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An exemption in the Swedish Employment Security Act (LAS) in 2001 made it possible for employers with a maximum of ten employees to exempt two workers from the seniority rule at times of redundancies. Using this within-country enforcement variation, the relationship between employment protection and sickness absence among employees is examined. The average treatment effect of the exemption is found to decrease sickness absence by more than 13% at those establishments that were treated relative to those that were not and this was due to a behavioral, rather than a compositional, effect. The results suggest that the exemption had the largest impact on shorter spells and among establishments with a relatively low share of females or temporary contracts.  相似文献   

In connection with the "Great Reset" literature in management and organizational theory, this article discusses human resource sustainability, employment stability, and layoffs in worker cooperatives, a unique organizational form in which employees are members holding residual control rights. Theoretical and empirical contributions show that worker control stabilizes employment better than investor ownership, opening the door to stronger employment protection. The paper leverages key theoretical insights from evolutionary economics and systems theory to discuss the benefits and critical elements associated with limiting member layoffs in worker cooperatives. While strong employment protection can lead to short-term inefficiencies and underperformance due to labour hoarding, imperfections in governance and control mechanisms, it can foster better accumulation and retention of firm-specific human capital and dynamic capabilities, thereby supporting long-term performance.  相似文献   

Paul Lewis offers a preliminary assessment of the effectiveness of legislation which seeks to give employees protection against unfair dismissal. In assessing the legislation, he analyses the results of actual Tribunal cases.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the relationship between employment protection regulation (EPL), trade unions and tenure of employment. A main hypothesis is that EPL strictness tends to prolong tenure, because rigorous rules imply that remaining with the same employer gives more job security. The role of unions can be expected to be similar. These assumptions are related to issues regarding dualisation in the labour market. Data used are the European Working Conditions Survey 2010—including 23 countries and more than 18,500 employees—combined with national‐level data on EPL, unemployment, union density and collective bargaining coverage. The analyses reveal that EPL strictness and bargaining coverage are associated with longer tenure. The same goes for having an employee representative in the workplace. The institutional variables work through interactions with individual‐level variables. For example, the impact of age, which is strongly linked to tenure, increases with stricter EPL and higher bargaining coverage.  相似文献   

面对日趋严峻的就业形势,高校就业工作者作用更加凸显.高校就业工作要突破传统理念,把就业工作当成一个系统工程,不断改革进取,精心谋划就业工作的方方面面,提升大学生就业率和就业质量. 党中央、国务院高度重视高校毕业生就业工作.党的十七届五中全会提出,要把促进就业放在经济社会发展优先位置,把解决高校毕业生就业问题作为工作重点.胡锦涛总书记在全国教育工作会议上明确要求"建立和完善高校毕业生就业服务体系",教育规划纲要也强调"加强就业创业教育和就业指导服务".  相似文献   

技工教育是一种以市场需求为导向、以学生就业为目标的职业教育.技校学生的就业能力是企业在用人方面考察的重点.文章认为,分析现代企业选录用人标准的侧重点,借鉴知名企业培训经验,注重培养技校学生的职业道德素养,加强校企合作,探索技工教育的新思路,以准企业化管理模式开展教育培训工作,能有效提升学生的就业能力.  相似文献   

冯峦 《价值工程》2014,(16):308-309
随着我国高校毕业生数量的增加,大学生的就业问题也日益严峻,民工荒问题凸现。本文结合自身工作实践,就当前的就业问题和制度进行初步分析和对策探讨。  相似文献   

灵活就业是缓解就业压力的重要途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
党的十六大报告明确指出,要"引导全社会转变就业观念,推行灵活多样的就业形式,鼓励自谋职业和自主创业".当前,我国就业形势依然十分严峻,总量矛盾不断加剧,结构性矛盾十分突出,而灵活就业在经济社会发展中发挥着越来越大的作用,特别是在实施"十一五"规划的过程中,灵活就业将成为缓解我国就业压力的重要途径.  相似文献   

随着我国经济结构调整,不可避免的产生了就业与人才需求之间的矛盾,大学生就业就是这个矛盾体中的一种。随着大学生就业的竞争越来越激烈,在高校毕业生中的困难群体由于个人、社会、家庭等种种原因,导致他们在这场非常残酷的就业竞争中处于弱势地位,本文针对这一就业困难群体在就业服务与指导方面提出了一些措施和办法。  相似文献   

大学生就业一直是社会关注的热点,大学生如何才能获得理想的职业,获得理想的就业能力是摆在大学生面前的一个重要课题。与仅仅注重对大学生进行成品包装的就业指导模式相比,贯穿整个大学阶段的完善的就业指导体系更能有效地提高大学生的可就业性[1]。因此,构建全程式、全员化、全方位的就业指导体系显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

从就业弹性的角度看我国的就业问题   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
一、改革开放以来我国就业弹性的变动趋势对于经济增长与就业增长之间的关系,通常使用“就业弹性”这一指标来加以描述。就业弹性也称就业的产出弹性,是指就业增长对经济增长变化的反映程度,即经济增长率每提高1%带来的就业增长率的变动。即,就业弹性=就业增长率/经济增长率。就业弹性把经济增长率与就业增长率联系在一起,在一定程度上反映了经济增长对就业人员的吸纳程度。由于就业问题日益成为我国经济社会生活中的焦点问题,特别是最近几年出现了所谓“高增长、低就业”的现象,引发了越来越多的人开始关注对我国就业弹性的研究。根据《200…  相似文献   

平台经济在此次新冠肺炎流行期间得到了快速发展,不但在有效保持防疫所要求社交距离的同时,满足了百姓的日常生活必需,更重要的是其提供了大量的就业岗位。本文首先分析"稳就业"与"保就业"的内在逻辑,阐述"稳就业"的大局观和长期性。然后基于经济学视角,运用统计年鉴数据计算就业弹性,剖析行业发展与平台经济融合对就业的吸纳效应,显示平台经济发展对保就业和稳就业岗位的正向作用。但同时从劳动关系视角,通过对平台经济灵活就业劳动过程分析,指出其有别于正规就业劳动关系导致就业的不稳定性,对稳定就业带来了挑战。文章最后界定了"灵活就业劳动关系"的内涵和外延,建议在发展平台经济以稳就业岗位的同时,从劳权的具体七个方面系统思考灵活就业劳动关系的规制体系,以保障灵活就业劳动者的权益,化解发展平台经济对就业劳动关系的不稳定因素。  相似文献   

Nonparametric Employment Subcenter Identification   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A two-stage procedure is proposed for identifying urban employment subcenters. The first stage identifies candidate subcenters as significant positive residuals in a smoothed employment density function. Subcenters are those sites that provide significant explanatory power in the second-stage, semiparametric employment density function estimation. The procedure can be applied to either aggregated or disaggregated data, does not require detailed knowledge of the study area, and is easily reproducible by other researchers. Results are presented for five previously studied cities—Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco—and a new one, New Orleans.  相似文献   

The MSC proposes to end the employment quota scheme for the disabled and replace it by statutory obligation plus a code of practice. This article examines the difficulties which employers would face in demonstrating that they complied with the code and casts doubt on the benefit to the disabled themselves.  相似文献   

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