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This study investigates the impact of uncertainty on the volatility forecasting power of option-implied volatility. Option-implied volatility is a powerful predictor of future volatility, particularly during periods of high uncertainty. This is consistent with option-implied volatility being largely determined by volatility-informed traders (rather than directional traders) when uncertainty is high. New volatility forecasting models that incorporate such interaction outperform benchmark models, both in- and out-of-sample. The new models also better predict future volatility during the 2008 global financial crisis, for which benchmark models perform poorly. The results are robust to alternative choices of benchmark models, loss functions, and estimation windows.  相似文献   

Using an extended LHARG model proposed by Majewski et al. (2015, J Econ, 187, 521–531), we derive the closed-form pricing formulas for both the Chicago Board Options Exchange VIX term structure and VIX futures with different maturities. Our empirical results suggest that the quarterly and yearly components of lagged realized volatility should be added into the model to capture the long-term volatility dynamics. By using the realized volatility based on high-frequency data, the proposed model provides superior pricing performance compared with the classic Heston–Nandi GARCH model under a variance-dependent pricing kernel, both in-sample and out-of-sample. The improvement is more pronounced during high volatility periods.  相似文献   

This paper studies a large number of bitcoin (BTC) options traded on the options exchange Deribit. We use the trades to calculate implied volatility (IV) and analyze if volatility forecasts can be improved using such information. IV is less accurate than AutoRegressive–Moving-Average or Heterogeneous Auto-Regressive model forecasts in predicting short-term BTC volatility (1 day ahead), but superior in predicting long-term volatility (7, 10, 15 days ahead). Furthermore, a combination of IV and model-based forecasts provides the highest accuracy for all forecasting horizons revealing that the BTC options market contains unique information.  相似文献   

This study examined the dependence between gold and stocks during 2002–18 in seven emerging countries. The study combined the bivariate cross‐quantilogram introduced recently with quantile‐on‐quantile regression (QQR) approaches to conduct comprehensive and complementary analyses. The QQR results for the full sample revealed a weak positive dependence in all the quantiles of gold and stock returns across all the countries selected during mild market conditions. The results for pre and post‐crisis periods largely were consistent with those obtained for the full sample, except for Turkey (pre‐crisis), and China and Indonesia (post‐crisis). The results of the causality test‐in‐mean (return) and that of the causality test‐in‐variance revealed no causal relation between stock and gold in the pre‐crisis period, while causality ran only from gold to some stocks in the post‐crisis period. Further, while there was volatility causality running only from gold to stocks during the pre‐crisis period, the volatility causality between the two markets was very high during the post‐crisis period. Therefore, we suggest that gold may have been a hedge for stocks during the pre‐crisis compared to the post‐crisis period. Further, international risk factors should be considered in optimal investment decisions between domestic and global markets' assets (stocks and gold).  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the ability of alternative option-implied volatility measures to forecast crude-oil return volatility. We find that a corridor implied volatility measure that aggregates information from a narrow range of option contracts consistently outperforms forecasts obtained by the popular Black–Scholes and model-free volatility expectations, as well as those generated by a realized volatility model. This measure ranks favorably in regression-based tests, delivers the lowest forecast errors under different loss functions, and generates economically significant gains in volatility timing exercises. Our results also show that the Chicago Board Options Exchange's “oil-VIX” index performs poorly, as it routinely produces the least accurate forecasts.  相似文献   

Focusing on energy commodities, industrial metals, and gold, this paper examines the degree to which commodity futures returns depend on news sentiment under various market conditions, and the structure of that dependence. We observe an asymmetric market reaction to positive and negative news sentiment, which changes in periods of financial turmoil. The quantile regression analysis shows that news sentiment's influence on the futures returns follows an upward trend at higher percentiles. This structure flattens for positive news during the global financial crisis, while the slope for the negative component steepens in backwardation periods.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to investigate the impact of the exchange rate volatility on Turkey's export. To this end, the panel cointegration analysis is applied to the data from Turkey's top 20 export industries to major 20 trading partners for the period 1980–2009. Special attention is paid to test for whether employment of country-level trade data instead of industry-level data is subject to the aggregation bias problem in the estimation of long-run cointegration parameters. The results indicate that employing country-level trade data suffers from the aggregation bias in estimating the cointegration parameters for the level of exchange rate and for the exchange rate volatility. The findings imply that (i) the impact of the exchange rate volatility on Turkish exports differs across industries, (ii) Turkey benefits from the depreciation of Turkish lira, and(iii) the foreign income plays a key role in determining the Turkish industry-level exports. The findings increase our insights to explain therecent dynamics of Turkish exports and provide some policy implications.  相似文献   

