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企业绩效评价是企业财务管理的重要内容,是企业相关利益主体对企业的监管和对企业负责人的考核评价手段之一。现阶段我国国有企业应用的绩效评价体系。大多是财政部1999年颁发的《企业绩效评价体系》。这一评价体系所引入的非财务和新财务指标尽管得到了社会的较大认同,但是,在评价方法、财务指标的选择和评价规则等方面均仍存在着缺陷。应将财务运营能力分类进行聚类分析,增加如销售现金比率、盈余现金保障倍数、现金增加值等现金流量相关分析指标并将其独立作为一类验证指标;把社会贡献能力纳入考核范围,引入环境保护指数、逾期偿债率、提供就业能力等指标,并改进指标权重和计分方法。  相似文献   

企业绩效评价模式在近几年中经历了一个变化的过程,但过去对于企业绩效评价的评价往往局限于静态的评价指标,而难以通过动态的数据进行更为精准的测量,企业本身周期性的变化难以被评价体系涵盖,缺乏横向的对比。企业绩效评价是一项涉及方方面面的工作,一般来说有关的利益主体有股东、债权人、客户、工作人员以及潜在的顾客等。以过去传统的企业绩效评价模式需要改进的部分作为基础,本文通过DEA模型,从纵横两个角度对企业绩效进行全方位的评价,为企业的发展提出建设性的意见,试图提升企业绩效评价的效率和水平,实现企业新的发展。  相似文献   

我国国有企业绩效评价演进综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国有企业绩效评价体系的设计是国有企业改革中的关键环节。我国的国有企业绩效评价指标体系伴随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立与完善以及国有企业改革而不断发展和演变,先后经历了四个发展时期,每个时期均有其存在的原因和出现的问题。正是在这些原因和问题的不断出现和解决中,我国国有企业绩效评价体系日臻完善。我国学者对企业绩效评价方面的研究目前尚处初探阶段,而且多数仅是对传统的企业财务评价理论进行观念上的突破,并没有深入而系统地研究国有企业绩效评价的具体操作。深入研究我国国有企业绩效评价的演进,对我国国有企业改革与国有经济的发展和提高具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

王祥春 《时代金融》2014,(9):170-171
近年来,随着经济的迅猛发展与社会的不断进步,企业也取得了长远发展。企业为扩展经营规模、占领国际市场及在激烈的市场竞争中站稳脚跟,纷纷通过并购来提升自身的竞争能力及竞争优势。基于产业演进、并购动机的企业并购绩效评价体系的相关理论研究也因此取得了不错的成就。众多实证研究表明,企业并购后产生的经营绩效并不能全部达到预期目标,但即使这样也阻碍不了企业基于产业演进或并购动机的并购事件不断发生。本文主要针对基于产业演进、并购动机的并购绩效评价体系进行分析与归纳,期待能对相关的企业并购绩效评价体系研究提供有效的参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

一直以来,很多实证检验都认为并购的实际绩效并不好,但却无法解释实务中并购事件不断发生的现象。本文提出企业并购动机并非全部是为了直接获取财务绩效,并购动机不同,并购绩效的评价与衡量指标也应该有所区别;而企业并购动机又很大程度上受其产业环境即产业演进阶段的影响。因而,并购绩效的评价应遵从"产业演进阶段——企业并购动机——并购绩效评价"的逻辑。在此基础上,论文逐一分析了产业演进各阶段的并购动机,并设计相应指标体系来衡量其各阶段并购动机的实现,以此作为企业并购绩效评价的基础。  相似文献   

企业绩效评价体系是由一系列与绩效评价相关的评价制度、评价指标体系、评价方法、评价标准以及评价机构等形成的有机整体.绩效评价体系地诞生,不仅能够有效评价企业在过去的经营效果,还能够为企业计划和调整企业的战略目标.本文主要通过我国现行的你也绩效评价体制所出现的不足,提出完善企业绩效体系的建议.  相似文献   

高校实行预算绩效评价的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校实行预算绩效评价体系,有助于优化教育资源配置,提高办学效率,进行科学决策,保证学校的健康发展.本文以申请资金使用的部门或个人为高校预算绩效评价的主体,重点在预算绩效评价体系构建和评价过程方面进行了论述,并指出高校实行预算绩效评价面临的困难.  相似文献   

