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This paper argues that new technology, the recession, and changing condition in the world market have transformed the ogranization of work and the system of industrial relations in many European countries. Many show a tendency toward decentralized collective bargaining at he firm level. the growing strength of workers' representative at the firm level has weakend the highly centralized bargaining systems (corporatism) which have contributed much to the stability of industrial relations. Case studies, one of west German works councils and one of Italian labormanagement committees, support the argument.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of the effect of labour market institutions on economic performance. It reviews evidence to show that the performances of highly centralized, or 'corporatist' economies, such as Sweden and Austria, have in the past been superior to those of the current EC members. It considers the implications of this for European labour markets given the process of European integration. It seems likely that Europe as a whole will gravitate to a weak form of corporatism which may be associated with poor economic performance. Therefore we contrast the prospects of a neo-liberal deregulatory with a more corporatist strategy as the optimum response for the Europe Community of the 1990s.  相似文献   

2004年7月20日,俄罗斯司法部宣布,将出售尤科斯的主营业务子公司Yuganskneftegas。这表明,在拖了一年多之后,在商业界引起轰动的尤科斯(Yukos)一案即将得到定论。Yuganskneftegas公司所产原油占尤科斯全部产量的60%。出售Yuganskneftegas意味着什么呢?  相似文献   

The article explores the changing role of China's trade unions in the era of post-Mao economic reform in the light of two alternative scenarios of organizational evolution—corporatism and civil society. Using interviews and survey materials as well as documentary evidence, it concludes that the increasing complexity of the Chinese economy and the tensions it is producing are creating an associational universe of workers' organizations which is diverse and volatile, embodying elements of both scenarios. In such a context, corporatist industrial relations will be difficult to establish and maintain and it is likely that, in relations between unions and the party-state, the principles of corporatist inclusion and free association will come into increasing conflict.  相似文献   

对成品油零售业的发展趋势进行重新认识,特别是全国加油站总量在未来一定时期内有没有发展空间给予科学合理的判断是十分重要的问题。从国内的情况看,使加油站总量减少的主要力量有两个方面:一是行政手段,二是市场调节。市场调节是决定今后加油站总量多少的主要力量,有序竞争下的优胜劣汰是市场调节的主要表现。加油站的赢利水平是由单站销量和单位毛利共同作用的结果。根据零售总量、单站销量和加油站数量之间的平衡关系,从目前全国加油站总量7.5万-8万座的情况看,未来5年内加油站数量不但不会减少,还会有一定程度的增加。尽管从宏观上看,国内加油站总量偏多,零售毛利大势趋减,但在看待中国石油零售网络建设的问题上,还要从公司的实际出发,从未来市场竞争的客观需要出发,具体问题具体分析。  相似文献   

我国油田企业存续部分如何适应新体制、新形势,立足自我,转换机制,盘活存量资产,调整产品结构,增强市场竞争力,拓展生存和发展空间,是一个非常紧迫而不容回避的课题。这里介绍江汉石油管理局运输处的一些作法,以期对存续部分有关单位的改革和发展有所启迪。  相似文献   

我们需要坚强的农村电网   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,35千伏及以上输变电网设备运行状况良好,电压合格率和供电可靠率都较高,而连接广大农村客户末端的10千伏配电网,设施状况却令人担忧,已重新形成10千伏配网供电卡口,客户端电压质量滑坡,业扩工程进展缓慢,直接影响着整个电网的稳定与坚强,影响着县供电企业的效益与形象。农  相似文献   

The success of economic policies in the Netherlands with regard to enhancing job growth and bringing down unemployment has attracted international attention, especially against the background of persistent high unemployment in many continental European countries. The paper considers the role of Dutch industrial relations, and in particular trade unions, in the turnaround from the 'Dutch disease' to the current 'employment miracle'. It is argued that Dutch unions, weakened by the severe jobs and membership crisis of the early 1980s but assured of continued institutional support, have chosen a public-regarding 'jobs before wages' strategy. The two main features are continued wage moderation and negotiated flexibility of working hours, particularly part-time jobs. The paper stresses the importance of co-ordination within the unions as well as between unions and employers, and compares the contents, causes and consequences of the two central accords of 1982 and 1993. Finally, it considers the renewal of Dutch corporatism in an environment of increased market pressure.  相似文献   

