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This paper evaluates whether global economic activity, measured by the maritime index and commodity index, is a distinct common factor in explaining equity returns in emerging markets. We document two important features of global equity markets that show that emerging market equities are a segregated part of the global stock market. First, our results show that increases in global economic activity are associated with higher emerging market equity returns. Second, companies in developed markets that have a significant exposure in emerging markets have incremental exposure to commodity returns. By allocating more capital to emerging market equities, an investor increases portfolio exposure to changes in global economic activity.  相似文献   

Emerging stock markets have been identified as being at least partially segmented from global capital markets. As a consequence, it has been argued that local factors rather than global factors are the primary source of equity return variation in these markets. This paper seeks to address the question of whether local macroeconomic variables have explanatory power over stock returns in emerging markets. Moderate evidence is found to support this contention. Furthermore, using a principal components approach, two types of commonality in returns are examined. Evidence is found that supports commonality in the factors that drive return variation across emerging markets. A test is also conducted for identical sensitivity to a common set of extracted factors. While little evidence of common sensitivities is found when emerging markets are considered collectively, considerable commonality is found at the regional level. These results have implications for international investors as they suggest that the benefits from diversification are enhanced when the allocation of funds is spread across, rather than within, regions.  相似文献   

There is little agreement among academics or practitioners about how to measure the size of the equity market risk premium, particularly when it relates to investments in emerging markets. Using monthly equity returns for 22 developed and 24 emerging markets covering the period 1976–2006, the authors find that developed capital markets have experienced significant increases in their degree of integration with the U.S. and world market indexes, while emerging markets remain at least partly segmented from those of the U.S. and the world. For countries that are reasonably well integrated into global capital markets, the authors suggest using the U.S.—based equity market risk premium. But when valuing investments in emerging markets, they recommend use of the Capital Asset Pricing Model adjusted for political risk and a measure of co‐movement between the foreign and U.S. stock markets. The authors also remind readers that the equity market risk premium is supposed to be a forward‐looking measure, and that the common practice of inferring the future from the past can be misleading, particularly in the case of rapidly developing emerging markets.  相似文献   

This paper examines the equity premium puzzle by looking at stock market data from 39 countries. For each of these countries, average total return as well as excess returns was estimated for the past 20–30 years. I find that emerging markets have higher excess returns than developed markets, but when adjusted for risk developed markets have higher returns. I test the theory that degree of integration with global markets is a major explanatory factor for differences in excess returns, as the demand for domestic equities may be greater in countries that are less integrated and thus have less access to alternative overseas assets. I find a positive relationship between degree of integration and excess returns, which is evidence in favor of this theory.  相似文献   

We are the first to investigate the cross-section of stock returns in the new emerging equity markets, the so-called frontier emerging markets. Our unique survivorship-bias free data set consists of more than 1400 stocks over the period 1997 to 2008 and covers 24 of the most liquid frontier emerging markets. The major benefit of using individual stock characteristics is that it allows us to investigate whether return factors that have been documented in developed countries also exist in these markets. We document the presence of economically and statistically significant value and momentum effects, and a local size effect. Our results indicate that the value and momentum effects still exist when incorporating conservative assumptions of transaction costs. Additionally, we show that value, momentum, and local size returns in frontier markets cannot be explained by global risk factors.  相似文献   

Predictable risk and returns in emerging markets   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
The emergence of new equity markets in Europe, Latin America,Asia, the Mideast and Africa provides a new menu of opportunitiesfor investors. These markets exhibit high expected returns aswell as high volatility. Importantly, the low correlations withdeveloped countries' equity markets significantly reduces theunconditional portfolio risk of a world investor. However, standardglobal asset pricing models, which assume complete integrationof capital markets, fail to explain the cross section of averagereturns in emerging countries. An analysis of the predictabilityof the returns reveals that emerging market returns are morelikely than developed countries to be influenced by local information.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to investigate the relationship between brand equity and firm risk in Turkey using a sample of 254 firm-year observations for the period 2009–2014. Our findings suggest that brand equity is an important determinant of equity risk in addition to conventional firm-specific variables. In particular, after controlling for firm-specific variables, the results reveal that firms with high brand equity experience lower volatility in stock returns. We also find that enhancing brand equity is an important tool for firms in reducing unsystematic and downside systematic risk in their stock prices. Our findings are robust to different valuation models of domestic and global investors as well as different methods of estimations. The results are encouraging for both marketing managers and investors, particularly those in emerging markets where stock price volatility is relatively higher than in developed markets.  相似文献   

