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本文实证分析了农民收入流动水平的结构差异及其影响因素。结果表明:低收入阶层的农户家庭收入流动较强,高收入阶层农户家庭稳固其地位的能力逐渐增强,其家庭收入固化趋势较为明显。流动效应是导致农户家庭收入流动水平差异的主要原因,而结构效应中家庭经营性收入流动水平是缩小差异的最大贡献者。从家庭亲属亲密程度和近邻便利程度的视角来看,“远亲”不如“近邻”的现象在农户家庭收入流动水平上表现明显。家庭亲属性质、亲属关系层级分别对家庭经营性收入和工资性收入流动性存在较强的显著影响。而近邻就业机会越高,组织程度越强,地区区位优势越好,越有利于农户家庭收入流动水平的提升。  相似文献   

任艳云  谭向勇 《技术经济》2009,28(11):88-92
本文对我国县域农户家庭劳动力利用的情况进行了分析,并对劳动力利用的影响因素进行了模型估计。研究结果表明:当前我国农村还存在20%~30%的富余劳动力需要转移;农户在进行家庭内部分工时基于家庭效益最大化考虑;农户家庭收入来源和镇域经济发展对县域农户家庭劳动力利用有显著影响,不同的家庭劳动力特征对农户家庭就业决策的影响存在一定差异,政策性补贴对农户家庭就业决策的影响不大。在此基础上,本文提出若干政策建议。  相似文献   

基于全国665个贫困县2001—2015年的样本数据,分国家重点生态功能区和非生态功能区两组样本对社会资本的收入效应差异进行探析,并剖析了农村收入差异的构成特征。研究发现:二者的差异不仅源于社会资本量的差异,也源于社会资本收入效应的差异,非生态功能区贫困县社会资本的量及其收入效应都明显高于国家重点生态功能区贫困县;贫困县社会资本量在不同收入群体间具有差异,低收入群体社会资本水平要低于高收入群体;国家重点生态功能区贫困县社会资本收入效应呈以50%分位数为"拐点"的"倒U型"分位数分布特征;非生态功能区贫困县低收入群体社会资本的收入增量效应要高于较高收入群体;二者低收入群体间社会资本的收入效应差距在缩小,高收入群体间社会资本的收入效应差距在扩大;农村收入总差异的形成以社会资本差异为主导等结论。进一步提出引入互联网理念,形成无"时空"限制的开放式绿色发展的现代社会网络格局、生态补偿扶贫政策与社会资本的培育相结合、推动农村自然资源的产权改革等政策建议。  相似文献   

以云南省594户调研样本为例,在相对收入理论指引下采用倾向评分匹配法对休耕农户和非休耕农户进行特征匹配,通过对比农户的家庭经济福利评估休耕经济补偿绩效,并进一步论证休耕经济补偿绩效的影响因素。研究表明:(1)现阶段休耕经济补偿导致农业收入减少16.53%,尽管非农收入能够提升8.15%,但家庭人均纯收入总体减少了14.07%,在一定程度上会挫伤农户参与休耕项目的积极性和主动性,进一步影响休耕制度的可持续性。(2)回归分析发现,人力资本和村庄特征对休耕经济补偿绩效有显著正向影响,而休耕决策变量、社会资本和物质资本会产生显著的负向影响,其中以家庭有效劳动力比和劳动力平均受教育年限为代表的人力资本是休耕经济补偿绩效的关键影响因子。为提升休耕经济补偿绩效,文章从提升补偿标准,丰富休耕补偿方式,释放农业劳动力以及农业生产方式的转型升级四个方面提出政策建议。  相似文献   

在进一步明确生态补偿机制的科学定义与内涵、归纳国内外相关理论研究与实践探索的基础上,以长三角大都市群生态功能区为研究对象,结合其区位特征对区域内生态补偿机制的政策发布与实践沿革进行梳理整合;系统总结分析上海、江苏、浙江、安徽四省市各自的生态补偿政策与实践进展,并聚焦于生态功能区生态补偿的政策效益评价;提出长三角大都市群生态功能区内生态补偿建设的对策建议,以进一步完善生态补偿机制研究,提高长三角地区的环境与经济效益。  相似文献   

在对可持续生计的理论机理进行分析的基础上,将熵值法和极差标准化法相结合,确定各指标权重并进行标准化,得到国家重点生态功能区居民生计资本、生态补偿政策以及可持续生计能力的量化值,并利用可行的广义最小二乘法进行实证分析。研究发现,五种生计资本对居民的可持续生计具有正向影响,且影响程度的排序为人力资本>金融资本>社会资本>自然资本>物质资本。生态补偿政策对国家重点生态功能区居民可持续生计能力也具有正向影响,说明生态补偿政策有利于改善当地收入状况,巩固脱贫攻坚成果。最后,生态补偿政策还可通过与人力资本、金融资本、物质资本和自然资本的交互作用,促进国家重点生态功能区居民可持续生计能力的提高。  相似文献   

