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We examine emerging market and global macro hedge funds and find a significant positive relation between hedge funds’ future returns and their exposure to both emerging market equities and emerging market currencies. We present evidence that the strong predictive power of emerging market betas is related to the superior market‐timing ability of these fund managers. Results are robust after controlling for commonly used hedge fund factors, the emerging market equity index, lagged fund returns, liquidity risk, and fund characteristics. Our results suggest that hedge funds can earn positive excess returns by timing their exposure to emerging market securities.  相似文献   

This paper employs daily fund and index data, the classical Treynor and Mazuy timing model, and two multi-factor extensions to measure the market timing ability of global asset allocation funds. These funds differ from traditional global or international funds in that they face fewer investment constraints and are known to actively shift funds across a wide variety of asset classes. When using the classical Treynor and Mazuy timing models, I find evidence of poor market timing ability. However, this evidence disappears when timing ability is examined using two multi-factor models. The results from Treynor and Mazuy are spurious since both multi-factor extensions do a much better job in explaining the variation in average fund returns.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We apply a recent nonparametric methodology to test the market timing skills of UK equity and balanced mutual funds. The methodology has a number of advantages over the widely used regression based tests of Treynor-Mazuy (1966) and Henriksson-Merton (1981) . We find a relatively small number of funds (around 1%) demonstrate positive market timing ability at a 5% significance level while around 19% of funds exhibit negative timing and on average funds miss-time the market. However, controlling for publicly available information we find very little evidence of market timing ability based on private timing signals. In terms of investment styles, there are a small number of successful positive market timers amongst Equity Income and 'All Company' funds but not among either Small Stock funds or Balanced funds, although a few small stock funds are found to time a small stock index rather than a broad market index.  相似文献   

This paper examines the ability of global hedge funds to time a particularly volatile asset class — emerging market equities. In particular, we study whether or not these funds can either time emerging markets as a whole, or time their exposures to different regions. Using both pooled and calendar-time approaches, we generally find no evidence of overall timing ability. However, we do find some evidence of period-specific timing ability during the financial crisis and subsequent recovery.  相似文献   

On the Timing Ability of Mutual Fund Managers   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Existing studies of mutual fund market timing analyze monthly returns and find little evidence of timing ability. We show that daily tests are more powerful and that mutual funds exhibit significant timing ability more often in daily tests than in monthly tests. We construct a set of synthetic fund returns in order to control for spurious results. The daily timing coefficients of the majority of funds are significantly different from their synthetic counterparts. These results suggest that mutual funds may possess more timing ability than previously documented.  相似文献   

我国基金选股选时能力实证分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文运用西方基金绩效评价中较为常见的选股选时能力模型及其FF3改进模型对我国证券投资基金进行实证研究,在处理过程中考虑了不同取样频率和不同样本区间的影响.研究结果表明:(1)我国基金只存在很小程度的选股能力,而基本不存在选时能力,更没有基金同时具有选时能力和选股能力;(2)多因素改进模型与原模型相比显著提高了解释能力,说明在可能的情况下应尽可能使用多因素模型;(3)加快取样频率后基金表现出更强一些的选股能力,但在各年度内基金的选股能力有所差异.  相似文献   

This paper examines the attractiveness of the equity portfolios of life insurance companies as an alternative investment to mutual funds. In particular, this study analyzes the risk-adjusted investment performance of the stock portfolios of life insurance companies, attributable to their stock selection and market timing abilities. Using conventional measures of risk-adjusted portfolio performance, we find that life insurance companies exhibit performance similar to mutual funds. The evidence suggests that the life insurance companies, like their mutual fund counterparts, fail to exhibit differential stock selection or market timing abilities that are statistically significant. While the risk-adjusted investment performance of the two investment vehicles is similar, the variable annuity contracts of life insurance companies may offer an edge over mutual funds due to their ability to defer taxes.  相似文献   

This paper derives and analyzes the selectivity and market timing performance of the mutual funds for the Turkish economy for the financial crisis period by employing high-frequency data. The determinants of these derived abilities are investigated within a regression analysis. The results suggest weak evidence about selection ability and some evidence about superior market timing quality. They also indicate that management fees are negatively correlated with the ability measure, which is quite surprising. Experience emerges as an important factor, especially for market timing ability.  相似文献   