Australian investors can reduce their overall portfolio risk by diversifying into equities from other markets. Emerging markets have attracted significant interest because of their low correlations with Australian equity market returns; however, a number of studies have indicated that correlations between equity returns are increasing over time, so using unconditional estimates of correlations in a portfolio optimization model can result in the selection of a portfolio that may not be optimal.We use an Asymmetric Dynamic Conditional Correlation GARCH model to estimate time-varying correlations and include these correlation estimates in the portfolio optimization model. The assets used for portfolio construction comprise seven emerging market indices that are available to foreign investors. This study finds that, despite increasing correlations, there are still potential benefits for Australian investors who diversify into international emerging markets.  相似文献   

This paper explores the risk adjusted uncovered equity parity model to investigate a degree of market integration for four Asian emerging markets relative to the U.S., Japan and the U.K. from January 1994 to July 2008. The uncovered equity parity is revised to take into account of market risk in a framework of a portfolio rebalancing model. Evidence was found to strongly support our hypotheses; Market risk is significant in international capital flows between the Asian emerging markets and the developed economies, and it can help explain the failure of a traditional uncovered equity (or interest) parity model. The relationship between returns and an appreciation of the exchange rate are divided between the Asian emerging markets and the developed economies, depending on the direction of capital flows.  相似文献   

This article investigates different aspects of global financial markets, specifically relationships among equity markets, money markets, and foreign exchange markets across countries. To represent the three major financial markets of the world, Japan is the proxy for Asia, Germany is the proxy for Europe, and the United States is the proxy for North America. Strong evidence exists that international money markets and international equity markets are becoming increasingly integrated over time. This article incorporates foreign exchange values as partial determinants of equity returns and money market returns and investigates the interactions among these three asset markets from a global perspective.  相似文献   

We consider three “crisis shocks” related to key features of the 2007–2008 crisis, for emerging and developed economies: (1) the collapse of global trade, (2) the contraction of credit supply, and (3) selling pressure on firms’ equity. Using an international cross-section of firms, we find that returns’ sensitivities to these shocks imply large and statistically significant influences on residual equity returns during the crisis period (after controlling for normal risk factors that are associated with expected returns). Similar analysis for several placebo periods shows that these effects are generally less severe or absent in non-crisis periods. Relative to developed economies, emerging markets are more responsive to global trade conditions (in crisis and in placebo periods), but less responsive to selling pressures. An analysis of portfolios of firms during various placebo periods indicates that investors are not compensated for the risks associated with the crisis shocks. Finally, a month-by-month analysis of returns during the crisis period shows that the time variation of the importance of each of the sensitivities to shocks tracks related changes in the global economic environment.  相似文献   

Equity index futures in both emerging and developing markets that are net commodity exporters are strongly linked to their respective currency futures markets. Unconditional correlations among equity and currency futures are the highest for these net basic materials producers in both emerging and developed markets. Granger causality tests also indicate that stock market returns are more strongly related to currency futures returns for commodity-exporting countries. Additionally, conditional correlations among currency and equity futures returns are the strongest for commodity-producing countries in both emerging and developed economies. Volatility spillover analysis provides consistent results. The overall results indicate that the status of a country as a net importer or exporter of raw materials is more important to the relationship between equity and currency futures than whether it is an emerging or developed economy.  相似文献   

Beta as a measure of risk has been under fire for many years. Although practitioners still widely use the CAPM to estimate the cost of equity of companies, they are aware of its problems and are looking for alternatives. A possible alternative is to estimate the cost of equity based on the semideviation, a well-known and intuitively plausible measure of downside risk. Complementing evidence reported elsewhere about the ability of the semideviation to explain the cross-section of returns in emerging markets and that of industries in emerging markets, this article reports results showing that the semideviation also explains the cross-section of Internet stock returns.  相似文献   

