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We discuss the fair valuation of Guaranteed Annuity Options, i.e. options providing the right to convert deferred survival benefits into annuities at fixed conversion rates. The use of doubly stochastic stopping times and of affine processes provides great computational and analytical tractability, while enabling to set up a very general valuation framework. For example, the valuation of options on traditional, unit-linked or indexed annuities is encompassed. Moreover, security and reference fund prices may feature stochastic volatility or discontinuous dynamics. The longevity risk is also taken into account, by letting the evolution of mortality present stochastic dynamics subject not only to random fluctuations but also to systematic deviations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a new dynamic asset pricing model for plain vanilla options and we discuss its ability to produce minimum mispricing errors on equity option books. Given the historical measure, the dynamics of assets being modeled by Garch-type models with generalized hyperbolic innovations and the pricing kernel is an exponential affine function of the state variables, we show that the risk-neutral distribution is unique and again implies a generalized hyperbolic dynamics with changed parameters. We provide an empirical test for our pricing methodology on two data sets of options, respectively written on the French CAC 40 and the American SP 500. Then, using our theoretical result associated with Monte Carlo simulations, we compare this approach with natural competitors in order to test its efficiency. More generally, our empirical investigations analyse the ability of specific parametric innovations to reproduce market prices in the context of an exponential affine specification of the stochastic discount factor.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a remarkable growth of multi-asset options. These options exhibit sensitivity to the volatility of the underlying assets, as well as to their correlations. The call versus call is a product commonly used to trade correlation within the inter-dealer broker markets. The buyer of correlation buys a European call on the equally weighted basket option and sells a weighted average of European calls on each asset. In this case, the following important question arises: Is the information provided by equally weighted basket options enough to price other European multi-asset exotic derivatives such as worst-of or outperformance options? This article investigates this issue under a stochastic correlation framework. Importantly, this article shows that, when pricing multi-asset exotic derivatives, matching the prices of European equally weighted basket options, quoted in the market, does not guaranty the absence of model risk even in the case where the exotic payoff is observed only at maturity.  相似文献   

The paper introduces a model for the joint dynamics of asset prices which can capture both a stochastic correlation between stock returns as well as between stock returns and volatilities (stochastic leverage). By relying on two factors for stochastic volatility, the model allows for stochastic leverage and is thus able to explain time-varying slopes of the smiles. The use of Wishart processes for the covariance matrix of returns enables the model to also capture stochastic correlations between the assets. Our model offers an integrated pricing approach for both Quanto and plain-vanilla options on the stock as well as the foreign exchange rate. We derive semi-closed form solutions for option prices and analyze the impact of state variables. Quanto options offer a significant exposure to the stochastic covariance between stock prices and exchange rates. In contrast to standard models, the smile of stock options, the smile of currency options, and the price differences between Quanto options and plain-vanilla options can change independently of each other.  相似文献   

This paper presents the willow tree algorithms for pricing variable annuities with Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefits (GMWB), where the underlying fund dynamics evolve under the Merton jump-diffusion process or constant-elasticity-of-variance (CEV) process. The GMWB rider gives the policyholder the right to make periodic withdrawals from his policy account throughout the life of the contract. The dynamic nature of the withdrawal policy allows the policyholder to decide how much to withdraw on each withdrawal date, or even to surrender the contract. For numerical valuation of the GMWB rider, we use willow tree algorithms that adopt more effective placement of the lattice nodes based on better fitting of the underlying fund price distribution. When compared with other numerical algorithms, like the finite difference method and fast Fourier transform method, the willow tree algorithms compute GMWB prices with significantly less computational time to achieve a similar level of numerical accuracy. The design of our pricing algorithm also includes an efficient search method for the optimal dynamic withdrawal policies. We perform sensitivity analysis of various model parameters on the prices and fair participating fees of the GMWB riders. We also examine the effectiveness of delta hedging when the fund dynamics exhibit various jump levels.  相似文献   

Variable annuities (VAs) with various guarantees are popular retirement products in the past decades. However, due to the sophistication of the embedded guarantees, most existing methods only focus on the one of embedded guarantees underlying one specified stochastic model. The method to evaluate VAs with all guarantees and manage its risk is very limited, except for the Monte Carlo method. In this paper, we propose an efficient willow tree method to evaluate VAs embedded with all popular guarantees on the market underlying various stochastic models. Moreover, our tree structure is also applicable to compute dollar delta, value at risk (VaR) and conditional tail expectation (CTE) in hedging and risk-based capital calculation. Numerical experiments demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of our method in pricing and managing the risk of VAs.  相似文献   

