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利用2001年全国计划生育/生殖健康调查数据,分析了育龄妇女进行人工流产选择的几种可能性,包括终止再生育、时间选择和性别选择等。在缺乏必要的B超检查等手段与性别选择流产数据的情况下,以流产后子女性别为指标,探讨了人工流产与性别选择的关系,比较了曾生子女的性别和不同生育政策对于人工流产的性别选择的影响。  相似文献   

随着我国流动人口规模和结构的改变,流动儿童比例不断增加,流动方式由"短期滞留"向"长期居住"转变,流动儿童的教育和健康问题日见突显。主要针对7-14岁的在校流动儿童的健康状况和健康风险进行文献述评。在校流动儿童的健康状况相对户籍儿童差,环境、行为与生活方式、卫生服务利用等方面的风险因素高于户籍儿童。在未来研究中应该更加关注在校流动儿童的健康监测研究、健康影响因素的系统分析、健康行为的多因素分析、相似儿童群体的比较研究等。  相似文献   

手术室的护理工作由于长期连续工作在密闭环境中,空气流动差,随着新的化学物质使用和高科技术在手术中的广泛应用,危害手术室护理人员健康的因素也在随之日益增加,因此手术室护士具有较高的职业危险。为了有效地避免和减少职业危险因素,手术室护士应掌握职业因素的相关知识与防范措施,培养职业安全意识,加强自身防护,将危害降到最低限度。  相似文献   

职业流动对社会及进城务工的外来农村妇女至关重要。利用2005年7月在泉州市的调查数据,对外来农村妇女职业流动状况及影响因素进行了分析和探讨,为促进外来农村妇女顺利实现职业流动与向上流动提供了依据和对策。  相似文献   

从网络虚拟经济与现实经济的关系出发,发现人们身份的转换和资本的流动是虚拟与现实世界之间最主要的、动态的联系渠道。探寻了影响套利资本在现实经济体和网络虚拟经济体间流动的因素和机理,建立了基于经济风险溢价的虚拟-现实套利资本流动模型。最后,对游戏运营商如何避免套利资本的冲击、维护虚拟经济的长期稳定和健康发展提出了建设性的建议。  相似文献   

本文旨在回答以下问题:(1)在中国城市劳动力市场中,职业流动性别差异以何种模式体现?(2)职业流动性别差异主要受哪些因素决定?文章使用第二次中国妇女社会地位调查数据,预测人力资本、家庭因素、社会资本、市场结构转型对男女职业流动的影响。实证结果表明:在经济转型期间,人力资本因素并不能完全解释我国职业流动的性别差异,而家庭特征、社会资本以及劳动力市场结构变动都对职业流动性别差异产生显著影响。  相似文献   

在现代市场经济条件下,职业对个人的社会经济地位起着十分重要的作用。西部地区少数民族妇女由于其地域、民族和性别的因素,其职业流动状况如何呢?通过比较研究,西部地区少数民族妇女在职业是否流动以及职业流动原因方面与其他群体存在差距。我们只有综合政府、社会、企业和个人等各方面的力量,才能逐步消除西部地区少数民族妇女在职业流动中的不利因素,在各地区、各民族和各性别之间创建和谐的就业和劳动关系。  相似文献   

高管变更一直是公司治理的重要问题。尤其在中国,国有企业处于主导地位,其高管变更现象更值得研究。同时,金融危机以来,风险因素倍受关注。本文以中国2006~2011年上市公司为样本,基于风险因素考察了国有企业政治关联对高管变更的影响。结果发现,国有企业面临的风险越高,高管变更的概率越大;但是与非政治关联的高管相比,当风险增加时,与政治关联的高管不易被变更。上述结果表明,国有企业政治关联削弱了高管面对风险的敏感度,不利于公司治理效率的提高。  相似文献   

宋月萍 《经济学》2007,6(2):629-654
本文旨在回答以下问题:(1)在中国城市劳动力市场中,职业流动性别差异以何种模式体现?(2)职业流动性别差异主要受哪些因素决定?文章使用第二次中国妇女社会地位调查数据,预测人力资本、家庭因素、社会资本、市场结构转型对男女职业流动的影响。实证结果表明:在经济转型期间,人力资本因素并不能完全解释我国职业流动的性别差异,而家庭特征、社会资本以及劳动力市场结构变动都对职业流动性别差异产生显著影响。  相似文献   

女农民工城乡流动的个人风险成本主要是指她们城乡流动过程中所承受的各种不稳定性因素、不安全性因素和低保障性因素。基于1012位农民工的问卷调查数据,对女农民工城乡流动个人风险成本的性别差异和内部差异进行了定量化的比较分析,并提出了相应的建议,以控制女农民工过高的城乡流动个人风险成本。  相似文献   

This paper develops and tests a three-stage nested logistic model of teenage childbearing that is influenced by economic incentives and costs created by US public policy. The modeling of teenage childbearing involves becoming pregnant, the choice to have an abortion or to bear the child, and the choice to bear the child premaritally or maritally. Data were obtained from a sample of 1718 Black and White women aged 14-16 years in 1979 from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. In 1990, the birth rate among unmarried youth was 29.5/1000 unmarried White women vs. 110.1/1000 unmarried Black women. In the sample, the pregnancy rate was 24% among White teenagers and 48% among Black teenagers. Miscarriages or stillbirths occurred among 11% of Whites and 12% of Blacks. Abortions were performed for 37% of Whites and 12% of Blacks. An incentive variable is the welfare guarantee. Cost variables include the cost of obtaining an abortion and the cost of obtaining contraceptive services and supplies. Access to family planning services is also accounted for in the model. Findings indicate that welfare, abortion, and family planning policy variables have a racially specific impact. For White teenagers, these variables have significant effects on pregnancy outcomes. For Black teenagers, the insignificance may reflect differences in sample size or important unmeasured racial differences in factors that influence fertility and marital behavior. The authors suggest that the rational choice perspective does not adequately explain premarital childbearing. It is also suggested that the specification of the variables on abortion, family planning, and adolescent sexual behavior may be fundamentally different and reflect differences in state attitudes and social customs. Only if the policy variables really change the costs of different pregnancy outcomes will changes in social policy change individual adolescent behavior. The authors state that focusing on only economic incentives did not rule out other influences on premarital childbearing.  相似文献   