This study investigates hedging performance with respect to different market structures for energy-related commodities, including West Texas Intermediate crude oil, Brent crude oil, Chinese crude oil, and Heating oil. Copula quantile regression functions and the generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroscedasticity model are combined to analyze the nonlinear impact of dependence and the heterogeneous impact of market structure changes on hedging performance. Results show that hedging performance presents nonlinearity and market structure changes have surprisingly strong heterogeneous effects on the quantile hedge ratio, where bearish and bullish have lower hedge ratios than normal markets, which is captured better by Clayton copula quantile regression. Additionally, the trend of hedging effectiveness over different market structures also shows an inverted U shape. After changing data frequency or the types of futures contracts, the conclusions remain the same. Our empirical findings imply that hedgers are supposed to adjust the hedging number of futures according to market structure changes to hedge price risk effectively.  相似文献   

本文利用面板分位数模型,实证检验了财政分权对区域公共卫生服务供给的影响。发现,省级财政分权对区域公共卫生服务供给具有显著正效应,省以下财政分权对公共卫生服务产出具有负效应,对公共卫生投入效应不显著。不同条件分位数下,财政分权对公共卫生服务供给的影响表现出较大差异。  相似文献   

This study develops a dairy implied volatility index (DVIX), derived from New Zealand Exchange traded options on whole milk powder (WMP) futures. We document an inverse return–volatility relation which is asymmetric, where increases in WMP futures prices are associated with larger absolute changes in the DVIX than decreases. In sample, the results strongly suggest that the DVIX has a high information content regarding conditional variance and that the inclusion of historical information further improves the predictive power. Out of sample, we find that the DVIX provides substantial information about future realized volatility. We also document that a combination of historical volatility and the DVIX provides the best out-of-sample forecasts.  相似文献   

传统的价量分析都是从低频数据来分析股票市场上波动率、收益率与成交量之间的关系。基于高频数据,利用分位数回归并结合高频数据的波动率估计方法对高频数据中所呈现出的价量关系进行研究,并分析了股票价格跳跃过程所带来的跳跃方差与成交量之间的关系。实证分析表明:指数及个股收益率与成交量之间的关系并不显著;波动率、跳跃与成交量之间存在着显著相关的关系,个股的波动率与成交量之间的关系显著并呈现出正向相关关系,而指数的波动率与成交量之间呈现出一种负向关系,并且关系比较微弱;个股的成交量的改变会导致股票价格的跳跃方差的减小,而指数的成交量的改变则使得指数的跳跃方差增大。  相似文献   

We characterize the behavior of the Rough Heston model introduced by Jaisson and Rosenbaum (2016, Ann. Appl. Probab., 26, 2860–2882) in the small‐time, large‐time, and (i.e., ) limits. We show that the short‐maturity smile scales in qualitatively the same way as a general rough stochastic volatility model , and the rate function is equal to the Fenchel–Legendre transform of a simple transformation of the solution to the same Volterra integral equation (VIE) that appears in El Euch and Rosenbaum (2019, Math. Financ., 29, 3–38), but with the drift and mean reversion terms removed. The solution to this VIE satisfies a space–time scaling property which means we only need to solve this equation for the moment values of and so the rate function can be efficiently computed using an Adams scheme or a power series, and we compute a power series in the log‐moneyness variable for the asymptotic implied volatility which yields tractable expressions for the implied vol skew and convexity which is useful for calibration purposes. We later derive a formal saddle point approximation for call options in the Forde and Zhang (2017) large deviations regime which goes to higher order than previous works for rough models. Our higher‐order expansion captures the effect of both drift terms, and at leading order is of qualitatively the same form as the higher‐order expansion for a general model which appears in Friz et al. (2018, Math. Financ., 28, 962–988). The limiting asymptotic smile in the large‐maturity regime is obtained via a stability analysis of the fixed points of the VIE, and is the same as for the standard Heston model in Forde and Jacquier (2011, Finance Stoch., 15, 755–780). Finally, using Lévy's convergence theorem, we show that the log stock price tends weakly to a nonsymmetric random variable as (i.e., ) whose moment generating function (MGF) is also the solution to the Rough Heston VIE with , and we show that tends weakly to a nonsymmetric random variable as , which leads to a nonflat nonsymmetric asymptotic smile in the Edgeworth regime, where the log‐moneyness as , and we compute this asymptotic smile numerically. We also show that the third moment of the log stock price tends to a finite constant as (in contrast to the Rough Bergomi model discussed in Forde et al. (2020, Preprint) where the skew flattens or blows up) and the process converges on pathspace to a random tempered distribution which has the same law as the hyper‐rough Heston model, discussed in Jusselin and Rosenbaum (2020, Math. Finance, 30, 1309–1336) and Abi Jaber (2019, Ann. Appl. Probab., 29, 3155–3200).  相似文献   

We study the relationship of the VIX index and the exchange-traded note VXX on various timescales. We find that changes of VIX and VXX are correlated only contemporaneously on timescales of days, but VIX leads VXX on timescales of months. Next, we construct a simple joint model for VXX and VIX which replicates all the key characteristics of these two time series, but in which VIX and VXX are related only via a correlated error term. Therefore, VIX cannot be used as a predictor of VXX and there is no apparent trading profit opportunity.  相似文献   

