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尽管绿色技术一直被认为具有广阔的发展前景,但这些技术在企业间的扩散率却很低。企业在非绿色与绿色技术创新关系上存在“厚此薄彼”的现象。基于1992—2019年中国制造业上市公司专利数据研究发现,相较于非绿色技术,绿色技术的前向引用次数更多,且产生了更大的知识溢出效应,对整个社会后续创新具有更大的正向影响力。此外,由于高能耗行业存在转化成本高、自身知识储备不足等问题,随着能耗水平提升,绿色技术对后续创新的正向影响力逐渐减弱。相较于非国有控股企业,国有控股企业绿色技术对后续创新产生了显著正向影响。该结论对政府设计绿色与非绿色创新“双赢策略”,促进企业从“厚此薄彼”转向绿色与非绿色技术双创新具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Supply chain management requires more intelligent technology in the future; however, the current sensor technology is causing a bottleneck in the development of an intelligent supply chain. The emergence and development of nanosensors provide a good opportunity to improve the complex technical issues that supply chains need and may bring revolutionary changes to supply chains in the future. This paper reviews the current and potential application of nanosensors to every aspect of supply chains, including the SCM system, packaging, storage and distribution, supply chain safety, tracking and tracing. The particular focus will be on removing the blinders to the true potential technologies on the nanoscale for the future, not just for the management of supply chains but for firms seeking to become more competitive. This review will shed light on the profound impact nanotechnologies could have in augmenting or replacing the existing radiofrequency identification (RFID) tags or bar-code technologies.  相似文献   

随着新一轮科技革命和产业变革的深入推进,人工智能技术在应对气候变化方面扮演重要角色,并赋能“碳达峰、碳中和”目标的实现。利用2006—2019年中国内地省级面板数据,考察人工智能技术对碳排放的影响。研究发现:人工智能技术与碳排放之间呈倒U型关系,即当人工智能技术达到一定阈值后,其碳减排效应逐渐凸显;人工智能技术主要通过提高能源利用效率实现碳减排;在东部和西部地区,人工智能技术与碳排放之间存在显著倒U型关系,而在中部地区,人工智能技术对碳排放发挥持续促进作用。因此,在推进“双碳”目标过程中,需要以绿色低碳发展为目标开发人工智能技术,正确引导人工智能在碳减排领域的研发应用,针对不同区域实际制定差异化发展政策。  相似文献   

Natural gas is the key non-renewable source of energy for a low-carbon economy. The research applies heterogeneous panel techniques to investigate the impact of natural gas consumption on economic growth across a panel of top 15 natural gas consumers of the developing world. We establish long-run dynamics with cross-sectional dependence and heterogeneity across the sample countries. The long-run output elasticities suggest that the natural gas consumption and trade variables have significant positive effect on the output in a panel of developing economies. Further, we establish feedback relationship among gas consumption, output and trade in the short-run. Given the significance of natural gas as the low-emission source of energy, we suggest governments and policy advisers of these major natural gas consumers to focus on developing pipeline infrastructure for adequate supply, reforming natural gas sector with a competitive price structure to combat excess demand in individual natural gas market. With trade integration, majority of these countries need to incorporate these initiatives to improve the technologies such as combined cycle power plant technology and value-added chemical production technology to achieve sustainable economic growth.  相似文献   

随着科技的发展,信息通信技术已经深入到了各个行业,对人们的生活、社会生产以及整个产业结构都产生了重大的影响。近年来,日本政府出台了一系列信息通信技术产业的战略规划,其未来重点发展领域为:云计算及大数据处理技术,智能电网、智能交通,低成本、低能耗、小型化的超级计算机,智能机器人及柔性制造系统,数字化智能家电以及汽车产业等。日本政府将加强信息通信技术与本国制造业以及其他传统优势领域的融合,在推动重点产业发展的同时,主要考量的是利用信息通信技术进一步提高国民生活的质量。  相似文献   

