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2002年7月初,APC公司在中国推出其经过仔细市场调研,为金融等大型行业用户专门设计的数据中心电力基础设施构建方案:PowerStruXureTM系统。它是一个标准化的系统结构,使用标准化的预装配组件构建数据中心基础设施,由UPS输入输出配电单元(PDU)、UPS主机、Netshelter VX下一代的服务器机柜等基本组件组成,是集配电、UPS、机柜、散热、电力电缆和数据布线为一体的全套方案。  相似文献   

信息技术已经渗透到各行各业,数据中心供配电系统是信息化建设的基础设施,UPS作为电力供应的核心设备,地位更是重中之重.UPS的正常工作是信息系统安全稳定运行的前提条件,因此,UPS电源的解决方案在各行业信息化建设中至关重要. 一、UPS容量的选择 在进行UPS系统建设规划时,首先要确定UPS的容量,UPS的容量大了,浪费投资及以后的运行费用;UPS的容量小了,系统将超负荷运行,存在安全隐患.能否合理选择UPS的容量将是UPS系统建设成败的关键.  相似文献   

UPS是机房最重要的基础设施,越来越受到重视,人民银行应清楚地了解如何进行并机操作与维护,以达到金融业及人民银行相关规范要求.本文以华为UPS为例,对并机的方式的选择、线路连接、参数设置、日常维护进行了介绍.  相似文献   

随着UPS技术的发展,UPS的并联运行已成为UPS热备份技术的“潮流”。西力UPS采用输出直接并联,利用光纤通信使输出同步的方式实现多机负载共担。这种技术应用的是UPS热备份并联冗余原理,并联冗余是指几台UPS的输出并联在一起,共同分担负载电流,这种运行方式可使供电可靠性大为提高,且可灵活配置用户所需的输出功率。下面就西力UPS并联环流故障进行分析和排除,达到交流、学习的目的。  相似文献   

随着电子化的不断发展,重要信息系统的安全问题日益突显,解决方法之一是配备UPS电源,以提高供电环境的可靠性。UPS电源的功能是有效地“净化”市电,向负载提供相对稳定的电源,在市电断掉时继续向负载供电,保证负载(如计算机)持续工作,提高设备运行和数据的安全。对重要信息系统配备UPS电源甚为重要,在选购UPS时,是选购高频机UPS电源,还是选购工频机UPS电源?  相似文献   

对银行来说,确保用电的连续性和稳定性是业务正常运转的前提条件。显然,UPS是必要的选择,它是银行IT系统正常运转的电力保护神。然而,在大环境用电突然中断时,UPS有时候并不能确保电源不间断,UPS自身也可能会突然掉电,从而影响到IT系统的正常运转和业务数据安全。本文结合UPS应用的实践经验,给出了UPS使用过程中需要重视的一些问题。  相似文献   

60年前集装箱用于储运的发明引起了运输方式的革命,60年后一种新型的模块化UPS正在引发供电方式的变革。只要涉及计算机系统,就无法脱离连续、稳定、纯净的交流电,UPS正在承担着保证系统安全、平稳运行的重要作用。试想,如果在没有UPS做支持的情况下,某家商业银行的数据中心机房突然断电,结果将是什么? 本刊节选以下两篇文章,探讨UPS的发展趋势,并提出了选购UPS的指标规范及注意事项。  相似文献   

随着计算机应用的发展,UPS的作用越来越重要,UPS最重要的功能就是给计算机提供连续不间断的高质量电力。为使UPS充分发挥功能,提高其对突发事件的处理能力,必须对UPS进行管理和维护,而实现UPS的远程监控乃至网络化的管理则是其重要手段。清算中心办公区的UPS老旧且担负着重要任务,笔者成功地利用微机和通用技术对其进行了低成本的改造,实现了通过网络可同时监控多台UPS的目的,达到了很好的使用效果。  相似文献   

杨芳 《华南金融电脑》2005,13(11):96-97
UPS电源是电脑的重要辅助设备,已经在各行各业得到了广泛的应用。在人行的日常工作中,UPS不仅是各项业务系统正常运行的基本保障,更是整个网络运行稳定的重要辅助设备之一。那么,我们该如何选择UPS、使用并延长其寿命,减少发生故障的概率呢?笔者在翻阅了一些专业资料,并从实践中总结了一些从UPS电源的选购、使用到维护的相关经验,作如下简述,供大家参考。  相似文献   

UPS(Unintel TUptible Power Supply,不间断电源)在计算机系统和网络应用中,主要起到2个作用:一是应急使用,防止突然断电而影响正常工作,给计算机造成损害;二是消除市电上的电涌、瞬间高电压、瞬间低电压、电线噪声和频率偏移等“电源污染”,改善电源质量。UPS在人民银行中得到了广泛应用,人民银行各个业务系统的稳定运行都需要UPS设备的大力支持。因此,做好UPS设备的维护工作,有着越来越重要的意义。  相似文献   

Stafford Beer 《Futures》1971,3(4):338-348
If science is to offer mankind yet another tool, it must give him adequate warnings against its ignorant abuse. The author sees the responsibility of cybernetics not only to awaken society to environmental and social threats, but also to provide the tools with which to solve them. The failure of meta-systems in society is due to their conception as higher authorities which cannot conceivably exert that authority in a free society. If the metasystem (Liberty Machine) does not work, the only answer lies in its fresh design that can and does allow for meta-controls.  相似文献   

