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中国经济绿色发展的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿色发展的内涵在学术界有不同看法。绿色发展应建立在资源能源合理利用,经济社会适度发展,损耗补偿互相平衡,人与自然和谐相处的基础上。中国绿色发展存在的三大误区,使中国经济的绿色发展面临许多困难。根据西方经验及理论分析,我们认为马克思主义生态理论才是指导中国经济绿色发展的基本理论。而全面树立珍惜及合理利用自然资源、尽快制定资源能源补偿标准、避免资本统制力对生态的破坏、以科技手段来加速生态的修复及经济的发展,是中国乃至世界各国绿色发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

《世纪的选择—中国生态经济的可持续发展》由上海社会科学院副院长兼信息研究所所长沈国明主编,邀请了复旦大学、华东师范大学、同济大学、上海农学院、内蒙古大学、南京林业大学等研究机构中多名生态经济与环境保护领域的专家学者合作完成。这本55万多字的著作是对生态经济学这门新兴学科进行综合系统研究的优秀成果。本书的第一个特点是资料翔实而有据,对中国各种资源的现状和问题分门别类地进行了阐述。例如对我国的人口问题和人力资源开发利用、水资源开发利用、土地资源开发利用、矿产资源开发利用、森林资源开发利用、草地资源开发…  相似文献   

呼唤中国企业的绿色责任   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
潘岳 《环境经济》2005,(7):11-15
中国的崛起已是个不争的事实。持续20年的经济增长使中国成为世界第一大工业生产国,第二大外国直接投资吸引国和第三大贸易国,堪称世界奇迹。作为这一奇迹的重要参与者,企业家们得到了丰厚的回报、巨大的荣誉和前所未有的讲台。他们昨天还在虔诚地拜读国际商界巨子们的著作,今天就和这些老师们在财富论坛上坐而论道,明天他们将为可持续发展理念而开创新局面。实践证明,凡可持续发展的生产力才是先进生产力,  相似文献   

沙磊 《经济月刊》2013,(1):40-41
党的十八大报告提出“把生态文明建设放在突出位置,融入经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设各方面和全过程,努力建设美丽中国,实现中华民族永续发展”。“美丽中国”将对我国应对气候变化工作和经济社会发展产生哪些影响?  相似文献   

为了改善全球气候,越来越多的国家已经开始注重发展绿色经济。而作为绿色发展的重要组成部分,低碳是个不可不说的话题。而低碳产品认证作为一个重要的市场化工具被越来越多的发达国家当作促进绿色经济发展的重要方式。  相似文献   

陈婉 《环境经济》2021,(6):32-33
当前,我国正处于经济结构调整和发展方式转变的关键时期,对支持绿色产业和经济、社会可持续发展的绿色金融需求不断扩大。绿色保险作为绿色金融的重要组成部分,在加快助推经济社会绿色低碳发展方面能够发挥独特作用。绿色保险在美丽中国建设中具有独特作用。  相似文献   

赵德馨先生是中国当代著名的经济史家,尤其在中华人民共和国经济史研究方面,不仅成果丰硕,而且还培养了众多后学.2002年12月,湖南人民出版社出版了他主编、国内30余位专家共同撰写,皇皇十卷,800余万字的<中国经济通史>.此书体大思精,包罗宏富,识见高深,是中国经济史研究的一座丰碑,必将为后世所珍重传留.  相似文献   

2003年,在中国期刊协会省市经济期刊分会、中国城市经济期刊研究会举办的第五届省市经济期刊评优活动中,《发展导刊》编辑部被评为全国“十佳编辑部”。获此殊荣是《发展导刊》编辑部的一大幸事。  相似文献   

《中国经济问题》在厦门大学王亚南校长的推动下,经中宣部批准于1959年正式创刊,是我国解放后高校中新创的第一家经济学专业期刊,与《经济研究》并列为全国两大经济学期刊,有北《经》南《中》之说。她一直是全国经济理论工作者和中国经济现实问题研究的重要园地。除校内王亚南、邓子基、葛家澍、钱伯海、吴宣恭和胡培兆等名家在本刊发有重大影响文章外,于光远、陶大镛、蒋学模、杨坚白、卫兴华、吴敬链等都曾是她的热情作者。50多年来发表过不少在国内有份量的论文,曾被香港镜报列为改革开放后的经济理论方面最有影响的20家期刊之一。  相似文献   

The paper makes a global assessment of the green, blue and grey water footprint of rice, using a higher spatial resolution and local data on actual irrigation. The national water footprint of rice production and consumption is estimated using international trade and domestic production data. The global water footprint of rice production is 784 km3/year with an average of 1325 m3/t which is 48% green, 44% blue, and 8% grey. There is also 1025 m3/t of percolation in rice production. The ratio of green to blue water varies greatly over time and space. In India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar and the Philippines, the green water fraction is substantially larger than the blue one, whereas in the USA and Pakistan the blue water footprint is 4 times more than the green component. The virtual water flows related to international rice trade was 31 km3/year. The consumption of rice products in the EU27 is responsible for the annual evaporation of 2279 Mm3 of water and polluted return flows of 178 Mm3 around the globe, mainly in India, Thailand, the USA and Pakistan. The water footprint of rice consumption creates relatively low stress on the water resources in India compared to that in the USA and Pakistan.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2000,32(1):107-118
Over the past 50 years, large areas of agricultural land have been drained and put into intensive agricultural production. Increasing attention is now being paid to the issue of restoring wetland areas and promoting environmental benefits. Collective action is important for wetland restoration, both because of the physical interactions among landholders and because of the cost saving and enhanced environmental benefit that can be achieved at a larger scale. Policy needs to be geared towards facilitating co-operation among farmers if environmental schemes are to be effective in enabling wetland restoration. Internal Drainage Boards have been primarily involved with securing of land drainage for local landholders. They now have a formal responsibility to further nature conservation but could take a more proactive role in promoting wetland restoration. They have good information on local water management options and are well placed to co-ordinate actions for restoration. Agri-environment policy could be redirected in order to promote collective action for wetland restoration.  相似文献   