Hedge funds are known to engage in the betting-against-beta (BAB) strategy arising from beta-anomaly-related market mispricing. This paper examines if equity-oriented hedge funds time the volatility risk when executing the BAB strategy. We apply realised and downside volatility risk measures to assess the BAB strategy. We show that for top volatility risk timers, older funds tend to be better risk timers, while among the bottom volatility risk timers, younger and larger-sized funds stand out as stronger timers of BAB volatility. We observe that the Long/Short Equity funds show evidence as the strongest volatility risk timers of BAB strategy when the market condition turned bad. This is supported by their other effective timing strategies at the same time, including timing the market sentiment. Our findings provide important references for private investors when selecting hedge funds as risk management is crucial to the success/failure of any investments.  相似文献   

In this paper, we globally investigate market timing abilities of mutual fund managers from the three perspectives: market return, market-wide volatility and aggregate liquidity. We propose a new specification to study market timing. Instead of considering an average market exposure for mutual funds, we allow mutual fund market betas to follow a random walk in the absence of market timing ability. As a consequence, we capture market exposure dynamics which is really due to manager market timing skills while allowing dynamics to come from other sources than market timing. We find that on average 6% of mutual funds display return market timing abilities while this percentage amounts to respectively 13% and 14% for volatility and liquidity market timing. We also analyze market timing by investment strategies and for surviving and dead funds. Dead funds exhibit lower volatility and liquidity timing skills than live funds.  相似文献   

This study examines the selectivity and timing performance of 218 UK investment trusts over the period July 1981 to June 2009. We estimate the Treynor and Mazuy (1966) and Henriksson and Merton (1981) models augmented with the size, value, and momentum factors, either under the OLS method adjusted with the Newey–West procedure or under the GARCH(1,1)-in-mean method following the specification of Glosten et al. (1993; hereafter GJR-GARCH-M). We find that the OLS method provides little evidence in favour of the selectivity and timing ability, consistent with previous studies. Interestingly, the GJR-GARCH-M method reverses this result, showing some relatively strong evidence on favourable selectivity ability, particularly for international funds, as well as favourable timing ability, particularly for domestic funds. We conclude that the GJR-GARCH-M method performs better in evaluating fund performance compared with the OLS method and the non-parametric approach, as it essentially accounts for the time-varying characteristics of factor loadings and hence obtains more reliable results, in particular, when the high frequency data, such as the daily returns, are used in the analysis. Our results are robust to various in-sample and out-of-sample tests and have valuable implications for practitioners in making their asset allocation decisions across different fund styles.  相似文献   

This study investigates the risk-adjusted investment performance of the equity portfolios of bank trust departments, over the 1975–1992 period, attributable to their micro stock selection and macro market timing abilities. This paper first employs a widely known parametric statistical procedure developed by Henriksson and Merton to test jointly for the presence of either superior stock selection or market timing abilities. The paper then utilizes an alternative technique, called meta-analysis, to further examine the regression results obtained under the Henriksson–Merton model. The meta-analysis essentially eliminates such study artifacts as sampling and measurement errors through cumulation of results across studies. The findings of the joint test, based on the Henriksson–Merton model, do not support either superior stock selection abilities or market timing skills on the part of bank equity fund managers: selectivity measures are positive and timing measures are generally negative, but both measures are statistically insignificant. In contrast, the evidence based on the meta-analysis suggest that the managers of bank equity investment funds possess superior stock selection abilities and somewhat negative timing skills. Therefore, the results of this study suggest that, even though bank trust departments, like other categories of institutional investors, are unable to outperform a passive buy and hold investment strategy through timing the equity market, they are able to improve their investment performance through superior stock selection abilities.  相似文献   

This paper examines the performance characteristics of Greek bond funds and the impact of fund flows on portfolio returns. The evidence shows that on average bond funds do not offer risk-adjusted profits exceeding the returns of the benchmark index, which is in consistence with the US and international evidence. Returns before fees are slightly superior to the returns of the benchmark index, but when fees are considered they lag considerably. The security selection and market timing skills of fund managers are also tested using both an unconditional and a conditional model to test for the impact of public information variables. We also find that fund flows impact negatively on market timing.  相似文献   

We extend the international evidence on timing and selectivity skills of fund managers by applying the Henriksson and Merton [Henriksson, R., Merton, R., 1981. On market timing and investment performance. II. Statistical procedures for evaluating forecasting skills. J. Bus. 54, 513–533] model to Portuguese based mutual funds investing in local, European and International equity.

