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针对不规范的业务数据增量抽取,文章提出基于游标和主键的业务局部比对的抽取策略,该策略具有不影响业务系统、实现容易、效率高等特点。 相似文献
Tommaso Minola Nadine Kammerlander Franz W. Kellermanns Frank Hoy 《Journal of Management Studies》2021,58(1):1-26
Research at the interface of corporate entrepreneurship (CE) and family firms’ domains has grown steadily based on the premise that family firms’ specific elements uniquely affect CE antecedents, strategies, and outcomes. However, much remains to be uncovered. In this article, we offer a theoretical advancement of a corporate entrepreneurship process model for the case of family firms organized around the categories of ontology (i.e., domain redefinition), epiphany (i.e., new components and mechanisms), and heterogeneity (i.e., family firm variety and contingencies). This development paves the way for an agenda for future research and for possible generalizations to non‐family firms. 相似文献
苏惠明 《中小企业管理与科技》2020,(5):44-45
论文以生态系统理论讨论分析企业孵化生态,有助于解决当前可持续创业中的问题。目前企业孵化生态建设主要有科技研究、市场开发和商业应用三大部分。这些企业孵化生态组成部分不仅使企业孵化的功能逐渐完善,在网络平台上也已具备了基本的信息技术服务。市场开发和商业应用已经汇聚了人财物的产供销价值链,逐渐向多元化、多模式、多机制的发展方向过度,为打造出全过程、多层次、立体化的企业孵化生态系统提供建设性方案。 相似文献
业财融合就是业财一体化,指的是在大数据广泛应用的背景下,将企业日常管理中的业务流程和财务流程进行科学合理结合的过程。在企业中推行业财融合的政策可以保障财务部门获取财务信息的科学性和准确性,同时也能为业务部门的具体决策提供科学的数据支持。随着云计算和大数据的逐渐普及,业财融合已经成为企业健康发展的必经之路和部门间有机合作的重要手段。 相似文献
本文选取A股上市公司数据为样本,实证分析政商关系亲清程度变化对我国不同所有制企业创新的影响。研究发现,政商关系亲清程度的提高显著激励了民营企业的创新;分别基于"亲"和"清"的视角,与国有企业相比,"亲"更促进民营企业的创新,"清"显著促进民营企业的创新,而对国有企业几乎没有影响。因此,应继续提高政府的服务水平和廉洁程度,进而提升整个国家的创新效率。同时,民营企业应借助政商关系不断优化的机遇,通过创新提升自身的竞争力;国有企业应进一步深化改革,在提高其创新能力的同时,发挥引领和带动作用。 相似文献
以概念法学的基础理论出发,严采物权变动意思主义。意思主义下双重买卖的成立难以从理论上作出阐释。意思主义下的“不完全物权变动说”与“公信力说”动摇了传统民法的基础理念,逻辑上自相矛盾。形式主义下双重买卖中两个债权合同通常有效,物权合同是否有效,须依法律行为的一般规定进行判断。我国法上的“区分原则”有别于德国法上的“区分原则”,并未表明物权行为的独立性。在所有权归属问题上,意思主义与形式主义都强调了公示的意义,单从结论来看,两者处理是基本一致的。基于理论及现实的考量,我国赋予不动产登记以绝对公信力有可能是有害的。 相似文献
在消费升级背景下,数据正呈爆炸式增长,给企业带来了机遇与挑战,新的商业模式不断涌现。本文基于动态能力和大数据理论,以小米和网易严选为例,研究了在消费升级背景下大数据能力对商业模式创新的影响机理和路径问题,发现大数据能力通过客户价值、企业资源和能力、盈利模式驱动商业模式创新的三条路径。探讨了资源整合能力、深度分析能力和实时洞察与预测能力三个维度之间的关系,并构建出大数据能力对商业模式创新的影响机理模型,可以拓展大数据能力和现有企业商业模式创新的相关内容。 相似文献
“金字塔”结构、两权分离与公司价值 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
企业的集团化伴随着"金字塔"式的多层控股结构的产生,"金子塔"股权结构带来了控股股东控制权与现金流权的分离,进而对公司价值产生影响。文章运用我国上市公司数据,检验了"金字塔"股权结构、两权分离对公司价值的影响状况与影响机制。研究结论对于加强上市公司监管、完善公司治理、保护中小投资者利益具有重要启示。 相似文献
This paper uses a translog approach to estimate intra‐ and inter‐industry productivity spillovers transmitted through input–output linkages, distinguishing R&D and other (remainder) spillovers. For a panel of 12 OECD countries and 15 manufacturing industries from 1995–2005, first, we find that the estimated elasticity with respect to ‘own’ R&D amounts to 0.25 on average (which would be estimated to be lower if R&D were assumed to be additively separable from other inputs). Second, there are sizeable intra‐industry and relatively small inter‐industry R&D spillovers. Third, there are significant remainder spillovers, which are mainly of the intra‐industry type and substantially amplify idiosyncratic technology shocks. 相似文献
股权结构是影响企业控制权的核心要素,与利益分配和风险分担相联系,成为股东分享公司控制权的依据.民营企业大多采用家族企业管理模式,股权高度集中在家族少数成员手中.本文通过研究希望集团的股权结构变革,并将这种变革与中国的公司治理背景与企业生命周期相结合发现,家文化、多元化经营战略与政治关联对我国家族企业股权结构的发展演变具... 相似文献
为了分析发债主体所有制性质对公司债发行定价影响的作用机理,从信用评级高估的假设出发,将所有制性质的定价作用区分为直接效应和间接效应,基于贝叶斯法则得出两个推断:评级高估会导致发债主体所有制性质对公司债发行定价的直接效应;高信用等级公司债发行定价会受到发债主体所有制性质的直接影响,低信用等级公司债则不然。通过对2007—2013年沪深两市公开发行的公司债进行实证分析,推断得到了验证。这些分析有利于剖析民营企业融资歧视的形成机制。 相似文献
In Pursuit of Time: Business Plan Sequencing,Duration and Intraentrainment Effects on New Venture Viability 下载免费PDF全文
