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This paper develops a formal analysis of the recovery process for a fishery, from crisis situations to desired levels of sustainable exploitation, using the theoretical framework of viable control. We define sustainability as a combination of biological, economic and social constraints which need to be met for a viable fishery to exist. Biological constraints are based on the definition of a minimum resource stock to be preserved. Economic constraints relate to the existence of a guaranteed profit per vessel. Social constraints refer to the maintenance of a minimum size of the fleet, and to the maximum speed at which fleet adjustment can take place. Using fleet size adjustment and fishing effort per vessel as control variables, we first identify the states of this bioeconomic system for which sustainable exploitation is possible, i.e. for which all constraints can be dynamically met. Such favorable states are called viable states. We then examine possible transition phases, from non-viable to viable states. We characterize recovery paths with respect to the time of crisis of the trajectory, which is the number of periods during which the constraints are not respected. The approach is applied to the single stock of the bay of Biscay Nephrops fishery. The transition path identified through the viability approach is compared to the historical recovery process, and to both open-access and optimal harvesting scenarios.  相似文献   

In this study we analyse the role of the storageregulation in a fishery's production process when theresource exploited and the market to which theproduction is exported are characterized by seasonaldephased oscillations. For this purpose we built up adynamic model drawn from the French Guyana shrimpfishery example. The underlying objective of the modelis not the maximisation of a given criterion (as wouldbe in the optimal control approach), but merely themaintenance of the fishery's economical viability. Thefundamental principle is here to try to preserve asmany as possible viable control options. Theconditions to achieve and maintain this viability arecaptured in a certain number of constraints. Theanalysis points out periods and situations within theseason where the fishermen must anticipate theevolution of their storage to avoid violating thoseviability constraints. The study also indicates howthe fishery's viability can be ensured even if theexploitation costs exceed the commercial value of thelandings for a finite part of the year. However, whenthe resource's and/or market's oscillations are toolarge, the fishery may be not viable any longer and itappears that the crisis can not be removed byinvesting in larger storage capacities.  相似文献   

We examine the conditions for the sustainability of a production–consumption system based on the use of an exhaustible natural resource. Instead of studying the environmental and economic interactions in terms of optimal control, we focus on the viability of the system, defined by a set of constraints combining guaranteed consumption and a stock of resources to be preserved at all times, which refers to a Rawlsian intergenerational equity perspective. Using the mathematical concept of viability kernel, which makes it possible to deal with the consistency between constraints and controlled dynamics, we exhibit the sustainable technological configurations and, whenever possible, the policy options and environmental-economic states required to obtain a perennial system. We point out the flexibility of the sustainable “extraction–consumption” choices and we show how they are neither reduced to constant consumption paths nor to Hartwick’s rule. Numerical simulations illustrate the general results.  相似文献   

在环境污染和资源衰竭大危机中,由于现有经济系统体系的困境,传统的线性经济不能良性发展。文章提出企业在稳态循环经济的基础下进行环境经营,可以克服传统线性经济发展的不足,实现资源利用由摇篮到摇篮的经济。接着对于这种环境经营理念进行分析,指出既有动力又有阻力,但顺应是环境管理发展的大趋势。  相似文献   

A key goal of renewable resource managers in developing countries is to take actions to ensure that the resource being managed stays away from irreversible or crisis states, in which it provides neither consumptive nor non‐consumptive services to humans. However, despite a manager's best efforts, the resource may still hit a crisis state. Therefore, given a particular management regime, it is useful to know how long it takes until the resource hits a crisis state. In this paper, the authors provide a theoretical analysis of this hitherto unstudied question. They first probabilistically delineate two management regimes. Next, they compute the expected time until crisis for both these regimes. Finally, they provide a numerical example to illustrate the working of their model and then discuss the implications of their findings for renewable resource management in developing countries.  相似文献   

地方政府的危机管理:责任、信息与制度   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
当前我国危机管理体制建设已经进入了一个新阶段。本文从危机管理的分权效率、信息响应等角度论证了地方政府在我国危机管理体系中的特殊地位,分析了效率导向下的地方政府危机管理事权划分问题,探讨了信息优势与危机管理资源配置的关系。本文指出,应从赋权与问责、事后管理、制度建设等方面重新审视和发展我国的地方政府危机管理体制。  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2001,36(2):223-236
The sustainable management of marine natural resources presents particular challenges to the managers of those resources. While such management has typically been based on biological considerations, it is argued that this has resulted in overexploitation and destruction of important marine assets in industries such as fishing and tourism. Consequently, it is concluded that other approaches are needed, with the use of economic concepts and management tools particularly relevant. At the same time, the human welfare outcomes of the application of various policy instruments must be carefully considered. While biological information is critical to the formulation and implementation of successful management regimes, it is concluded that the application of economic instruments will become more attractive to resource managers, with these instruments underpinned by consideration of property rights and an appropriate allocation of economic rents. A greater focus on these economic matters will take resource managers further in the direction of sustainable management of increasingly scarce marine resources. The conclusions in the paper are supported by various case studies from fisheries and tourism.  相似文献   

