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以煤基二甲醚产业在我国的发展为例,把技术路线图与全生命周期分析方法相结合,提出了新能源产业技术发展及产业演进的系统分析框架,从而能更好地对能源技术进行评估和选择,促进中国新能源产业的发展。  相似文献   

以内蒙古风电场运行与维护技术路线图为研究对象;按照时间节点,确定以状态监测、预报技术、运维服务及数据管理为边界条件,从市场需求、产业目标、技术壁垒和研发需求等4方面研究制定了内蒙古风电场运行与维护技术路线图的具体结构。  相似文献   

广东省纺织协会和广东纺织职业技术学院在佛山市共同主办的“首届南方纺织高峰论坛”于今日召开。会上宣布启动由省科技厅组织、粤港两地的高校和企业参加的纺织产业创新联盟。正在组建中的纺织产业创新联盟,包括省科技厅、虎门富民集团、香港理工大学和全国的高校及广东省的企业参加,将在一年内完成纺织服装产业技术路线图,为该行业的技术差距、风险、利润等因素作出深入的分析,以指出企业进行创新研发。  相似文献   

<正>NASA公布《2015技术路线图》草案2015年5月11日,NASA公布了《2015技术路线图》草案,详细描绘出未来20年(2015~2035年)NASA在航天、科学以及载人探测任务方面要实现的技术路径,其中包括实施火星探测之旅。NASA目前正在征集公众对该路线图草案的评论,以期提高公众对其技术发展方向的认知度、产生空间探测与科学发现的创新解决方案、激发公众对美国航天项目的参与热情。草案是对2012年技术路线图的扩展与升级,包括NASA未来的任务能力与相关技术开发需求的更多细节,是NASA《战略技术投资规划》(STIP)  相似文献   

近10年过去,新疆终于迎来继西部大开发之后的又一次产业调整和发展的绝佳机会。新疆纺织行业究竟是继续以获取棉花资源为主要导向,还是大刀阔斧以开发终端市场加速产业提升?如何把握产业振兴机会正在于发展路线图的选择。  相似文献   

2021年5月18日,国际能源署发布了《全球能源行业2050年净零排放路线图》研究报告。该报告基于1.5℃温升控制目标,提出全球首个2050年能源行业净零排放路线图。报告强调快速推进清洁能源投资及技术创新行动,停止开发新油气田并迅速摆脱化石燃料;指出电力将成为终端能源消费主体、低碳排放技术将蓬勃发展;呼吁开展全球零碳路线行动,号召公众广泛参与。业界和舆论认为,该报告对于能源行业低碳转型具有指导意义,对于创新性节能减排技术的前景有清晰的勾勒。但由于研究目标导向性过强,部分结论缺乏现实依据。建议油气公司保持低碳转型战略定力,加快探索新能源产业转型,大力开展低碳排放技术创新研究,密切跟踪并积极应对油气市场的潜在不稳定性。  相似文献   

【本刊讯】5月8日,中国石油和化学工业联合会携手国际能源署(IEA)、国际化工协会联合会(ICCA)、中国可持续发展工商理事会(CBCSD)、国际化学品制造商协会(AICM)、德国化学工程和生物技术协会(DECHEMA)在京举办了化工能效技术路线图研讨会。会议围绕"全球化工能效技术路线图、最佳增效选择、障碍以及激励机制"等主题进行了学术交流与研讨,  相似文献   

润滑是设备运行的主要环节,高性能油带来高效益,积极开展全优润滑;高效、节能环保是今后润滑技术研究的发展方向;制订润滑技术路线图。  相似文献   

让人"生得优、育得好、活得长、病得少、走得安"。这是全国人大代表、天士力控股集团有限公司董事局主席闫希军近几年来反复提及的大健康产业发展理念,此次两会上,闫希军带着他的八大提案来勾画出未来大健康产业具体的行动路线图。天士力于1994年创立,从一项高科技成果的产业化做起,打造一味中药的产  相似文献   

