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Today those who characterize the economy of underdeveloped areas by the coexistence of a modern sector and a pre-modern sector within one political unit tend to refer to J. H. Boeke as a pioneer exponent in theorizing this dualism. But his dualism differs from the economic dualism of this sort. Again it differs from the so-called sociological dualism, despite his emphasis on social dualism. By confusing theoretically social dualism with economic dualism, he advocates in effect what is called a socio-economic approach. Inspite of Boeke's logical inconsistency abundant in his theorizing, what he was virtually claiming in order to find the real cause of economic stagnation in Eastern colonial society was the importance of making searching inquiry into the structural interrelationship between economic factors and social factors.  相似文献   

Summary In this farewell address, delivered on the occasion of his retirement from the chair of economic history in the University of Amsterdam, the author deals with the movement among economic historians in the United States, called New Economic History. This movement is characterised by the endeavours to introduce new methods in economic historiography by making use of economic theory and statistics. Although the author agrees that there is room for a critical attitude as to the way in which economic history has so far mainly been studied, he is of opinion that the importance of the said movement should not be exaggerated. He draws attention to the fact that there is only room for applying theoretical models and econometrics as far as modern periods of economic growth are concerned. He also points out that the economic historian should not confine his investigations to measuring economic growth. Economic historians have also to deal with a number ofimponderabilia: social, cultural, religious, legal, psychological and other developments. In the third place the New Economic History is by no means as new as his adherents seem to think. The economists of the so-called Historical School have already extended more than a century ago their studies to historical developments. The study of the trade cycle, which can roughly been said to have been started in the twenties of the present century, is a remarkable example of a combination between economic history and economic theory. The change in the methods employed by economic historians has been already on the way for a considerable time. There is therefore no reason to call the application of the methods recommended by the adherents of the so-called New Economic History as a new phenomenon. The author agrees, however, with the view that there should be a closer collaboration between economic historians, economists and statisticians.tekst (bier en daar gewijzigd of aangevuld) van bet afscheidcollege, door mij op 29 September 1967 gegeven in de aula der Universiteit van Amsterdam.  相似文献   

梁苗 《理论观察》2010,(5):39-42
作为一个范围广泛而内涵复杂的术语,后现代主义引发学界波澜四起。杰姆逊从马克思主义的经济基础——上层建筑的批判思路出发,将后现代主义的发生与晚期资本主义的历史变迁联系起来,作出了比较妥当的分析,为我们从根源上认识后现代主义的发生、发展及其本质特征提供了宝贵的思想资源。  相似文献   

农民的道德选择是其个人利益最大化权衡的结果,本文对农业产业化进程中影响农民道德选择的社会道德资源的存量、农民综合素质、农产品价格的波动幅度等诸多因素进行了深入分析,认为应该通过采取完善法律法规、提高科技支农力度等的有效措施,营造一个道德成本较低而败德成本高昂的经济社会环境,从而引导农民正确地进行道德选择,促进我国农业产业化的发展,推进社会主义新农村建设。  相似文献   

Economic growth is an aspect of social change which cannot be explained by economic theory alone. McCloskey invokes ‘ideas’ but ideas only matter as embodied in institutions. Weingast makes this points but his institutions are too economistic. Only institutionalised self-emergence can explain massive, relentless and automatic change.  相似文献   

进入"十二五",江西经济发展机遇与挑战共存,在对江西经济发展水平的实证分析与综合评价中可以发现,江西经济发展速度较快,除了统筹指数较好外,发展指数与后劲指数都较全国平均水平低。分析的结果江西必须进行产业创新、加大技术投资力度、突破资源约束困境、增强优势产业的国内国际竞争力。为此,文章从以下三方面提出了相应的策略:一是转变经济发展理念,实现体制机制创新;二是转变工业发展路径,实现新型工业化产业体系的创新;三是转变农业发展方式,推进农业发展现代化。  相似文献   

高珂  李晴 《改革与战略》2010,26(12):183-186
文章介绍了威廉姆森在交易成本经济学方面的主要贡献。在简要回顾交易成本经济学发展的基础上,重点介绍了威廉姆森对于交易成本经济学的基本思路和三大主要贡献。文章还讨论了交易成本经济学对于正处在变革时代中国经济的启示。文章认为,由威廉姆森开创的交易成本经济学对于我国市场体制改革等方面具有重要的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