Swank CK 《Harvard business review》2003,81(10):123-9, 138
Jefferson Pilot Financial, a life insurance and annuities firm, like many U.S. service companies at the end of the 1990s was looking for new ways to grow. Its top managers recognized that JPF needed to differentiate itself in the eyes of its customers, the independent life-insurance advisers who sell and service policies. To establish itself as these advisers' preferred partner, it set out to reduce the turnaround time on policy applications, simplify the submission process, and reduce errors. JPF's managers looked to the "lean production" practices that U.S. manufacturers adopted in response to competition from Japanese companies. Lean production is built around the concept of continuous-flow processing--a departure from traditional production systems, in which large batches are processed at each step. JPF appointed a "lean team" to reengineer its New Business unit's operations, beginning with the creation of a "model cell"--a fully functioning microcosm of JPF's entire process. This approach allowed managers to experiment and smooth out the kinks while working toward an optimal design. The team applied lean-manufacturing practices, including placing linked processes near one another, balancing employees' workloads, posting performance results, and measuring performance and productivity from the customer's perspective. Customer-focused metrics helped erode the employees' "My work is all that matters" mind-set. The results were so impressive that JPF is rolling out similar systems across many of its operations. To convince employees of the value of lean production, the lean team introduced a simulation in which teams compete to build the best paper airplane based on invented customer specifications. This game drives home lean production's basic principles, establishing a foundation for deep and far-reaching changes in the production system.  相似文献   

This article employs machine learning models to predict returns for 3703 cryptocurrencies for the 2013 – 2021 period. Based on daily data, we build an equal (capital)-weighted portfolio that generates 7.1 % (2.4 %) daily return with a 1.95 (0.27) Sharpe ratio. We obtain an out-of-sample R2 of 4.855 %. Our results suggest that cryptocurrencies behave like conventional assets than fiat currencies since variables, including lagged returns, can predict future returns. As assets, cryptocurrencies are not weakly efficient, and production costs do not determine their prices. Returns for small cryptocurrencies are more predictable than larger ones. The predictive power of the 1-day lagged return is stronger than all other features (predictors) combined. The results offer new insights for crypto investors, traders, and financial analysts.  相似文献   

1954年10月、11月UNIVAC-1和IBM650电子管计算机相继问世,计算机开始应用于事务处理领域.这一成果很快引起银行业的关注,仅仅过了1年,位于美国旧金山的美洲银行(Bank of America)引进IBM702型计算机,从而拉开了银行电子化的序幕.我国银行电子化建设的起始标志是1980年引进日立M150计算机.虽然时间上落后于发达国家,但由于科学技术的巨大进步、我国综合国力的迅速提高以及对前人成功经验的充分借鉴,我国银行电子化在相对较短的时间里,取得了长足进展.  相似文献   

一、引言 随着信息技术和互联网的发展,全球化的电子商务正在对各行各业产生深远影响.作为一种电子商务概念,自助售机票系统基于航空电子商务后台系统的支持,以银行储蓄卡、借记卡及信用卡等作为支付手段,通过银行现有的自动柜员机(ATM)及其网络,可以全天候自行完成机票的购买.该系统由建行海南省分行和海南航空公司联合推出,充分利用现有的设备及网络资源,发挥了银行和大型企业各自的技术和业务优势.  相似文献   

科学数据是自然界客观事物特性的表征。,现代科学领域的数据都开始以越来越精细的时问刻度来收集,在频率上向可微分方向发展,在数量上以指数级增长。自上世纪90年代以来,随着现代计算机技术在金融交易中的广泛使用,交易系统可以实时地提供市场参与者的交易数据,包括股票、汇兑、期货及金融衍生品等,并且全部交易过程被实时地逐笔交易或逐秒记录并存储下来,这样就形成了金融高频数据(Financial High Frequency Data),达到可微程度。金融高频数据具有海量性,如分钟数据,在10年内可以达到1000000数量级。  相似文献   


The hypernormal (or Lexian) frequency functions are defined by the integral .  相似文献   


Let ?(χ/y, z, …) be an ordinary frequency distribution where χ is the variate and y, z, … are parameters characterising the function. If then χ is a graduated variate fd 32_1 represents the probability of an observation drawn from this universe, falling between χ and χ + dχ. This probability is a function of χ. It is, however, also a function of the parameters. If one or more parameters are changed, this probability also changes. d f is a relative probability dependent on the values of y, z, …  相似文献   

We examine the relation between disclosure frequency and earnings management, and the impact of this relation on post-issue performance, for a sample of seasoned equity offerings (SEOs). We contend that firms with extensive disclosure are less likely to face information problems, leading to less earnings management and better post-issue performance. Our results confirm that disclosure frequency is inversely related to earnings management and positively associated with post-issue performance. We also find that transparency-reducing disclosure is concentrated in firms that substantially, but temporarily, increase disclosure prior to the offering. Such firms exhibit more earnings management and poorer post-SEO stock performance, on average.  相似文献   

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