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特色农产品加工业是发挥西部地区特色农业资源优势,破解“三农”问题、促进城乡经济一体化发展和工业反哺农业的重要途径.在转变经济发展方式的背景下,西部特色农产品加工业还面临技术水平不高、创新能力不强、产业一体化发展不足、布局不合理、质量安全问题突出等问题,应通过建立现代产业体系、提高产业技术水平和创新能力、培育壮大龙头企业、加快专用农产品基地建设、加强品牌建设、建立健全农产品质量安全体系等途径促进西部特色农产品加工业又好又快的发展.  相似文献   

临港产业与腹地产业的演进共生大致经历了三个阶段,产生了四种模式。对发达国家来说,临港产业与腹地产业互动系统由低级发展模式向成熟发展模式的转变大致有两条路径:先增加腹地产业支撑度,再提高货物附加值,或先提高货物附加值,再增加腹地产业支撑度。但作为发展中国家,我国必须因地制宜地将延伸产业链与提高商品附加值结合起来,坚持产业实物链和价值链两个维度并举,实现临港产业与腹地产业的联动协调发展。  相似文献   

台州如何才能抢占战略制高点,在新一轮海洋经济发展中脱颖而出?台州市提出的战略定位是建设"两区两基地",即循环型临港产业示范基地、"三位一体"港航物流重要基地、对台经济合作先行区、海岛综合开发利用试验区,推动台州迈向滨海新时代.  相似文献   

本文从转变农业发展方式、发展现代农业、推进产业结构优化升级,发展现代产业体系和建设社会主义新农村等四方面阐述了发展农产品加工业是实现农业又好又快发展的关键,并提出发展农产品加工业的对策。  相似文献   

对农产品加工业实行合理的增值税政策,充分发挥税收对产业调控的杠杆作用,是促进我国农产品加工业发展、推动农业发展方式转变的重要手段。通过对现行农产品加工业增值税政策进行整理,分析其存在的问题,提出完善农产品加工业的增值税政策建议。  相似文献   

河北省港口物流的现状及发展策略   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
沈杰  徐淑媛 《经济论坛》2005,(18):32-34
临港地区要走“以港兴业、以业促港、港业互动”的发展道路,就必须高度重视发展现代港口物流业。现代港口的功能,主要体现在以港口的运输和中转功能为依托,建立强大的现代物流系统,继而发展仓储、配送、加工改装、包装等产业,带动整个临港产业带的发展。现代物流产业被认为是社会生产经济活动中继降低原材料消耗、提高劳动生产率之后的第三个利润源泉,是临港产业发展的重要支柱。河北省应依托港口优势,加快发展临港产业。港口物流业是连接港口和临港产业的重要纽带,对港口优势的发挥及临港产业的发展影响巨大,因此,以港口为核心和突破口,大力发展现代物流业,尽快融入现代物流产业的跨国化、大型化和信息化浪潮中,是值得认真研究的问题。  相似文献   

陆劲松 《经贸实践》2011,(11):48-49
随着浙江省海洋经济发展上升为国家战略,与上海无缝接壤,位于杭州湾北岸的浙江平湖市临港产业,迎来了科学谋划加快发展的新高潮.  相似文献   

借助临港区发展临港产业集群,从供给、需求、产销、成本等方面都存在优势,临港产业发展成产业集群带之后将起到带动腹地经济增长、促进区域经济全面发展的作用。但就盐城市临港产业而言,其产业聚集还停留在低成本的一般性临港产业聚集,参与竞争的基础主要是依靠丰富的资源和廉价的劳动力,还未发展到创新型临港产业集群阶段,还不能形成以创新型人才为主体,以知识或技术密集型产业为主要内容,以创新组织网络和商业模式为依托,以有利于创新的制度和文化为环境的产业集群。本文主要针对这些问题,根据盐城地区港区的实际情况,因地制宜,提出具体的发展对策和建议。  相似文献   

临港高分子材料是临港石化产业的重要组成部分,属于新材料产业,在推动工业经济转型升级方面具有基础性和关联性作用。近年来,我省临港石化产业发展优势凸显,基本形成以炼油、有机化工原料、合成材料及下游化学品制造为主体的石油化工产业体系。但由于高端技术的短缺,我省一直无法在高分子材料产业发展上取得重大突破,这与我省“十二五”产业发展的战略部署是不相符的,必须要想方设法寻求突破,建议充分利用我省高校和科研院所资源,重点依托浙江大学,在临港的宁波石化经济技术开发区建成技术支撑平台,促进我省的临港高分子材料产业取得实质性发展。  相似文献   

产业的发展策略取决于政府发展该产业的价值取向。"价值取向"是指特定主体对事物多种有用性的取舍意向。发展农产品加工业存在着多种价值,政府的价值取向与其采取的发展策略密切相连。吉林省发展农产品加工业的价值取向由解决农产品卖难问题、增值问题和农民增收问题转变为发展地方经济,其发展策略也由大力发展初级产品加工业转变为大力发展深加工业。吉林省在继续以发展地方经济为价值取向的同时,还应注重国家粮食安全政策和循环经济的发展,鼓励相应的农产品加工行业的发展。  相似文献   

From monetary policies to the climate change problem, from the burden of private credit card debts to the evaluation of public projects, discount rate is the central issue, yet there is little clear understanding about the nature of discounting. In this paper, applying a newly developed production theory, we discuss how discount rate is related to other factors in social systems, such as risk, duration of production, fixed cost in production and market size. The relations among different factors in a social system put constraints on the ranges of discount rate that are viable in particular environments. Our findings have strong policy implications. In a world of increasing cost of extracting natural resources, the continuation of low discount rate policy will generate wide gyration of social systems that we have witnessed in recent years.  相似文献   

