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随着我国不动产业的发展,不动产市场日渐活跃,交易活动日趋完善。文章根据市场比较法的基本原理,探讨了该方法在我国不动产市场的实际应用。  相似文献   

为了提高房地产估价精度,文章在房地产估价基本理论的基础上,深入分析了在房地产估价实践中市场比较法的难点及其存在的问题,使用评价指标数量化方法中的专家打分法量化指标因素、用集值迭代法对指标因素赋权,以及应用假设权重的加权平均法对评价指标进行综合评估.实践证明,应用此方法对市场比较法进行改进,可以减小了主观评定的误差,提高了估价结果的精度.  相似文献   

综合评价中权重系数确定方法的比较研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
在综合评价中,权重系数确定的精确度和科学性将直接影响评价的结果。根据样本数据的有无,可将计算方法分为定量和定性两大类,其中,定量法有熵值法、灰色关联度法、人工神经网络定权法、因子分析法、回归分析法和路径分析法等,定性法有德尔菲法、层次分析法、模糊聚类法和比重法等。由于不同方法有各自的适用范围和相对的优缺点,因此在实际运用中,运用单一方法得到的结论可信度或多或少存在一定的偏差。因此,为了提高评价结果的精度和可信度,本文在比较各种计算方法的基础上,得出综合方法确定权重系数较可信。  相似文献   

陈育松 《汽车观察》2008,(10):102-102
中国汽车市场明显进入了调整期,各区域的经销商均承受着强大的竞争压力。中国汽车市场的复杂性决定了任何一个汽车厂家都无法做到每个区域市场均表现优秀。和平均表现相比,每个汽车厂家总有若干个区域市场表现较差,如何提升这些问题区域的表现是比较让人头痛的。  相似文献   

如何运用现有方法高效率地进行城市房屋拆迁估价工作,是广大房地产估价人员一直探索的课题。以市场比较法为例,分析了拆迁估价的特点,指出在房屋拆迁估价中应灵活运用市场比较法。总结了典型房屋法的操作过程及运用的体会,认为只有积极探索,不断创新估价方法及其应用,才能更好地开展房地产估价工作。  相似文献   

采用比较法定值空气中甲烷二级气体标准物质,其组分浓度为0.5%,所制备的混合气体标准样品的量值与国外同类标准的量值具有可比性,结果表明,混合气体标准物质在气瓶内均匀性良好,经与国内外的同类标准气体比对,量值有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

全国各个省、市、自治区计价定额的更新周期一般为5~8年,在这几年的时间里,人工费的市场价一般都有40%~80%上涨.为了让计价定额对工程进行较准确的计价,每年甚至每半年测算并发布定额人工费调整系数,是十分必要的.但如何准确地测算定额人工费调整系数呢?很多地方采用的是计日工单价法,这个方法简单,操作性也强,但其只考虑了人...  相似文献   

从去年年末以来,在宏观调控的作用下,我国房地产市场形势发生了变化,消费者持币观望,住房市场成交量持续下降,部分城市房价开始下跌,房地产市场结束了快速增长的势头,进入了调整期。房地产业是资金密集型产业,与金融业有紧密的联系,尤其是我国房地产业比较年轻,  相似文献   

案例教学法已经成为市场营销学主要的教学方法。在教学中,案例教学的具体应用还存在一些不足之处,笔者结合多年的教学感受,对案例教学法在市场营销教学中的应用进行探讨。  相似文献   

This paper presents independent confirmation of the results obtained in recent studies that suggest mergers and acquisitions creating airline dominance at the airport level lead to market power. Using a different methodology – an events study for the 1986 merger of Northwest Orient Airlines and Republic Airlines – this paper confirms those results, indicating that concentration in the context of the sunk costs associated with the operation at a particular airport facility allows market power in the airline industry.  相似文献   

列举了煤炭市场预测的几种方法,并进行了横向对比,为煤炭市场预测的相关研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

