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The paper explains a cultural political economy “framing” for interpreting heritage tourism in urban contexts. Key ideas behind this research perspective are explained and illustrated through discussion of past research studies of urban heritage tourism. It is underpinned by a relational view of the inter-connectedness of societal relations, and an emphasis on taking seriously both the cultural/semiotic and the economic/political in the co-constitution of urban heritage tourism’s social practices and features. A case study of heritage tourism in Nanjing, China considers cultural political economy’s relevance and value, including the distinctive research questions it raises. It reveals, for example, how economic relations in the built environment were related to tourist meaning-making and identities in the cultural/semiotic sphere.  相似文献   

This paper reviews varying theoretical approaches in political economy and their application to the analysis of tourism development. It examines the shifting focus of enquiry and traces the evolution of the political economy of tourism from an earlier generation of predominantly technical, empirically-driven analyses of tourism’s contribution to economic development through to the various strands of development theory that have influenced and which continue to shape critical scholarship in the political economy of tourism. Particular emphasis is given to recent theoretical advances in which the application of cultural political economy and Marxian thinking herald a promising future for the political economy of tourism.  相似文献   

The rise of the P2P economy has been fueled by a range of social, economic and technological factors, but limited research has been focused on the P2P economy from a macroeconomic perspective. Therefore this study tried to identify the macroeconomic factors affecting Airbnb’s global presence. In order to explain the number of rentals available in different capitals, we considered several macroeconomic factors, such as countries’ degree of technological development, economic size, the relative size of the tourism and travel industries, tourist arrivals, nominal exchange rate, the average level of economic development (or well-being), and their productivity level. This study found that the total number of listings is positively correlated with the development index, the contribution of trade and tourism to GDP, the nominal exchange rate and negatively with GDP per employed person. Airbnb is more popular in countries where the population is technologically savvy. Another significant variable is represented by the relative size of the tourism and trade industries in the country. Implications of research findings and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

Gavin Reid 《Leisure Studies》2013,32(4):479-494

This paper critically reviews the public policy framework underpinning the MTV Europe Music Awards Edinburgh03. It argues that, because local organisers did not advocate local cultural participation as a key policy, preferring an economic rationale of marketing and tourism, such involvement was limited. The organisers’ global and economic rationale led to the official view that MTV’s status within global youth culture re‐imaged Edinburgh as a dynamic and cosmopolitan city in the international tourist market, while providing a turning point in Scotland’s ability to host world class events. To them, the £750k subsidy to MTV facilitated significant local economic benefits and enhanced the city’s profile in the creative industries. However, the narrow policy framework meant local inclusion took place within MTV’s overriding emphasis on promoting celebrities and producing a spectacular television show. The Awards therefore had a largely superficial engagement with local youngsters and the Scottish pop industry, with the main beneficiaries being MTV and its sponsors, Edinburgh tourism, global pop stars, and major hotels and retailers. Protests over this were encouraged by MTV’s tight control of information, the event’s politicisation by a local newspaper, and a local actor’s ‘anti‐MTV Awards’ campaign.  相似文献   

The Honolulu Marathon has a significant economic impact on the state of Hawaii's economy. Some 25,000 runners registered for the 2007 Honolulu Marathon, making it the sixth largest in the world as well as the third largest marathon in the USA, trailing only New York (34,729) and Chicago (32,332). Of the 25,000 Honolulu Marathon runners, over 17,000 were out-of-state runners. This study asked out-of-state participants in the marathon to assess the attractiveness of Honolulu and its marathon compared with that of an ideal marathon. Data used in this study were collected by distributing a research instrument to marathon participants. The instrument consisted of 30 items to represent the destinational attributes for an ideal marathon location city based on an extensive review of the literature on the selection of sport tourism event destinations. Over 473 surveys were collected for this study. Examination and analysis of these results will be very helpful in determining what the marathon runners believe are the ideal attributes of a city to host a marathon. This information will provide marketing guidance to the organizers of the Honolulu Marathon based on a segmented analysis of participants' perceptions of the event as well as give assistance to community and event organizations interested in attracting and marketing similar events.  相似文献   

