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乘警是铁路人民警察的一个重要的、也是最有特色的警种,担负着维护旅客列车治安秩序,保卫列车运行和旅客生命财产安全重任。加强乘警队伍建设,努力提高乘警的思想素质和业务素质,是铁路公安机关加强自身建设的迫切需要,是当前铁路公安队伍建设的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

分析路外伤亡诉讼案件发生的原因和重要法律问题,提出履行安全保障义务和加强路外伤亡事故处理队伍建设,把握时机、着重调解,主动掌握这类案件的铁路法院管辖权,由公安机关确定当事人侵限行为的违法性质等应对策略和建议。  相似文献   

新中国的铁路建设经过50年的发展已成为我国的交通骨干企业和国家大型企业。铁路公安机关的工作任务、范围、对象等诸多方面也随着铁路体制改革不断深入发生了深刻变化。如果背景下,确定什么样的工作战略,才能为铁路的改革发展提供更好更有效的服务,是铁路公安机关亟待研究解决的问题。本文从全力维护铁路大局稳定、努力提供更好更有效的服务、充分发挥铁路公安的社会职能、推进基础和队伍“两大建设”、提高队伍的整体战斗力等方面作初步的阐述和探讨。  相似文献   

为适应铁路新线开通运营和先进技术设备的应用,进一步精干运输主业,不断提高用工管理水平,通过对北京铁路局主要行车工种队伍建设现状的调研,针对存在的主要问题,提出创新主要行车工种队伍培训方式,全面推进岗位等级选拔工作,优化作业组织精干运输主业,加强主要行车工种队伍建设工作考核等对策措施,以适应铁路安全生产和改革发展的需要。  相似文献   

郑州铁路局在客货营销中,通过报纸、刊物、广播、电视等媒体进行广告宣传,精心编制内容丰富的广告宣传词,向公众展示铁路安全、快速、经济、便利的良好形象,进而增加了企业的经济效益。同时对规范广告管理,队伍建设,扩大覆盖面等问题提出改进建议。  相似文献   

通过引入云计算、大数据、人工智能和5G等IT技术,数字化与智能化成为深圳都市圈智能城际铁路建设的2个重要目标,以信息安全促进和确保城际铁路的运营安全被视为一项重要举措。数字化及智能化为城际铁路的一体化运营带来了前所未有机遇及挑战,针对传统城际铁路的核心业务与新的IT基建设施融合过程中所面临的安全风险,从确保城际铁路整体安全运营出发,研究城际铁路的各信息系统业务,提出总体网络安全架构,重点构建以纵深式防御为理念的多级分层防护体系,通过分域边界安全、网络通信安全防护、业务系统安全防护3个维度进行建设,并探讨其中所涉及的零信任、安全态势感知、XDR、SDP等关键技术,以期为后续城际铁路智能化、多业务、多网融合背景需求下的网络安全体系建设提供参考。  相似文献   

政治建警是铁路公安基层所队建设的一个重要原则。本论述了铁路公安基层所队坚持政治建譬的重要性、必要性和紧迫性,分析了目前政治建警在认识上、实践士和效果土出现的偏差,提出了基层所队政治建警必须在思想建设、组炽建设、纪律作风建设、制度建没、政工队伍自身建设上下功夫.把铁路公安建设成为一支忠诚可靠、纪律严明、作风过硬、训练有素的队伍。  相似文献   

近些年来。各级铁路公安机关以建设有中国特色社会主义的理论为指导,认真贯彻执行党的十一届三中全会以来的路线、方针、政策,坚持从严治警,不断地加强队伍建设。使干警的政治、业务素质明显提高,警风端正,内部稳定,为发展社会主义市场经济和保卫铁路运输生产的安全做出了贡献。  相似文献   

通过阐述物流服务供应链的概念及主要特点,在分析铁路物流发展现状的基础上,探讨铁路物流服务供应链的构建,以及公铁联运、铁水联运及公铁水联运物流服务供应链模式,积极协调多种运输方式发挥各自优势。针对铁路物流服务供应链产品设计,提出铁路全程物流、公铁联运、铁水联运及公铁水联运等铁路物流服务供应链系列产品;针对铁路物流服务供应链建设,提出多式联运节点型物流基地建设、个性化物流服务定制、优化运输组织等建议。通过有效整合社会物流资源,加快实现铁路物流向现代物流的转型。  相似文献   

分析了铁路发展多种经营面临的困难和机遇,有针对性地提出了转变观念、建设队伍、调整生产布局、拓宽经营渠道等多经发展战略措施。  相似文献   

对铁路枢纽发展变化规律的分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
铁路枢纽总图规划随着路网的变化在不断更新。介绍构成铁路枢纽的基本要素及关系,研究导致枢纽的总图结构不断变化的原因,对铁路枢纽发展变化的规律进行分析,指出做好枢纽规划的关键问题,以及枢纽总图规划分步实施的衔接问题,并提出解决方案。  相似文献   

With the growing interest in spirituality, there has been a corresponding rise in the number of pilgrimages. Modern pilgrims embark on pilgrimages not only for religious purposes but also for their own mental peace and health. To enhance our understanding of this trend we conducted an empirical survey of pilgrims visiting Saenamteo Catholic Martyrs' Shrine, a representative martyrdom site in Korea located on the Seoul Catholic Pilgrimage Route, the first Vatican-designated international pilgrimage site in Asia. The analysis showed that the authenticity of the pilgrimage site impacts both the religious and the existential aspects of spiritual well-being. However, while the existential aspect of spiritual well-being impacted on quality of life, the religious well-being was insignificant. These results indicate that modern pilgrims feel that their happiness and health, rather than their religion directly affects their quality of life.  相似文献   

