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利用北京地区子女移居国外的老年人家庭生活状况调查数据,采用改进的合作群体理论模型,分别从老人和子女角度综合考察了子女移居国外、其老年父母在国内居住的家庭代际支持的影响因素。子女移居国外减少了老人的日常照料;移民子女的代际关系存在向西方"接力模式"演变的趋势。留守国内的老年人对经济支持的需求得到满足,而获取日常照料的关键因素则是子女数量、居住关系以及子女的孝道意识;子女之间的分工按照资源配置最优原则和互惠原则进行,其中"养儿防老"模式被取代,女儿发挥着更为重要的作用。  相似文献   

基于中国老年健康影响因素追踪调查(CLHLS)2011~2012年的横截面数据,采用Probit模型实证分析社会医疗保险对代际医疗支持的影响,并分样本进行差异性研究。结果显示,社会医疗保险对代际医疗支持同时存在"挤出"和"挤入"效应,其对代际医疗费用支持存在"挤出"效应,而对代际医疗照料支持则存在"挤入"效应。进一步分样本回归结果显示,社会医疗保险对不同特征老年人获取代际医疗支持的影响存在明显的群体性差异,其对城镇老年人、社会经济地位高的老年人获取代际医疗费用支持的"挤出"效应更强,对社会经济地位高的老年人获取代际医疗照料支持的"挤入"效应更强。基于研究结果,提出优化制度设计以及构建公平统一的健康保障体系等对策建议。  相似文献   

本文以福建省农村老年人为研究对象,通过问卷调查数据,应用代际连带模式探讨代际关系对农村老年人生活满意度的影响,借此了解农村养老现状并为提升老人生活福祉的政策制定提供有效建议.结果显示,代际关系的和谐程度与老人生活满意度显著相关,子女的日常协助及代际交往密度是影响老人晚年生活满意度的关键因素.  相似文献   

在人口老龄化的宏观背景下,老年人的健康状况不容乐观。随着老龄化程度的进一步加深,社会养老负担日益增加。现阶段,我国积极应对人口老龄化,正在实施健康中国战略。文章基于2018年中国老年健康影响因素追踪调查(CLHLS),采用结构方程模型,探讨了社会保障支持、社会网络支持和代际支持对老年人自评健康、心理健康和客观健康的影响。此外,文章对城乡居住地进行了多群组分析,探究社会保障支持、社会网络支持、代际支持对老年人健康的影响是否存在显著差异。研究发现,社会保障支持、社会网络支持、代际支持对老年人健康均存在显著的正向作用。多群组分析结果显示,社会支持和代际支持在城乡差异上存在显著不同,社会网络支持对农村老年人的显著正向影响比城镇老年人大,而社会保障支持对城镇和农村老年人健康存在显著正向影响。研究建议:政府在完善各项保障的同时,加强社区和养老基础设施建设,并通过强化代际支持、鼓励老年人参与社会活动,构建老年人的社会支持和代际支持体系,增强老年人健康。  相似文献   

在预测2000~2050年上海市户籍老人中基本生活自理有困难的人数迅速增长的基础上,构建了广义的老年人照料体系框架。在"积极老龄化"理念指导下,提出了如下对策建议:从参与、健康、保障三个方面搞好预防性服务;重视和加强对生活自理有困难老人的康复训练,切实推进发展性服务;支持和关心非正规照料服务,增强其照料功能;积极倡导生活部分能自理的老人居家照料,搞好民政福利服务与卫生保健服务的资源整合。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的加快,大量农村青壮年劳动力外出,农村人口结构的老龄化及空巢化进一步加剧,使得农村空巢老人的养老问题由隐性变为显性,且成为政府及学界高度关注的社会现实问题.本文以B村为个案,基于实地调研,从代际关系的视角出发探讨农村空巢老人日常生活形态下的养老现状、存在问题及其解决举措.代际关系的经济供养、生活照料、精神慰藉等与其生活满意度密切相关,认为子女与父母代际关系(抚养与赡养)之间的失衡是造成养老困境的直接因素.从社会交换理论和利他主义动机分析家庭子女的心理特征,传统的孝文化被淡化,呈现出自我为中心的利己主义和平等的价值交易理念.侧重于探讨经济因素和家庭关系对老人养老状况的影响.  相似文献   

利用西安交通大学人口与发展研究所相关跟踪调查数据,研究提供孙子女照料对农村老年人心理健康的影响。提供孙子女照料给老年人带来更好的心理健康后果,帮助的提供者和接受者的性别对后果及影响机制起着重要作用。儿子提供的孙子女照料会使老年人的心理健康状况更好,传统上的"儿子偏好"对中国农村老年人的心理健康很重要。女儿提供的孙子女照料只对男性老人的心理健康有利,对女性老人则没有影响。  相似文献   

