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The scientific and technological sphere of Ukraine is considered in terms of its cooperation with CIS and EU countries. The considerable potential of Ukraine is visible in the intermediate technological sectors of its economy, which is seen in the stable quantities of its export to CIS countries. The prospects and preconditions for scientific and technological cooperation between Ukraine and Russia are examined.  相似文献   

This paper considers the state of scientific and technological cooperation between Ukraine and Russia. An estimate of its potential under the conditions of an innovation-driven economic transformation is made. The areas of prospective cooperation between the two countries and the mechanisms of their cooperation based on the development of the cluster mechanism have been specified.  相似文献   

The paper presents the research results of an investigation into the state of scientific, technological, trade and economic interactions between Russia and Ukraine in terms of their potential, prospects, and problems impeding their cooperation. It is shown that there is a considerable scientific and technological potential both in Russia and Ukraine. Opportunities and conditions for the modernization of both countries’ economies are shown to depend on the coordinated use of their potentials.  相似文献   

The article has analyzed the prospects for the development of Russia’s aircraft industry in the context of international economic sanctions. It has been shown that the forced localization of the entire technological chain of aircraft production in Russia may lead to the increase in the contribution of the industry to Russia’s GDP. However, since the national labor productivity is lower than the world average, the development of the industry’s production potential would require a significant rise in investment.  相似文献   


What are the economic effects of the Ukraine war for Ukraine, Russia, and the rest of Europe? In this study, the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) sheds light on the immediate consequences on the one hand, but also on the medium-term structural changes caused by the largest armed conflict in Europe since the Second World War. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has triggered a humanitarian crisis. Pre-war, almost 19 m people lived in those regions that are currently directly affected. Refugee inflows to the rest of Europe are likely to be at least three times greater than in 2015/2016. As Black Sea ports come under Russian assault, Ukraine has lost its ability to sell more than half of its exports, primarily agricultural commodities and metals. Western financial support will become ever more important as the war continues. Turning to Russia, sanctions will have a very serious impact on that country’s economy and financial sector. Despite being partly hamstrung by the fact that a large proportion of Russian reserve assets are frozen in the EU and G7, the central bank managed to stabilise financial markets by a combination of confidence-building and hard-steering measures: capital controls, FX controls, regulatory easing for financial institutions, and a doubling of the key policy rate. The medium-term and long-term outlook is negative. As a result of the war and the sanctions, the rest of Europe faces a surge in already high inflation; this will weigh on real incomes and will depress economic growth. Many European countries rely heavily on Russia for oil and gas imports: import shares are over 75% in Czechia, Latvia, Hungary, Slovakia, and Bulgaria with respect to natural gas; Slovakia, Lithuania, Poland, and Finland with respect to oil and petroleum; and Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Denmark, Lithuania, Greece, and Bulgaria with respect to solid fuels. Aside from energy, the fallout via trade for the rest of Europe is likely to be small. Non-energy trade and investment links between Russia and many European countries have declined in importance since 2013. There are four main areas of structural change and lasting impact for the EU (and Europe more broadly) as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. First, the EU will get more serious about defence. Second, the green transition will gather pace. Third, broader Eurasian economic integration will be unwound. And fourth, the EU accession prospects for countries in Southeast Europe could (and should) improve.


The article deals with a relatively new phenomenon for Russia, i.e., social entrepreneurship. Based on an analysis of international experience in the development of social enterprises, their characteristics have been studied, the advantages and risks in support of social enterprise in meeting the social needs have been revealed, and the problems and prospects of development of social entrepreneurship in Russia have been discussed.  相似文献   

乌克兰所在的地理位置,正处西方基督教文明和斯拉夫-东正教文明的断层线。在分析乌克兰危机产生的原因时,除了考虑政治、经济、军事等要素,更不能忽视危机背后涌动的千百年宗教信仰和文明冲突问题。历史上,天主教与东正教之间、西方与俄罗斯之间的恩怨交织反复,两个文明的扩张和反扩张之战给乌克兰带来的是深刻的分裂与伤痛。  相似文献   

This paper presents an expert assessment of the present state of cooperation of Ukraine and Russia in the innovation sphere, outlines its main stages and analyzes the quality of the process of formation of legislative framework in state regulation of innovation-oriented transformations in the economy of the two countries. A comparative study is made and a quantitative estimate of the level of innovation activities in industrial production and the degree of innovation shifts in the technological structure of manufacturing in Russia and Ukraine is given.  相似文献   

梁晶  吕靖  李晶 《改革与战略》2011,27(5):141-143
世界贸易快速发展带动船舶制造业的规模日益壮大,船舶融资业务也日趋专业化、行业化和系统化。文章分析我国船舶制造业发展现状,结合国际贸易增长实况,预测我国船舶制造业资金需求,进一步分析资金供给结构,在此基础上,针对船舶制造业发展特点和融资产品种类进行系统性融资需求方案设计。  相似文献   

