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改革开放以来中国农村土地流转制度的改革与发展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
刘淑春 《经济与管理》2008,22(10):23-27
改革开放以来,以1988年宪法修正为标志,农村土地流转制度经历了从“禁止流转、允许流转到放开流转”和由模糊不清到明确鼓励的过程。农村土地流转从20世纪80年代中后期兴起到现今已经发展了近20年,但它的发展始终不顺畅,农地流转十分滞后。流转权利不充分、流转动力不足、流转机制未形成、流转条件受约束是农地流转缓慢的四大瓶颈。为了突破这四大瓶颈,我们必须坚持“所有权不干预流转权”、创造农地流转条件、健全农村土地流转机制、降低农地流转交易成本、允许通过抵押等进行土地流转。  相似文献   

文章在分析所有权、控制权、使用权和农地流转关系的基础上,参照农地的估价方法,以哈密市农地为例,对农地流转中的使用权价值进行研究,以探讨农地市场化流转中价格的确定问题。  相似文献   

农地城市流转及其决策都具有特殊性,对农地价值的正确判断和估计是影响人们进行农地城市流转决策的最重要因素,仅追求农地经济使用效益最大化将导致农地城市流转决策的扭曲或失误。本文主张以发展国民经济,提升社会综合效益及改善城乡生态环境综合目标的实现为目标,改进现有价值判断,科学估算农地的使用价值与非使用价值,从而做出合理的有利于可持续发展的农地城市流转决策。  相似文献   

文章从日本农地所有权和经营权流转的角度,探讨近现代日本农地流转不同阶段的背景和过程;在此前提下分析了日本农地流转过程中的政策和性质,农地流转在法制、农地流转主体、农地流转中介组织以及农户权益保护等方面的措施经验。  相似文献   

农地资本化流转与农业投入研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱强 《财经问题研究》2011,(10):120-125
现代农业发展的制约瓶颈在于现有分散的、以家庭为主的农地经营模式以及与之匹配的、以农户为主且结构单一的农业生产投入机制不能适应现代农业规模化、集约化发展要求。坚持家庭承包经营基本制度不变、加速农地资本化流转、促进农地规模经营是实现有中国特色现代农业发展的必由之路。农地经营权资本化流转的最大意义在于以市场机制和农地经营权价值形式实现了农地流转主体之间的利益联结,提高农地经营主体收益预期,激励和吸纳工商资本参与农业生产经营,全面建构城市带动农村、工业反哺农业且能适应现代农业发展需要的多元投资机制,从根本上解决现代农业发展投入不足问题。  相似文献   

熊红芳  邓小红 《生产力研究》2005,(5):157-158,99
美国的农地流转制度建立在家庭农场制基础上,产权边界明晰,以市场调节为主;日本则在政府和民间中介组织的共同推动下,克服了流转障碍取得农地使用效率。本文通过比较农地流转的不同制度与成效,从中得到促进我国农地流转的启示。  相似文献   

农地承包经营权市场流转取决于有效的农地需求和农地供给。在构建农户农地承包经营权市场流转理论决策模型的基础上 ,本文分析了土地产品价格、非生产性收益、生产性成本、非生产性成本、土地使用成本、土地交易成本、现有土地经营规模等因素对农地供求的影响作用。基本结论是 :我国农地承包经营权市场流转面临刚性的需求约束 ,总体水平上呈现需求大于供给的不均衡态势。为此 ,需要改善农地承包经营权市场流转的外部条件 ,促进农地有效供给的形成  相似文献   

了解农地流转的现状及存在的问题,对于促进农地流转、实现农地大规模经营及政府服务于农地流转将产生重要的作用.内蒙古农地流转的规模偏小、流转形式多样、流转潜力较大,流转纠纷多以农户之间为主,而且存在农地流转市场及其服务体系建设滞后、缺乏有效的管理制度、土地流转形式较单一、流转期限较短、土地流转规模较小、速度发展较慢等问题.  相似文献   

农村土地流转中农地流转意愿低下,产权不清晰,流转市场不规范,流转法律法规不健全,农村社会保障体系落后等这些问题损害了农民在土地流转过程中的权益,制约了我国农村土地健康有序的流转.应加强农村土地产权确认,保障农民合法权益;建立健全农村土地流转市场,降低农地交易成本;完善农村社会保障体系,弱化农地保障功能;加大对农业的财政补贴,降低农业生产成本;健全农地流转法规政策,保证农地流转有法可依.  相似文献   

当前衡阳农地流转的问题集中表现为流转效率低。这个问题的出现与农地产权制度固有缺陷和农地流转的配套制度的缺乏有关,制度成因突出表现为:当前农村社会保障制度不完善、农地流转市场机制不健全、户籍制度等因素制约了农地流转效率。针对这些成因提出了基于制度视角的衡阳农地流转效率低的化解路径。  相似文献   

80年代后期以来,关于现存农地制度的讨论一直很活跃,通过分析政府权力介入、国家政策以及制度本身缺陷等对经济绩效的影响,提出应从以下几个方面进行制度突破,来完善家庭联产承包经营责任制:(1)通过立法限制政府行为;(2)清晰界定土地产权;(3)落实土地承包政策;(4)建立健全土地流转体制;(5)在条件成熟的地区提倡适度规模经营。  相似文献   

The political economy of land reform choices in Central and Eastern Europe   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In all Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs) land reform has been a key part of the overall agrarian reforms and land reform procedures differ significantly among CEECs. This paper, by focusing on distributional effects and political economy implications, explains why thirteen CEEC governments chose particular reform procedures. Key factors in their choices are the history of the land ownership, including the post-collectivization ownership status, length of Communist rule, the ethnicity of pre-collectivization owners, and the equality of pre-collectivization asset distribution. These factors influence the distributional consequences of the land reform, including the (potential) conflicts between efficiency, social equity, and historical justice, and thus the political economy equilibrium.  相似文献   

