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<正>【品牌档案】创始人香奈儿(Gabrielle Chanel)于1913年在法国巴黎创立香奈儿品牌,香奈儿的产品种类繁多,有服装、珠宝饰品、配件、化妆品、香水,每一种产品都闻名遐迩,特别是她的香水与时装。  相似文献   

他出生在上海一个富豪家庭,父亲是拥有10亿元资产的国内纺织巨头。作为家族企业惟一的继承人,他毫无疑问地就是典型的被许多人既羡慕嫉妒恨又看不起的富二代:娇生惯养,衣食无忧;入则豪宅,出则豪车;花天酒地,骄奢淫逸;为所欲为,犯上作乱——这些词儿是最常用于概括他们的。可惜,他却没有这些福份。18岁那年的一天,父亲突然给了他一张遗嘱,里面说了好多条,最主要的是说,从这天  相似文献   

关山镇东兴村位于西安市阎良区东北部.这里的群众世世代代靠种粮度日,日子过得紧紧巴巴.上世纪90年代.村子因管理不善导致债台高筑.村民对此颇有怨愤.村领导班子面临”瘫痪”.而此时的武兴宏,正红红火火的经营着一家饭店和一个养猪场.年收入达几十万元.是村里的大能人。2001年,全村党员代表到他家.请他带全村共同致富.面对代表们期盼和村民对脱贫致富的渴望,武兴宏接手了东兴村这个烂摊子。  相似文献   

福建“盛产”服装,但在这众多的服饰企业当中,七匹狼称得上是一颗璀璨的明珠。从上个世纪90年代初起步,着力开发男装市场,凭借着特有的气质和优良的形象,一度掀起了热潮,被业界誉为“茄克之王”。从此之后,七匹狼便与男装结下了不解之缘,无论是青春张扬的曲线,还是深沉内敛的格调;无论是豪情奔放的美,还是精致典雅的型,七匹狼服饰从款式,面料,质地无不以男性的审美观为“经“,价值观为“纬”打造出一个属于男子的服饰天堂,这一切不与“狼”息息相关。  相似文献   

与上世纪90年代末的超级并购浪潮相比,2005年的美国并购案例有一点不同——越来越多的企业在交易早期就意识到HR(人力资源)对交易成败的重要意义。  相似文献   

一、“八五”期间服装出口主要不利因素 1.受配额的制约上海服装出口的主要市场在第一、第二世界的国家。这些国家除日本、瑞士和苏东外,几乎进口服装都受配额的限制。随着贸易保护主义的蔓延,限制的品种增多,条件加严,要求苛刻。譬如,在1980年,我国与美国签订第一个纺织品贸易协定,按照《国际多种纤维协定》,棉、毛、人造纤维三大原料全部纺织品划分108个类别中仅有8个类别受配额限制,其余均属非配额类别,可以放开成交出口。  相似文献   

绝大多数今天已迈入自主创新设计阶段的珠三角中小制造企业,几乎都经历过模仿-侵权而被告-自主创新设计-掌控自主知识产权的过程。尽管像上世纪90年代中期那样理直气壮地抄袭与模仿别人产品的企业已越来越少,但是,审视珠三角中小制造企业认识与接受“创新设计”理念的过程,会发现它们大都经历过从“被动”到“主动”的创新意识提升,除少数在创立之初即确立了明晰的“以创新设计为龙头”的理念外,绝大多数制造企业都是在成长的特殊阶段或因知识产权纠纷、或因激烈竞争的市场压力、或因创建自主品牌的需要而走上了自主创新之路。经过我们的调研,发现企业的设计创新驱动力,主要有如下四种类型:  相似文献   

一个负债较重、资金相对匮乏的中小城市的单体酒店,从上世纪90年代开始,“冒险”走上了一条多元化发展的道路。镇江大酒店成立于1990年,是一家全额贷款的酒店企业。2003年完成股权结构调整,组建为江苏镇江大酒店股份有限公司(以下简称公司),是镇江市唯一一家股份制酒店企业。  相似文献   

陈闪:干点自己想做的 有两件事陈闪从小到大都很确定:一是自己得对身边的人好;二是自己将来肯定要跟着父亲管理企业.后者陈闪称之为"觉悟".他的父亲陈荣以服装批发起家,第一桶金来自于1990年代初的上海股市,2002年位列<福布斯>中国内地首富排行榜的第89位,比2001年上升2位.目前他是中国最大的保龄设备生产企业中路集团的创始人兼最大股东,曾在上海兴建全国最大的保龄球馆,馆内多达108条跑道.有一段时间,电视里"中路保龄"的广告曝光率很高.  相似文献   

