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With increasing pressure to cut costs, both real and immediate, and those forecasted and anticipated, the partnership and collaboration between nursing and finance will continue to take on new challenges. This partnership has historically been strained and does not always come easy due to differences in focus, different priorities, and inadequate communication, listening, and hearing. That needs to change and a strong CNO-CFO partnership is needed. Nursing leaders need to understand and appreciate the financial constraints and balance them with expected outcomes, and financial leaders need to understand and appreciate the core clinical business and what gaps in care mean to the financial viability of the organization and to patient outcomes. One health system developed a platform for change and is dedicated to the hard work involved in continuously working on those partnerships so when it comes to patient quality, safety, and financial performance, nursing and finance leaders are well positioned for future health care challenges.  相似文献   

1900年 --放松对联邦授权的小城镇银行的资本充足率的要求.  相似文献   

文章旨在梳理美国银行业资本监管体系的演进过程,通过时序研究方法揭示美国银行业资本监管的发展动态与脉络。研究发现,美国银行业资本监管与其经济发展趋势密切相关,经济繁荣期监管当局倾向放松监管,这其中有着十分复杂的利益攸关方的激烈博弈,而在经济衰退期,在金融体系风险的压力下,监管当局会收紧监管标准。从中可以窥见,上世纪20年代前的宽松监管与1929年大萧条,二次世界大战后的经济繁荣与70年代经济滞涨,监管加强,80年代初的放松管制与80年代中后期银行大量倒闭,90年代金融服务现代化法案与2008年的全球金融危机,交替出现的银行业监管放松与收紧的变化有着内在的规律性。研究美国银行业资本监管历史、监管体系和监管措施,有助于我国加强银行体系的风险防范,完善银行业资本监管制度和机制。  相似文献   

This paper considers the impact of changes in the rate of corporation tax in Ireland affecting the business and financial services sector. A model is estimated that relates services exports and output to world activity, competitiveness and the rate of corporation tax. This model indicates that a reduction in the rate of corporation tax in the 1990s stimulated exports and, even allowing for profit repatriations by foreign firms and replacement of lost tax revenue, it resulted in an increase in domestic output. The increase in profitability suggests that some of the increased output involved relocation of profits to Ireland by multinational firms.  相似文献   

The impact of changing an individual's skill level on the solution to a finite population version of the Mirrlees optimal nonlinear income tax problem with quasilinear-in-leisure preferences is investigated. It is shown that it is possible to sign the directions of change in everyone's optimal consumptions and optimal marginal tax rates in response to such a change.  相似文献   

The paper examines the prospects for banking. After a brief appraisal of the knowledge available at the time of the Wallis Inquiry in 1997, attention is directed to issues associated with asymmetric information and then technology. The former explains predominant influences in banking while the second is devoted to exploring what technological innovation is about and what this means for business operations. Attention then turns to the various functions which can be used to explain and define what banks are about. Most recent empirical evidence is assessed to establish the latest results about banking business. These are then used in conjunction with information and technology to derive a series of themes about future prospects.  相似文献   

生态补偿制度研究是国内外生态补偿领域研究的重点课题之一。介绍了美国生态补偿银行制度的发起、内容、选址因素、设计因素以及具体实施流程。在此基础上,具体分析并阐述了我国现有的生态补偿制度及其存在主要问题,最后提出了我国在生态补偿制度设计上开展生态补偿银行制度的政策性建议。  相似文献   

《Journal of economic issues》2012,46(4):1070-1087

This study provides an updated analysis of Chinese trust funds—a specialized and important type of shadow banking. This study is the first to estimate the contribution of Chinese trust funds to economic growth, and also the first to examine the association between trust funds and the volatility of Chinese stock markets. It makes a novel contribution in showing that Chinese trust loans play a negative role in interest rate passthrough from the policy rate to the lending rates of commercial banks.  相似文献   

This paper provides a macroeconomic perspective for governmentinterventions in banking crisis. Such crisis occur when a largenumber of banks fail to meet capital requirements or are insolvent.Using a macroeconomic model with financial intermediation, ouranalyis suggests that strict enforcement of capital-adequaterules suffices in prosperous periods. Capital requirements serveas an indicator for crises interventions in critical stateswhich may require interest rate intervention and restructuringof the banking industry. These policies can be reinforced byrandom bailouts and temporary financial relief, with a largepercentage of the costs being covered by current and futureowners of banks. (JEL D41, E4, G2)  相似文献   

山西票号是"20世纪以前中国最富盛名的银行",但是现有理论并不能圆满解释票号为何会相对于市场交易而存在。本文从模型和史实两个方面分析了票号的本质问题,指出票号是分工深化的产物。从理论模型来看,分工经济需要货币存在,但货币出现后,仅靠资金供求双方的直接交易,效率将十分低下,票号的出现能够极大地提高交易效率,推动经济发展。通过追溯货币和山西票号产生的历史,本文验证了山西票号的确是分工深化的产物。  相似文献   

谈李荣 《财经科学》2006,(11):39-44
英美银行对客户的信托义务,体现了英美法的法律理念与错综复杂的法律事实间的平衡.本文以信托关系在英美法中的本质为切入点,分析银行对客户信托义务的确立和演进,探讨英美银行为避免或控制因信托义务产生的风险所采取的措施.我国现行的银行法律中缺乏银行对客户信托义务的原则性规范,不利于银行与客户关系的有效建立,应借鉴国际惯例和其他国家经验, 构建银行对客户的信托义务,建立公平的银行与客户关系,从而降低银行与客户之间发生冲突的可能性.  相似文献   

Does it matter whether banking supervision is undertaken in‐house in the Central Bank or in a separate specialised supervisory institution? After all, bank supervisors and the Central Bank must continue to work closely together wherever the supervisors are located. Nevertheless there has been a recent trend towards hiving off bank supervision to a separate agency, as in the UK. The main driving forces are the rise of the universal bank, increased conglomeration, and concerns with conflicts of interest. Such separation, however, raises questions whether systemic stability might suffer. The ethos and culture of the separate supervisor might come to focus more on conduct of business, consumer protection, issues. Potentially systemic financial crises would have to be handled by a committee. These are qualitative issues, and developed countries, with differing historical, legal and institutional backgrounds, will come to differing conclusions. But in less developed countries, more weight needs to be placed on ensuring the quality of the supervisory staff, i.e. their professional skills, independence from external pressures, and adequate funding. This tells strongly towards retaining banking supervision under the wing of the Central Bank in such emerging countries. (J.E.L.: E5, F3, G2).  相似文献   

银行监管是有成本的.它一方面可以降低银行体系的风险,使整个社会从中获益:另一方面也有可能会造成监管成本超过由监管带来的收益.从而降低整个社会的福利。本文对银行监管的成本和收益及其构成进行了界定,分析了,影响银行监管成本收益的各种因素,建立了基于成本收益分析的最优监管模型:同时从现阶段我国银行业监管中监管对象和监管环境的特殊性出发,提出了重新塑造高效银行监管体系的建议。  相似文献   

林晓军 《经济纵横》2003,(12):25-27
当前国际银行业重组呈现出新的特征。重组以应对金融全球化、电子化与自由化 ,并最终夺取国际银行业霸主地位为契机 ,并以并购为主要方式。银行业的并购重组已引发了整个国际金融业的大购并。我国银行为实现规模经济 ,迅速提高自身的竞争能力 ,也加快了重组的步伐 ,以期通过金融整合来提高与国外银行业竞争的能力。  相似文献   

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