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《Economic Outlook》2020,44(1):21-25
  • ▀ Concerns over risks to the global economy from actual and perceived limits to fiscal and monetary policy are well-founded. A decade on from the global financial crisis, evidence highlights chronic demand deficiency, related weakness in supply and a prolonged period of underperformance among the most policy-constrained advanced economies. All lie within the eurozone.
  • ▀ To gauge the risks from such policy constraints, we model a broadening of the eurozone slowdown. Despite the ECB's commitment to mitigate adverse cyclical developments, we find that - in the absence of significant accompanying fiscal support - a period of protracted eurozone weakness would ensue.
  • ▀ The implications are far-reaching. Our analysis suggests that such a protracted eurozone slowdown would spill over globally, taking 0.4ppts off average global growth over the next five years.

竞争力,对企业员工来讲已经不是一个陌生的概念,但很多人对他的理解现在还主要停留在服务质量和科技上的领先度,企业的管理和品牌含金量等狭窄的层面上,很少有人注意提升文化竞争力在企业中的作用.即使提及也多从企业软环境建设方面涉猎,而将企业文化与企业核心竞争力有机结合的并不多见.这里面最重要的因素是人们还没有真正认识到文化在企业竞争中起到的关键作用.  相似文献   

In 1971, the organization theorist James March published "The Technology of Foolishness" (ToF). The essay can be seen as inspired by ideas of the late 1960s in California. ToF argues that wise decision making should not only focus on pursuing given goals, as is often done, but also on finding new and better goals. The present study traces the reception of ToF in the scholarly literature. It has been much praised, but little used relative to other of March's contributions. The reception has often been superficial and ritual and March's harsher ideas have to some degree been sugarcoated. ToF has inspired work regarding playfulness, improvisation, hypocrisy and not least entrepreneurship. But there is unused potential in ToF. This potential is discussed in the next to final Section of this article. One is called intelligent holes in stupid organizations and concerns how to maintain or achieve free thinking in organizations and society. Another one regards hypocrisy – how to handle and use truth and lies in and around modern organizations and political systems.  相似文献   

The relationship between chief executive officer (CEO) compensation and various organizational variables (i.e., size, length of tenure of the CEO, board composition and firm performance) has been explored in academic research. However, the relationship between CEO compensation and the firm's reputation based on the firm's commitment to the community and the environment has been relatively unexamined in the academic research. This study's purpose is to empirically examine this relationship using the Fortune Reputation Index as revised by Brown and Perry (1995) . Using a sample of 186 firms in 1990 and 188 firms in 1991, the relationships between CEO compensation and organization size, financial performance and environmental reputation are examined. The results of the study demonstrate that there is a strong relationship between CEO compensation and firm environmental reputation, firm size and firm financial performance. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. and ERP Environment  相似文献   

Data are presented to support the argument that motivation to manage is a major cause of managerial effectiveness, that it declined sharply in the college population during the activism of the 1960s and early 1970s, and that it is now severely lacking in the United States relative to many other countries. Thus America's competitiveness problems appear to be largely motivational in nature. Possible solutions are discussed, including recruiting and selecting for managerial motivation, increasing motivation to manage using training and development techniques, and changing organizational designs (telescoping the scalar chain, moving managerial tasks into non-managerial positions, resorting to professional forms, and expanding venture structures). © 1995 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

全球的这场金融海啸,犹如"华尔街"导演的一部好莱坞也导不出的大片,令这条全世界最富有的街道演绎着前所未有的恐慌,并不断把全世界抛向未知。一个历史上规模最大的拯救计划正在进行。从来没有一个时候,能让美国及欧洲各国的首脑政要们如走马灯般地不断出现在公众面前,呼吁,演讲,表态。各国政府忙于雪中送炭,不断出台的救市计划都堪称史无前例。但是,危机丝毫未见缓解迹象。世界股市连续下跌,丢失的信心  相似文献   

During the second half of the 1990s the US economy was characterized as the Goldilocks economy: not too hot, nor too cold, but just right. It was argued that this represented a new paradigm, enabling unemployment to remain low without igniting inflationary pressure. We examine the evidence for a change in the relationship between inflation and unemployment for the US and UK using Phillips curve models. The impact of including explicit inflation expectations is also considered. Inflation expectations are found to play an important role, particularly in the US. When expectations are included there is still evidence that the non‐accelerating inflation rate of unemployment (NAIRU) steadily declined during the late 1990s, although this decline in the US NAIRU is not found solely in the 1990s.  相似文献   

