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DB2是IBM公司的关系数据库产品,可以运行在小至微机、大至大型主机的不同硬件平台上。在大型机平台上DB2提供了许多工具,这些工具在不同条件下实现不同的功能,DSN1COPY就是其中的一个。本文针对大型机上的DB2介绍DSN1COPY的特点以及使用DSN1COPY实现跨系统数据拷贝的方法和经验。  相似文献   

与2012年9月中旬705.07美元的历史高点相比,苹果公司股价已经下跌了24%,意味着这只股票滑入熊市区域。苹果开始走向衰落了吗?为什么拉动纳斯达克指数的水灵灵的"苹果"在一天天干瘪?COPY缺乏创新2012年苹果公司推出iPhone 5和iPad Mini,这两大产品与苹果先前的产品相比,在功能和外形上几乎都没有大的突破。iOS6遭到果粉们批  相似文献   

拉手网再获金沙江创投注资,估值1亿人民币 拷贝美国团购网站Groupon及地理位置移动社交服务Foursquare模式并将两者结合的国内创业公司拉手网,6月7日宣布又获得了金沙江创投的风险投资,该公司目前已获得A轮三笔融资,共计500万美元,公司估值1亿人民币。拉手网也是国内这批团购网站创业潮中首个获得风险投资的公司。  相似文献   

2013年,对于黄金投资者以及与黄金珠宝首饰业者,注定是难以遗忘的一年。金价接二连三的跌破众多业者的心理底线,黄金牛市未来的走向不确定度在2013年大大增加。虽然,美国的缩减量化宽松货币政策不断出现变数.但对于众多分析者而言,众多迹象表明,黄金牛市将不长久。而就在此时,世界知名黄金集团、国际银行大鳄,国内黄金分析专家又从不断下跌的市场中看到了新的希望。  相似文献   

2009年,中国率先成为从全球经济衰退中筑底反弹的国家,中国市场的表现无疑为众多跨国公司提供了一个温暖的避风港,也坚定了跨国公司在华发展的信心。众多跨国公司有意加大投资,进一步在华发展。继续吸纳高素质人才、涵养高水平人力资源成为跨国公司扩张版图中必要的支撑,股权激励顺理成章成为众多跨国公司薪酬部门的工作重点。  相似文献   

理论是实践的向导。十年来,众多专家学者和广大财政监督工作者总结提升实践中的成功经验,并进一步上升到理论层次,涌现出众多的理论研究成果。这些理论研究成果有力地推动了会计信息质量检查工作。为纪念会计信息质量检查十周年,财政部监督检查局举办了会计信息质量检查十周年征文活动。为展现十年来的会计信息质量检查及会计监督理论研究成果,本刊特选登部分征文获奖作品,以充分发挥理论对实践的导向作用。  相似文献   

与众多跨国巨头相比,自主品牌在技术和资本实力上确实存在很多不足。但是随着中国迈向全球第一大汽车市场,本土企业没有理由不迎头赶上。因此,在众多巨头觊觎的新能源车领域,自主车企还是使出了浑身解数,跑马圈地,并将在2010年大展拳脚,加速新能源汽车的商业化进程。  相似文献   

由中国汽车工业协会、北京市场协会汽车流通分会、北京CBD国际商务节组委会等联合主办的北京国际商务车展,从2003年起至今已成功举办了五届,车展以其独特的户外展示、显著的文化特征、丰富的汽车活动,在国内众多车展中跃然而出,得到了众多国内外知名汽车品牌的一致认可与赞誉。而第  相似文献   

2007年,某证券公司发生宕机事故,营业所交易中断。失去了机会财富的众多股民,因一时气愤砸了营业部……  相似文献   

2002年12月3日,上海在众多的竞争者中,力挫群雄,将2010年的世博会花环戴在头顶,上海又一次成为了世人关注的焦点。  相似文献   

邵锋 《财务与金融》2011,(5):80-82,86
随着信息技术的进步和互联网的普及,我国网上银行业务得以快速发展.在充分肯定网银业务优越性的同时,也应该看到,由于我国网银业务还处于发展阶段,运行中出现了诸多的问题,甚至损害了客户的利益,以致客户与银行之间出现了不少的纠纷,一定程度上影响到了社会公众的认可度,制约了网银业务的健康发展.该文主要是从研究和解决这些纠纷入手,...  相似文献   

This research paper reports how a credit union applied knowledge from the literature to solve a marketing problem. A credit union serves a unique group of customers who may be in the same profession, have the same employer, or simply in the same regional location. The marketing problem is how to switch bank customers from branches to internet for the main reason of reducing transaction costs. The research model comprises the independent factors of customer, transaction, application, and bank; and the dependent variables the number of internet banking transaction, perceived usefulness of internet banking, and willingness to use internet banking measuring different aspects of internet banking. We carried out an on-site survey in different branches of our subject credit union to capture the opinion of customers who rely solely on branches for banking transactions. To our knowledge, this study provides a pioneer internet banking survey in the context of credit unions. The survey results reveal different internet banking facilitators for customers with and without internet bank accounts. For customers with internet bank accounts, application security is the most important facilitator variable for them to continue its use in the future; while promises for continuous improvement can be a prohibitive variable. In order to encourage customers without internet bank accounts to adopt internet banking, the management should focus on strengthening the variables of bank diversified service, bank responsiveness, bank image, and extra online instruction and feedback for complicate internet transactions; and reducing the negative effect of web fun/entertainment. We also found that the variables of proficiency in using computers, application security, and bank image have opposite effects on customers with and without internet bank accounts.  相似文献   