Government interventions can be important for determining priorities between heritage protection and tourism-related development at heritage sites. This paper uses a political economy approach to examine the government’s role in determining these priorities in China, for two heritage schemes at West Lake in the city of Hangzhou. The study considers policy making for heritage protection and tourism development in the context of broad economic and political circumstances, the power and influence of different actors in the schemes’ governance, strategic selectivity in the policy choices, and whether views about the policies exhibited a uniform hegemony among powerful and less influential groups. Consideration is given to how the relative priority for heritage protection and tourism development in policies reflected the state’s regulation of the economy and maintenance of its political legitimacy. A powerful policy community was found that was beginning to consider other actors’ views, but tourism development remained a prominent driver.  相似文献   

Stronger demand for medium- to long-haul air transport is the main driver of the tourism industry's increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, causing the current development of global tourism to be environmentally unsustainable. Efficiency improvements and biofuel usage are unlikely to maintain pace with the projected growth in transport volume. Therefore, curbing the growing demand for air transport has been suggested as another option for the sustainable development of tourism. However, the political and industry discourse concerning the restriction of air transport tends to label such a restriction as unethical, as such limits would impair the development that tourism brings to poor countries. This paper investigates the possible impacts of air travel restrictions on the least developed countries (LDCs) and non-LDCs by examining global tourism. The impacts on LDCs are found to be ‘neutral’ on average, with both losses and gains in tourist arrivals. The extent of any losses does not appear to be beyond the scope of possible economic compensation.  相似文献   

Political implications of Chinese tourism policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study is an examination of the political objectives and probable consequences of the decision to open the People's Republic of China to mass tourism. Through personal interviews and other reports, this article traces the organizational and political dimensions of the abrupt reversal of nearly three decades of restricted and selective foreign access. The author found several anomalies: more “market” oriented cost structure than in most non- socialist developing nations; a hierarchy of tourist classes in a supposedly classless society; liberalization in tourism itineraries along with a freezing of contacts between tourist and Chinese. The article concludes that while China has reaped few tangible political benefits and has incurred some new political vulnerability with its new tourism policy, Chinese tourism has avoided many of the social and economic costs associated with tourism development elsewhere.  相似文献   

张金山 《旅游学刊》2013,(11):42-49
在世界城市建设的背景中,北京提出了建设国际一流旅游城市的目标,大力发展旅游产业被定位为北京中国特色世界城市建设的重要支柱。文章结合世界城市的内涵,分析了世界城市与旅游业的关系以及北京的差距所在,最后提出推动旅游产业从传统服务业向现代服务业转型升级、大力发展文化创意产业、发展旅游总部经济、努力建设国际会展之都等未来北京旅游建设的重点方向及建议。  相似文献   


Tourism in the Anthropocene is a powerful driver of global connections that has direct consequences for social and environmental well-being across the planet. This political ecological analysis of tourism in the Ecuadorian Amazonian presents ethnographic vignettes to account for the ways that interwoven global discourses related to biodiversity conservation and community development are encountered, contested, and leveraged to advance particular approaches to tourism at the local level. We invoke Tsing’s theory of friction to frame these discursive encounters in the context of tourism-related decision-making in the community of Misahuallí, including instances of discursive shifts being leveraged into improved well-being of local residents. This paper makes an important contribution to the scholarship on the political ecology of tourism by bringing the emic perspectives of local residents to the forefront and by demonstrating the value of Tsing’s friction metaphor for analyzing the global connections inherent in tourism. Frictions between inequities and imbalances of power, perpetuated by both the structures and discourses associated with the use of tourism to address conservation and development objectives, remain at the vanguard of tourism research as we move through the Anthropocene.  相似文献   