近年来,全球渔业普遍面临着过度投资、种群枯竭、渔获量下降和资源利用冲突加剧等问题,严重阻碍了渔业可持续发展目标的实现。本论文从经济学的角度,分析了渔业经济绩效最大化问题、渔业过度投资和渔业资源过度利用问题、渔业管理制度安排及其激励效应问题。在此基础上,总结归纳了成功的渔业管理制度必须满足的一些必要条件。  相似文献   

Combined hydro-economic models of river basins are fundamental tools for assessing management and infrastructure strategies to improve the economic efficiency of water use in a context of competition over scarce water resources. Integrated hydro-economic models have to be capable to properly reproduce the physical behavior of the system, with a realistic representation of the different surface and groundwater resources, including their interaction, and the spatial and temporal variability of resource availability. On the other hand, such models must incorporate the value of water for different urban, agricultural and industrial uses and users. Economic values for water use are defined according to the marginal residual value of water for production (for agricultural and industrial uses) or the aggregated willingness-to-pay (WTP) for urban supply and other final water uses. In this paper, we present a systematic approach to estimate the marginal economic value of surface and groundwater resources at different locations within a complex water resources system. Based on a holistic conjunctive optimization model applied to the Adra river system in Spain we asses the total and marginal opportunity costs of capacity and operation constraints, including the opportunity cost of imposing environmental constraints on water use as foreseen in future Spanish water policy following the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive. The resulting opportunity costs provide important information to water managers about economic inefficiencies of current water allocation policy or infrastructure design, and about the resource opportunity costs to be considered in the design of efficient pricing policies in regions with water scarcity issues.  相似文献   

Sustainable management of natural resources, and in particular fisheries, must take into account several conflicting objectives. This is the case in the French Guiana shrimp fishery for which profitability objectives imply a reduction in the fishing activity. On the one hand, this fishery has negative externalities on marine biodiversity due to discards. On the other hand, this fishery has positive externalities on the economy of the local community and interestingly enough on a protected seabird species in the area (the Frigatebird that feeds on discards). In this paper, we examine the viability of that system considering two sustainability objectives: an economic objective in terms of the profitability of the fishing activity, and a conservation objective in terms of the Frigatebird population. For that purpose, we have developed a dynamic model of that bioeconomic system and study here the trade-offs between the two conflicting objectives. It provides a means to quantify the necessary give and takes involving the economic and ecological objectives that would ensure a viable management solution. Our study confirms the relevance of the viability approach to address natural resource management issues, which should lead to the development of new tools for the arbitration of conflicting sustainability objectives. In particular, such tools could be used as a quantitative basis for cost–benefit analysis taking into account environmental externalities.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2010,69(12):2960-2968
Sustainable management of natural resources, and in particular fisheries, must take into account several conflicting objectives. This is the case in the French Guiana shrimp fishery for which profitability objectives imply a reduction in the fishing activity. On the one hand, this fishery has negative externalities on marine biodiversity due to discards. On the other hand, this fishery has positive externalities on the economy of the local community and interestingly enough on a protected seabird species in the area (the Frigatebird that feeds on discards). In this paper, we examine the viability of that system considering two sustainability objectives: an economic objective in terms of the profitability of the fishing activity, and a conservation objective in terms of the Frigatebird population. For that purpose, we have developed a dynamic model of that bioeconomic system and study here the trade-offs between the two conflicting objectives. It provides a means to quantify the necessary give and takes involving the economic and ecological objectives that would ensure a viable management solution. Our study confirms the relevance of the viability approach to address natural resource management issues, which should lead to the development of new tools for the arbitration of conflicting sustainability objectives. In particular, such tools could be used as a quantitative basis for cost–benefit analysis taking into account environmental externalities.  相似文献   

The overexploitation of natural resources and the increasing number of social conflicts following from their unsustainable use point to a wide gap between the objectives of sustainability and current resource management practices. One of the reasons for the difficulties to close this gap is that for evolving complex systems like natural and socio-economic systems, sustainability cannot be a static objective. Instead sustainable development is an open evolutionary process of improving the management of social-ecological systems, through better understanding and knowledge. Therefore, natural resource management systems need to be able to deal with different temporal, spatial and social scales, nested hierarchies, irreducible uncertainty, multidimensional interactions and emergent properties. The co-evolutionary perspective outlined in this paper serves as heuristic device to map the interactions settled in the networks between the resource base, social institutions and the behaviour of individual actors. For this purpose we draw on ideas from complex adaptive systems theory, evolutionary theory and evolutionary economics. Finally, we outline a research agenda for a co-evolutionary approach for natural resource management systems.  相似文献   

