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Canadian survey data indicate that information technology (IT) use is generally associated with increased odds of participation in home-located production (HLP), but this relationship is particularly strong for employees in routine (versus knowledge) occupations. Where IT use and HLP are associated with the odds of experiencing time-related work stress, it is in the direction of increasing the odds.  相似文献   

Real options reasoning (ROR) is a conceptual approach to strategic investment that takes into account the value of preserving the right to make future choices under uncertain conditions. In this study, we explore firms' motivations to invest in a new option. We find, based on an analysis of a large sample of patents by firms active in the pharmaceutical industry, that their investments in R&D are consistent with the logic of ROR. We identify three constructs—scope of opportunity, prior experience, and competitive effects—which have an influence on firms' propensity to invest in new R&D options and which could usefully be incorporated in a strategic theory of investment. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

2009年上半年,中国沥青总产量为637万吨,同比增长54.9%;净进口量为180万吨,同比增长6.5%;在沥青冬储需求的支撑下,表观消费量达815.5万吨,同比增长41%;但终端实际需求低迷,预计实际消费量仅为350万吨。上半年国内沥青价格和进口沥青价格随国际原油价格上涨而走高,但与去年同期相比呈下降趋势。下半年,随着沥青需求旺季来临,加之国内经济日趋回暖和原油价格继续走高,同时在积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策的支持下,沥青市场终端需求将较上半年有明显好转。预计2009年全年沥青的表观消费量为1400万1500万吨,国内市场供应量继续维持在高位。沥青价格将在第三季度摆脱盘整期开始上涨;第四季度可能有所回落或维持在相对合理的水平。  相似文献   

今年以来,国际原油价格大幅攀升,国内成品油价格与原油价格倒挂的矛盾日益突出。上半年,国内成品油消费大幅增长15%,国内6%左右的供应增长速度难以满足消费增长。尽管国家通过加大财政补贴保障成品油市场稳定供应,但市场仍旧处于供应紧张的局面,究其原因主要为:1)成品油消费的增幅远远高于产量增幅;2)国内成品油产量难以大幅提高;3)国内外成品油价格倒挂,进口成品油企业面临巨大亏损。下半年,随着国内外经济增长放缓,相关用放慢,成品油消费增幅将较上半年有所下降;与此同时,国内新增炼油产能逐步释放将使成品油供应增幅有所提高,市场供需矛盾将得到一定程度的缓解。预计2008年全年成品油需求量将达2.13亿吨,同比增长11%,高于2007年6.7%的增幅。  相似文献   

The relationship between social capital and R&D team innovation has received increasing attention in the literature. However, little is known about the mechanisms between the two. This study aims to narrow the gap by investigating the mediating roles of psychological safety and learning from mistakes between the three dimensions of social capital and innovation at team level. Our sample comprised 151 R&D teams with 585 members from nine Chinese high‐tech companies. The results showed that psychological safety and learning from mistakes (LFM) partially mediated the relationship between the structural and cognitive capital and innovation in R&D teams, and fully mediated the relationship between the relational capital and innovation in R&D teams. We further discussed subsequent managerial implications and future research directions.  相似文献   

人为万物之灵.对人的认识,非一朝一夕之功.一则对人的内心不容易看见和识别,即知人知面不知心;二则人的内心是会变化的,即往往是"子系中山狼,得志便猖狂".  相似文献   

This study examines individual knowledge sharing in a coopetitive R&D alliance. R&D is increasingly carried out in an R&D alliance setting, where individuals share highly specialized tacit knowledge crossing firm boundaries. A particular challenging setting is the coopetitive R&D alliance, where partner firms partially compete and individuals may leak competitive knowledge. This setting has been studied on the level of the partner firm. We want to deepen insights by examining the individual level. Drawing on the motivation‐opportunity‐ability framework, we study the influence of individuals’ job experience (ability) on their performance in the alliance. We also examine effects of two‐ and three‐way interactions between job experience, a central position in the social alliance network (opportunity) and intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. We find a positive association of job experience with individual performance, a positive interaction between job experience and extrinsic motivation and a positive three‐way interaction between job experience, central network position and intrinsic motivation, and discuss the impact of these findings.  相似文献   

A plethora of definitions for innovation types has resulted in an ambiguity in the way the terms ‘innovation’ and ‘innovativeness’ are operationalized and utilized in the new product development literature. The terms radical, really‐new, incremental and discontinuous are used ubiquitously to identify innovations. One must question, what is the difference between these different classifications? To date consistent definitions for these innovation types have not emerged from the new product research community. A review of the literature from the marketing, engineering, and new product development disciplines attempts to put some clarity and continuity to the use of these terms. This review shows that it is important to consider both a marketing and technological perspective as well as a macrolevel and microlevel perspective when identifying innovations. Additionally, it is shown when strict classifications from the extant literature are applied, a significant shortfall appears in empirical work directed toward radical and really new innovations. A method for classifying innovations is suggested so that practitioners and academics can talk with a common understanding of how a specific innovation type is identified and how the innovation process may be unique for that particular innovation type. A recommended list of measures based on extant literature is provided for future empirical research concerning technological innovations and innovativeness.