空间计量模型在旅游研究中已得到有效应用,解决了旅游产业发展中的一些实际问题,但还需进一步改进与完善。文章以中国省域入境旅游发展为着眼点,增设扩散转移矩阵为模型因变量滞后的空间权重矩阵,以反映入境旅游在中国省域之间的客流人数扩散转移实际情况,同时从最为全面的广义嵌套空间模型入手,引入旅游研究空间计量模型系统,并以区域入境旅游发展影响因素为模型自变量,构建了入境旅游发展的最优空间计量模型,最后对模型显著自变量的直接效应、溢出效应、总效应进行评估分析,给出区域入境旅游发展建议。结果显示:模型自变量出现显著消极效应的影响因素几乎为酒店供应,加强旅游资源建设和经济水平发展始终是入境旅游发展的重要途径,而开放程度已对东部省域的影响较为微弱,对中部和西部省域则起到很好的积极效应,同时交通设施在中部省域呈现出非常强劲的溢出效应。  相似文献   

The impacts of tourism boycotts on a destination's tourist economy can be vast, yet few studies have examined such events. This paper explores the effects of tourism boycotts by analysing seven events involving Chinese tourism boycotts during the past decade. The findings show that boycotts can significantly decrease visitor numbers. Also, non-political animosity boycotts and political animosity boycotts differ in their intensity and impact; the former are found to exert immediate short-term impacts, whereas the latter tend to have enduring effects. These results are based on local projection techniques using narratively identified boycott events and are robust to several specifications. This paper highlights tourism boycotts as a key risk factor in destination management.  相似文献   

孙业红 《旅游学刊》2012,27(6):10-19
城市旅游研究有长期的历史.文章从新的角度较为系统地综述了城市旅游这个并不新颖、但却值得深入探索的问题,在西方文献的基础上提出了一些关于城市旅游发展创新性的思想和理论构架,并指出了未来几个重要的研究方向,如城市中旅游集聚造成的拥挤问题、城市遗产类旅游资源空间格局研究(包括非物质文化遗产的空间分布对城市发展的影响)、城市旅游规划中广泛存在的“复制与粘贴”问题对城市旅游竞争力的损害以及城市舞台化旅游发展中存在的种种问题等.在此基础上,文章结合中国城市旅游发展的研究现状,提出中国城市旅游发展可以借鉴的一些国际先进经验,以及在借鉴这些经验过程中需要注意的问题.  相似文献   

“一带一路”倡议极大推进了中国海洋旅游业的发展,特别是“泉州:宋元中国世界海洋贸易中心”成为中国第56个世界遗产地后,在国内外掀起了海洋旅游研究的热潮。然而,学术界关于海洋旅游的研究相对零散,对于海洋旅游可持续发展缺乏系统性的梳理和检视。基于此,本研究以海洋旅游的蓝色转向为研究视角,采用文献梳理和案例分析方法,研究海洋旅游蓝色转向的趋势与挑战。研究发现:(1)相对于绿色经济,海洋旅游发展走向蓝色经济是可持续旅游发展的必然过程。(2)海洋旅游转向蓝色经济的方式包括活动与节庆旅游、生态旅游、邮轮旅游等业态,转向驱动与各个国家资源禀赋和社会经济发展水平息息相关。(3)海洋旅游蓝色经济转向将面临着COVID-19、福岛核事故、全球气候变化、海洋塑料等挑战,需要从区域至全球尺度,通过技术投入、创新模式和区域合作等路径,建立起更为广泛的蓝色经济转向的共识。在理论上,进一步完善了海洋旅游蓝色经济转向的理论框架,在实践方面为中国及其他国家和地区海洋旅游可持续发展提供经验借鉴,具有重要研究价值。  相似文献   


This article outlines a conceptual framework and research agenda for exploring the relationship between tourism and degrowth. Rapid and uneven expansion of tourism as a response to the 2008 economic crisis has proceeded in parallel with the rise of social discontent concerning so-called “overtourism.” Despite decades of concerted global effort to achieve sustainable development, meanwhile, socioecological conflicts and inequality have rarely reversed, but in fact increased in many places. Degrowth, understood as both social theory and social movement, has emerged within the context of this global crisis. Yet thus far the vibrant degrowth discussion has yet to engage systematically with the tourism industry in particular, while by the same token tourism research has largely neglected explicit discussion of degrowth. We bring the two discussions together here to interrogate their complementarity. Identifying a growth imperative in the basic structure of the capitalist economy, we contend that mounting critique of overtourism can be understood as a structural response to the ravages of capitalist development more broadly. Debate concerning overtourism thus offers a valuable opportunity to re-politicize discussion of tourism development generally. We contribute to this discussion by exploring of the potential for degrowth to facilitate a truly sustainable tourism.  相似文献   