人力资源作为企业生存和发展的根本保障,其管理问题受到了学者广泛的关注.民营企业作为中国经济发展中的重要力量之一,其人力资源管理具有一定的特殊性.以忠诚度为核心的选人标准、人治为主的用人体系、约束与激励非对称的育人制度,构成了民营企业人力资源管理的特点.作为成长期的民营企业其人力资源管理方面存在诸多问题,如人力资源管理缺乏战略观念,过于集权、文化匮乏、专业人才短缺、体系不健全等.因此,从战略视角下实施人力资源管理是企业生命周期延长的重要手段.文章通过分析我国民营企业成长期的人力资源管理的特点及存在的问题,提出企业要树立战略性人力资源观念,完善战略性人力资源管理的生态环境,构建战略性人力资源管理体系的企业发展路径.  相似文献   

论循环经济下的水资源法律调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国水资源短缺、洪涝灾害、水污染和水土流失等水问题十分严重,面临水资源危机。循环经济是我国水资源新战略的理想选择,需要运用法律规范来推动和保障。循环经济下的水资源法律调整以科学发展观为指导,遵循综合决策、混合调整、全程管理和公众参与原则,应借鉴国际经验,结合实际国情,构建完善的水资源法律体系。  相似文献   

通过构建包括土地资源的多要素CES生产函数,可从理论分析的角度刻画土地资源对经济增长的影响效应,并对其中的重要影响因子进行相关性分析.文章从土地资源约束对经济增长的“阻尼”效应、土地资源在经济增长中的人均产出效应以及土地供给增长对经济增长的拉动效应三个不同的视角,运用数理经济学的研究方法分析了土地资源对于经济增长的影响效应.研究结论是土地资源约束对经济增长的阻力大小一方面取决于行业属性,另一方面囿于国家经济的整体状况;在土地资源有限的客观经济现实约束下,人均可用土地资源的不断减少势必使经济增长回归到由资本和有效劳动所决定的稳态增长路径中,因此土地资源在平衡增长路径下是动态无效率的;更多依赖于土地或者其他自然资源投入的经济增长方式是不可持续的.  相似文献   

基于耗散结构理论,解析以虚实经济背离比率作为宏观量度在资产价格正反馈增长方式的微观机制作用下,受限于实体经济规模,虚拟经济系统自组织到临界态后,由内外部随机涨落促使虚拟经济系统刺穿临界态导致系统溃塌引发金融危机的动态演化机理,并通过国际数据证实了这一演化逻辑。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of the 2008–9 global economic crisis on people's pro‐environmental behavior and willingness to pay for climate change mitigation. We hypothesize that the crisis has affected pro‐environmental behaviors through tightening of budget constraints and relaxation of time constraints. Using data from a large representative survey Life in Transition II, conducted in 35 European and Central Asian countries in 2010, we find that people adversely affected by the crisis are more likely to act in an environmentally‐friendly way, but less likely to be willing to pay for climate change mitigation. Our findings confirm the importance of time and budget constraints for undertaking pro‐environmental action, and highlight a potentially positive role of adverse, external welfare shocks in shaping pro‐environmental behavior.  相似文献   

The 1997 financial crisis provided many lessons about the weaknesses of Thailand's economic and financial system before the crisis, weaknesses that eventually led to the crisis. Since then, these lessons have led to many economic and financial reforms. This paper reviews the lessons and reforms that have been carried out. These include improvements to the data system needed for adequate macroeconomic monitoring, changes to the macroeconomic management framework and monetary policy regime, and various aspects of financial sector reforms. This paper also indicates the lessons that might not yet have been sufficiently learned and new risks to future economic stability. These include political interference in financial institutions, leading to inappropriate or excessive lending, and lack of transparency in fiscal liabilities that could mislead macroeconomic management.  相似文献   

在当前金融危机背景下,为适应新的经济形势和贯彻国家产业政策及经济转型,三家政策性银行应该紧跟国际上开发性银行的发展潮流,实现商业化经营并重新构建金融资源配置功能,不断优化资产负债结构,提高经营管理水平,不断提高政策性银行业务的市场化程度,以便提高资源配置效率,进一步实现政策性银行职能调整和机构转型.  相似文献   

循环经济下的水资源可持续利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前我国面临严重的水资源危机,循环经济是保证我国水资源安全的新的经济发展模式,是水资源新战略的理想选择。循环经济下的水资源可持续利用需要新的水资源制度安排和水资源经济运行方式,使人类对水资源的开发利用活动既符合水循环自然规律,又遵循社会经济规律,实现水循环与经济循环的和谐统一。发展循环经济,实现水资源可持续利用必须进行制度创新、技术创新和观念创新。  相似文献   

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