Researchers are under constant pressure to publish high-quality research. What, however, constitutes high-quality research? Most universities use accepted lists of top-tier journals, citation counts, or other metrics to assess the value of research contributions. We first explore the metrics by which research contributions are evaluated. These metrics provide at least some indication of the impact and value of an academic's stream of research.We then consider the issue of value beyond the commonly accepted metrics of article counts and citations. Should high-quality research create value for students and, especially in the case of business academics, for managers and practitioners? If so, rather than focusing exclusively on theoretical contributions, researchers should demonstrate the value-in-use of the research stream to the broader community. We present a set of conditions to support a research stream that delivers value-in-use to students and practitioners.We then turn to whether high-quality research implies finding solutions to societal challenges and problems. This would require a rethinking of the traditional views on the university's relationship with society at large. We explore issues of research concerning its contribution to society. We conclude by distilling these issues into several pieces of advice to new and mid-career academics regarding strategies and challenges in developing high-quality research.  相似文献   

This article explores the implementation of BPR in the Social Service Administration in a Danish municipality. The technical rationality inherited in BPR marginalises broader conceptions of work–rationality represented by the social workers. This results in a 'clash' between rationalities in the Family Group, causing increased strain and lower job satisfaction.  相似文献   

This article draws upon the narratives of self-employed parents, their partners and children in order to examine the 'family friendliness' of making the home a site of paid work. While not fitting narrow definitions of 'teleworker' the subjects daily confronted the use of space in their homes, and access to technologies there.  相似文献   

It is commonly asserted that the field of strategic management is fragmented and lacks a coherent identity. This skepticism, however, is paradoxically at odds with the great success that strategic management has enjoyed. How might one explain this paradox? We seek answers to this question by relying first on a large‐scale survey of strategic management scholars from which we derive an implicit consensual definition of the field—as tacitly held by its members. We then supplement this implicit definition with an examination of the espoused definitions of the field obtained from a group of boundary‐spanning scholars. Our findings suggest that strategic management's success as a field emerges from an underlying consensus that enables it to attract multiple perspectives, while still maintaining its coherent distinctiveness. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

潜油电泵失效叶导轮的可靠性分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过对大庆油田近5年潜油电泵失效叶导轮的数据统计,应用可靠性分析理论和方法,从无参数统计分析、有参数分布类型统计分析和失效件形貌分析三个方面进行了叶导轮失效规律研究,得到了叶导轮的主要失效模式是磨损,统计样本在保修期一年内的故障率为32.0%,可靠度在保修期一年时为0.961,并对叶导轮失效因素和控制措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

只准非国有经济发展,不准国有经济发展,那还叫社会主义吗?! <煤炭经济研究>1999年第7、8期连载的<著名经济学家谈国有与非国有>,通篇都是对国有与非国有哪个优哪个劣辩解的.中心思想是认为国有经济效率低,效益差,对国家贡献少或者没有贡献;非国有经济效率高,效益好,对国家贡献大.  相似文献   

尽管在分析经济学时采用比较研究的方法在国外已经十分流行,但是国际贸易学方面的比较研究却仍然薄弱。本文分析了国际贸易理论的最新发展,采用比较研究方法将其与传统贸易理论进行比较分析,以有利于正确把握国际贸易发展的新趋向,适应我国经济进一步参与国际贸易以及经济全球一体化发展的需要。  相似文献   

众所周知,化纤已经取代棉花成为用量最大的纺织原料,而中国正是全球最大的化纤生产国.近几年中国化纤行业的超常规发展为纺织行业持续、稳定而健康地发展奠定了坚实的基础.然而,化纤产品的价格经常性地大幅波动,给纺织企业的生产、经营和成本控制造成了不少的麻烦,也使纺织企业的经营状况时好时坏.  相似文献   

不完全合约理论的逻辑悖论与企业理论的创新   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
主流企业理论是企业的合约理论,而合约的“不完全性”又是其逻辑前提。例如:委托代理理论、股东至上论、剩余控制权的“独享”或“分享”论等都离不开合约的“不完全性”命题。但是,这些理论之间是存在矛盾的。研究发现,矛盾根源于“不完全合约”理论自身存在逻辑上的“悖论”。进一步分析发现,合约理论的“悖论”又根源于企业产权理论中的“两权分离”说。本文提出“资本分裂”说,以解决“两权分离”导致的矛盾。“资本分裂”说要求对企业的本质及其相关企业理论做重新解释,进行企业理论创新。  相似文献   

内衣品牌秀武汉预示着什么?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前些日,九省通衢的江城武汉被一些内衣品牌弄得热闹非凡:几家四、五星级宾馆酒店的“黄道吉日”几乎都被内衣厂商租订了下来.各品牌的内衣发布会一场接一场,担纲各内衣厂商品牌形象代言人的内地和港台演艺界明星担纲走马灯似地光临武汉,出席内衣秋冬招商会。“国家纺织服装行业领导”参加的内衣营销论坛,“由国内行业专家联手完成的《中国羊绒市场白皮书》”也纷纷出现在武汉的酒店里报章上。  相似文献   

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