陈莞  谢富纪 《技术经济》2010,29(10):38-43
技术进步与城市化、城市空间体系的演化是相互交织、相互触动的。随着城市化进程的加速,在环境与可持续发展的迫切要求下,城市化对能源不断扩张的需求应逐步转变为对新能源技术发展的推动。鉴于此,本文从"新兴技术管理"、"城市化与新能源技术发展的关系"两个角度对已有研究进行回顾,并围绕"区域协同发展"、"城市空间演化"以及"新能源技术共享"三个相关主题提出了可继续深入探讨的命题,这对寻找城市化进程中区域能源消费的关键路径与可控制变量具有现实意义。  相似文献   

While it is well known that new technologies enhance consumer welfare, the manner in which these technologies impact the ability to realize economies of scale in consumption is not well understood. We use Sri Lankan household data to examine how the adoption of new technologies by households positively impacts their ability to achieve household economies of scale. This suggests that new technologies not only deliver a greater variety of consumption goods to consumers, but they may also play an important role in enabling large households to escape poverty by lowering the per-capita costs of maintaining a given standard of living. Given the importance of consumption economies of scale in the measurement of poverty, this study provides some insights on the extent to which the number of poor households changes when food consumption scale economies due to technology adoption in the domestic sphere are incorporated.  相似文献   

当知识经济和物联网技术相结合时,泛在知识环境将在实体经济中起到重要推动作用。泛在知识环境不仅能改变企业组织的经营模式,而且能改变客户的消费方式,进而使产业经济中企业与客户的关系发生演变。面对这种挑战,将知识网、社会网、物联网和价值网相融合,形成一种全新的网络即全要素网络,是产业经济可持续发展的必然选择。分析了泛在知识环境下的全要素网络形成机理,提出了大产业整合的战略构想,认为依靠泛在计算技术,促进全要素网络中各种资源要素高效流转,加速产业链整合,形成更具能力与效率的大产业,是未来产业经济的发展方向。而这种大产业整合战略的落实,主要依靠泛在知识环境驱动的传统产业升级、新兴产业培育以及新老产业的重组和一体化发展等逐步完成。这种战略构想为中国未来的产业经济发展方向提出了一种全新的认识,“大产业”的战略意图对于中国经济转型具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

可持续转型理论研究综述及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国外近20年才兴起的可持续转型(ST)理论, 为破解当前新兴技术产业化发展成功率和贡献度不高、扶持效果不大的困境提供了系统有效的分析模型和方法工具,已成为当前技术创新管理和可持续发展管理研究的一个热点领域,目前国内对ST理论的研究全貌和前沿跟踪仍显不足。辨析了国外ST理论的研究缘起和内涵特征,运用知识图谱方法描绘了ST研究的知识基础、发展脉络及热点趋势。在此基础上,分析了运用ST研究新兴技术产业化的优势,最后指出了未来研究方向。  相似文献   

We develop a model of optimal pattern of economic development that is first rooted in physical capital accumulation and then in technical progress. We study an economy where capital accumulation and innovative activity take place within a two sector model. The first sector produces a consumption good using physical capital and non skilled labor. Technological progress in the consumption sector is driven by the research activity that takes place in the second sector. Research activity which produces new technologies requires technological capital and skilled labor. New technologies induce an endogenous increase of the total factor productivity of the consumption sector. Physical and technological capital are not substitutable while skilled and non skilled labor may be substitutable. We show that under conditions about the adoption process of new technologies, the optimal strategy for a developing country consists in accumulating physical capital first; postponing the importation of technological capital to the second stage of development. This result is due to a threshold effect from which new technologies begin to have an impact on the productivity of the consumption sector. However, we show that once a certain level of wealth is reached, it becomes optimal for the economy to import technological capital to produce new technologies. The authors would like to thank the participants to the seminar of GREDEG, especially Richard Arena, Flora Bellone, Jean-Luc Gaffard and Jacques Ravix, and also the participants to a seminar at European University Institute. We are also grateful to the referees for their very thoughtful remarks and criticisms. Cuong Le Van started writing this joint paper with Olivier Bruno and Benoit Masquin in 2005, in GREDEG.  相似文献   