为降低铁路调车脱轨事故的发生概率,通过搜集汇总常见的调车脱轨事故案例,归类分析查找事故致因。采用事故树分析法,对调车脱轨的影响因素进行结构建模。利用布尔代数原理对事故树结构函数式进行化简,求出事故树的最小割集和最小径集,对影响因素进行结构重要度分析,得出影响调车脱轨事故的关键因素。最后,结合最小割集和最小径集的组成事件及其关联程度,分析制定预防调车脱轨事故的主要措施,即吸取典型事故教训、强化设备"用、管、修"制度执行、严格执行调车作业标准、做好调车脱轨事故应急处置,为铁路调车安全管理和决策提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Travel products such as package tours, Airtels, hotel rooms, and airline seats lose their value unless they are sold by a certain date. Therefore, predicting customer behavior allows travel companies to maximize their profits, minimize their loss of revenue by balancing supply and demand (e.g., determining an overbooking level), and wisely respond to pressures from the government and customer groups to lessen cancellation penalties. For this reason, it is important to investigate what cause people to cancel their travel plans after reservations have been made. Based on construal level theory (CLT), this study tries to identify the reasons for the cancellation behavior of customers in accordance with different types of psychological distance between travelers and their travel or reservation behavior. Moreover, it examines the moderating role of tourists’ dependence on a travel agency in these relationships for predicting tourist cancellation patterns in a more specific manner.  相似文献   

为降低资金成本和提高资金使用效率,上海铁路局优化供应服务商资金支付结算方式管理。通过支付结算和资金融资结合的手段,利用商业汇票和现金折扣两种方式,提高资金筹集能力,节约资金成本,实现路企银合作共赢。  相似文献   

This paper explores changes in the strategic orientation of port authorities and terminal operators towards the hinterland network in the Ports of Rotterdam and Barcelona. Port authorities and terminal operators are economically, institutionally and geographically related organizations. The argument here is that such organizations experience a mutually influential and interactive effect in their strategy over time. The research explores the evolution of the market, institutional and governance forces behind these organizations’ strategic orientation, while acknowledging their interdependence and interrelationship. To that end, it builds a conceptual framework analysing these organizations’ strategies in different points in time. It draws upon firms and port theories to design a co-evolutionary framework, which is later refined with insights gained from an empirical study of the port context.  相似文献   

With the growing popularity of mobile technology, mobile communications are becoming an important channel for tourism organisations. This study builds upon a conceptual framework that explains the factors influencing tourist acceptance of mobile devices. To represent the uniqueness of mobile technology acceptance based on an extensive literature review on user technology acceptance, this study proposes two external variables (technology experience and trip experience) and two influential determinants (perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use). These factors together determine user attitudes towards using mobile devices and, consequently, influence user intention and willingness to adopt mobile devices in the tourism context. The results of a confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling showed that trip experience and technology experience positively influenced perceived performance and perceived ease of use, and the factors positively related to travellers' attitudes towards using mobile devices and intention to use them within the tourism context. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two types of attribute importance, stated and derived, have been studied in marketing and tourism studies using Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). Derived importance is thought to have an advantage over stated importance in reducing survey fatigue and social desirability biases, and thus is more predictable to an outcome variable. Derived importance is also used in a Relevance-Determinance Analysis to determine higher-impact core attributes or in an Importance Grid Analysis to explore the asymmetric relationship between attributes and overall satisfaction. Since derived importance is usually estimated through statistical methods, it is necessary to determine which method is the most appropriate. However, few studies have examined the appropriateness of indirect methods. To fill this research void, this paper judges the appropriateness of three statistical methods (i.e. multiple regression, partial correlation, and simple regression) based on data collected from Savannah, GA, using a new approach by which results of derived importance were compared against diagnostic attributes in the “keep up the good work” quadrant of IPA. Diagnostic attributes are attributes with higher stated importance and higher predictability of an outcome variable. Results show that urban forests and cultural heritage are such attributes, and simple regression is the best to infer attribute importance.  相似文献   

旅客运输需求是我国铁路客运专线运输组织与经营管理的基础。从市场总量、客流性质、旅客平均运距、跨线客流比例几方面概括我国铁路既有线客运市场的现状特征,基于京津城际铁路客流调查数据,分析城际客运专线客流量的周期性与波动性特征以及客流构成情况。参考国外高速铁路运营的成功经验,提出在坚持路网整体性和产品多样性的前提下,合理运用节拍式列车开行方案,满足旅客出行需求,对我国客运专线客流组织原则及合理开发客运专线产品进行探讨。  相似文献   

加快转变铁路发展方式、转换铁路经营机制对进一步解放和发展铁路运输生产力意义重大。太原铁路局在深挖运输组织、运输能力、运输市场潜力,做大做强铁路客货运输核心业务的同时,做优铁路专业服务业、现代物流业、站车商业和广告业、制造业、工程施工业、房地产开发和物业服务业,延伸运输服务链条,积极推进铁路多元化经营战略实施。  相似文献   

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