Informed traders often use options that are not in-the-money due to higher potential gains for a smaller upfront cost. Thus, trading activity by option moneyness should be a gauge of informed option trading. We construct a dollar volume-weighted average moneyness measure to capture option trading activity at different moneyness levels. Stock returns increase with this measure, suggesting more trading activity in options with higher leverage predicts future stock returns. Our results hold cross-sectionally and at the portfolio level yielding a Fama–French five-factor α of 12% per year for all stocks and 33% per year for high implied volatility stocks.  相似文献   

We propose a measure for the convexity of an option-implied volatility curve, IV convexity, as a forward-looking measure of risk-neutral tail-risk contribution to the perceived variance of underlying equity returns. Using equity options data for individual US-listed stocks during 2000–2013, we find that the average realized return differential between the lowest and highest IV convexity quintile portfolios exceeds 1% per month, which is both economically and statistically significant on a risk-adjusted basis. Our empirical findings indicate the contribution of informed options trading to price discovery in terms of the realization of tail-risk aversion in the stock market.  相似文献   

文章应用门限面板数据模型,采用1997-2007年我国31个省、市、自治区的数据对我国经济增长与入境旅游业发展之间的关系进行了实证研究。结果表明入境旅游发展与经济增长之间存在门限效应,即入境旅游收入占GDP的百分比低于2.36%时,入境旅游业的发展对地区经济增长的促进作用并不显著;当该比例高于2.36%时,入境旅游业的发展对地区经济增长有显著促进作用。同时,研究结果表明处于两种状态下的地区其经济增长均不具有条件收敛性,入境旅游发展缩小区域差异的作用没有得到验证。  相似文献   

Motor carrier safety remains a highly relevant issue for supply chain managers and scholars because carriers’ safety affects supply chains as well as the welfare of the motoring public. This article enriches understanding regarding this topic by investigating how motor carriers’ growth or contraction since the start of the Compliance, Safety, and Accountability (CSA) program in 2010 affects their safety performance. Drawing on core principles from theories regarding internal adjustment costs from economics and nonscale free capabilities from management, we explain why carriers’ growth or contraction should differentially affect various safety metrics tracked by the CSA program. To test our theory, we assemble a multiyear panel data set for over 1,000 of the largest for‐hire motor carriers operating in the United States by melding together several different governmental data sources. We fit a series of multivariate seemingly unrelated regression models to test our hypothesized effects. Our results corroborate our theorized predictions and are robust to alternative model specifications. We conclude by detailing how this work contributes to extant theory, summarizing managerial and policy implications, highlighting limitations, and suggesting directions for further pursuit.  相似文献   

文章利用中国2000-2013年省际面板数据,通过构建面板门槛回归模型,对旅游发展与贫困减缓的非线性关系进行了实证检验。结果表明,在控制其它变量的条件下,中国旅游发展对贫困减缓的作用以积极影响为主,同时呈现显著的门槛特征。具体而言,中国旅游发展对贫困减缓的促进作用表现为基于经济发展水平的双重门槛特征、基于旅游资源禀赋的三重门槛特征以及基于交通便利程度的单一门槛特征,随着门槛变量处于不同发展阶段,旅游发展并非总对贫困减缓产生实质贡献。为此,文章提出的政策建议是:在思想观念上,客观认识旅游发展与贫困减缓之间关系的复杂性,正确指导旅游减贫开发实践;在发展路径上,贫困地区应发挥主动性和创造性,提高旅游减贫精准性;在发展政策上,实现由统一指令性政策向灵活协调性政策转变;发展保障上,政府部门应积极发挥主导作用,为旅游减贫创造有利条件。  相似文献   

经济新常态下,提高工业资本等要素配置效率是实现经济向高质量增长转变的必然要求。本文在政府主导、投资驱动的工业发展模式下,结合地方债务压力和金融发展差异门限变量,在非线性框架下运用动态面板平滑转换回归模型实证检验地方债务规模与工业资本配置效率的渐进演变关系。研究发现,适度的地方债务规模有助于提高资本配置效率,但随着债务压力增加,举债对资本配置的正效应逐步减弱并产生负效应。究其原因,适度举债能补齐工业基础设施短板,压低土地成本,对工业发展产生杠杆效应,从而提高资本配置效率;但过度举债推升财政风险,占用信贷资源并强化企业融资约束,造成资本配置低效率。此外,研究发现,地方信贷规模提升,能缓解举债的融资约束,促进工业行业间的资本流动;而工业金融深化程度提高,能增强市场竞争机制在要素配置中的作用,缓解举债造成投资错配,从而增强资本配置效率。以上分析结果表明,地方政府举债应更理性、适度、规范。  相似文献   

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