We investigate the interest rate exposure of large European financial corporations' equity returns. For the period from January 1982 to March 1995 we estimate multifactor index models to examine the sensitivity of equity returns to market index returns and domestic as well as global interest rate movements. In addition, we specify an APT‐model to test whether an exposure to interest rate movements is rewarded in the cross‐section of expected returns. In the four European markets both domestic and global interest rate shifts constitute driving forces of stock returns beyond the influence of the domestic market indices. However, the exposure to interest rate movements does not seem to be rewarded in the same fashion among the markets.  相似文献   

The few existing studies on equity price dynamics and market efficiency for Latin American emerging equity markets show conflicting results. This study uses multiple varianceratio and auto-regressive fractionally integrated moving-average tests and new data (U.S. dollar-based national equity indices for the 1987–1997 period) to clarify these results. Documented evidence shows that equity prices in major Latin American emerging equity markets — Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico—follow a random walk, and that they are, generally, weak-form efficient. In sum, therefore, the evidence suggests that international investors in these markets cannot use historical information to design systematically profitable trading schemes because future long-term returns are not dependent on past returns.  相似文献   

When global investors go into emerging markets or get out of them, how do they differentiate between economies? Has this behavior changed since the crisis of 2008 to reflect a “new normal”? We consider these questions by focusing on sovereign risk as reflected in monthly returns on credit default swaps (CDS) for 18 emerging markets and 10 developed countries. Tests for breaks in the time series of such returns suggest a new normal that ensued around October 2008 or soon afterwards. Dividing the sample into two periods and extracting risk factors from CDS returns, we find an old normal in which a single global risk factor drives half of the variation in returns and a new normal in which that risk factor becomes even more dominant. Surprisingly, in both the old and new normal, the way countries load on this factor depends not so much on economic fundamentals as on whether they are designated an emerging market.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that global equity markets are becoming more risky. We develop a model to explain risk premia in international equity markets. The model is then used to investigate the changing nature of conditional risk premia and their effect on unconditional global risk. Using this model we find that the increase in international variance and covariance of realized excess returns can be attributed to systematic variations in global risk premia correlated across markets as well. Understanding this additional source of increased global correlation is important. These results have interest both for practitioners and for those interested in modeling global asset prices.  相似文献   

This article investigates whether equity indices of twenty-four emerging and twenty-eight developed markets compensate their investors equally after adjusting for total or downside risk, and examines the predictive power of reward-to-risk ratios for expected market returns. We find that when all fifty-two markets are ranked based on their alternative reward-to-risk ratios, almost all of the countries in the top (bottom) quartile are emerging (developed) markets. The pooled means of the reward-to-risk ratios are also significantly higher for emerging markets. Both portfolio and regressions analysis reveal that there is a significantly positive relation between various reward-to-risk metrics and expected market returns.  相似文献   

We examine the information flow between equity and credit default swap (CDS) markets using firm-level returns data before and after the global financial crisis. Before the crisis, the information flow was unidirectional, with equity returns leading CDS returns. While equity returns continue to lead CDS returns after the crisis, we find that the speed of adjustment of the CDS market to equity markets has increased during this period. We also find evidence of a bidirectional flow of information between these markets, with equity returns responding to credit protection returns in the postcrisis period. The quicker response of CDS spreads to equity returns during the postcrisis period primarily occurs among entities with lower credit ratings. In contrast, the response of equity returns to lagged CDS returns during the postcrisis period is observed among firms across different credit rating categories; however, the magnitude of the response is higher among those with lower credit ratings.  相似文献   

This article examines feedback trading and autocorrelation pattern of stock returns in the equity markets of Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa. We find evidence that positive feedback trading induces negative autocorrelation in the stock returns of Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa. The negative autocorrelation occurs during periods of increasing volatility, and all the four equity markets exhibit volatility asymmetry. We also find that Ghana, Nigeria, and South Africa were influenced by the 2008–2009 global financial crisis, and South Africa experienced the largest impact. These findings may have implications for risk management and price discovery in these equity exchanges.  相似文献   

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