Recent large-scale commercial agriculture projects in developing countries have raised concerns about the effects on natural resource-based livelihood activities of local people. A significant weakness in the emerging literature is the lack of a gender perspective on implications for agrarian livelihoods. This article explores the gendered aspects of land transactions on livelihood prospects in the Northern Region of Ghana. Drawing on qualitative research from two commercial agriculture projects, the article examines how pre-existing gender inequalities in agrarian production systems, as well as gender biases in project design, are implicated in post-project livelihood activities. The article concludes that a good business model of a land deal, even one that includes local communities in production and profit sharing, is not sufficient to protect women's livelihood prospects if projects ignore pre-existing gender inequalities and biases, which limit access to opportunities.  相似文献   

农村劳动力非农就业是农地流转的重要前提。基于广东省茂名市辖县级市化州市播扬镇440户农户的问卷调查数据,运用二元logit模型进行实证检验后发现,家庭中非农就业人数的增加将促进农地流转,非农就业收入增长对农地流转有积极效应,非农就业稳定性程度对农地流转有明显影响,非农就业地点影响农地流转行为决策。研究认为,从促进农地流转的视角,在促进农村劳动力向非农转移就业的同时,还必须提高农村劳动力非农就业的收入水平;在健全社会保障体系背景下,要提升农村劳动力非农就业的稳定性,以激励农地流转行为的发生。  相似文献   

港口内陆空间通达性与国际航运中心建设   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
宋炳良 《经济地理》2001,21(4):447-450,477
作为国际航运中心建设的重要内容之一,如何提高上海港口功能的空间辐射力值得我们进一步探讨。本文结合欧洲主要港口间的竞争焦点从码头吞吐能力转向内陆空间通达性的最新变化,从理论界定和实证分析上阐明影响上海等港口内陆空间通达性的基本因素,并针对我国交通运输基础设施硬件和软件建设严重失衡和滞后的现状提出一些看法和建议。  相似文献   


This study examines the trajectory of rural women’s labor in the wake of post-earthquake land appropriations in Haiti. Drawing on ethnographic field research conducted between 2010 and 2013, it explores gendered access to land in Haiti in both historical and contemporary contexts, paying attention to the nature of rural gender relations and how they influence women’s access to land and their roles in petty commerce. The study describes the stratification of rural market women, their lived experience, and how losing land access will affect their traditional roles as market women. Ultimately it argues that without access to land, and a paucity of available wage work, recent dispossession will intensify existing vulnerabilities for rural women and narrow their means of household production by forcing them to depend on informal market activity in their roles as machann (market women).  相似文献   

土地股份合作制的产权分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢群 《经济与管理》2004,18(12):63-64
要解决好中国的农民问题 ,应重新构建中国的农地制度。土地股份制应是完善农地制度的一项创新 ,是解决土地流转的有效方法 ,很可能成为中国农地制度改革的主导模式。  相似文献   

湖南农村土地利用现状及对策初探   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
谢炳庚  李晓青 《经济地理》2001,21(6):723-726
湖南农村土地利用具有类型多样,林耕地占绝对优势,空间差异明显,利用水平不平衡等特点,存在用地结构不合理,经营管理粗放,耕地数量剧减,土地闲置浪费普遍,土地退化严重等问题,必须完善土地利用规划体系,增加农用土地开发利用投入,优化农业用地结构,加强土地利用法制建设,建设土地利用动态监测网络。  相似文献   

After analyzing the grassland environmental characteristics and nomads vs. agrarian land use styles and their ecological and environmental influences in the arid and semiarid agro-pastoral mosaic zone in northern China, it was concluded that Mongolian nomadic culture is more close to the basic principles of the ecological culture in the modern sense. Mongolian nomadic culture has advantages over agrarian culture in ecology and environmental care, sustainable utilization of grasslands, and in sustainable human social economic development in the region. Generally speaking nomadic culture prevents desertification; whereas, agrarian culture facilitates desertification. Confliction between nomadic protection and agrarian destruction of grassland ecosystem is essentially focused on the problem of regional and even global ecological safety. Obviously, protection of ecological safety should be given priority because human social and economic existence, as well as development depend on and are decided by the vulnerable ecological safety in the arid and semiarid areas. Therefore expansion of cropping into the fragile ecosystem of arid lands was unfortunate. The long term sustainable management of these grassland ecosystems could benefit from reversal of policies that are exacerbating the problems of land degradation, and from the adoption of land use practices that have been successfully applied for centuries by Mongolian herders. Protection of grasslands and nomadic culture is far more important or even vital to the subsistence and sustainability of human and all other beings, compared to the protection of agrarian lifestyle and land cultivation. Protection of ecologic safety is protecting the premise and fundamental bases of economic and social development in the area. It is important to derive the rational elements of nomadic culture in construction of ecological culture, and in the ecological reconstruction in northern China. Based on analyzing and reasoning in line with the quintessence of nomadic culture summarized, some proposals on ecological reconstruction in the area are presented.  相似文献   

作为土地利用总体规划重要一环的实施保证体系常常不被重视,笔者在参与众多地区的土地利用总体规划基础上,认为土地利用总体规划实施保障体系包括土地利用分区和分区管制措施、土地整理复垦、荒地开发与中低产田改造等内容。其中的核心部分是土地利用分区和分区管制措施。对每一部分的详细内容作了详细阐述。  相似文献   

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