谢祖仁 《中国外资》2009,(14):162-163
高校实行预算绩效评价体系,有助于优化教育资源配置,提高办学效率,进行科学决策,保证学校的健康发展。本文以申请资金使用的部门或个人为高校预算绩效评价的主体,重点在预算绩效评价体系构建和评价过程方面进行了论述,并指出高校实行预算绩效评价面临的困难。  相似文献   

在竞争日益激烈的社会环境下,企业要想实现持续稳定发展,必须持续关注绩效评价相关工作,并根据实际情况进行完善,提出更有利于企业发展的策略,以提升公司的综合实力,促进公司长远稳定发展。文章从绩效评价的必要性入手,分析当前企业绩效评价存在的问题,主要包括评价目的不明确、员工对评价指标认知不清晰、绩效评价指标不健全、评价方法不合理、绩效评价缺乏信息支持、评价结果运用不充分、反馈机制不健全、绩效评价体系缺乏灵活性等问题;并提出明确评价目的、制定合理指标、选择合适的评价方法、保证绩效评价数据量、落实评价结果、建立有效的反馈机制、提高绩效评价体系的灵活性等优化建议,力求为企业制定绩效评价体系提供参考。  相似文献   

钟浩 《时代金融》2012,(27):304
财政部于2011年5月12日印发了《金融企业绩效评价办法》,以更好地加强对金融企业的财务监管,进一步规范金融企业绩效评价工作。全面客观正确地评价金融企业的企业绩效,对于正确评估金融企业的真正价值、衡量经营者的经营业绩具有重要意义。此外,正确客观全面地评价金融企业绩效,对于政府转变职能,加强宏观调控也具有重要的参考价值,对于宏观经济的发展也有重要的意义。本文对目前金融企业的绩效状况、存在的问题、优势劣势进行了分析,结合财政部颁布的《金融企业绩效评价办法》,提出了对于金融企业业绩评价的完善建议。  相似文献   

本文在理论分析基础上,以沪深两市40家上市公司2002年到2008年年报数据为样本,首先利用因子分析法对财务比率指标体系综合打分以衡量并购绩效,然后使用多元线性回归法实证检验了股权结构与并购绩效二者间关系。研究发现:中国上市公司并购前后绩效总体而言是先降后升的;国有股东属性与公司并购绩效负相关;管理层持股与公司并购绩效负相关,但并不显著;上市公司的股权集中度与并购绩效负相关;流通股比例与并购绩效正相关。最后针对本文研究结果提出一些建议。  相似文献   

Meaningful incorporation of environmental and social responsibility goals into organizational strategic plans requires a mechanism to measure and reward performance contributing to that objective. This paper formulates such a framework using management accounting concepts. We demonstrate that the benefits of pursuing sustainability objectives can be decomposed into three parts. The first consists of what might be considered a natural outcome of pursuing the traditional economic goal of efficiency through cost-minimization (a “waste” variance). The second part consists of sustainability gains that produce societal benefit but may be incongruent with short-term economic goals (a “sustainability” variance). The third part stems from a change in optimal output level when that is considered endogenous to the firm (a “volume” variance). While elimination of waste variances can be encouraged using a traditional performance evaluation and reward structure, elimination of sustainability and volume variances requires redesign of performance evaluation tools and reward structures. We demonstrate that failure to recognize and incorporate the difference between the three variances can lead to inefficient allocation of resources, over- or under-production, and only partial fulfillment of environmental goals. Further, availability of shadow price information is essential to implementing such a performance measurement system; thus it is a public policy imperative to develop markets that establish such prices.  相似文献   

The asset management industry represents one of the most dynamic parts of the global financial services sector. Funds under institutional management are massive and growing rapidly, particularly as part of the resolution of pension pressures in various parts of the world. The industry is not, however, well understood from the perspective of industrial organization and international competition, which is the focus of this paper. It begins with a schematic of asset management in a national and global flow-of-funds context, identifying the types of asset‐management functions that are performed and how they are linked into the financial system. It then assesses in some detail the three principal sectors of the asset management industry—mutual funds, pension funds, and private-client assets, as well as foundations, endowments, central bank reserves and other large financial pools requiring institutional asset management services. Relevant comparisons are drawn between the United States, Europe, Japan and selected emerging-market countries. This is followed by a discussion of the competitive structure, conduct and performance of the asset management industry, and its impact on global capital markets.  相似文献   