我国煤炭生产—消费的地区性差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王培宏 《经济地理》2012,(8):97-101
利用1991—2009年中国30个省市的煤炭消费及原煤生产数据建立Panel-Data模型,分析各地区煤炭消费的地区性差异影响,并将30个省域划分为东部、中部和西部三大区域,比较了三大区域煤炭消费的地区性差异。结果表明,河北(与北京和天津)与江苏(与上海)的煤炭消费最强,东部地区的煤炭消费远高于中西部地区。研究认为,东部地区经济的发展要摆脱对煤炭的高度依赖,有必要积极发展低碳经济;同时中西部地区也要调整产业结构,降低原煤开采业在国民经济的比重,提升产业的科技含量,告别资源依赖型经济发展模式,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

The bioeconomy has become a central concept in many strategies for future economic development, emphasising an increasing need for collaboration across industries and sectors for innovation. This paper unpacks aspects of collaboration in the bioeconomy by looking at the development of innovation networks for biorefinery technologies from 2004 to 2014 based on innovation project data from Swedish public funding agencies using a stochastic actor-oriented model for network analysis. The analysis shows that although the network grew significantly during the time period, indicating an increasing interest in biorefinery technology innovation, inter-sectoral collaboration is not favoured over intra-sectoral collaboration. As is known from previous work on social networks trust-building is a key driver for collaboration, as actors tend to form collaborations with previous partners or indirectly connected partners, creating clustered networks.  相似文献   

The unsustainability of the present trajctories of technical change in sectors such as transport and agriculture is widely recognized. It is far from clear, however, how a transition to more sustainable modes of development may be achieved. Sustainable technologies that fulful important user requirements in terms of performance and price are most often not available on the market. Ideas of what might be more sustainable technologies exist, but the long development times, uncertainty about market demand and social gains, and the need for change at different levels in organization, technology, infastructure and the wider social and institutional context-provide a great barrier. This raises the question of how the potential of more sustainable technologies and modes of development may be exploited. In this article we describe how technical change is locked into dominant technological regimes, and present a perspective, called strategic niche management, on how to expedite a transition into a new regime. The perspective consists of the creation and/or management of nichesfor promising technologies.  相似文献   

In recent years, many industrial firms have been able to use roadmapping as an effective process methodology for projecting future technology and for coordinating technology planning and strategy. Firms potentially realize a number of benefits in deploying technology roadmapping (TRM) processes. Roadmaps provide information identifying which new technologies will meet firms' future product demands, allowing companies to leverage R&D investments through choosing appropriately out of a range of alternative technologies. Moreover, the roadmapping process serves an important communication tool helping to bring about consensus among roadmap developers, as well as between participants brought in during the development process, who may communicate their understanding of shared corporate goals through the roadmap. However, there are few conceptual accounts or case studies have made the argument that roadmapping processes may be used effectively as communication tools. This paper, therefore, seeks to elaborate a theoretical foundation for identifying the factors that must be considered in setting up a roadmap and for analyzing the effect of these factors on technology roadmap credibility as perceived by its users. Based on the survey results of 120 different R&D units, this empirical study found that firms need to explore further how they can enable frequent interactions between the TRM development team and TRM participants. A high level of interaction will improve the credibility of a TRM, with communication channels selected by the organization also positively affecting TRM credibility.  相似文献   

低碳经济技术锁定突破研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为全面提升我国的经济发展质量与生态环境质量,低碳经济势在必行。低碳经济的实现依赖于技术创新,只有以过硬的技术作保障,才能从源头制止更多污染物的产生,实现低碳发展。但是我国低碳经济存在着“技术锁定”现象,技术锁定使我国现代产业体系难以形成,消耗了大量的能源,造成了环境的严重污染。文章从我国低碳经济技术锁定的现象出发,分析了技术锁定的原因是由于产业结构不合理、技术研发能力薄弱、投资风险巨大、国际技术转移困难、低碳消费观念滞后等综合因素影响。文章提出了低碳技术锁定突破点是突破性创新和渐进性创新,并分析了与之对应的跨越型技术路径和顺轨型技术路径。文章还针对不同的路径,提出了发展我国低碳经济,实现技术跨越的对策。  相似文献   