农民文化素质是影响农户收入的重要因素。以江西靖安县334个样本农户数据为例,分析农户户主文化素质与户主年龄、户主职业、家庭人均纯收入、家庭务工收入的关系。结果显示,农户户主文化程度与其家庭收入及其相关因素都有显著的相关性,根据这一结果,提出了两点政策建议。  相似文献   

凌雪冰 《经济师》2008,(2):72-73
文章通过系统研究认为,影响农户农地投入行为的因素包括制度、政策、家庭收入、家庭内部决策等诸多方面,其机理是在农户经济理性前提下的成本、比较效益、理性预期等。农业税费改革具有划时代的意义,通过揭示农户农地投入行为可以评价农业税费改革的政策绩效。  相似文献   

基于2010年、2016年和2018年中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)的匹配数据,检验家庭结构变迁对农村儿童成年后家庭收入流动性的影响效果。研究发现,有“分离家庭”经历的农村儿童成年后家庭收入流动性显著低于无“分离家庭”经历的农村儿童。相较“父亲缺位”,“母亲缺位”对家庭收入流动性的负面影响更大。机制分析表明,家庭结构会通过成年后家庭文化资本和个体人力资本影响家庭收入流动性。异质性分析显示,家庭结构对农村儿童成年后家庭收入流动性存在地区差异、群体差异,西部负面影响大于中东部,中低收入群体负面影响大于高收入群体。家庭结构不仅影响儿童人力资本的积累,也关系着成年后经济地位和社会表现。因此,在关注家庭结构给农村儿童短期影响的同时,其长期影响也应引起政策研究者和学界的高度重视。  相似文献   

文章基于大别山片区湖北省域内38个行政村农户调查数据,从微型角度将所访易地扶贫搬迁农户家庭收入科学分类。借助地理探测器(Geographic detector)和Tobit模型(Tobit model),探究搬迁户家庭收入结构转变和收入高低的影响因子,确定影响因子解释力优先序列和显著性,结合分析结果提出适宜建议。结果表明:(1)收入结构单因子解释力有很大差异,且双因子交互作用驱动力均高于单一因子。其中家庭类型和家庭综合受教育程度驱动力最为显著。(2)各影响因子分别作用于家庭工资性、生产经营性、转移性收入的贡献度有所不同,收入提升阶段应重点关注贡献程度较高的影响因子。(3)易地扶贫搬迁后续巩固提升工作,应因户施策地引导搬迁户选取适宜家庭未来生计生活提升的收入结构优化路径。  相似文献   

Income inequality is examined using the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and a consistent decomposition analysis. I only use inequality measures that satisfy the Principle of Transfers, have the property that a ceteris paribus increase in inequality within any subgroup increases overall inequality, and are independent of the scale of income and population. Decompositions are carried out by family size and by age of head for several definitions of income and income recipient. Whilst changing the time unit over which income is measured has a substantial impact on inequality, the effect of removing the between-age-group component of inequality is relatively slight.  相似文献   

Income distribution within a fixed-membership firm is modeled assuming that all net revenue is distributed to workers. The payment system used is a generalization, for heterogeneous workers, of an income equation first adopted by Sen. We introduce the assumption that payment rates for different workers are chosen to maximize an individualistic welfare function for the firm. A general result for a maximin welfare function is obtained and, using a simulation, we explore the effects of different elasticities of substitution in individual utility functions and different weights put on egalitarianism in the welfare function.  相似文献   

