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张维迎 《浙商》2021,(5):23-23
创新和发明不一样,发明只要做出原来没有的东西,创新最终要落实到商业化,实现商业上的价值。从历史看,中国长期以来都重农抑商。如果没有一个企业家群体在那折腾,就不可能有创新。每一种创新,它给消费者带来好处的同时,也会给被它替代的企业和职业带来伤害,经济学家熊彼特称之为创造性破坏。好处被大部分人享受,坏处由少数人承担。不光是在中国,全世界都有这个规律。  相似文献   

张玲玲 《浙商》2010,(21):30-32
民营企业家正成为公益事业的主力军,但中国当代慈善事业常常因为制度缺失和实践经验太少而面临诸多问题。2010年9月,巴菲特和比尔·盖茨来华举办慈善晚宴,再度引发国内对慈善活动及慈善制度建设的广泛关注。  相似文献   

何晓春 《浙商》2011,(20):64-65
从只身下海创业的政府机关公务员,到今日富有社会责任感的企业家,曹海华用了10年时间。如今,他已经是。新疆浙江商会党支部书记兼常务副会长、新疆浙商投资控股集团董事长。  相似文献   

2008年北京奥运会,是中国政府和人民花了2800亿元打造的一个汇聚全球目光的舞台。这一舞台绝不仅仅是全球运动健儿竞技的舞台,也是全球企业品牌营销、产品营销的竞相角逐的舞台。北京奥运会承百年奥运之基业、汇东西方文化之精粹、展崛起中国之豪情,正在成为当下全球企业营销、品牌营销的"兵家必争之地"。  相似文献   

众泰EV掀起“绿色旋风” 2010年11月8日-10日,中意创新论坛在罗马和佛罗伦萨举行。众泰控股集团董事长吴建中(下图右)应邀作了《新能源新世界新品牌——来自中国众泰的新能源汽车发展报告》的主题演讲,在罗马掀起了中国绿色旋风。  相似文献   

吴景伟 《浙商》2011,(3):31-31
2010年12月20日,胡润研究院首次发布的《乐退报告》称,中国企业家平均45岁可以考虑乐退了目前中国有5.5万人具备乐退条件,乐退门槛为1.1亿元。10天之后,华立集团掌门人汪力成确认他已辞去集团总裁、法人代表,只保留董事局主席一职。此前,开元旅业董事长陈妙林也辞去了总裁职务。  相似文献   

<正>古都重庆,素来享有"美食之都"之美誉。近年来,除重庆火锅外,发源于重庆的烤鱼、石锅鱼、麻辣烫、串串香、酸辣粉等美食亦风靡全国。为扩大重庆餐饮在全国的影响力,助推重庆餐饮连锁企  相似文献   

从产品到人,从管理到战略,安利作为一个通过承担企业社会责任而建立核心竞争力的代表,其思想和实践诠释了她所开辟的“责任竞争力”提升之路。  相似文献   

This paper argues that the MBA, probably the most successful academic program of the last 50 years, negatively affects the theory and practice of management with regard to ethics through its pedagogy, structure, and its underlying epistemic assumptions. In particular I seek to demonstrate how the syllabus, the pedagogy and the epistemological assumptions of MBA programs together make managers/leaders unable and unwilling to deal with ethics. I also argue that while the what (content) and the how (pedagogy) play a very important role, it was only the emergence of a radical philosophical underpinning (the why) that has put management education on a negative trajectory. The paper thus examines MBA education from a meta-level perspective, connecting the pedagogical model with epistemological beliefs.  相似文献   

参观完一些伦敦的游览胜地之后,游客们应该到英国首都的那些著名的小酒馆里去小憩一番.  相似文献   

Scholars have assumed that trust is fragile: difficult to build and easily broken. We demonstrate, however, that in some cases trust is surprisingly robust—even when harmful deception is revealed, some individuals maintain high levels of trust in the deceiver. In this paper, we describe how implicit theories moderate the harmful effects of revealed deception on a key component of trust: perceptions of integrity. In a negotiation context, we show that people who hold incremental theories (beliefs that negotiating abilities are malleable) reduce perceptions of their counterpart’s integrity after they learn that they were deceived, whereas people who hold entity theories (beliefs that negotiators’ characteristics and abilities are fixed) maintain their first impressions after learning that they were deceived. Implicit theories influenced how targets interpreted evidence of deception. Individuals with incremental theories encoded revealed deception as an ethical violation; individuals with entity theories did not. These findings highlight the importance of implicit beliefs in understanding how trust changes over time.  相似文献   

As customers in technologically disrupted markets migrate from the old to the new technology, they concurrently decide whether to retain their brand or churn. Yet little is known about brand retention at the time of technology migration, which is the topic of this study. Focusing on cloud disruption in the enterprise software industry, we examine the brand retention of software customers migrating from the old on-premise to the new cloud technology. We combine a large panel of 4,659 customers across 30 brands and five horizontal markets (CRM, BI, HR, ERP, Finance) with brand classification data from industry experts. Our findings reveal that brand retention is the lowest at the time of technology migration (compared to before or after migration), yet some brands are significantly more vulnerable to churn of migrating customers than others. Brand retention at the time of migration is lower for brands that face the same rivals across multiple horizontal markets (i.e., high multimarket contact) than for brands that do not, and the retention disadvantage of such high multimarket contact brands even aggravates as the cloud technology diffuses. Furthermore, top-tier brands are less vulnerable than bottom-tier brands, but their advantage levels out as the cloud technology diffuses. Our findings help brands evaluate their vulnerability to churn of migrating customers and hence are highly relevant for B2B brands in technologically disrupted markets. To facilitate such evaluation, we present a simple assessment tool and provide guidance on mitigating vulnerability to churn.  相似文献   

<正> 排队买东西,已是难得一见,但在今年北京、上海的信托产品发售点倒不时可以遇上这种场景。 北京的第一个信托投资计划出现秋季,名字叫“CBD土地开发项目资金信托计划”。只要凑足5万元便可参与北京中心商务区的建设,并获取预期4.8%的年收益率。  相似文献   

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