By drawing on multi-case data, there is some evidence to suggest that total quality management (TQM) effectiveness can be viewed as a direct function of the controlling mechanisms that senior managers created prior to TQM implementation. More importantly, control tools of TQM were not used by non-managerial employees, with which they could reduce variability or achieve uniformity; rather, they were regarded as a weapon used by their managers against them.  相似文献   

The study purports to develop and empirically test a model of team learning process and its effects on team performance in new product development teams. Using the socio-cognitive theory of learning in groups and organizations, several hypotheses were tested to show that the primer components of social cognition (that is, information acquisition, information dissemination, information implementation, unlearning, thinking, intelligence, improvisation, sense-making, and memory) form an interactive process model of the team learning phenomenon. By studying 165 new product development projects, it was shown: (i) that the eight primer socio-cognitive factors of information acquisition, information dissemination, information implementation, memory, thinking, improvisation, unlearning, and sense-making constitute interrelated sub-components of a higher-order team information-processing construct; (ii) that team intelligence is positively related to components of team information-processing; and (iii) that information-processing facilitates new product success primarily through the positive effects of superior information implementation. Theoretical and managerial implications of the study findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Economics at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) supports both the competition and consumer protection missions of the agency. In this year’s essay we discuss a range of activities focusing on data-intensive antitrust cases in the hospital and consumer products industries. We also discuss our most recent work on gasoline pricing. Policy-focused research and competition advocacy takes center stage as we discuss some health care advocacy work in the administration of pharmaceutical insurance benefits and efforts to understand the real estate business more completely. Finally, we describe our efforts to quantify the extent of “identity theft”.  相似文献   

This article critically examines the phenomenon of 'Reengineering' (or Business Process Reengineering: as it is sometimes called) as a transfer of 'just-in-time' techniques developed in manufacturing to the office environment. The article concludes that its most likely diffusion will be for 'downsizing' and 'cost-reduction', and may result in a modest degree of success in only some of its applications to manufacturing and office environments.  相似文献   

This article identifies the buying process for a new component. In-depth case studies were conducted at a wide range of potential customers. The buying process was mapped or flow charted in each organization. A general model of component buying was developed.  相似文献   

The main purpose of US Public Law 480 is to make food available to deficit countries on concessional or credit terms by using domestic US agricultural surpluses. Food aid under Title I is intended to provide a resource transfer to resource-poor countries; Title II (Food for Peace) shipments are intended for famine relief, the alleviation of malnutrition, and are generally targeted at the neediest people, especially children, in poor countries. Under Title III, sales proceeds are earmarked for programmes for agricultural development. The following three articles illustrate differing beliefs held about the effectiveness of PL 480 food aid, and particularly the value of Food for Peace. Table 1 shows the total shipments and budgeted acquisitions under Title II.  相似文献   

This study focuses on shared leadership in Japanese R&D teams. The effects of both transformational and gatekeeping leaderships of formal leaders on shared leadership are examined. Moreover, the effect of shared leadership on R&D team performance is examined. Hypotheses are tested with a sample of 654 researchers working in 119 R&D industrial research teams in Japan. Results show that transformational leadership has a negative effect on shared leadership through the norm for maintaining consensus such that it positively influences the norm, which in turn negatively influences shared leadership. In contrast, gatekeeping leadership has a direct as well as an indirect positive impact on shared leadership through the norm for maintaining consensus such that it negatively influences the norm, which in turn negatively influences shared leadership. In addition, this study finds that shared leadership positively influences R&D team performance. These results suggest that leadership displayed by team members and that by formal leaders significantly influences team performance. The results are discussed in the context of the unique Japanese work environment.  相似文献   

This research proposes a new conceptualization of top management involvement (TMI) in key account management (KAM) – i.e. the breadth and nature of the construct and the specific ways in which senior executives are involved in KAM, which is derived from organization theory and insights from 27 in-depths with KAM practitioners. These dimensions are grouped in two types: direct TMI involvement (through customer contact), and indirect TMI involvement (through decision-making and organizational alignment). The authors then survey 261 key account managers and conduct multiple regression analysis to examine how the dimensions of TMI relate to KAM outcomes. They find that top managers' social interaction with customers is more relevant than business-related interaction, which can even be detrimental when focused on tactical issues. The results also suggest that senior managers should support key account management by aligning the goals and procedures of the different functional areas in the company, and by participating in decision-making of strategic issues.  相似文献   

Discussions of relatedness in the strategy literature concentrate on linkages among business units in terms of key business functions such as marketing and production. While much is known about relatedness from the standpoint of corporate diversification, evidence about the relationship between relatedness and performance at the business unit level has been notably lacking. To further our understanding of the benefits and costs of relatedness, this study examined the perspectives of business unit managers to assess: (1) how the relationship between the two primary types of relatedness–production and marketing–are emphasized at the business unit level, and (2) how these types of relatedness affect business unit performance.  相似文献   

Leader characteristics influence leadership styles, which cascade down through the management to the entire firm, affecting organizational and strategic outcomes. Asia’s unique socio-cultural contexts and philosophies breed indigenous leadership styles in the region, yet context-specific research on leader characteristics and leadership styles in Asia has been sparse. Our review answers the call to identify the distinct Asian context that has distinguished the leadership research in Asia from that of other regions. We identify power distance orientation and collectivist culture as the two of the most prominent contextual factors to consider in examining the role of leadership in Asia. Through this review, we aim to further our understanding of the current state of extant literature on leader characteristics and leadership styles and to suggest new avenues for scholars in Asia to advance existing theories of leadership research in the arena of organizational behavior and strategy.  相似文献   

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