农村人口流动改变了外出务工子女的养老行为和方式,对留守老人的健康会产生深远的影响。利用"中国流动人口问题研究"课题组在2009年搜集的外出务工子女和农村留守老人的配对数据,对留守老人健康状况和外出子女所提供经济支持和精神赡养的关系进行了分析。子女提供的经济支持对留守老人健康状况的影响并不明显,但留守老人对于来自子女的精神支持的反应却十分敏感。针对目前外出务工子女经济养老效率不高、精神赡养缺失等问题,提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

根据全国妇联、国家统计局实施的"第三期中国妇女社会地位调查",我国家庭内老年人受虐待发生率为13.3%,农村显著高于城市,西部地区显著高于其他地区。精神虐待和疏于照料是老年人遭受的两种最主要虐待类型。社会经济地位、健康以及家庭代际关系状况是老年人遭受虐待的重要风险因素。虐待老人既是家庭代际关系严重失衡的突出表现,也反映了社会保护的不足,应采取多方面的措施,减少和杜绝虐待老人现象的发生。  相似文献   

韩中  赵红雨 《金融评论》2023,(4):93-108+125-126
随着人口老龄化进程的不断加快,收入不平等和收入差距扩大的问题日益突出,代际收入流动问题备受关注。本文从父代居住模式的全新视角出发,利用中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)微观数据,采用对数线性回归模型,引入父代参保状态和再就业状态变量,对我国城镇和农村家庭父代收入对子代收入的影响进行了系统研究。研究发现:(1)父代收入对子代收入的影响呈显著的正相关关系,父代收入越高,促进代际收入流动的可能性越大;(2)父代的健康状况、参保状态影响子代收入,父代医疗方面的支出对子代收入有显著的负向影响;(3)城市中的子代代际收入流动性高于农村,更容易保持或高于父代所在的收入阶层;(4)得益于父代提供的代际照料和代际支持,与父代同住的子代有更高的代际收入流动性。人口老龄化加剧了代际收入流动的复杂性,因此研究老龄化背景下代际收入流动有利于探究子代收入的变动原因及其机制,揭示收入不平等的根源,从而实现社会公平、缩小收入差异。  相似文献   

利用Latent GOLD 4.0软件,运用潜在类别分析(latent class analysis),综合经济支持和时间支持两个维度,结合对湖北省两个地区的调查数据,对农村老年家庭的代际支持类型进行了再分析,弥补了以往研究中只从经济支持这一单一角度分析的不足。从总体上来看,农村老年家庭代际支持类型中,以供养型为主,其比例为43.9%,其次是游离型,占23.2%,互惠型和抚养型分别占18.0%和14.9%。老年人自身的个人特征如性别、年龄、婚姻状况、生活状况和健康状况不同,代际支持类型也存在一定的差异。  相似文献   

为考察新农保在精准扶贫时期能否降低农村低收入家庭的贫困脆弱性,本文利用2014—2018年家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据,基于2 300元/年和每人每天32美元两类不同贫困标准衡量的贫困脆弱性指标,采用双向固定效应模型和工具变量法进行实证检验。研究发现,总体而言,缴费参与新农保对农村低收入家庭的贫困脆弱性具有显著削弱作用,但领取新农保在一定程度上加剧了农村低收入家庭的贫困脆弱程度。根据领保状态的分阶段分析发现,缴费参与新农保和缴费参保人数增加对未领保家庭和领保家庭的贫困脆弱性都具有显著改善作用,但领取新农保和领保人数对贫困脆弱性没有显著影响。异质性分析表明,缴费参与新农保可以改善健康成员家庭的贫困脆弱性,对无储蓄家庭和无借贷家庭的贫困脆弱程度具有显著缓解作用。机制检验表明,缴费参与新农保可以通过提高家庭生产性固定资产和减少代际转移,进而缓解家庭贫困脆弱性程度,而领取新农保则通过增加子女对老人的经济支持而加剧家庭贫困脆弱程度。  相似文献   

《China Economic Journal》2013,6(3):191-214
Declining fertility in China has raised concerns about elderly support, especially when public support is inadequate. Using rich information from the nationally representative China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) baseline survey, we describe the patterns of current living arrangements of the Chinese elderly and investigate their determinants and correlation with intergenerational transfers. We find that roughly 41% of Chinese aged 60 and over live with an adult child; living with a male adult child being strongly preferred. However another 34% have an adult child living in the same immediate neighborhood and 14% in the same county; only 5% have an adult child with none of them living in the same county. At the same time, a large fraction of the elderly, 45% in our sample, live alone or with only a spouse. In general, women, those from western provinces, and those from rural areas are more likely to live with or close to their adult children than their corresponding counterparts, but different types of intergenerational transfers play a supplementary role in the unequal distribution of living arrangements. Among non-co-resident children, those living close by visit their parents more frequently and have more communications by other means. In contrast, children who live farther away are more likely to send financial and in-kind transfers and send larger amounts.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the causal effect of income on health outcomes of the elderly and investigates underlying mechanisms by exploiting an income change induced by the launch of China's New Rural Pension scheme (NRPS). Using this policy experiment, we address the endogeneity of pension income by applying a fixed-effect model with instrumental variable correction. The results reveal that pension enrollment and income from the NRPS both have had a significant beneficial impact on objective measures of physical health and cognitive function of the rural elderly. Pension recipients respond to the newly acquired pension income in multiple ways: improved nutrition intake, better accessibility to health care, increased informal care, increased leisure activities, and better self-perceived relative economic situation. These in turn act as channels from pension income to health outcomes of the Chinese rural elderly.  相似文献   