呼跃军 《化工管理》2014,(28):21-23
历时两年时间的艰苦博弈,世贸组织(WTO)于8月公布了美国、欧盟、日本诉中国稀土案终裁报告,认定中国出口关税、出口配额措施不符合有关世贸规则和中方加入世贸组织承诺。面对木已成舟的败诉结果,未来我国稀土行业该如何重新勾画自己的路线图?接下来,产业政策及行业管理措施、科研机构技术研发、企业生产经营与结构调转等涉及稀土产业相关的各层面,又该怎样应对?笔者进行了调研采访。  相似文献   

Roadmapping has gained acceptance by technology management practitioners as a key tool in planning and strategy development. Technology roadmapping workshops are essentially a socially facilitated mechanism that solicits a diverse group of participants for their pool of experience and expertise in order to explore the opportunities and challenges facing an organisation. The group collaboration is captured through the generation of a roadmap which provides a visual representation of their collective cognitive efforts. It must therefore be acknowledged that the actual practice of roadmapping involves numerous complex underlying cognitive factors and social interactions. In this regard, an initial framework for the exploration of the psychological and sociological aspects involved in technology roadmapping and roadmaps is presented. The postulation is that roadmapping/roadmaps provide a mechanism/vehicle to cogitate, articulate and communicate.  相似文献   

Technology roadmapping provides a strategic tool to help companies develop an outside‐in view and challenge their current competitive perspectives. In this paper, the authors describe the roadmapping process, which is aligned, with the research and development (R&D) strategy of an applied research centre. This process is based in an adapted combination of state‐of‐the‐art methodologies, and as a result, the case study shows interesting findings in terms of R&D strategy, technology strategy and roadmapping processes and methodology.  相似文献   

For many years now, firms have managed their research and development (R&D) by applying various approaches drawn from the discipline of technology roadmapping (TRM). The underlying rationale of these roadmapping approaches is to align firms' product and technology developments with their business goals. By visually representing firms' technology strategy, roadmaps support intra‐firm communication and facilitate the coordination of strategic decisions and activities within the technology management domain. Most previously published research on TRMs has focused on the design and implementation of roadmapping processes; that is, relatively few empirical or quantitative studies describe the use and evaluation of roadmapping techniques. This paper seeks to address this gap by conducting a survey of 186 different R&D units within stock market‐listed companies in Korea that have implemented TRM. The paper attempts to identify the antecedent factors behind firms' successful use of roadmaps, further identifying correlations between these antecedent factors through an analysis of the R&D units. It also empirically highlights these antecedent factors by empirically analyzing and verifying correlations between roadmap utilization and R&D performance.  相似文献   

The practice of technology roadmapping (TRM) has received much attention from researchers and practitioners, to support planning and forecasting in companies and sectors. However, little research has focused on the support of well-organized information for more effective roadmapping and the presentation of in-depth configurations of new products or technology. This paper proposes a roadmapping methodology to assist decision-making by applying a systematic approach based on quantitative data. To this end, key information is extracted from documents such as product manuals and patent documents by text mining, which is then used to identify the morphology of existing products and technology. Morphology analysis (MA) also plays a crucial role in deriving promising opportunities for new development of product or technology by matching product and technology morphology. Therefore, MA-based TRM can enable the effective exploitation of large quantities of significant information that might otherwise be left untapped, supporting innovation by generating a comprehensive set of detailed product and technology configurations. The proposed MA-based TRM approach can be applied to both incremental and radical innovation, supporting both market pull and technology push. The method is illustrated with a detailed example for mobile phones to demonstrate its practical application.  相似文献   

With the rapid change in markets and technologies, it is becoming essential for firms to develop new products constantly. This can most successfully be achieved by using technology roadmaps (TRMs), which are effective tools for connecting product and technology planning. However, TRMs generally tend to overstate the qualitative and expert-dependent knowledge rather than incorporating quantitative and objective information. This paper proposes a new approach where patent data are used in a quantitative methodology to support reliable decision-making in roadmapping processes. In this study, text-mining techniques were utilized to extract the relevant information on which portfolio, co-word, and network analyses were carried out. The results were three types of product-technology maps that can be applied to specific roadmapping steps. The suggested approach is expected to yield useful information about roadmapping, and help improve the overall effectiveness and quality of the technique.  相似文献   