Valuation and management of wetland ecosystems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We recently completed a study of wetland values in coastal Louisiana that employed both willingness-to-pay and energy analysis-based methodologies and were able to bracket a range of values within which we feel fairly confident the true value lies. However, a large amount of uncertainty remains. Our current estimates of the total prsent value of an average acre of natural wetlands in Louisiana are US$2429–6400 per acre (assuming an 8% discount rate) to $8977–17000 per acre (assuming a 3% discount rate). At the lowest value, the current annual rate of loss of Louisiana wetlands (50 sq miles per year) is worth about $77 million. At the largest value it is worth about $544 million.In this paper we (a) discuss the fundamental theoretical and practical problems underlying natural resources valuation; (b) summarize our methods and findings for Louisiana wetlands; and (c) elaborate on some of the more recalcitrant problems attending applied natural resource valuation, including discounting and dealing with uncertainty and imprecision.The discount rate makes more difference in the final result than any other one factor, and yet there is much disagreement about the appropriate approach to discounting natural resources. We discuss the discounting problem as applied to natural resources and argue for lower discount rates for valuing renewable natural resources than apply for other aspects of the economy.It now seems clear that no reasonable amount of effort will produce very precise estimates of wetland values, and we suspect this is also the case for several other classes of natural resources. We elaborate a Wetlands Asurance Bonding System to address these problems.  相似文献   

The standard framework in which economists evaluate environmental policies is cost–benefit analysis, so policy debates usually focus on the expected flows of costs and benefits, or on the choice of discount rate. But this can be misleading when there is uncertainty over future outcomes, when there are irreversibilities, and when policy adoption can be delayed. This paper shows how two kinds of uncertainty — over the future costs and benefits of reduced environmental degradation, and over the evolution of an ecosystem — interact with two kinds of irreversibilities — sunk costs associated with an environmental regulation, and sunk benefits of avoided environmental degradation — to affect optimal policy timing and design.  相似文献   

Firms are often confronted with regulations on their productive and commercial activities. In many instances a firm can take various actions to pre-empt regulations. This article determines the optimality of pre-emptive action for a firm subject to natural resource regulation. The regulation may be either fixed or relative to the production history. Dependent on the type of regulation, a firm can pre-empt by terminating its current use of resources and converting to other use or by building up the input use or output history in the period prior to regulation. It is shown that the optimal pre-emption decision depends on the extent and perceived probability of regulation, on the rate of discount and on technological characteristics of the production process including the alternative use of the resource.  相似文献   

张锐 《财经科学》2008,(3):9-15
美国次贷危机不仅引起了世界著名金融机构的巨额亏损,而且还导致了发达国家金融市场中漉动性短缺;同时,受通货膨胀的影响,全球绝大部分中央银行开始了周期性的加息政策安排.信贷紧缩已经构成了对全球经济增长的曩重大威胁.为此,加强贴现窗口、拍卖贷款权和引进外部资金已经成为国际范围内主要固家金融管理层的共同选择.  相似文献   

《European Economic Review》1985,29(3):303-321
How the government uses market rates of return to discount risky public projects is intrinsic to the efficient allocation of capital and the choice of public investment policy. This paper shows that social discount rates for risk can be higher than, lower than, or equal to private rates. Previous analyses which argue for ‘one-sided’ rules where social discount rates are always lower or equal to private rates are shown to be inappropriate in general. The paper shows in a general model that the difference between the social value of a public project and its market value is determined by the social insurance value that the project has from improving risk-sharing relative to the market. Depending on the project and degree of market imperfection, this term can be positive, negative, or zero, explaining the different possibilities for the social evaluation of risk.  相似文献   

文章阐述了合理制订水利工程供水价格的重要意义,通过建立水资源完全成本定价模型,对工程供水成本进行测算分析,制订完全成本水价区间,为合理制订水价提供科学依据,同时提出了相应的配套政策措施。  相似文献   

邵瑞庆 《现代财经》2008,28(2):22-26
基于现行现金流折现的项目投资评价的有效性取决于对项目现金流量预测的正确性,而项目现金流量具有预测发生的时间越遥远,现金流量不确定性的程度越大但又趋于相对稳定的特征.从这一特征出发,本文引入时间风险值进行折现调整这种系统可循的方法来解决在投资评价时难以预计的项目现金流量未来的不确定性问题,从而使不确定性条件下的项目投资评价更具有客观性.  相似文献   

In this paper we argue that the political incentives that resource endowments generate are the key to understanding whether or not they are a curse. We show: (1) politicians tend to over-extract natural resources relative to the efficient extraction path because they discount the future too much, and (2) resource booms improve the efficiency of the extraction path. However, (3) resource booms, by raising the value of being in power and by providing politicians with more resources which they can use to influence the outcome of elections, increase resource misallocation in the rest of the economy. (4) The overall impact of resource booms on the economy depends critically on institutions since these determine the extent to which political incentives map into policy outcomes. Countries with institutions that promote accountability and state competence will tend to benefit from resource booms since these institutions ameliorate the perverse political incentives that such booms create. Countries without such institutions however may suffer from a resource curse.  相似文献   

In an influential paper published in Science, Nordhaus employs an integrated climate-economy model to study climate change. He finds that optimizing climate change policy requires low levels of controls on emissions of greenhouse gases. This paper follows his pioneering methodology but challenges his conclusions. Nordhaus's results depend crucially on certain parameters such as the discount rate and the autonomous decline in energy intensity of production. However, choosing a set of different though equally plausible values for these parameters causes the control rate to rise substantially. This translates into a greater level of action for slowing climate change.  相似文献   

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