This study examines how a social pension program changes paid work patterns and expectations about the source of future financial support for the elderly in China. Using the 2011 and 2013 waves of the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS), the study finds that the New Rural Pension Program (NRPP) reduced the hours of farmwork and increased the hours of grandchild care among elderly rural men; and both elderly women and men reported less expected reliance on adult children for financial support when they become infirm. These differential effects probably occur because the size of the pension benefit is very small and because of previous gender differences in farmwork and grandchild care. Additionally, the study shows that adult children reduced out-migration and increased their hours spent in farming activities, indicating that the effect of the NRPP has spilled over to younger members of the household.  相似文献   

Economists have been interested in the motivations of intergenerational transfers, for different motivations affect the effectiveness of anti-poverty public transfers. However, one’s motivation is largely shaped by culture and social conventions. This paper sheds light on the influence of rice cultivation in intergenerational transfers in China. This is also the first time that economists consider cultural factors in the study of intergenerational transfers. Cultivating rice requires elaborate irrigation systems and large amounts of labor input so that rice farmers have to cooperate extensively with their neighbors, which has gradually shaped people’s value to be more inter-dependent. Based on micro-level data from CHARLS and sub-national rice data from China, our empirical results show strong evidence that individuals from rice regions are more likely to provide economic support for their parents. A one-percentage point increase in the share of rice in the total grain planting area will raise transfer incidence by 0.2–0.4 percentage points, and rice region residents transfer on average 300–400 yuan more in 2011 and about 1,000 yuan more in 2013 to their parents than those from wheat regions. Meanwhile they are more inclined to rely on their adult children for elderly support. Urban citizens are less affected. Using instrumental variable estimation, we are able to prove the effect is causal. With future continued deepening of population aging in China, relying on children for old age support may become more and more unrealistic, the government needs to coordinate the relationship between public transfer and private transfer to ensure the quality of life for the elderly.  相似文献   

利用2009年在陕西省进行的"陕西省农村老年女性生活福利状况"调查数据,分析了健康自评、心理福利自评两个个体主观感受变量对农村老年女性生活自理能力的影响。个体主观感受状态对农村老年女性生活自理能力有着显著的正相关影响,较好的健康自评和心理福利自评将显著提高老年女性的日常生活自理能力和器械支持自理能力。研究结果为增加农村老年女性主观感受,从而促进其生活自理能力的提高提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

劳动力外流在积极推动农村经济发展的同时也给老年人的家庭养老带来了极大的挑战.本文利用深圳市外来农村流动人口调查数据,从子女角度分析了中国农村子女外出务工三代家庭中老年人的经济支持.结果显示:首先,农村老年人与其外出务工子女三代家庭的代际支持符合合作群体模型:经济支持主要由子女流向老年父母,最有需要的老年父母获得更多的经济支持;众多老年父母给留守未成年孙子女提供了同住和生活照料帮助,老年父母也因此获得了更多的经济支持.其次,外出务工子女的城市化程度并没有影响其提供的经济支持.最后,文章指出了研究结果对完善农村养老保障制度和促进剩余劳动力外流的启示.  相似文献   

We study the interaction effect of financial intermediaries and family ties on labor participation and employment type in China. Although existing studies examine these effects separately, we investigate the effects of both factors in one model. We give empirical evidence to support earlier arguments that family ties negatively affect labor force participation and positively affect self‐/family‐employment behavior and that financial development positively affects labor force participation. Departing from the extant literature, our results overall indicate a compensating effect of financial intermediaries for family ties in labor participation and employment type. We further argue that there are gender, urban/rural, and age differences in the role of financial intermediaries. The effect of financial intermediaries on the strength of family ties is more relevant for female, rural, and younger people compared to male, urban, and older people.  相似文献   

This paper considers the intrafamily allocation of elderly care in the context of international migration where migrant children may be able to provide financial assistance to their parents, but are unable to offer physical care. To investigate the interaction between siblings, I take a non-cooperative view of family decision-making and estimate best response functions for individual physical and financial contributions as a function of siblings' contributions. I address the endogeneity of siblings' contributions and individual migration decisions by using siblings' characteristics as instrumental variables as well as models including family fixed effects. For both migrants and non-migrants, I find evidence that financial contributions function as strategic complements while siblings' time contributions operate as strategic substitutes. This suggests that children's contributions toward elderly care may be based on both strategic bequest and public good motivations.  相似文献   

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