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绩效考核是企业绩效管理过程中的一个非常重要的环节,它是对企业绩效管理有效性的评价.本文对企业绩效管理活动以及如何建立完善的绩效考核体系进行探讨分析,以期为实践中的绩效管理活动提供一定的借鉴参考.  相似文献   

绩效考核是企业绩效管理过程中的一个非常重要的环节,它是对企业绩效管理有效性的评价.本文对企业绩效管理活动以及如何建立完善的绩效考核体系进行探讨分析,以期为实践中的绩效管理活动提供一定的借鉴参考.  相似文献   

Globalization changes the composition of the adult classroom, increasing diversity and bringing new associated teaching and learning problems; problems with group work. Educators may have goals to teach transferable multicultural group working skills yet learners find such work more challenging, showing a propensity to form groups containing students more like themselves i.e. unicultural. Using survey data from MBA students spanning 25 countries, this empirical article documents an investigation into methods and techniques used to create groups for teaching and learning in diverse classrooms and considers the arguments for and against a range of approaches. We conclude the educational goal directing the use of group work, student stage and the need for attaining affective and performance outcomes are important determinants of group allocation methods.  相似文献   

绩效管理体系综述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目前,绩效管理日益成为组织人力资源管理的重要手段,是帮助企业维持和提高生产力,实现企业战略任务和目标最有效的手段之一。然而,大多数企业把绩效管理的重心放在结果上,仅仅作为其他人事决策的依据,而不是有意识地运用绩效管理系统向员工传达组织的目标,也不善于根据绩效评价的结果制定员工能力发展计划。因此,如何有效地构建绩效管理体系,从而实现绩效管理的核心目标,促进组织目标的实现是绩效管理的关键。  相似文献   

本文在国内外文献的回顾的基础上,概括了近20年来高绩效工作系统的研究状况,以及高绩效工作系统与企业绩效之间作用机制探索的发展脉络。最后,从先前研究的局限与不足中,提出一些观点和看法,比如中国情境的引入、时效性和反作用的影响等,希望可以给未来的研究提供一些思路。  相似文献   


This article reports on a study using a previously published checklist to assess the brand management practices of South African firms. Indications are that the perceptions of a sample of senior managers regarding how well their institutions manage their brands are reasonably positive, and that the management of brands has effects on a firm's profitability, market share and growth compared to competitors. While the checklist used seems to possess the characteristic of reliability, further development needs to be done on aspects of its underlying structure. Implications for managers and further avenues for research are identified and discussed.  相似文献   


The concept of CRM has evolved into an inherent component of the sales processes of most medium-sized and large companies. However, despite the high costs involved, the quality of its implementation has hitherto been neglected. To provide the conceptual qualitative CRM control that is lacking, we have developed a measuring instrument that allows the evaluation of the activities in the three core CRM domains, namely interaction, insight and offer. We pilot-tested the tool in an automotive industry setting and the results reflect the CRM status quo achieved by twelve national and foreign brands.  相似文献   

绩效管理四步谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任涛 《商业研究》2004,(5):46-48
绩效考评是人力资源管理的一个中心环节 ,它的好坏直接决定了企业人力资源管理的成功与否。传统的绩效考评由于过多注重对员工的工作考核 ,存在很多弊病 ,尤其是不利于人力资源的有效开发。 2 0世纪 70年代出现的注重员工开发的绩效管理则很好的解决了这个问题。从绩效管理的四步骤入手 ,认为现代企业由绩效考核向绩效管理的转变是必然趋势。  相似文献   

基于内部创业的企业管理机制设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业内创业已成为企业管理领域的重要内容和风靡世界的创业潮流。在推进企业内创业的过程中 ,传统的管理思想、组织结构、管理技术和企业文化都在一定程度上影响着这一活动的开展。因此 ,管理者应寻求可行的管理机制以支持企业内创业。即建立企业内创业驱动机制 ;创建创业团队 ,建立企业内部创业动力机制 ;制定创业评价办法 ,健全企业内部创业监控体系和约束机制 ;营造创业文化 ,为企业内创业提供有利的外部环境等。  相似文献   

情绪性工作及其对酒店管理的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情绪性工作具有目的的间接性、调节的主动性、要求的职业性三个相互联系的特征。酒店服务工作的特殊性决定了服务接待人员在工作岗位上必须要提供产生积极状态的情绪要素,营造出良好的情绪氛围,形成和保持积极愉快的情绪状态。酒店服务人员必须学会进行情绪状态的自我调节,使之符合工作需要。酒店管理层则要从招聘、培训、树立员工第一的观念,要通过营造良好情绪感受氛围等关注员工的情绪性工作,降低情绪性工作的消极后果,增强其积极效果,提高员工的工作满意度和幸福感,从而实现员工和酒店共同发展。  相似文献   