我国船舶产业市场结构与绩效关系实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以哈佛学派SCP范式与传统共谋假说为理论基础,在分析我国船舶产业市场结构与绩效现状的基础上,运用多元线性回归模型,基于2002~2007年时间序列数据,实证分析我国船舶产业市场结构与绩效关系,提出相关船舶产业组织结构调整政策的建议。  相似文献   

The increased economic opportunities for the former Soviet countries made it possible to intensify significantly the integration processes in the post-Soviet space. These circumstances call for a quantitative evaluation of the economic implications arising from the closer integration between Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Ukraine. This article employs a scenario-based analytical approach to the analysis of the impact made by the formation of the common economic space and Ukraine??s accession to it both at macroeconomic and sectoral levels.  相似文献   

Russia’s gold and currency reserves (GCR) and control over them are analyzed. The main components of international reserves are characterized in detail. Successes in GCR accumulation (third place after China and Japan by this indicator) are considered. Special attention is paid to the development and control over the gold-mining industry. Control over international reserves and prospects for improving its efficiency are analyzed.  相似文献   

徐小峰 《改革与战略》2011,27(7):152-154
中国乃至全世界的船舶工业正在以信息技术为基础实现跨越式的发展,但是从我国船舶工业当前的整体发展水平看,还存在大而不强,国际综合竞争能力不高的问题。文章认为,要解决这些问题,就有必要对我国船舶工业的竞争力进行衡量,构建相应的竞争力衡量指标体系。  相似文献   

The rationale behind the key tasks in the development of Russia’s fuel and energy complex, agroindustrial complex, defense industry, and machinery industry and construction complexes has been presented using the apparatus of Kondratiev’s long cycles, i.e., upward and downward waves in the production and export of oil, grain, arms, cars, etc. as well as in the supply of new housing. The trends have been analyzed using Rosstat data for a 100-year period. The analysis has shown how the past rates of development and proportions affect the present and future growth of Russia’s economy. Some of the main tasks have been formulated for the future development of Russia’s economy until 2030. The processes of import substitution and the replacement of oil exports with grain, arms, and cars have been discussed. The issue of the social and economic significance of solving the housing problem in Russia has been raised.  相似文献   

利用 UN Comtrade 贸易统计数据运用国际贸易指数相关分析法,分析了中俄双边贸易发展现状、结构特征、贸易互补性(TCI)和贸易比较优势(RTA),并结合数据分析结果和当前俄乌冲突的背景,分析了欧俄双边贸易的变化对中俄贸易的影响。研究表明:中俄贸易呈现“产业间”优势互补特征;中国对俄罗斯具有出口比较优势的商品正逐渐由初加工向深加工转变;中俄两国在“皮革制品”、“鞋类”等商品具有较好的贸易基础和潜力,“机电类产品”的贸易前景广阔。  相似文献   

Several Russian and foreign forecasts of energy industry development have been analyzed that were made in various years for up to 20–25 years. The extent and type of temporal variations in uncertainty ranges of forecast indexes in Russia and worldwide have been studied. The indexes include fluctuations of energy commodity prices, electricity and fuel production and consumption, etc. The calculated data have been given. The relations of uncertainty ranges of different indexes to the change in the considered timeframe have been constructed.  相似文献   

An attempt to assess the effects of Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) for the domestic poultry market is made. The measures of public control over the national poultry market are outlined, a simple model for assessing the effect of import duties on the domestic market is developed, and the midterm prospects of Russia’s poultry market in the context of the country’s accession to the WTO are predicted.  相似文献   

The article analyzes the current state of Russian–French investment relations and their prospects, and highlights the factors determining them. Special attention has been paid to sectoral and regional aspects of French investment in Russia.  相似文献   

满洲里地处中、俄、蒙交界,是商家必争之地.俄、蒙人口稀少,自然资源丰富,中国有廉价的劳动力和一定的资金、技术,所以在满洲里可兴建各种加工业.满洲里的旅游资源也十分丰富,达赉湖风光无限,又是各种珍禽的故乡,呼伦贝尔大草原、冰雪世界及蒙古和俄罗斯风情等都是稀缺的旅游资源.在工业、旅游、商贸的相互促进下,作为国际商贸旅游城的满洲里其经济发展前景十分看好.  相似文献   

Cluster policy in the UK, pursued by the Regional Development Agencies (RDAs), has readily adopted a simplistic definition based upon industrial sectors and location quotients. Evidence drawn from a study of the operating behaviour of SMEs belonging to two traditional manufacturing industries within the West Midlands—automotive components and clothing—provides a critique of this approach. Whilst the automotive components industry has been designated part of a key, high priority cluster, the clothing industry has not. Using case studies from both industries, this paper shows firms both within and outside RDA cluster definitions display a remarkably similar range of behavioural characteristics. Yet, based on weakly defined cluster policy, one industry enjoys considerably more policy support than the other. The paper begins to question the logic of RDA cluster policy and to ask whether a more sophisticated and locally sympathetic manner of visualising clusters and business behaviour rather than an emphasis on employment numbers would have a greater impact for policy.  相似文献   

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