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一、当前我国ATM的发展现状及其存在问题 1.ATM市场发展迅速,但保有量仍然落后于发展需要1988年我国第一台ATM在珠海安装,经过22年的发展,我国ATM市场从无到有,实现了高速发展,取得了令人瞩目的成就。截至2010年底,我国ATM市场保有量约30万台,取代日本成为全球第二大ATM市场,仅次于美国。  相似文献   

近年来,金融自助终端发展迅速、创新不断。据统计,中国ATM的数量已接近40万台,是继美国之后的全球第二大ATM市场;预计N2015年,我国ATM市场保有量将达N55万-60万台,有望超越美国,成为全球第一大ATM市场。今后几年将是ATM相关行业发展比较迅速的阶段。  相似文献   

1987,中国自助金融服务元年 1987年6月,中国银行珠海市分行营业部,出现了一台ATM机。这是我国银行业最早购入的一台ATM机。当时,这台ATM机着实吸引了各界人士的目光。  相似文献   

从NCR在全中国ATM机的装机量看,大约每年在1.2~1.3万台左右。发达国家每100万人口ATM机的量可以达到1000台,用这个指标看中国ATM机市场,其发展空间非常广阔。有数据表明,5年内,ATM装机量在国内将会翻一倍,达到25万台。因而ATM机的管理问题将凸现。  相似文献   

近几年的金融展,不管是火爆还是平淡,ATM始终是展会上最引人关注的主角之一。在9月12日开幕的2004金融展上,ATM仍然占据着庞大而堂皇的展位,展示着各种姿态、各样功能。现在全世界约有120万台ATM在使用,中国有7万多台,绝对数量不算少。但是每百万人只有约50台,与美国的每百万人  相似文献   

广电运通第3万台ATM下线备受各界关注广电运通第3万台ATM下线作为中国ATM产业发展史上浓墨重彩的一笔,备受银行、媒体以及相关人士的广泛关注。  相似文献   

周明 《中国信用卡》2006,(7X):13-15
2006年5月4日上午10点25分,来自杭州的俞小姐在秋叶原电器街购物时使用农行银联卡刷卡消费59860日元,使得银联卡在日本的刷卡金额累计超过1亿日元。俞小姐因此得到了银联奖励的与其刷卡金额等值的现金。 5月9日,中国银联与花旗银行正式开通了ATM双向受理业务,银联卡可在遍布全球56个国家和地区的1万多台花旗银行的ATM上使用。 6月初,中国银联宣布与意大利最大的收单机构卡塔希公司(C&rt&SiS.P.A、)签署了合作协议。协议实施后,卡塔希公司将逐步开通旗下10000台ATM和8000家商户受理银联卡。同时,卡塔希公司委托意大利最大的支付卡第三方处理机构SSB公司处理在卡塔希受理网络内发生的银联卡交易。[编按]  相似文献   

从1985年中国银行发行第一张信用卡开始,我国银行卡已经走过了15年的发展历程.目前,银行卡发卡量已超过2亿张,资金交易额超过2.4亿元,全国的银行卡受理商产和储蓄网点分别达到35万户和13万个,ATM2.7万多台,POS近24万台,在12个金卡工程试点城市已实现跨行通用的ATM联网数、POS联网数和联网商产数分别发展到9829台、36123台和27655台,平均每月跨行交易金额超过67亿元.同时,银行卡消费占社会商品零售总额的近10%,而且在部分大型商场,银行卡直接消费在其年销售总额中所占比例已超过20%.  相似文献   

近几年来,随着银行卡产业的迅速发展,银行卡市场的规模不断发展壮大,大连市入网发卡银行已达到16家,银行卡受理环境也不断得到改善。截至2008年6月底,大连市累计发行银行卡1885.7万张;入网直联商户10145家;直联POS14082台;入网ATM1768台;ATM交易成功笔数1880.52万笔,ATM清算金额63.81亿元,同比分别增长39.03%和53.05%;POS交易成功笔数1417.73万笔,POS清算金额157.79亿元,同比分别增长42.96%和53.39%;上半年POS交易金额占大连市社会消费品零售总额的27.89%。  相似文献   

一、ATM基本知识(一)基本概念ATM是英文Automatic Teller Machine的缩写,即自动柜员机,它是由计算机控制的持卡人自助服务型的金融专用设备。ATM的基本功能包括取款、查询余额、更改密码等。加入银联网络的ATM不仅能受理本行卡,还可以提供跨行服务。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the short-run and the long-run relationships among the financial assets of the money market funds, the commercial paper market, and the repurchase agreement market by undertaking a cointegration analysis of quarterly data over the 1985–2017 period. This was based on the empirical observation that the commercial paper and repo markets account for 50 percent of the assets of money market funds. The evidence suggests that there exists a common long-term cointegrating trend among these three components of the shadow banking system. Any disequilibrium in this long-run relationship among these variables is corrected by movement in the financial assets of money market funds. The Beveridge-Nelson decomposition from the estimated cointegrating relationship shows that the cyclical component of money market funds is large and captures huge swings in these markets during the financial crisis. We also find evidence of change in these dynamic relationships in the post-crisis period, where in addition to the money market funds, the commercial paper market also exhibits a tendency to correct for the disequilbrium.  相似文献   