Cartographic roadmaps used for navigating from A to B provide a strong metaphor for innovation roadmaps used at firms for navigating from the present to the future. Now ready to move beyond this metaphor—the pace and proliferation of knowledge on innovation roadmapping have reached a point at which it would be useful to lay out some groundwork for extended theorizing and research in this area. This paper contributes here by reporting on a qualitative inductive research based on documented practitioners’ insights. To better understand the phenomenon of innovation roadmapping (what it is and what it is not) and its impact on innovation performance, this study builds concepts in the context of strategic innovation management theory. Through a systematic analysis of the qualitative data extracted from 12 cases selected from the extant literature, this research found five concepts with common ground in these cases and built a framework in which innovation roadmapping is established by (1) a strategy of time pacing, (2) synchronizing dialogues, and (3) mapping innovation elements to a timeline. Furthermore, the systematic analysis of the documented practitioners’ insights indicates that roadmapping affects either the innovation performance of (4) competitive timing or (5) industry synergy. Overall, this leads to an initial formulation of theory with this conceptual framework and six related propositions. The key insights for innovation managers in industrial firms are that, in striving for competitive timing or industry synergy, roadmapping provides a means to achieve these objectives and, in deploying roadmapping in the organization, dialogue and pacing are critically important.  相似文献   

Perspectives on roadmaps: how organizations talk about the future   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Roadmaps, in the traditional sense, are concerned mostly with space and position. In the way that industrial and public research institutions use the term, though, roadmaps reveal the time dimension of technological progress. The many and increasing applications of roadmaps have generated confusion about what they are for and what they accomplish amid the many tools and techniques of managing technology. Roadmapping is itself a trend, while it seeks to exploit the trends underlying technology. The practice has side effects, biases, and behavioral consequences that are often not visible to practitioners, and until now, were unexamined by researchers. This study provides an organizational perspective on roadmapping as currently practiced, presents the experience of several organizations that have implemented it, and evaluates the results. Using a case‐based, exploratory method the author addresses several practical questions, such as: What are the effects of roadmapping? How are they measured? Is roadmapping always appropriate? How would an organization know if it was roadmapping well? What are the various kinds of roadmaps and how do they relate to each other? In addition, some more general lessons about organizational behavior emerge from the case data. Cases were selected from several large industrial firms participating in a research consortium exploring the modern challenges and tools of technology management. These firms granted extensive access to the research team and actively participated in the analysis, demonstrating a unique and productive model of research collaboration between academic researchers and business practitioners. Central to an understanding of roadmapping behavior is noticing the tension between its dual nature. Roadmaps are both forecasts of what is possible or likely to happen, as well as plans that articulate a course of action. They are, in a sense, personal to their authors. Roadmaps can be used to align organizations in times of predictable change, but have limited insight into disruptive change. The most influential roadmaps originate as responses to perceived threats, and link the technical storyline to organizational and personal concerns. For those who would implement the technique, the article suggests practical ways to use these and other findings and offers basic definitions and vital questions for future research.  相似文献   

Despite the growing interest of practitioners and scholars in technology roadmapping (TRM), our knowledge regarding how TRM can be embedded into the overall innovation process of a firm and used to enhance this process is relatively limited. This study aims to fill this gap. We describe an action research project conducted with Pirelli and the innovative approach to TRM this company developed during the 2010s to cope with the increasing complexity and dynamism of the tire industry. We show that TRM is currently fully integrated into the firm’s R&D activities and contributes to increasing the effectiveness of new product development. TRM supports the systematic gathering, sharing, and elaboration of information across the different functions and business units of Pirelli from the basic research to the commercialization of new products.  相似文献   

分析了我国石油工业技术和技术标准与发达国家的差距,指出了石油工业发展的关键是自主技术创新,发展的目标是创新技术标准,提出了推动有效采用标准战略、参与标准制定战略的中国石油工业技术标准的发展策略。  相似文献   

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