This paper investigates option prices in an incomplete stochastic volatility model with correlation. In a general setting, we prove an ordering result which says that prices for European options with convex payoffs are decreasing in the market price of volatility risk.As an example, and as our main motivation, we investigate option pricing under the class of q-optimal pricing measures. The q-optimal pricing measure is related to the marginal utility indifference price of an agent with constant relative risk aversion. Using the ordering result, we prove comparison theorems between option prices under the minimal martingale, minimal entropy and variance-optimal pricing measures. If the Sharpe ratio is deterministic, the comparison collapses to the well known result that option prices computed under these three pricing measures are the same.As a concrete example, we specialize to a variant of the Hull-White or Heston model for which the Sharpe ratio is increasing in volatility. For this example we are able to deduce option prices are decreasing in the parameter q. Numerical solution of the pricing pde corroborates the theory and shows the magnitude of the differences in option price due to varying q.JEL Classification: D52, G13  相似文献   

When an underlying yields a stochastic dividend yield, derivatives with linear payoff at their maturities that are written on this underlying have the following properties: (i) they have a unique price only if markets are complete; (ii) the dynamic strategies that replicate these contingent claims contain hedging components against the state variables in the economy; (iii) the prices of these derivatives will depend upon the dynamics of the market prices of risk even when markets are complete. Within an affine framework, we explicitly price forward and futures contracts with stochastic dividends. We also show that the quantitative impact of assuming that dividends are deterministic when they are actually stochastic is significant. JEL Classification G12 · G13  相似文献   

We study the risk dynamics and pricing in international economies through a joint analysis of the time-series returns and option prices on three equity indexes underlying three economies: the S&P 500 Index of the United States, the FTSE 100 Index of the United Kingdom, and the Nikkei-225 Stock Average of Japan. We develop an international capital asset pricing model, under which the return on each equity index is decomposed into two orthogonal jump-diffusion components: a global component and a country-specific component. We apply separate stochastic time changes to the two components so that stochastic volatility can come from both global and country-specific risks. For each economy, we assign separate market prices for the two return risk components and the two volatility risk components. Under this specification, we obtain tractable option pricing solutions. Model estimation reveals several interesting insights. First, global and country-specific return and volatility risks show different dynamics. Global return movements contain a larger discontinuous component, and global return volatility is more persistent than the country-specific counterparts. Second, investors charge positive prices for global return risk and negative prices for volatility risk, suggesting that investors are willing to pay positive premiums to hedge against downside global return movements and upside volatility movements. Third, the three economies contain different risk profiles and also price risks differently. Japan contains the largest idiosyncratic risk component and smallest global risk component. Investors in the Japanese market also price more heavily against future volatility increases than against future market downfalls.  相似文献   

The Black–Scholes model is based on a one-parameter pricing kernel with constant elasticity. Theoretical and empirical results suggest declining elasticity and, hence, a pricing kernel with at least two parameters. We price European-style options on assets whose probability distributions have two unknown parameters. We assume a pricing kernel which also has two unknown parameters. When certain conditions are met, a two-dimensional risk-neutral valuation relationship exists for the pricing of these options: i.e. the relationship between the price of the option and the prices of the underlying asset and one other option on the asset is the same as it would be under risk neutrality. In this class of models, the price of the underlying asset and that of one other option take the place of the unknown parameters.   相似文献   

We propose a joint modeling of spot electricity prices, forwards prices and other derivative prices, using recent developments in discrete time asset pricing methods based on the notions of stochastic discount factor and of Compound Autoregressive (or affine) stochastic processes. We show that this approach provides quasi explicit formulae for forward and option prices, while allowing for a large flexibility in the modeling of dynamics, spikes and seasonality, both in the historical and the risk neutral worlds. We also propose a variety of inference techniques involving inversion methods, the Kalman filter and the Kitagawa?CHamilton filter. Finally, an application based on French spot prices and forward products is proposed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Banking & Finance》2005,29(11):2751-2802
This article combines an orientation to credit risk modeling with an introduction to affine Markov processes, which are particularly useful for financial modeling. We emphasize corporate credit risk and the pricing of credit derivatives. Applications of affine processes that are mentioned include survival analysis, dynamic term-structure models, and option pricing with stochastic volatility and jumps. The default-risk applications include default correlation, particularly in first-to-default settings. The reader is assumed to have some background in financial modeling and stochastic calculus.  相似文献   

Recent empirical studies have shown that GARCH models can be successfully used to describe option prices. Pricing such contracts requires knowledge of the risk neutral cumulative return distribution. Since the analytical forms of these distributions are generally unknown, computationally intensive numerical schemes are required for pricing to proceed. Heston and Nandi (2000) consider a particular GARCH structure that permits analytical solutions for pricing European options and they provide empirical support for their model. The analytical tractability comes at a potential cost of realism in the underlying GARCH dynamics. In particular, their model falls in the affine family, whereas most GARCH models that have been examined fall in the non-affine family. This article takes a closer look at this model with the objective of establishing whether there is a cost to restricting focus to models in the affine family. We confirm Heston and Nandi's findings, namely that their model can explain a significant portion of the volatility smile. However, we show that a simple non affine NGARCH option model is superior in removing biases from pricing residuals for all moneyness and maturity categories especially for out-the-money contracts. The implications of this finding are examined. JEL Classification G13  相似文献   

