  相似文献   

员工工作倦怠、离职率高是很多现代企业面临的共同问题,企业通常通过提高工资、福利或给予股票、期权等长期激励的方式来应对,但这些外部刺激并不能长期奏效.本人在阅读文献和人力资源管理实践过程中不断思考和总结,发现不同的个体对于同一环境中的组织支持感甚至都有不小的差异,也就是说即使企业自认为已经很好地对待员工,员工本人如没有相应的成熟度,或者说自我同一性处于某种状态,其工作投入度和最后的工作绩效依然不会高,离职率也不会下降.本文依据自我同一性状态、组织支持感与工作投入度三份量表,通过网络问卷调查并测算了256位不同背景的中国员工自我同一性探索程度(EIE)、自我同一性承诺程度(EIC)、工作投入度(JI)、组织支持感(POS)值.利用SPSS16.0进行统计分析,结果表明:1.个体的自我同一性承诺状态与工作投入度正相关;2.个体的组织支持感与工作投入度正相关;3.个体的组织支持感在自我同一性和工作投入度的关系之中起调节作用,组织支持感每升高一个级别,自我同一性延期支付与自我同一性混乱的的个体工作投入度明显增高;4.个体的性别与自我同一性无显著相关,但个体的年龄与学历与自我同一性显著相关,年龄越大的个体,自我同一性探索越充分,学历越低的个体,自我同一性承诺程度越高;5.个体的年龄、性别、学历与工作投入度无显著相关.  相似文献   

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