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公共政策的首选目标应该是充分就业,充分就业并不意味着“完全就业”,实际上应该是“适度的充分就业”。政府在制定和实施促进经济增长政策时,要优先考虑就业增长;在处理宏观经济问题时,应把治理失业放在优先地位。实现适度充分就业,要建立健全规避就业风险的政府主导机制。 相似文献
宏观政策取向的调整:从促进增长转向充分就业 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
处于临界点的中国失业问题 在衡量中国的失业问题时,通常采用四种不同的口径.首先,是中国政府发布的失业率,实际上就是"城镇登记失业人数".这不过是冰山的冰尖而已.有意义的是它的趋势. 相似文献
贾学英 《山东经济战略研究》2002,(12):15-16
一、劳动力就业结构对经济结构调整具有重要意义纵观世界发达国家经济结构变化轨迹,每个发展阶段都离不开劳动力就业结构的调整,它是其根本状况的直接反映,是推动其不断优化升级的不竭动力。以美、德、英、法、日五国产业结构(经济结构的主要表现方面)调整为例,从19世纪70年代到20世纪20年代再到20世纪80年代,三个历史时期中这些发达国家的产业结构都由“一、二、三”调整为“二、一、三”,最后调整为“三、二、一”,从现代经济结构理论讲是从低级到高级的发展过程。与此调整过程高度相关的是劳动力就业结构发生巨大变… 相似文献
中国就业结构现状及其调整 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
就业结构通常反映了一个国家社会劳动力的利用状况及一个国家经济发展的方向与水平。文章从就业的产业结构、城乡结构、行业结构等方面分析了当前中国就业结构的现状,结果表明产业结构失衡、城乡就业结构失衡、地区就业结构失衡是中国就业结构存在的重要问题。文章最后分析了中国就业结构调整的路径。 相似文献
劳动力的三产就业结构提升对经济增长贡献很大,陕西省目前的就业结构严重滞后于产值结构,大量剩余劳动力滞留第一产业,而第二产业吸纳就业乏力,经按当前发展趋势用logistic模型预测的陕西省2020年的就业结构虽有改善,但仍达不到规划人均收入水平相匹配的高度,一产人口未能有效转移至二三产业,陕西省应该重视就业结构升级问题,通过组织引导转移、提高劳动力素质以及促进农业产业化等措施加大转移力度. 相似文献
目前,我国劳动力市场供需矛盾突出,对劳动力的需求增长速度较慢,甚至是负增长(单位就业),而劳动力供给总量大且增长速度快,一是新增劳动力,每年近1000万人左右,二是国有企业下岗职工,目前是420万人左右,三是城镇登记失业人员,近1000万人,四是农村富余劳动力,有1亿7千万人,城乡失业人口总计2亿左右;另一方面,我国的就业弹性随着经济结构的转换不断下降,就业弹性是指GDP每增长1个百分点带来的就业增长的比率,1980至1989年全国GDP平均增长9.3%,固定资产投资增长10.5%,就业增长3.0%,就业弹性系数为0.32;1990至1995年,GDP平均增长11.9%,固定资产投资增长20.6%,就业仅增长1.3%,就业弹性系数为0.11;目前已降至0.1。 相似文献
Bernard E. Anderson 《The Review of Black Political Economy》2008,35(2-3):91-101
Among the valuable contributions Robert Browne made in his career was the role he played in shaping the “Equal Opportunity and Full Employment Bill of 1974” that was introduced by Congressman Augustus Hawkins of California. Browne defined full employment as “a condition in which all persons willing and able to work, no matter what their race, gender, or national origin would be guaranteed a job”. In his view, if the private sector was unable to produce full employment, the government should act as the employer of last resort. Language in support of that view was included in the Hawkins bill. Robert Browne believed only a national policy to achieve that goal would eliminate racial disparities in employment and unemployment—a long term reality in the American labor market. The 1974 Hawkins bill was met with only tepid Congressional support, little notice from civil rights leaders, and no response from the business community. Little was done to advance full employment legislation until Senator Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota embraced the cause in 1975. Negotiations with Congressman Hawkins led to the development of the “Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1975,” a legislative measure to replace the Employment Act of 1946. The new bill was commonly known as the Humphrey–Hawkins Full Employment Bill. Robert Browne offered far less support for the new bill than for the original full employment bill introduced by Mr. Hawkins. The Humphrey Hawkins Bill failed to provide explicitly a job guarantee for all workers, and included an inflation target to make price stability co-equal with full employment as a national policy objective. The Humphrey–Hawkins Bill was enacted into law in 1978, and remains the nation’s policy dictum on full employment to this day. 相似文献
William A. Darity Jr. 《The Review of Black Political Economy》2013,40(2):115-120
Samuel Z. Westerfield Address 相似文献