In this study, we examine three under‐explored dimensions of the temporal relationship between formal written business plans and the achievement of new venture viability. First, we theorize and investigate the effects of plan sequencing; arguing that a business plan written early on in new venture development increases the prospects of venture viability. Second, we examine plan duration effects, and argue that there is a curvilinear relationship between spending time on a plan and achieving venture viability. Finally, we investigate plan intraentrainment effects (synchronization with other gestation activities). We theorize that if plans are synchronized with other gestation activities, venture viability is more likely. Using longitudinal data and controlling for truncation and endogeneity issues, we find that it is beneficial to plan early but that this is contingent on how long a founder spent on a plan and whether or not a plan is intraentrained with other gestation activities. 相似文献
Remco Dijkman Irene Vanderfeesten Hajo A. Reijers 《Enterprise Information Systems》2016,10(2):129-158
With the uptake of business process modelling in practice, the demand grows for guidelines that lead to consistent and integrated collections of process models. The notion of a business process architecture has been explicitly proposed to address this. This paper provides an overview of the prevailing approaches to design a business process architecture. Furthermore, it includes evaluations of the usability and use of the identified approaches. Finally, it presents a framework for business process architecture design that can be used to develop a concrete architecture. The use and usability were evaluated in two ways. First, a survey was conducted among 39 practitioners, in which the opinion of the practitioners on the use and usefulness of the approaches was evaluated. Second, four case studies were conducted, in which process architectures from practice were analysed to determine the approaches or elements of approaches that were used in their design. Both evaluations showed that practitioners have a preference for using approaches that are based on reference models and approaches that are based on the identification of business functions or business objects. At the same time, the evaluations showed that practitioners use these approaches in combination, rather than selecting a single approach. 相似文献
本文以2005年以前在我国沪、深两地上市的196家民营上市公司为样本,研究了少数股权控制结构与民营上市公司价值之间的关系。结果发现,少数股权控制结构不利于公司价值,控制权与现金流权的分离程度越大,公司价值越小;最终控制人所拥有的控制权比例越大,公司价值越低;同时还发现,现金流权比例与公司价值显著负相关,这可能与民营上市公司的最终控制人谋取“控制权私人收益”有关。 相似文献
Matthias Filser Sascha Kraus Matthias Breier Ioanna Nenova Kaisu Puumalainen 《Business Strategy and the Environment》2021,30(2):891-907
Business model innovation is an emerging hot topic in management research. It has been developing steadily for 20 years and has gained enormous momentum in recent years. A solid basis has been created, and the first literature reviews summarize the topic. However, an analysis of the core literature and the general foundation of business model innovation literature is missing. This gap is closed with this bibliometric. It analyzes 30 core articles referenced in 380 business model innovation publications. From this, a total of four research clusters can be delineated. This foundation of the research area is supplemented with a trend analysis of recent publications, which identifies three trends for the future of this research stream. The analysis highlights that sustainability, dynamic capabilities, and small- and medium-sized enterprises are the most promising trends in business model innovation. Based on the results, we present a general model for business model innovation. 相似文献
在经济全球化趋势的带动下,中国与世界各国的贸易往来日益频繁。随着我国外资企业数量不断增多,商务英语的作用就不再局限于对外交流合作中,在企业内部的管理中,商务英语也发挥着重要作用。本文主要分析商务英语在企业管理中的应用以及其重要性。 相似文献