The author reviews empirical research carried out over the past 30 years with respect to the process of development. He first examines the extent to which economic theories and generalizations derived from the experience of the developed countries are relevant to the developing countries. He next explores the relationship between the ‘structural transformation’ that occurs in the process of development and economic growth, summarizing his own current research on several issues. Finally he compares applications of the neoclassical growth model to both the more advanced countries, whose economic transformation is near completion, and the developing countries still in the process of structural transformation. The author argues that further empirical work can reduce the controversy between neoclassical and structural approaches to development by making possible the formulation of computable models in which the distinction between developing and developed countries can be largely reduced to observable differences in certain statistical parameters: initial conditions, price and income elasticities, and adjustment lags.  相似文献   

Widjojo Nitisastro (2010) Pengalaman Pembangunan Indonesia: Kumpulan Tulisan dan Uraian Widjojo Nitisastro [The Experience of Development in Indonesia: A Collection of the Writings of Widjojo Nitisastro], Penerbit Buku Kompas [Kompas Book Publishing], Jakarta.

Widjojo Nitisastro is one of Indonesia's best-known economic policy makers. Much has been written by others about his role as a top adviser over more than three decades. This collection of his own essays helps fill out the picture. Seven main policy themes may be identified: the role of economic growth in helping overcome mass poverty; the need for economic policy makers to pay close attention to risk management and be constantly ready to respond to economic shocks; the importance of strong leadership and discipline in government; the need to scrutinise investment programs closely; the high priority to be given to borrowing programs and debt management; the role of the price mechanism; and the management of Indonesia's relations with the international community. Strong messages about growth, leadership and stability permeate the essays. The collection is a valuable contribution to the literature on economic policy making in developing countries.  相似文献   


If the economic historian Donald McCloskey, well known for his rhetoric and his metaphors, is to be believed, the accomplished exponent of the discipline of economic history ought to possess two vital qualities. The scholar in question must be driven by “the historian's lust for facts and the economist's lust for logic.”1 In a drastic analogy with the circus world, he likens this scholar to a tightrope walker who, to provoke the applause of the public, forces himself to cycle blindfold over Niagara Falls balancing an eel on his nose! I leave aside the question whether anyone has ever managed to perform this feat or is ever likely to. But the problem is challenging and interesting.  相似文献   

对公正减排进行界定并达成共识对于推动全球温室气体减排谈判来说至关重要。作者认为,罗尔斯的正义论可以应用到国际领域中来,其正义原则的理论进路也使得在气候变化领域建立一种超越国家利益的伦理共识成为可能。根据罗尔斯的正义论,可以推导出如下减排原则:一是人均平等排放原则,即无论所属国国籍、种族、肤色以及经济水平,每个人均拥有通过一定碳排放来提高生活水平的平等权利和通过限制碳排放来保护全球环境的平等义务;二是差别原则,即在保证人类社会持续应对气候变化的能力这一条件下,允许不平等的减排安排,只要它有利于最少受惠者的最大利益。这两个原则分别界定了减排的标准与实现方式,旨在使高排放国家与低排放国家在历史累计排放和当前排放方面最终趋于人均一致。落实这一理念的适当减排方案应基于工业化进程的动态二个趋同法。  相似文献   

改革开放初期,行政改革所带来的制度变迁有力地促进了中国经济的增长,但随着中国经济的增长,行政改革却举步维艰。近年来在行政改革滞后的情况下中国经济依然保持了高速的增长,经济增长与行政改革的滞后形成了强烈的落差。这种落差使得中国的行政改革滞后与经济增长之间形成了一种畸形的关系。行政改革滞后所带来的各种社会问题需要维持高速的经济增长来解决,而经济的增长则不断强化现有的制度安排,使得行政改革的阻力增大。打破行政改革滞后与经济增长之间的依赖关系迫切需要新的制度创新。  相似文献   

自2001年中国加入WTO,银行业已于2006年结束5年的过渡期.此后5年来,中国经济继续保持平稳较快增 长,这为财富管理在中国发展提供了宏观保障,同时居民储蓄的持续增加为财富管理奠定了物质基础,而人口老龄化已经成为财富管理的现实需求.综合国内外研究,发现国内对财富管理鲜有实证研究.为此,文章围绕中国银行业的财富管理进行竞争力的实证分析,以弥补在这个方面的不足,研究结果对机构或大客户同样具有指导和借鉴价值.  相似文献   