William A. Darity Jr. 《The Review of Black Political Economy》2010,37(3-4):179-181
This article proposes the formation of a National Investment Employment Corps to provide a job guarantee for all citizens and to perform the work necessary to maintain and expand the nation’s physical and human infrastructure. The permanent establishment of the National Investment Employment Corps coupled with the federal job guarantee not only would address the employment needs created by the current economic crisis but would yield enduring benefits to national well being. Moreover, it would provide a direct mechanism for producing continuous full employment in the US economy. 相似文献
经济学是围绕收入分配而展开的,就业率又是宏观经济学中重要的指标。宏观经济学主要是为解决就业问题而诞生的。就业是民生之本。就业与个人的生存和发展息息相关。传统的经济理论指导下所建立起来的三次分配的经济制度,不可能彻底解决社会财富分配和就业问题。只有进行社会财富的第四次分配,才可以实现社会的充分就业。为了应对这次由美国次贷危机所引发的全球金融危机,世界上受金融危机冲击的各国正在进行着大规模四次分配的实践。 相似文献
就业结构是由产业结构决定的,产业结构的变化必然引起相应就业结构的变化。文章运用比较分析方法和回归分析方法分析了浙江省就业的产业结构的现状、演进以及产业结构与就业结构关联性,指出浙江产业结构调整应坚持的方向以及产业结构调整对就业的影响。 相似文献
文章按照安徽省近期经济增长目标,通过对1978年以来的数据进行分析,回归三次产业的生产函数,来预测未来产业结构中的各项指标比重.并针对经济增长中所存在的农业人口比重过大、就业结构调整方向错位、转换缓慢;投资率长期偏低,投资增长缓慢、结构不合理;规模经济效益低下,产业竞争力相对较弱等主要问题进行分析,提出了相关的政策建议. 相似文献
Helen Lachs Ginsburg 《The Review of Black Political Economy》2012,39(1):121-136
Economist William A. Darity has proposed a federal job guarantee with decent wages for all job seekers, an idea with deep, but largely forgotten, roots in US history.The article briefly explores some New Deal job-creation efforts and President Franklin Roosevelt??s proposal for an Economic Bill of Rights. It then focuses on two major attempts to secure full employment through legislation. The Full Employment Bill of 1945 was defeated; the compromise, the Employment Act of 1946 did not have full employment as its goal. After years of struggle, a much-weakened Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978 passed, but then was violated and virtually ignored. Full employment shifts power from capital to labor, so major opposition can be expected from efforts to obtain it. Proponents need more power and a strong movement, including at the grassroots level, pushing for jobs for all--not just jobs for me or my group. Publicizing the benefits of past job programs and reintroducing the idea of a decent-paying job as a right are suggested, as well as making decent jobs for all the center of economic policy. This requires a fundamental break with neoliberalism and reallocating political power away from big business and Wall Street toward middle and working-class people and the working- and non-working poor. 相似文献
当前全球范围内正在进行新一轮产业结构调整。产业全球化的背景,特别是全球信息化和高新技术的突飞猛进和各国产业政策的调整,赋予这次全球产业结构调整以新的趋势和特点。加入WTO,中国产业结构要融入世界产业结构分工体系之中,如何发挥世界产业分工的优势,扬长避短,是摆在我国当前如何调整产业结构的首要问题。我国产业结构调整要在充分发挥劳动力成本低的优势下,按照全球产业结构变动的趋势和特点,大力发展技术含量高的劳动密集型产业以及高技术产业,逐步形成门类比较齐全的高度化的产业结构。为此应采取以下主要政策措施。第… 相似文献
FDI、就业结构及产业结构变迁 总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35
本文从FDI与就业结构及产业结构变迁的影响机制在我国的实践出发,重点分析了FDI与就业结构变动的关系,并通过对FDI、就业结构及产值结构的两两Granger因果检验,系统而深入地考察了FDI对我国产业结构变迁的影响,得出结论:FDI有利于促进第二产业就业及促进就业人口非农化;FDI对我国产业结构升级有着积极的推动作用;FDI对第三产业影响不足,不利于我国农村剩余劳动力的转移及产业结构的进一步优化和升级。 相似文献
党的十七大报告指出:要“建设生态文明,基本形成节约能源资源和保护生态环境的产业结构、增长方式、消费模式。循环经济形成规模,可再生能源比重显著上升。主要污染排放物得到有效控制,生态环境质量明显改善。生态文明观念在全社会牢固树立。”“生态文明”首次写入党代会报告,表明我们党对生态环境的认识上升到一个新的高度。这不仅对中国自身发展具有重大而深远的影响,而且对维护全球生态安全具有重要意义,充分体现了我们党对生态建设的高度重视和对全球生态问题高度负责的精神。就北京而言,生态文明建设虽然初战告捷,但今后的任务仍十分艰巨,必须进一步——[编者按] 相似文献