Does customer input play the same key role in every successful new-product development (NPD) project? For incremental NPD projects, market information keeps the project team focused on customer wants and needs. Well-documented methods exist for obtaining and using market information throughout the stages of an incremental NPD project. However, the role of market learning seems less apparent if the NPD project involves a really new product—that is, a radical innovation that creates a line of business that is new not only for the firm but also for the marketplace. In all likelihood, customers will not be able to describe their requirements for a product that opens up entirely new markets and applications. To provide insight into the role that market learning plays in NPD projects involving really new products, Gina Colarelli O'Connor describes findings from case studies of eight radical innovation projects. Participants in the study come from member companies of the Industrial Research Institute, a consortium of large company R&D managers. With a focus on exploring how market learning for radical innovations differs from that of incremental NPD projects, the case studies examine the following issues: the nature and the timing of market-related inquiry; market learning methods and processes; and the scope of responsibility for market learning, and confidence in the results. Observations from the case studies suggest that the market-related questions that are asked during a radical innovation project differ by stage of development, and they differ from the questions that project teams typically ask during an incremental NPD effort. For example, assessments of market potential, size, and growth were not at issue during the early stages of the projects in this study. Such issues came into play after the innovations were proven to work under controlled conditions and attention turned to finding applications for the technology. For several projects in the study, internal data and informal networks of people throughout relevant business units provide the means for learning about the hurdles the innovation faces and about markets that are unfamiliar to the development group. The projects in this study employ various techniques for reducing market uncertainty, including offering the product to the most familiar market and using a strategic ally who is familiar with the market to act as an intermediary between the project team and the marketplace.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether a segmented market exists for industrial real estate with respect to risk and return characteristics. Given the existence of industrial market segmentation, the next issue examined is whether a submarket perspective or an integrated real estate market orientation provides better rate of return estimates for individual industrial properties using an Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) framework. The results support the existence of regional markets for industrial real estate. A submarket orientation rather than an integrated perspective is also found more appropriate in predicting returns on industrial real estate.  相似文献   

This paper develops a methodology to identify asset price response to news in the framework of the Campbell–Shiller log-linear present-value equation. We further show that a slow price adjustment in real estate markets not only induces a high serial autocorrelation in excess returns, but also dampens the return volatility and the correlation with excess returns in other asset markets. Using Hong Kong real estate and stock market data, we find that the quarterly real estate price assimilates only about half the effect of market news, whereas the quarterly stock price incorporates the news fully. Our analysis identifies a cumulative price adjustment that recovers lost information in real estate returns due to market inefficiency and thereby restores the real estate return volatility and the correlation between real estate and stock markets.  相似文献   

This investigation of compensating wage differentials uses an instrument for the risk of unemployment, namely, the industry-specific shipment volatility, to address some empirical anomalies found in the literature. I find that risk premiums for the risk of unemployment range from 8.5 to 19 percent when the covariance between shipment volatility and total manufacturing employment is taken into account. Covariance risk requires positive premiums that range from 1.4 to 14 percent depending on the specification.  相似文献   

This article tests whether amnesty, a provision of the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act, affected the labor market outcomes of the legalized population. Using a quasi‐experimental framework, we find that employment fell, unemployment rose, and wage growth rates were higher for newly legalized men after the implementation of the amnesty program. For women, employment fell, transitions out of the workforce increased, and wages grew at a faster rate among the newly legalized population.  相似文献   

以辽宁省14个地级市为研究对象,在构建工业地产投资环境评价指标体系的基础上,应用基于实数编码的加速遗传算法(RAGA)的投影寻踪(PP)方法对各市的投资环境进行定量分析.在此基础上对14个地级市的工业地产投资环境进行排序与分类,将评价结果与相关研究成果进行比较,验证了评价的有效性.针对改善工业地产投资环境提出了完善的对策与建议.  相似文献   

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