Despite the increase in the number of internet users recorded by various agencies, the level of increase of internet usage for banking purposes has not increased at the same rate. One reason for this is continuing consumer fear about security which, despite the media coverage and the technical and verbal reassurances provided by the banks, still preys heavily on consumers' minds. Trying to resolve security fears is perceived to be part of the overall service to customers provided by the internet banking service providers. However, customers are continuing to demand increased levels of service quality. The research described in this paper attempted to identify whether or not specific problem areas exist for UK banks in achieving satisfactory performance on key attributes of service quality, particularly security, as perceived by a sample of UK internet banking customers. Using trade-off analysis to interview 56 internet banking customers, five key service quality attributes were identified and ranked. Cluster analysis was then adopted and revealed two groups of respondents. One group was most concerned about security-related issues while the other group was more interested in the convenience, speed and timeliness of the service. Overall, the internet banks were rated as being good on the five attributes except for the attribute ‘product variety/diverse features’. The question that arises from the findings is whether or not good performance by the internet banks on the service quality decision criteria is sufficient in a highly competitive internet environment, not only to attract new customers, but also to retain existing ones.  相似文献   

蔡绮慧 《中国外资》2011,(18):136-137
随着网络越来越深入中国人的日常生活中,社交网络的崛起,正改变着公司的营销策略与方式。进入Web2.0时代,传统的网络营销手段,诸如搜索引擎竞价排名,门户网站广告等方式所起到的营销效果已经大不如前。随着Facebook、twitter等国外的社交网络媒体在网络营销上的优势日益体现,以及社交网络媒体在中国的蓬勃发展,越来越多的中国企业,看到了SNS营销的潜力,意识到了利用了SNS网站进行营销的重要性。SNS在中国起步较晚,近几年却发展迅速,对于中国企业,如何利用SNS达到期望营销效果,已经成为重要的话题。本文希望,通过参考国内外成功的SNS营销案例,借助菲利普·科特勒的市场营销模型,为中国企业的SNS营销方式提供参考。  相似文献   

网络保险具有节约经营成本、服务便利等优势.与发达国家相比,我国网络保险仍处于起步阶段.本文在深入分析我国网络保险发展现状的基础上从战略规划、产品服务、技术支撑及监管等方面提出了一些对策.  相似文献   

Geography has previously been noted as a decisive factor in business literature. This paper provides evidence of the significant role geography plays in customer lapse behaviour in an urban environment. This novel approach is based on the idea that the customers who cancel all policies and leave the company are not randomly distributed; rather, a mimetic performance of close individuals is noted. The physical proximity of the customer to the geographical focus (strategical centre, as insurance offices) and the interaction with nearby customer are spatial factors that increase (or decrease) the probability of churning. An empirical analysis using more than 7000 spatially georeferenced offline customers of a Spanish insurance company in the urban area of Madrid (Spain) demonstrated that the customer's proximity to offices of such insurance company under study decreases the probability of churning, whereas high lapse risk was detected in customers in the surroundings of the company's competitor branches. In addition, we identified spatial autocorrelation in churn probability, thus demonstrating that the probability of churn of a customer increases if nearby customers churn.  相似文献   

互联网支付在中国发展较早,相关风险监管措施建立的较为健全。在分析互联网支付风险基础上,本文认为在中国当前形势下,互联网支付企业的最大风险是战略风险,即如何让消费者接受企业的服务。同时,本文认为由于支付没有涉及到资金的跨期转移,因此针对互联网支付的风险监管是主要做好平台自身的风险管理体系建设。最后,本章对互联网支付平台的监管进行了简要回顾,并提出政策建议。  相似文献   

The rapid pace of technological development has created opportunities for financial service providers to offer their services via multiple electronic channels. The mobile phone is one of the most promising but so far marginally adopted channel for using financial services by consumers. Earlier literature on innovation adoption argued that those among the first to adopt new innovations possess unique characteristics compared to the majority of consumers. This paper aims to study how mobile banking innovators and early adopters differ from other users of online banking services. An internet survey was conducted among customers of a large Scandinavian bank in Finland yielding 2,675 responses. Logistic regression was used to identify variables differentiating between users of mobile banking and other online banking services. Somewhat contradictory to earlier findings the results indicate that only age (p<0.0005) and gender (p=0.010) differentiate these two groups of customers, while education (p=0.957), income (p=0.624), occupation (p=0.596) and size of the household (p=0.151) were found to be insignificant in differentiating the groups. The results offer service providers better knowledge of the typical mobile banking user thus adding value to their marketing actions in the field of electronic banking.  相似文献   

我国商业银行客户服务渠道的整合策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前,我国商业银行服务渠道种类与发达国家已基本相同,但各种服务渠道之间缺乏互联互通和相互支持,使得多渠道发展反而成为业务发展和创新的障碍,据此,作者提出解决这一问题的根本途径就是进行“渠道整合”。我国商业银行进行渠道整合应达到的目标是通过“渠道最优化”实现银行和客户的双赢。为达到这一目标,作者还建设性地给出了进行渠道整合的策略,包括在技术层面上建立一个统一的客户服务平台,以及要重点解决渠道、业务与客户的对应和配合渠道整合的组织结构变革等问题。  相似文献   

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