This papers addresses the stock option pricing problem in a continuous time market model where there are two stochastic tradable assets, and one of them is selected as a numéraire. An equivalent martingale measure is not unique for this market, and there are non-replicable claims. Some rational choices of the equivalent martingale measures are suggested and discussed, including implied measures calculated from bond prices constructed as a risk-free investment with deterministic payoff at the terminal time. This leads to possibility to infer a implied market price of risk process from observed historical bond prices.  相似文献   

The prices of lots of assets have been proved in literature to exhibit special behaviors around psychological barriers, which is an important fact needed to be considered when pricing derivatives. In this paper, we discuss the valuation problem of double barrier options under a volatility regime-switching model where there exist psychological barriers in the prices of underlying assets. The volatility can shift between two regimes, that is to say, when the asset price rises up or falls down through the psychological barrier, the volatility takes two different values. Using the Laplace transform approach, we obtain the price of the double barrier knock-out call option as well as its delta. We also provide the eigenfunction expansion pricing formula and examine the effect of the psychological barrier on the option price and delta, finding that the gamma of the option is discontinuous at such barriers.  相似文献   

This study presents a new method of pricing options on assets with stochastic volatility that is lattice based, and can easily accommodate early exercise for American options. Unlike traditional lattice methods, recombination is not a problem in the new model, and it is easily adapted to alternative volatility processes. Approximations are developed for European C.E.V. calls and American stochastic volatility calls. The application of the pricing model to exchange traded calls is also illustrated using a sample of market prices. Modifying the model to price American puts is straightforward, and the approach can easily be extended to other non-recombining lattices.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes returns to trading strategies in options markets that exploit information given by a theoretical asset pricing model. We examine trading strategies in which a positive portfolio weight is assigned to assets which market prices exceed the price of a theoretical asset pricing model. We investigate portfolio rules which mimic standard mean-variance analysis is used to construct optimal model based portfolio weights. In essence, these portfolio rules allow estimation risk, as well as price risk to be approximately hedged. An empirical exercise shows that the portfolio rules give out-of-sample Sharpe ratios exceeding unity for S&P 500 options. Portfolio returns have no discernible correlation with systematic risk factors, which is troubling for traditional risk based asset pricing explanations.  相似文献   

This study analyzes affine styled-facts price dynamics of Henry Hub natural gas price by incorporating the price features of jump risk, and seasonality within stochastic volatility framework. Affine styled-facts dynamics has the advantage of being able to incorporate mean reversion (MR), stochastic volatility (SV), seasonality trends (S), and jump diffusion (J) in a standardized inclusive framework. Our main finding is that models that incorporate jumps significantly improve overall out-of-sample option pricing performance. The combined MRSVJS model provides the best fit of both daily gas price returns and the related cross section of option prices. Incorporating seasonal effects tend to provide more stable pricing ability, especially for the long-term option contracts.  相似文献   

Valuation of vulnerable American options with correlated credit risk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article evaluates vulnerable American options based on the two-point Geske and Johnson method. In accordance with the Martingale approach, we provide analytical pricing formulas for European and multi-exercisable options under risk-neutral measures. Employing Richardson’s extrapolation gets the values of vulnerable American options. To demonstrate the accuracy of our proposed method, we use numerical examples to compare the values of vulnerable American options from our proposed method with the benchmark values from the least-square Monte Carlo simulation method. We also perform sensitivity analyses for vulnerable American options and show how the prices of vulnerable American options vary with the correlation between the underlying assets and the option writer’s assets.   相似文献   

We analyse the equilibrium asset pricing implications for an economy with single period return exposures to explicit non-Gaussian systematic factors, that may be both skewed and long-tailed, and Gaussian idiosyncratic components. Investors maximize expected exponential utility and equilibrium factor prices are shown to reflect exponentially tilted prices for non-Gaussian factor risk exposures. It is shown that these prices may be directly estimated from the univariate probability law of the factor exposure, given an estimate of average risk aversion in the economy. In addition, a residual form of the capital asset pricing model continues to hold and prices the idiosyncratic or Gaussian risks. The theory is illustrated on data for the US economy using independent components analysis to identify the factors and the variance gamma model to describe the probability law of the non-Gaussian factors. It is shown that the residual CAPM accounts for no more than 1% of the pricing of risky assets, while the exponentially tilted systematic factor risk exposures account for the bulk of risky asset pricing.  相似文献   

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