With a vast territory, the space-time distribution of water resources is uneven in China. There is a great dif ference in natural conditions and farmland management of agricuttural production in different regions. The areal differentiation of agricultural products virtual water is obvious. Comparison with the agricultural products virtual water from 1995 to 2007 in China shows an increase in the first ten vears and a little decrease in recent years. There has been a tendency of increase all the time in Northeast and Northwest. but a decrease after an increase firstly in other regions. The virtual water offood crops is the maximum which accounts for more than 70% in China. and that of vegetables is in a fast growth. The proportion of agricultural products virtual water to the total water resources in each region has a large difference, showing the imbalance of agricultural water in different regions, which accounts for 50%-90% in Northeast, and 125%-185% in North China. Under the guidance of virtual water strategy, based on the differences of resource endowment, each region should adjust agricultural structure, decide production by water, and select water suitable crops. In water-rich region, agricultural produets of high water consumption should be planted appropriately, which will make full use of the abundant local water resources. In water-shortage region the crop production of high water consumption and low efficiency should be depressed, and that of low water consumption and high efficiency should be supported and increased. It will achieve reasonable disposition of water resources, promote ecological restoration and environmental protection, as welt as ensure food security.  相似文献   

With the high-speed development of economy in China, people require higher and higher quality of food, and accidents of food safety in recent years have been reported, causing the promotion of consumption demand on green food. The paper firstly investigates the current situation of green food industry at home and abroad, then focuses on the analysis of the demand of green food market. We study the balance between the green food and the per capita disposable income in short and long term, through vector auto regression model and co-integration analysis on the income elasticity of demand. The paper shows that, the relationship between green food consumption and per capita disposable income is bullwhip effect, which means that the per capita disposable income have a significant role to the green food sales in the short term, but no stable co-integration relationship in the long term.  相似文献   

Rural industrialization has been a dominant factor responsible for China's rapid economic growth over the last 18 years, but it has been accompanied by increased inter-regional income inequality. Using the most recent rural income data and two alternative Gini coefficient decomposition methods, this study finds that income inequality, especially inter-regional income inequality increased significantly in the period 1986-92. More than half of national income inequality was due to its inter-provincial component, and three quarters of inter-provincial inequality was due to its inter-zonal component. Uneven development of township and village enterprises has been a major cause of increased regional income inequality.  相似文献   

我国中部经济发展特点、存在问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以中部五省 (安徽、江西、河南、湖北、湖南 )为研究对象 ,分析了自改革开放以来我国中部经济增长的特点、存在的主要问题 ,提出推动中部经济发展的对策  相似文献   

Management in water resources development of Jinghe watershed of western t:ural China is examined with Participatory Rural Appraisal method -- a rare applied method in China and questionnaire survey of stakeholders Combination of these two survey methods derives good restlts as it coutd avoid personal bias in identifying and ranking the issues on a concrete bas'is in following up households' survey. Statistic Package for Social Sciences gSPSS) was used for data analysis. Results indicate that since the early 1980s, issues of water scarcity, river pollution, soil erosion, insufficient participation of stakeholders in water resources use and management, as well as centralized water planning and management system have created difficulties for Sustainable development of the watershed. The stakeholders and local governments are fully aware of the challenges and are committed to achieving a solution through integrated water resource management (IWRD). The concept anti the application of IWRD for rural China are reviewed and analyzed, and a fram cessful implementatio involvement and capacity building in water sector, which heed to fully, integrate various management functions within the watershed.  相似文献   

我国是农业大国,农产品数量大,消费量多,如何立足我国优势发展农产品绿色物流,变得尤为重要.本文通过对我国农产品物流一系列的调查和分析论证工作,进一步分析农产品绿色物流在实际运营过程中所面临的具体问题,并据此提出一些建议和对策,从而为我农产品绿色物流发展提供参考依据.  相似文献   

Assessment of regional trade and virtual water flows in China   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The success of China's economic development has left deep marks on resource availability and quality. Some regions in China are relatively poor with regards to water resources. This problem is exacerbated by economic growth. Flourishing trade activities on both domestic and international levels have resulted in significant amounts of water withdrawal and water pollution. Hence the goal of this paper is to evaluate the current inter-regional trade structure and its effects on water consumption and pollution via ‘virtual water flows’. Virtual water is the water embedded in products and used in the whole production chain, and that is traded between regions or exported to other countries. For this assessment of trade flows and effects on water resources, we have developed an extended regional input-output model for eight hydro-economic regions in China to account for virtual water flows between North and South China. The findings show that the current trade structure in China is not very favorable with regards to water resource allocation and efficiency. North China as a water scarce region virtually exports about 5% of its total available freshwater resources while accepting large amounts of wastewater for other regions' consumption. By contrast, South China a region with abundant water resources is virtually importing water from other regions while their imports are creating waste water polluting other regions' hydro-ecosystems.  相似文献   

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