本文主要分为两大部分 ,第一部分介绍了代理人报酬结构的设置 ,说明长短期报酬方式及其激励特点 ,第二部分介绍了各中不同的经理业绩评价指标的内容与特点。通过这两部分的论述 ,文章阐述了报酬结构与业绩评价指标的内在联系及相互结合。  相似文献   

政府绩效审计:国际演进及启示   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
我国政府绩效审计实践应用中的困惑及其与理想目标的背离,引发了对我国政府绩效审计应用乏力的反思。以国际主流政府绩效审计的发展为主轴,本文系统地描述和剖析了其思想起源、理论演进与实践发展的完整历程,并进行了简要地总结与评述,籍此,针对我国政府绩效审计发展中的瓶颈,就政府绩效审计的本质、范围、评价内容和指标体系设计等关键问题,着力分析了国外政府绩效审计给予的启示与意义,以期为我国政府绩效审计的未来良性变革与发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper outlines a management accounting system, based upon cost variance analysis, which supports the pursuit of environmental and traditional financial goals within a decentralized organization. The framework decomposes inefficiencies into two parts. The first consists of what might be considered a natural outcome of pursuing the traditional economic goal of efficiency through cost-minimization, a “waste” variance. The second part consists of sustainability gains that produce societal benefit but may be incongruent with short-term economic goals, a “sustainability” variance. While elimination of waste variances can be encouraged using a traditional performance evaluation and reward structure, elimination of sustainability variances requires re-design of performance evaluation tools and reward structures. We demonstrate that differing production functions across operational units within organizations can impact the relative magnitude of the two variances. The failure to recognize and incorporate these differences can lead to inefficient allocation of resources and/or only partial fulfillment of the strategic environmental goals of the organization.  相似文献   

Credit risk measurement: Developments over the last 20 years   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper traces developments in the credit risk measurement literature over the last 20 years. The paper is essentially divided into two parts. In the first part the evolution of the literature on the credit-risk measurement of individual loans and portfolios of loans is traced by way of reference to articles appearing in relevant issues of the Journal of Banking and Finance and other publications. In the second part, a new approach built around a mortality risk framework to measuring the risk and returns on loans and bonds is presented. This model is shown to offer some promise in analyzing the risk-return structures of portfolios of credit-risk exposed debt instruments.  相似文献   

保险资金的证券投资绩效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
樊锐 《保险研究》2011,(6):30-35
本文回顾了保险资金在证券投资领域的政策变化历程,分析了保险资金运用效率与基金业绩评价的诸多不同,指出了基于资产组合优化理论的保险资金评价方法的不足,提出用影子组合法,作为一种正向制度激励,对保险资金运用效率进行评价,并基于该方法对三家上市保险公司的资金运用效率进行了比较。  相似文献   

黄黎 《金卡工程》2013,(11):14-16,18
针对当前企业物资管理困难的问题,本文利用现有流行的NET平台和SQL数据库系统设计了物资管理系统。首先对系统的需求分析进行了详细的描述,从功能和性能两方面进行详细的介绍;其次从设计原则和网络结构上对系统的总体设计进行分析;最后分析了系统的具体实现,主要描述了连接数据库和零件管理模块,并给出了部分核心代码。本文对于物资管理人员具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

There is a vast amount of financial information on companies' financial performance available to investors in electronic form today. While automatic analysis of financial figures is common, it has been difficult to extract meaning from the textual parts of financial reports automatically. The textual part of an annual report contains richer information than the financial ratios. In this paper, we combine data and text mining methods for analysing quantitative and qualitative data from financial reports, in order to see if the textual part of the report contains some indications about future financial performance. The quantitative analysis has been performed using self‐organizing maps, and the qualitative analysis using prototype‐matching text clustering. The analysis is performed on the quarterly reports of three leading companies in the telecommunications sector. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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