浅谈供应链管理的绩效评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华蕊 《商业研究》2005,(3):48-49
随着经济全球化 ,出现了新的市场竞争主体———供应链。为了保证供应链上所有的节点企业同步、协调的运作 ,就需要施行好供应链管理工作。而供应链管理施行的好坏程度 ,就要靠供应链的绩效评估来予以明示 ,显然这里的绩效评估工作与传统的绩效评估工作是不同的。以传统的绩效评估为基础 ,探讨了供应链管理所需的新的绩效评估系统的相关内容。  相似文献   

企业绩效管理综合模型的构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘兵  张静  陈晓洁 《商业研究》2006,(11):76-79
近几年一些先进的绩效管理方法改进和完善了现有的绩效管理方法。在目标管理的基本框架下,借鉴关键绩效指标法和360度绩效管理的思想,建立绩效管理综合模型体系,并阐述了模型的操作流程及模型的功能。绩效管理综合模型的突出特色在于将“人”与“事”同时作为研究对象与重点,在注重结果的同时,兼顾了过程行为。  相似文献   

The trucking industry provides the majority of transportation services in the United States. Truck drivers, particularly their driving performance, which influences how customers perceive motor carriers, are integral to the success of their firms. Hence, driver management is a topic of great interest to the trucking industry, logistics practitioners, and logistics researchers. Although the logistics literature does address issues relating to driver management, advice is scarce regarding how motor carriers might manage drivers to improve operational performance and thus the bottom line. Our results shed light on the processes whereby some formal controls directly influence operational performance, whereas others indirectly influence operational performance; that is, in the latter case, the influence of formal controls on operational performance is mediated by certain informal controls. According to our findings, motor carrier firms that employ a combination of formal and informal controls perform better operationally than firms that do not do so. And, thus, those employing such a combination of controls will realize a larger market share.  相似文献   

作为企业与社会议题研究中的一个重要领域,企业社会绩效概念及其模型的产生。是长期以来关于企业社会责任争议的结果。是对如何在实践中实施企业社会责任管理所进行思考的总结。[编者按]  相似文献   

中层管理人员绩效考评的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
赵士德  刘力 《商业研究》2004,(19):103-106
要:在知识经济时代,人才的价值愈来愈具有不可取代的地位。世界经济一体化进程的推进,尤其是中国加入WTO以后,经济环境的变化越加不可测,企业之间的竞争显得更加激烈,而一套合理的绩效考评体系,对于增强企业的竞争力有着不可替代的作用。在绩效目标的制定上,引入目标管理和项目管理的相关理论,结合企业的整体目标和日常生活中出现的问题,设计出综合考评与平时考评相结合的考评办法,实现考评的动态和静态的有机结合。在绩效评分上,运用客观评分与模糊评分相结合的办法,确保对员工的工作状况更为客观的评价。  相似文献   

《Journal Of African Business》2013,14(1-2):155-176

This study explores the relationship between work ethic, locus of control and salesforce task performance. Using data from Uganda retail firms, this study finds that work ethic was a significant positive predictor of salesforce task performance. Further, there was a significant relationship between the different behavioural families of work-related activity work withdrawal behaviours, organizational retaliation behaviours and salesforce task performance. Results from regression analysis indicate that organizational retaliation behaviours and work withdrawal behaviours are important factors for explaining declining performance of salespeople in Uganda retail firms. Managers aiming to improve salesforce task performance should recruit individuals with a strong work ethic. Additionally, retail managers need to reduce work withdrawal and organizational retaliation behaviours so as to increase salesforce task performance.  相似文献   

<正>我们知道,广告主之所以选择在电视媒体上投放广告,是看中电视媒体能够为其带来某种"经济收益"。为了衡量电视媒体广告对广告主"经济收益"的拉动作用,业界通常采用以收视率为基础的测量指标体系。然而,随着各级电视台在电视节目方面的不断推陈出新以及电视观众观赏口味的不断成熟与挑剔,不同电视台在收视率方面的差距也越来越小,这也就一、问题的提出  相似文献   

A survey of 316 participants from Chinese enterprises indicated that the level of their work values was more likely in line with increasing age and education, and associated with employment position and gender. The older the employees, the higher the work values they perceive. The higher the education one receives, the higher the work values he or she counts. Managers rate higher work values than the employees do, and male employees show higher work value perceptions than do those of females. The results of the study suggest that the employees’ age, education, position and gender are important antecedents of work values, and these demographic effects can be a good revelation to enterprise management in both theory and practice.  相似文献   

图书馆分编工作实行定额管理是充分挖掘每个工作人员潜能,提高编目工作效率行之有效的方法。实行定额管理应制定科学合理的定额指标,配备业务水平高、责任心强、有团队精神的高素质编目人员,要以目标管理和定额管理相结合的方式,建立完善的质量监督体系。  相似文献   

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