农民工养老保险统筹收入再分配集中体现着养老保险全国统筹的缩小收入差距和有利于流动人口养老金异地接转两大主要功能。本文从收入再分配入手研究农民工养老保险全国统筹的合理性及实现路径,构建了农民工养老保险统筹收入再分配系数总模型和分系数模型,提出了农民工养老保险全国统筹“两类型”和“五方案”, 并对农民工养老保险统筹给付水平、收入再分配系数进行了定量分析,最后通过生存公平和劳动公平检验确定了替代率10%的中央统筹模式为现阶段农民工养老保险全国统筹起步最优方案,进而提出了具体政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper formalises an individual's decision about suicide within a framework of lifetime utility maximisation models. This is in line with the literature on economic modelling of suicide. The novelty of the paper is to take into account income uncertainty. Income uncertainty reduces a risk‐averse individual's expected utility, making them more likely to commit suicide. On the other hand, income uncertainty creates a value to postponing suicide even when their income gets sufficiently low. This is because income uncertainty means that if things go well, they will get higher income in the future. Thus, income uncertainty has two opposite effects on suicidal behaviour. The main objective of this paper is to construct an economic model of suicide for investigating net impacts of income uncertainty on suicidal behaviour. For this purpose, it is assumed that the wage evolves according to a stochastic process. Then, the threshold wage, below which an individual commits suicide, is derived as a function of the parameters of the stochastic process assumed for the wage evolution. Impacts of changes in these parameters on the threshold wage are calculated. With the result, the paper shows how income uncertainty affects suicidal behaviour.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on three questions: (1) Was mobility within the income distribution in the 1980s different from the 1970s? (2) Is there as much mobility when some measure of permanent income is used? and (3) Does movement within the income distribution imply real income changes'? Income mobility between 1969 and 1976, and between 1979 and 1986 is examined using real family income from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. The results show that there is considerable movement within the income distribution when both annual and permanent income is used. This movement, however is generally not very great in either direction.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effects of inflation on the size distribution of income, making use of a microsimulation model. It goes beyond earlier analyses not only in the use of microdata but also in the types of inflation modeled. Two different income concepts are used, one the money income concept of the U.S. Census Bureau and the second, called Accrued Comprehensive Income, based on the concept of income as consumption plus the change in net worth. The results of the simulation inflations are presented graphically, as the ratio of real income with inflation to real income without, by income class. The analysis concludes that the income concept chosen is crucially important. While low income households suffer modest losses and middle income households are largely unaffected, whatever income concept is used, the effects on upper income households are extremely sensitive. With a simple money income concept, the well-to-do appear to benefit from inflation but a broader concept reverses this effect. A policy to negate the distributional effect of inflation would benefit primarily the upper income households. Similarly, macroeconomic policies designed to reduce inflation at the price of slower growth and greater unemployment would not aid lower income groups to a significant degree.  相似文献   

The main aim of this paper has been to summarize the impact of noncash income–health and health education benefits, and imputed rent-on living standards, income distribution and poverty in seven nations at the beginning of the 1980s using the Luxembourg Income Study database. Our results do not give rise to a pattern of national differences in poverty rates or income inequality which are markedly different from that which emerges from previous LIS research based on cash income alone. While these results may be sensitive to the techniques used to measure and value noncash benefits in this paper, it appears that noncash income reinforces the redistributive impact or conventional (cash) tax-transfer mechanisms rather than acting to offset them in any major way.  相似文献   

The paper relates the Swedish discussion and criticism of national accounting statistics, especially GNP, as a measure of welfare. It describes some results of recent Swedish attempts to find practicable measures of welfare components, i.e. the investigations of the Low Income Commission and of the Expert Group on Regional Development Research. In both cases the regional aspects of welfare are emphasized in the paper.
The results are presented as a sign of important needs for new methods and new systems of concepts in measuring welfare. The Expert Group has for instance in different ways tried to map and compare the "service structure" of separate parts of Sweden. The Low Income Commission has principally studied the position in Swedish society of low income recipients and has not been working particularly on the illumination of regional differences, but since different types of region are included as a background variable, the investigations also give certain measures of the regional aspects of welfare.
In the last part of the paper some of the risks that seem to be difficult to avoid in trying to use welfare measurements are pointed out.  相似文献   

随着巨大的经济和社会变革,中国的收入不平等程度发生了巨大变化。依据CHIP家庭微观调查1988-2007年的数据,使用基尼系数分解以及非参数分解等多种方法,本文试图对本地非农就业、外出务工等不同类型的家庭从业模式与农村收入不平等的关系进行较为全面的探讨。研究得出了一些有价值的结论:首先,从整体的收入分布来看,早期的农村地区的发展更多伴随着不平等程度提高,而后期经济增长则带来更多福利改善;其次,家庭主要非农收入来源是本地非农就业,外出务工所得具有缩小收入差距的作用,而本地非农就业则具有扩大作用,随着时间推移其作用程度也有所改变;最后,经济增长成果惠及不同群体,但并非平均分配,不同群体获益情况不同,增长和不平等通过作用于不同类型家庭影响到最终的收入分布。  相似文献   

Earlier comparative work on income distribution has tended to suggest that Australia is characterised by less income inequality than other industrialised economies. Concerns about the quality of the Australian data used in such comparisons have led to the need for more detailed assessment of the situation. The Luxembourg Income Study has been a focus for this work by bringing together microdata sets for a range of countries and reorganising them to conform to standardised concepts and definitions. This paper builds on earlier work undertaken as part of the Luxembourg Income Study by including Australia in an international comparative analysis of income distribution and redistribution. The Australian data are those from the 1981–82 Income and Housing Survey, with income tax imputed onto the data file. Results are presented for the gross and net income distributions between both families and individuals in seven countries. A common set of equivalence scales is also used to adjust for differing family needs. The results indicate that, using several summary measures of inequality, the distribution of income in Australia is less equal than in four of the other six countries studied. Earlier research which placed Australia high on the international league table of income equality is thus not confirmed by the results.  相似文献   

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