根据国家的战略安排,东北老工业基地将在振兴中发展为新型产业基地。而东北综合经济区叉可以分解为东北重化工业经济区、东北高新技术产业区、东北粮食主崖区和东北农畜养殖区,在其总体功能价值取向下叉应当进行细化:东北重化工业经济区成长发展为现代装备基地,东北高新技术产业区提升为高科技产业基地,东北粮食主崖区建设为生态农业产业基地,东北农畜养殖区成长为农畜产品出口加工基地,分别阐明各自功能价值取向的现实基础、推进方案和产业重点,有利于通过优化开发使其成长为现代化、国际性、综合型、具有全国意义的东北主体功能区。  相似文献   

When people commit illegal acts, are they influenced by the wider culture of illegality around them, or do personal incentives matter most? If someone experiences a more pronounced culture of illegality, whether he increases his illegality depends greatly on his historical involvement with illegality and how his wealth also changes. The National Hockey League provides a useful setting for empirical analysis of these issues. Using a constructed panel data set, which tracks player behavior on a game-by-game basis over the course of a season, we examine how various aspects of the wider culture of illegality affect individual illegality. We also take advantage of what amounts to a natural experiment in exogenous cultural change, by examining the behavior of players traded during the season under analysis. The empirical results are consistent with the economic model of crime, but cultural factors generally appear less influential and robust than individual-level incentives.  相似文献   

郭于玮 《改革与战略》2010,26(11):180-183
2009年威廉姆森因其在企业边界方面的分析而获得诺贝尔经济学奖。文章梳理了他在经济组织方面的理论,先阐述其分析的基础,包括对个人行为的假定、分析的基本单位及契约作用的渠道,再进行离散经济结构替代方案的分析。通过刻画不同经济组织的特质,找出与不同交易类型匹配的组织形式,从而决定经济组织的边界。文章认为,威廉姆森的理论有其独创性与实践意义,但是分析过程中没有始终贯彻有限理性的假定,也不能解决横向一体化及多元化经营的现象,其分析思路也是单向的,不能完全确定经济组织的边界。  相似文献   

The appearance of a new book by the winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in economics Joseph Stiglitz, The Roaring Nineties. Seeds of Destruction (Norton, New York, 2003), was a major event in world economics. The author is more than merely an eminent American scholar. He served in the Clinton Administration as chair of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors (1993–1997). At the World Bank, he served as Senior Vice President and Chief Economist (1997–January 2001), took part in economic policy making in the United States and around the world, and visited dozens of countries. The Russian translation of his work was made by G. G. Pirogov, Dr. Sci. (Polit.), who succeeded in bringing home to the reader the frenetic spirit of Stiglitz’s ideas and making in the shape of notes important addenda and elucidations that develop the book’s ideas.  相似文献   

张东生   《华东经济管理》2007,21(2):64-66,101
我国社会经济的转型对经济法研究提出了如何应对未来社会经济重大战略的课题.文章通过对科学发展观简要论述,对经济法宗旨、作用以及科学发展观与中国经济法关系的阐述,结合本国实际提出了新形势下经济法在科学发展观指导下理论创新的相关见解.  相似文献   

Rehabilitating the guilds: a reply   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines Epstein's attempt to rehabilitate pre-modern craft guilds by criticizing my German case study. It demonstrates that his criticisms are baseless and his assertions about European guilds unsupported. Long survival does not establish the efficiency or aggregate economic benefits of any institution. Contrary to rehabilitation views, craft guilds adversely affected quality, skills, and innovation. Guild rent-seeking imposed deadweight losses on the economy and generated no demonstrable positive externalities. Industry flourished where guilds decayed. Despite impairing efficiency, guilds persisted because they redistributed resources to powerful groups. The 'rehabilitation' view of guilds is theoretically contradictory and empirically untenable.  相似文献   

基于SSM分析的江苏省入境旅游市场结构研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
文章依据SSM数学模型原理,以相关入境旅游统计数据为依据,选取江苏省主要海外客源国(地区)为样本,考察了江苏省入境旅游市场的发展态势和结构状况。在此基础上,有针对性地提出了江苏省入境旅游市场开发的具体建议,从而为有关部门制定入境旅游市场开拓战略提供新的依据。  相似文献   

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