<正>高敏,未到而立之年,已是汉帛集团掌门人,对外界给她冠上富二代称号,感到有些无辜。她说,"我只是半个富二代,另一半的角色是创业者。"尽管企业传承是个普遍性难题,但总有人能把它处理得得心应手。"它山之石,可以攻玉",从那些成功进行企业传承的案例中,我们读到的不只是一个个故事,更是一种传承智慧,以及可以借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the relationship between CEO power, CEO age and the efficiency of policy implementation in listed corporations controlled by each province’s State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) in China. We find that CEOs with more power implement policy are more efficiently. We also find that younger powerful CEOs will act more effectively than their older competitors. The reason for the difference is that younger powerful CEOs in state-owned companies are incentivized to implement their policy tasks to gain promotions or political capital. Our results are important to future SOE reform and to understanding the characteristics of SOEs as policy instruments.  相似文献   

公司简介 富美科技有限公司(以下简称"富美科技")是山东省一家高科技、集团化运作的现代化企业,主要从事打印机硒鼓的研发、生产、销售与服务,致力于做亚太地区最大的硒鼓研发制造服务商。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中期以来,第二代财政分权理论有了极大发展。本文回顾了这一新理论区别于传统理论的特征,以及将其用于经济增长研究得出的新发现和主要问题。在此类研究中,中国改革开放以来的经济绩效,一方面为回答“财政分权是否有助于促进经济增长”提供了重要的经验研究依据,另一方面也在一定程度上证实了制度设计对财政分权效果具有决定性影响的判断,这与国内一些研究得出的结论有相似之处。这些研究成果对我国未来的中央一地方财政关系的发展具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

霍巧中 《广告大观》2006,(12S):143-144
近几年来,新媒体层出不穷,如楼宇视频、移动电视、手机媒体、博客、电子杂志等等,就记者在广告节上所见,新媒体占据了相当的展位,并且相对而言,更具有吸引力。如:运营列车电视的广源传媒、运营公交电视的世通华纳等,除此之外,还看到了一些新兴的媒体形式和经营理念,如触动传媒经营的计程车内液晶触摸屏及车内平面广告、分时广告传媒推出的户外传媒超级市场概念、还有就是猫扑网的“WEB2.0时代第一门户”等等,这些新兴媒体或利用新技术或者创新媒体载体,使媒体呈现出一片欣欣向荣的景象。  相似文献   

文章以2006~2015年我国上市公司高管腐败案件为对象,从高管权力强度视角考察股权激励与高管显性腐败之间的关系,实证结果表明:(1)高管权力越大,其发生权力寻租行为的概率越大,同时代理成本也越高;(2)我国上市公司的股权激励计划,未能有效调节企业高管权力强度与高管显性腐败之间的关系,尤其是国有控股上市公司实施的股权激励计划,反而加大了高管腐败发生概率;(3)货币薪酬越少、 激励有效期越长,发生高管腐败行为概率越高.这些结论对公司决策层完善股权激励计划设计、 优化公司治理、 监督和约束高管权力具有参考意义,也能为证监会、 国资委制定政策提供借鉴.  相似文献   


The aim of this research was a cross-cultural investigation of views regarding Genetically Modified Organisms, specifically food crops, to determine if there were significant differences in the views of French and American respondents. In addition, we sought to introduce the issue of possible consumer benefits of second generation GMOs into the research by examining differences in acceptance of value-enhanced GMOs compared with first generation GMOs for both French and American respondents. Both first and second generation GMOs are better accepted by American respondents than by French respondents, but respondents in both countries perceive a direct benefit from second generation GM foods with at least a less negative attitude toward them. In addition, respondents indicated factors which would make it more likely that they would purchase such enhanced GM foods.  相似文献   