Call it what you want: Back to Basics, Do it Right the First Time, or simply Inventory Integrity. There is no escaping the fact that accurate inventory just may be the most important requisite for any successful business or any business improvement effort. Good decisions require good facts, not just a good imagination or high hopes. Inventory, which is often the largest asset on the books, forms the basis for major and far-reaching business decisions every single day. If it is not accurate, then just imagine how good the decisions will be.  相似文献   

实质性测试是针对会计报表项目金额而进行的测试,是审计工作一道必不可少的环节。审计中,不管是否依赖被审计单位内部控制,不论相关固有风险和控制风险的评估结果如何,都应对各主要账户实施或多或少的实质性测试。 一、实质性测试的类型  相似文献   

中国入世以后,各行业协会频频出去国际市场,作用彰显突出,上海市国际货运代理协会在新的形式下,通过体制、职能、观念、管理、用人机制等的创新,为国际货运代理企业做出了贡献。  相似文献   

  • Meeting the Millennium Development Goals partly depends on not‐profit organizations raising more funds, which in turn depends on having reliable and valid assessments of where donor and recipient perceptions are out‐of‐line. Across samples from a developed economy Australia (n = 754), and a developing economy Mala?i (n = 387), we explored the factor structure of the ‘Causes of Third‐World Poverty Questionnaire’ (CTWPQ, D. Harper and colleagues, 1990 ). In addition to four core factors suggested through an original (N = 89) sample from the UK (Blame [1] the Poor, [2] Nature, [3] Third World governments, and [4] International Exploitation), combined Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses (CFA) differentiate a possible fifth factor germane to the social marketing of aid, blame [5] Conflict. Australians and Mala?ians differed significantly on all five factors, with Mala?ians blaming poverty more on situations and less on the poor themselves, compared to Australian counterparts. Our findings are tentative because the CTWPQ item pool requires expanding to represent underlying constructs more fully. Nonetheless, instruments like the CTWPQ can in future be used to identify and monitor in‐context psychosocial barriers to donation, enabling not‐profit marketing organizations to raise funds more efficiently and effectively.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

在城市安全问题上引入脆弱性这一概念,初步构建城市脆弱性的研究框架:概念界定、影响因素和评价方法。城市规模、密度和形态,经济社会发展和基础设施水平以及应急管理水平,是影响城市脆弱性的结构性因素。突发事件是城市脆弱性产生的主要胁迫因素。城市规划和建设应以安全为基点,将城市脆弱性分析作为新依据,建立城市规模、密度和形态三位一体的关系,做好城市安全基础设施规划和建设,增强城市突发事件的综合应对能力。  相似文献   

古人云:“富有之谓大业,日新之谓盛德。”上海精星物流设备工程有限公司以此励志,提出了“精进日新、精益求精”(Dayafter day,we try our better than the best)的企业精神。精星人知道要实现“富有大业”必须“日新其德”,因为创新意味着赢得未来。精星在上海闵行区工厂的两座办公楼也由此被分别命名为“精进楼”和“日新楼”。  相似文献   

唐慧芳 《中国新时代》2008,(12):102-104
2008年5月,坐落于北京天安门广场东南角的前门23号天安时间当代艺术中心正式开幕,开幕展“我们在哪儿”让世人的目光聚焦在这个由清末美国驻华公使馆改建而成的艺术中心,也让其创建者——李景汉再次进入人们的视线  相似文献   


Personal initiative is an important behavior relevant to future workplaces that will require significant self-reliance. In research on self-initiated expatriates (SIE), it is assumed that those who move to another country and a new job show ‘initiative’ and yet it has received insufficient attention in empirical publications. We highlight the degree to which personal initiative shown by SIEs is context-dependent and conclude that it is untenable to attribute to all SIEs a homogeneous work behavior in terms of personal initiative. To improve the fast-growing SIE research, we incorporate a theory of personal initiative and advocate for, and give suggestions on how to measure initiative. We also, offer an initial model of how personal initiative will improve SIE outcomes. By offering specific guidance for future research, we seek to enhance the meaningfulness of future studies and thus increase their utility for organizations and policymakers alike. We conclude by expressing the importance of this conceptualization in practice.  相似文献   

文章明确了混凝土耐久性的概念,讨论了混凝土耐久性的影响因素,并提出了提高混凝土耐久性的工程措施。  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2014,38(3):25-39
The IMF is approaching its 70th birthday and the Greek programme has been a candidate for one of the most credibility‐sapping in its history. Here I trace the IMF's role in programme from its stormy launch; its misfiring implementation; the Fund's half‐hearted apology; and its early (and ongoing) attempts to draw lessons and revise its sovereign debt restructuring framework, which appear destined to deliver insufficient meaningful change. A transparency revolution is both necessary and feasible. It worked for central banks in the 1990s. Why not the Fund?  相似文献   

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