In the application of new technologies that address the terrorism problem, an objective is to ensure that the technology does not cause more problems than it solves. Potential new technologies, including convergences of genomics, robotics, information technology, and nanotechnology, might rapidly develop. As with any technological advance, each of these offers a mixture of benefits and risks. At first, a direct approach is reviewed by looking at how these technologies might deter the motive, means, and opportunity for terrorist activities. While there are many potential deterrence applications, other issues are identified that might cause unintended problems in the system. Some of these problems include the possible contribution to terrorist motives by increasing stresses toward divisiveness in society, terrorist means through the development of dual-use technologies, or terrorist opportunities by further developing technological vulnerabilities.Next, a more systemic approach is taken by reviewing a wider range of issues, such as resource availability, management of science and technology, and general societal trends. The balance between technological change and social response is important in realizing benefits while mitigating unintended consequences such as harmful uses through terrorist actions. To explore issues concerning this balance, possible technological development scenarios are reviewed, including the possibility of accelerating or slowing technological development. Some recent recommendations are considered within this context. The need for a balance between technological and social response in this asymmetric situation suggests that the benefits of a rapid technological response against terrorism might not be as large as those observed during World War II.  相似文献   

Technological change and its transfer to developing countries is often portrayed by policy-makers as a critical part of the solution to a resource problem such as climate change, based on the assumption that the transfer of resource-conserving technologies to developing countries will result in reduced use of natural capital by those countries. We demonstrate here, in a capital conversion based model of development, that the free transfer of resource-conserving technologies to developing countries will increase the options available to those countries, but that the way that they expend these options need not be in the direction of conserving resources. This is another example of the potential for a rebound effect to determine ultimate outcomes, here in the context of international technology transfer policy. The transfer of technologies is as likely to simply move developing countries more rapidly down the same development path as it is to alter the choices they make along that path. For this reason, the transfer of resource-conserving technologies, without incentives provided to alter development priorities, may not result in any resource-conservation at all.  相似文献   

何林 《当代经济科学》2008,30(1):112-115
生产消费是指生产过程中各种生产要素的耗费,因此生产行为本身也是消费行为,没有生产,就没有消费,消费是生产的前提和目的.我国当前面临着由于"生产消费"不当而使生态环境遭受严重破坏的问题.因此必须确立以人为本,树立全面、协调、可持续的发展观,贯彻实施循环经济的发展战略及其政策措施,走科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的新型工业化道路;实现国民经济的可持续发展.  相似文献   

All seed firms in six EU countries were surveyed in May 1999 to determine how seed development budgets were distributed across three crop development technologies and the effects of the type of technology in use on employment, sales and exports. The results indicate that an evaluation of the economic consequences of an emergent technology such as genetic engineering should both consider the effect of competitive alternative technologies and survey all firms within the sector, rather than focusing on a subset of high technology firms. Only about 10% of the combined 1999 research budget of European seed firms was spent on genetic engineering, although this should increase to about 15% by 2002. Alternative technologies to develop new plant varieties, such as conventional plant breeding and conventional breeding combined with techniques that were developed for genetic engineering, are considerably more important economically. In fact, there is no difference in expected employment and sales per development employee by the type of technology in use, while export rates are highest among firms that combine conventional plant breeding with advanced techniques.  相似文献   

基于专利数据识别集成电路产业关键核心技术,构建技术发展水平评价指标体系并评估关键核心技术发展水平。进一步基于13项关键核心技术对产业政策进行分解匹配,测度各技术环节政策措施间协调度,并实证分析政策措施及其协调度对关键核心技术发展水平的影响。结果表明,我国集成电路产业各关键核心技术差距明显,技术发展水平相对较低;规划引导措施对关键核心技术发展存在显著正向影响,监管认证、税收优惠、规划引导与技术支持措施间协调情况对关键核心技术发展具有显著负向影响,现有金融支持、技术支持措施与其它措施间协调情况较差,不利于关键核心技术发展水平提升。未来政策应鼓励创新主体加大研发投入力度,及时更新监管认证措施并加强对金融支持等措施的监督,为关键核心技术发展提供更强有力的政策保障。  相似文献   

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