An element in the never-ending debate about the process of funding highpotential businesses is the extent to which venture capitalists add value besides money to their portfolio companies. At one end of the spectrum, venture capitalists incubate start-ups and nurture hatchlings, while at the other extreme, so-called “vulture” capitalists feed on fledgling companies. A very important way in which venture capitalists add value other than money to their portfolio companies is by serving on boards of directors. Hence, by studying the role of outside directors, especially those representing venture capital firms, we were able to shed light on the issue of value-added.In the first phase of the research, we studied 162 venture-capital-backed high-tech firms located in California, Massachusetts, and Texas. In the second phase (with data from 98 of the 162 firms), the lead venture capitalists on the boards were classified according to whether or not they were a “top-20” firm.Board Size The average board size was 5.6 members, which was somewhat less than half the size of the board of a typical large company. Board size increased from 3 to 4.8 members with the first investment of venture capital.Board Composition and Control The typical board comprised 1.7 inside members, 2.3 venture capital principals, .3 venture capital staff, and 1.3 other outsiders. Insiders constituted 40% or less of the members of 82% of the boards, while venture capitalists made up over 40% of members of 55% of the boards. When a top-20 venture capital firm was the lead investor, then 55% of the board members were venture capitalists; in contrast, when the lead was not a top-20 firm, only 23% of board were venture capitalists.Value-Added Overall, our sample of CEOs did not rate the value of the advice of venture capitalists any higher than that of other board members. However, those CEOs with a top20 venture capital firm as the lead investor, on average, did rate the value of the advice from their venture capital board members significantly higher—but not outstandingly higher—than the advice from other outside board members. On the other hand, CEOs with no top-20 as the lead investor found no significant difference between the value of the advice from venture capitalists and other outside board members. Hence, in our sample, we could not say that there was a noticeable difference in the value of valueadded by top-20 boards and non-top-20 boards.The areas where CEOs rated outside board members (both venture capitalists and others) most helpful were as a sounding board, interfacing with the investor group, monitoring operating performance, monitoring financial performance, recruiting/replacing the CEO, and assistance with short term crisis. That help was rated higher for early-stage than later-stage companies.Our findings have the following implications for venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, and researchers.Venture Capitalist The main product of a venture capital firm is money, which is a commodity. It's impossible to differentiate a commodity in a martetplace where the customers have perfect information. As venture capitalists learned since the mid-1980s, their customers (entrepreneurs) now have an abundance of information that, while it may not be perfect, is certainly good enough to make a well-informed decision when selecting a venture capital firm. Hence, value-added may be the most important distinctive competence with which a venture capital firm—especially one specializing in early-stage investments—can differentiate itself from its competitors. If that is the case, then venture capital firms need to pay more attention to their value-added, because CEOs, overall, do not perceive that it has a great deal of value to their companies. The top-20 appear to be doing a somewhat better job in that area than other venture capital firms.Entrepreneurs If an entrepreneur wants outside board members who bring valueadded other than money, it appears that they can do as well with non-venture capitalists as with venture capitalists. The entrepreneurs we talked to in our survey gave the impression that board members with significant operating experience are more valued than “pure” financial types with no operating experience. If venture capital is an entrepreneur's only source offunding, then the entrepreneur should seek out firms that put venture capitalists with operating experience on boards. It also appears that an entrepreneur, will, on average, get more value-added when the lead investor is a top-20 firm, but there is a drawback: when a top-20 is the lead investor, it is more likely that venture capitalists will control the board. No entrepreneur should seek venture capital solely to get value-added from a venture capitalist on the board, because outside board members who are not venture capitalists give advice that is every bit as good as that given by venture capitalists.Researchers Value-added is a fruitful avenue of research. From a practical perspective, if valueadded exists it should be measurable. So far the jury has not decided that issue. Some finance studies of the performance of venture-capital-backed initial public offerings (IPOs) claim to have found valueadded, some claim to have found none, and at least one study claims to have found negative value- added. From a theoretical perspective, value-added is relevant to agency theory, transaction cost economics, and the capital asset pricing model. It also is relevant to strategic analysis from the viewpoint of distinctive competencies.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss second-generation electricity reforms being formulated in Latin America and how they are being reshaped by the California crisis, which had stood as a paradigm, at least in theory, for fully competitive markets. We argue that the main lesson policy makers in Latin America should draw from the experience in California and other electricity markets around the world is that the liberalization of wholesale markets will not result in more competitive outcomes where market concentration is significant, final consumers are isolated from actual marginal production costs and capacity is tight. At least in the case of Argentina and Chile, the California crisis has had a “positive externality” by persuading policy makers, at least momentarily, to postpone liberalization reforms and make them realize the complexities in implementing competitive markets.  相似文献   

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