During the dot-com boom, many people saw the potential for new communication technologies to enable radically new business models, but they were far too optimistic about the speed with which the revolution would occur. Now, as the bitter disillusionment of the dot-com bust begins to fade, we have a chance to think again--this time more rationally--about how best to take advantage of the remarkable changes these new technologies are gradually making possible. One such change is the ability to create markets inside companies, allowing decision making to be decentralized and introducing some of the efficiency, flexibility, and motivating influence of free markets. In this article, the author examines this nascent form of business organization, exploring the benefits as well as the potential risks. BP, for example, met its goal of reducing the company's greenhouse gas emissions nine years ahead of schedule, not by setting and enforcing targets for each division but by allowing business unit heads to buy and sell emissions permits among themselves using an electronic trading system. And Hewlett-Packard recently experimented with a system that allowed employees to buy and sell predictions about likely printer sales, using a kind of futures contract. The markets ended up predicting the actual printer sales with much more accuracy than official HP forecasts. At a fundamental level, these changes are enabled by the fact that electronic technologies allow information to be widely shared at little cost. This simple fact has a profound implication for organizing businesses. When more people have more information, they can use it to make their own well-informed decisions, appropriate to local circumstances, instead of following orders from above. As a result, even very large companies can benefit from the collective wisdom of their employees.  相似文献   

Alternative strategies for predicting stock market volatility are examined. In out-of-sample forecasting experiments implied-volatility information, derived from contemporaneously observed option prices or history-based volatility predictors, such as GARCH models, are investigated to determine if they are more appropriate for predicting future return volatility. Employing German DAX-index return data it is found that past returns do not contain useful information beyond the volatility expectations already reflected in option prices. This supports the efficient market hypothesis for the DAX-index options market.  相似文献   

This study compares the issuance costs of Eurobonds before and after the completion of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) in 2002. We find that the introduction of the Euro has significantly reduced the issue cost of Euro-denominated bonds compared to bonds denominated in the legacy currencies. The reduction in issue cost is not due to a decrease in underwriter compensation, but rather to the elimination of underpricing (the difference between the market price after trading commences and the offering price). Underwriter fee has declined substantially after the completion of the EMU, but this decline has been offset by an increase in underwriter spread (the difference between the offering price and the guaranteed price to the issuer), leaving total underwriter compensation unchanged. The EMU is also associated with significant reductions in bond maturity and syndicate size, consistent with its expected effects on liquidity and issue costs in the Eurobond market.  相似文献   

We investigate whether access to bond markets affects acquisition activity of the European firms between 1999 and 2014. Our study provides insight into the effect that the growing European bond market has on corporate investment activity. We find that access to the bond markets, measured by the existence of a credit rating, has a significant effect on the tendency of firms to make acquisitions. The effect is strongest in Continental Europe and during times of high acquisition activity. We further find that consistent with prior U.S. evidence, bond market access has an inverse effect on abnormal returns generated by the acquisitions. That finding suggests that firms with superior access to financing pursue targets of lesser quality.  相似文献   

We develop a model in which time-varying real investment opportunities lead to time-varying adverse selection in the market for IPOs. The model is consistent with several stylized facts known about the IPO market: economic expansions are associated with a dramatic increase in the number of firms going public, which is in turn positively correlated with underpricing. Adverse selection is procyclical in the sense that dispersion in unobservable quality across firms should be more pronounced during booms. Taking the premise that uncertainty is resolved (and thus private information revealed) over time, we test this hypothesis by looking at long-run abnormal returns and delisting rates. Consistent with the model, we find (a) greater cross-sectional return variance, and (b) higher incidence of delisting for hot-market IPOs.  相似文献   

We analyze the role of federal funds rate volatility in affecting risk premium as measured by various money market spreads during the 2007–2009 financial crisis. We find that volatility in the federal funds market contributed to elevated Overnight Index Swap (OIS) spreads of unsecured bank funding rates during the crisis. Using OIS as a proxy for market expectations, we also decompose London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (Libor) into its permanent and transitory components in a dynamic factor framework and show that increased volatility in the federal funds market contributed to substantial transitory movements of Libor away from its long-run trend during the financial crisis.  相似文献   

Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting - This study demonstrates the way investors psychological traits influence their financial behaviors in the stock market. Results from the Health and...  相似文献   

This article studies the within‐model‐year pricing, production, and inventory management of new automobiles. Using new monthly data on U.S. transaction prices, we document that, for the typical vehicle, prices fall over the model year at a 9.0% annual rate. Concurrently, both sales and inventories are hump shaped. To explain these time series, we formulate an industry model for new automobiles in which inventory and pricing decisions are made simultaneously. The model predicts that automakers' build‐to‐stock inventory management policy substantially influences the time series of prices and sales, accounting for four tenths of the price decline observed over the model year.  相似文献   

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