This paper examines the political economy of tourism representations and destination imaging in Brazil and its effect on tourism impacts in the country. The central argument is that the way Brazil and its women are represented in tourist images has an important effect on how they are consumed. By investigating the representation of Brazil and its women during colonial times by Europeans, by the Brazilian Government and by the contemporary Western media, this study explores how these representations have made Brazil a sexual playground for tourists. The study contributes to the tourism literature by concluding that Brazil's image is not a direct outcome of tourism representations alone; rather its destination image is strongly connected with complex historical, political and cultural processes.  相似文献   

Although now abandoned, the Hershey sugar mill represents much of Cuba’s history, heritage, culture, and economy. The associated company town, nature gardens, and electric rail line remain in use to date, albeit in deteriorating condition. This paper presents the history of Hershey investment and significance in Cuba, the current state of the site, and the results of an evaluation of the potential for developing the Hershey complex as a sustainable tourism destination and source of local employment. The study concludes that conservation of the site is a cultural imperative for Cuba, but with many obstacles and challenges. Incremental steps toward development may be feasible – particularly with growing potential for open tourism from the US.  相似文献   


Cultural tourism and intangible cultural heritage (ICH) play a key role in tourism worldwide, and are especially important for communities in developing countries, due to the demand for authentic experiences. This article provides a review of existing literature on the authenticity and authentication of ICH. The review reveals scholarly inquiry has evolved from external-expert ‘cool’ authentication to direct host–guest on-site or ‘hot’ authentication whereby tourists participate in the process of determining authenticity. Further, existing models for authentication of ICH have focused only on either a guest’s or host’s perspectives with little attention to the inevitable mutual interaction of the host and guest in the authentication of ICH. Mutual authentication can enhance the tourist experience and improve community empowerment. This paper develops a conceptual model of the mutual (host–guest) authentication of ICH, incorporating both hosts’ and tourists’ perspectives. The model has application in ICH based tourism and emphasizes power relationships between the host and guest, and community empowerment across political, social, psychological and economic domains. Future research is needed to test and validate this conceptual model.  相似文献   

This study has employed recently published input–output (I–O) tables and tourism survey data and built a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model, to assess the role of inbound tourism in the Singaporean economy and thus to reveal its implications for tourism marketing. Compared with the I–O analysis, the CGE modeling takes into account the feedback effect in the economy and thus produces more reliable results. The modeling results show that inbound tourism contributes significantly to the Singaporean economy, but it competes mildly with non-tourism sectors for resources. Although tourism shopping accounts for about half of total tourism expenditure, its economic contribution is much less than that of the tourism service in terms of GDP, employment, household income, and tax revenue. This suggests that, in developing and marketing Singapore as a tourist destination, more efforts are needed to encourage tourism services demand.  相似文献   


This article poses the question: are there cultural limits to tourism? It argues that tourism is a culture industry in the sense that it markets cultural products to tourists as cultural experiences. The three elements of tourism as culture are: the cultural foundations of tourism products, the sophistication of tourists’ perceptions and experiences of tourist cultures, and the cultural consequences of tourism development on resident communities. Yet these aspects are usually treated in a tokenistic way in favour of economic and environmental considerations, ignoring the cultural consequences of major changes to destination communities as a result of tourist development. This article proposes that the changes and consequences of tourism on the culture of destinations and on the culture of tourists should be central to debates about sustainable tourism development. The article proposes a number of conditions or indicators to identify the matrix of impacts of tourism from which acceptable and unacceptable limits can be determined. The use of these indicators should be central to planning, management and monitoring practices to achieve sustainable tourism.  相似文献   

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