许静 《经济学(季刊)》2010,(1):27-37,67
以历次全国性有关生育率的各项调查数据为基础,介绍了中国当前的低生育水平和低生育动态模式。依据近几年全国性有关生育意愿的调查数据,计算了在有计划生育政策条件下和无计划生育政策条件下的中国育龄妇女的意愿生育率。在有和无计划生育政策条件下,中国育龄妇女的意愿生育水平均低于更替水平,生育意愿在一定的相对较短的时期内可以保持稳定。使用官方公布的总和生育率与计算的育龄妇女的总和意愿生育率数据绘制了低生育水平和意愿生育水平之间的差距图。在低生育时代下中国育龄妇女的生育意愿和生育行为存在差距的现象与世界普遍存在的现象是相一致的。  相似文献   

This paper purports to estimate the characteristics of women who had experiences of abortion in 1991 based on an economic model of fertility. The study makes use of a national survey on the knowledge of, attitude towards, and practice of family planning and reproductive health among married women in Taiwan. The results show that older women with higher family income and who live in urban areas were more likely to have the pregnancy terminated. In addition, the decision to have an abortion was negatively correlated with prior pregnancy loss, but positively associated with the number of previous live births. On the other hand, the availability of abortion services as measured by the number of legal abortion providers at city and county levels had a negative effect on the demand for abortions. The local female unemployment rate was found to be positively correlated with the woman's decision to have an abortion.  相似文献   

在大中城市就业的外来人口存在职业分工的特性,这种劳动分工既和外来人口的来源地有关,又对外来人口在城市的居住地产生影响。从地域空间的角度,揭示浦东新区外来人口的职业分选特性、其空间演化原理,探讨了分工对外来人口市民化的作用。  相似文献   

The author examines attitudes toward childbearing by unmarried Nigerian women using data from interviews with a sample of 212 male and female residents of Ibadan, Nigeria, chosen in order to examine the views of educated Nigerians. The respondents were, for the most part, Yorubas, married, and aged 20-40. "In general, the respondents supported the suggestion that women who are unmarried should try and have children of their own, but they are opposed to the suggestion that such women should have as many children as possible, either from the same man or from different men of their choice." The author suggests that "one significant implication of the survey is that the general fertility rate (that is the annual number of births per 1,000 women of reproductive age) may be very high in developing areas not only because married women produce children, but also because women of childbearing ages who are single [are] also encouraged to have children of their own."  相似文献   

This paper presents the main findings of a survey conducted in 1955 regarding the fertility of women in the city of Sholapur. 1203 families (3535 males and 3289 females) comprised the sample. 1337 women were of childbearing age and the total number of children born to women the year before the inquiry was 321. The overall total marital fertility rate for Sholapur women was 7106.01 children/1000 women or about 7 children/woman. Proportion of female births to total births in the sample was 0.4829. Gross reproduction was 2.9 per woman. Paternal and maternal net reproduction rates of 1.8 and 1.5 represented a rate of increase in the male and female populations per 33 and 27 years respectively. None of the biological and social factors considered was found to have any differential effect on marital fertility of the women. This result was expected, as evidence suggest that the various social, religious, educational, and economic classes in Sholapur are quite similar with regards to marriage and contraceptive behavior. Tables on values of chi-square are also appended.  相似文献   

利用西安交通大学人口与发展研究所2005年深圳市农民工调查数据,从社会网络视角实证分析了流动后农民工生育观念的影响因素。生育讨论网的弱关系和网络成员的生育行为,以及个体在城镇的滞留时间、初次流动时的年龄、受教育程度等因素对流动后农民工的生育观念产生了影响。  相似文献   

Abstract. We use data from a 1992 national fertility survey to analyze China's changing demographic patterns between 1970 and 1989, covering marriage, childbearing, fertility and the gender composition of children. The analysis focuses on the relationship between population control policies and the behavior of successive marriage cohorts. Adopting a regression approach, we characterize a set of stylized demographic features in China over the two decades, including new results on women's average age at first marriage and first births, number of children per couple, and sex ratios among children. China's changing demographic patterns differed significantly among urban, township and rural populations.  相似文献   

随着避孕知情选择的逐步展开,我国已婚育龄人群的避孕模式发生了较大变化。其中,短效自控型避孕措施构成的升高,减弱了原来以长效医控型避孕措施为主的避孕模式所固有的高避孕效果,也增加了意外妊娠的可能性。人工流产作为意外妊娠的主要补救措施,其发生的可能性是否随知情选择的开展而有所变化?目前,鲜有学者对此进行过全国层面的系统量化分析。利用1988~2001年全国计划生育/生殖健康抽样调查数据,比较知情选择开展前后人工流产行为的变化。伴随知情选择的全面展开,已婚育龄妇女人工流产发生可能性降低的趋势在各个孩次上都有明显的体现,表明我国知情选择的逐步推广已产生了一定的良性效果。  相似文献   

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