The results show that managers do not exhibit selectivity and timing abilities, and there is even some evidence of negative timing. Furthermore, we observe a distance effect on stock selection performance, since fund managers that invest locally seem to perform better that those who invest in foreign markets. However, this effect is reverted with respect to market timing skills of fund managers, suggesting that International fund managers are more focused in market timing strategies.  相似文献   

This study examines the active asset allocation decisions of Australian multisector fund managers to determine whether active fund managers engage in momentum strategies. We find evidence supporting the existence of momentum investing in active asset allocation strategies. This evidence exists in the Australian Equities, Australian Fixed Interest and Listed Property asset classes. Interestingly, balanced funds adopt contrarian strategies in the International Equities asset class. We also examine whether there is any association between a fund's market timing skill and the execution of momentum strategies. Our results show that fund managers with no market timing skill are momentum investors.  相似文献   

Using mutual fund data in Thailand, this study shows that fund managers can time the market-wide liquidity in the higher moment framework. High-performing fund managers demonstrate significantly positive liquidity timing ability, while low-performing fund managers do not. Thus, high-performing fund managers increase (decrease) the funds' exposure to the market during a high (low) market liquidity period, while low-performing fund managers do not show the liquidity timing ability. Moreover, only top-performing bank-related mutual funds possess the liquidity timing ability, supporting the information advantage hypothesis. Nonbank-related funds do not possess the liquidity timing ability at both the aggregate and portfolio levels. Several robustness tests confirm the findings.  相似文献   

This paper examines the forecasting performance of GARCH option pricing models from a market momentum perspective, and the possible impacts of financial crises and business conditions are also examined. The empirical results demonstrate that market momentum impacts the forecasting performance of GARCH option pricing models. The EGARCH model performs better under downward market momentum, while the standard GARCH performs better under upward market momentum. In addition, parsimonious models generally outperform richly parameterized ones. The above findings are robust to financial crises, and the results further demonstrate that business conditions influence the forecasting performance of GARCH option pricing models.  相似文献   

We explore a new dimension of fund managers' timing ability by examining whether they can time market liquidity through adjusting their portfolios' market exposure as aggregate liquidity conditions change. Using a large sample of hedge funds, we find strong evidence of liquidity timing. A bootstrap analysis suggests that top-ranked liquidity timers cannot be attributed to pure luck. In out-of-sample tests, top liquidity timers outperform bottom timers by 4.0–5.5% annually on a risk-adjusted basis. We also find that it is important to distinguish liquidity timing from liquidity reaction, which primarily relies on public information. Our results are robust to alternative explanations, hedge fund data biases, and the use of alternative timing models, risk factors, and liquidity measures. The findings highlight the importance of understanding and incorporating market liquidity conditions in investment decision making.  相似文献   

It is well-established in the financial literature that the global performance of mutual fund managers is the result of two skills: selectivity and market timing. This paper examines whether the multivariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) approach improves our perception of the global performance of fund managers compared with the unconditional approach and the conditional approach based on instruments. We find strong evidence that the multivariate GARCH method makes mutual fund performance looks better relative to the existent approaches, but this improvement in the global performance does not mean necessarily that mutual funds outperform traditional benchmarks. Indeed, mixed mutual funds yield neutral performance relative to benchmarks, whereas bond mutual funds generate significant positive global coefficients. The strong performance of bond fund managers comes from their ability to pick profitable bonds, not from their ability to time the market. Also, the empirical tests highlight that the best (worst) bond funds in the past remain at the top (bottom) of the ranking in the following years. These findings suggest that the Tunisian bond market presents strong opportunities for sophisticated investors.  相似文献   

Many studies find that mutual funds exhibit differential and persistent performance. This differential performance could arise from superior managerial decisions regarding security selection, market timing, or both. We directly test security selection and market timing ability using opposing decision-making models, the classical and behavioural decision-making theories. Empirical results are consistent with the classical decision-making theory and the efficient market hypothesis (EMH).  相似文献   

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