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江西省定南县2009年农机补贴工作于近日启动。此次补贴机具种类包括耕整地机械、种植施肥机械、田间管理机械等12大类34个小类128个品目的机具。凡该县农民和直接从事农业生产的农机服务组织购买规定型号的农机,都可享受30%的补贴。其中,单机补贴额最高可达5万元,100马力以上大型拖拉机补贴额最高可达12万元。直接从事植保作业的服务队,年度内可享受补贴购置植保机械的数量最高可达10台套。据了解,该县农机购置补贴总额迭100万元。  相似文献   

农机购置补贴政策是我国重要的惠农政策之一.2004年该政策正式实施以来,引起一些专家学者的关注.文章在借鉴已有成果的基础上,分析了我国农机购置补贴政策实施的效果与问题,并对农机购置补贴进行了实证分析,认为农机购置补贴有利于提高我国农业现代化装备水平、有利于提升我国农业产业结构,是一项值得长期坚持的利国利民的好政策.  相似文献   

农机购置补贴政策已实施十多年,对我国的三农工作发挥了很大作用,但是在实施过程中也存在一些问题,影响了政策功效的发挥。文章结合对沈阳市部分农户的调查情况,对农机购置补贴政策实施中所存在的问题进行分析,以探求进一步发挥这一政策巨大作用的对策思路。  相似文献   

近日,农业部印发《2010年农机购置补贴政策落实监督检查方案》,要求各地采取有效措施,加大农机购置补贴政策落实工作监督检查力度,管好用好农机购置补贴资金,确保实施成效。  相似文献   

日前,农业部、财政部联合印发了《2011年农业机械购置补贴实施指导意见》,明确了实施农机购置补贴政策的总体要求、实施范围、补贴对象、补贴机具种类等相关工作要求。据介绍,今年中央财政农机购置补贴资金规模175亿元,比去年增加20亿元。  相似文献   

在中央1号文件和国家"扩内需、保增长"的宏观政策指引下,陕西千阳县2009年农机具购置补贴资金比上年大幅度增长,达到350万元.今年农机具购置补贴呈现"四大"特点;一是党和国家关于农机具购置补贴政策宣传到位.广大农民群众通过广播、电视、宣传单等对购置补贴的农机具种类、补贴标准、登记程序了解的比较清楚,选择农机具切合产业实际.二是购置农机具的热情高涨.  相似文献   

农机购置补贴是党中央国务院关于“两减免、三补贴”支农惠农政策重要内容之一,是贯彻落实中央一号文件的重要拳措,对改善农业装备结构、提高农机化水平、增强农业综合生产能力、发展现代农业、繁荣农村经济具有重要意义。农机购置补贴政策实施以来,推动了全国农机总动力快速增长,耕种收综合机械化水平持续提高,为保障我国粮食安全和农民增收,巩固农业在国民经济中的基础地位发挥了重要作用。但在开展农机购置补贴工作中,也存在宣传不够、缺乏监管等问题。因此本文就补贴实施的现存问题做了简单的探讨。  相似文献   

刘东合 《魅力中国》2010,(20):58-58
农机购置补贴是党中央、国务院强农惠农政策的主要内容,县级农机主管部门如何搞好这项工作,从宣传、组织、管理、机手培训、售后服务、配件供应、维修、验货管理等8个方面,提出了搞好农机购置补贴工作探讨与思考。  相似文献   

2月7日,农业部发出《关于切实做好抗旱机具补贴工作的紧急通知》,要求各级农机主管部门加快农机购置补贴政策实施,切实做好抗旱机具补贴的各项工作。  相似文献   

王淑宏 《中国经贸》2015,(11):134-134
为了更好推动我国农业机械化的发展,国家实施了农机购置补贴政策,这在很大程度上解决了农民购置农机设备资金不足的问题,提高了购机的热情,对农村整体农机装备水平的提高起到了积极的作用。在农机购置补贴政策实施后,农业机械化水平不断提高,不仅有效的推动了现代农业的建设,而且提高了农民的收入,使农民从中得到了实惠,在惠民政策带动下,为我国现代农业建设的进程起到积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

杨新华 《特区经济》2014,(9):158-160
农业保险补贴政策施行过程中的主要行为主体是政府部门、农民,保险公司,对该政策的制度设计进行多方多阶段博弈分析,结果表明农业保险补贴政策在相关约束条件下,是可以实现有效均衡的,但需要对农业保险的补贴额度、补贴对象和方式等方面进行深入研究。从机制设计角度探讨其根源可以发现,衡量一项政策的效率标准首先是必须实现各方参与者的激励相容,并通过差异化的补贴标准等路径设计具有地域特征的补贴框架。  相似文献   

本文深入研究了农业补贴政策对粮食供给总量安全、粮食供给结构安全以及农户总收入水平的影响效果。基于构建的农业DSGE模型,从宏微观结合的多方位视角考察了多种农业补贴政策以及政府一般性服务支持政策对农业生产要素资本积累水平、农户投入行为决策、农业生产力水平以及农户总收入的影响效果和传导路径,并在此基础上结合宏观经济数据的真实反馈分析,全面考察了核心经济变量在农业补贴政策实施期间的真实影响效果。研究结果显示:(1)农业补贴政策能够有效刺激农户对农业生产要素投入水平的提高,深层激发和释放了农业生产力;(2)农业补贴政策能够有效保证农户基本经营收入水平,并显著增加农户可支配转移净收入水平,对保障农户基本总收入起重要作用;(3)最低收购价和临时收储等托市价格政策会刺激农产品价格呈现上升趋势,并不利于农业种植结构不平衡的调节。  相似文献   

河北省农业财政补贴政策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业补贴政策是各国家和地区普遍采取的旨在保护和发展农业的重要政策。河北省农业补贴政策成效显著,但还存在很多问题,迫切需要调整农业补贴政策和采取相关措施,使"补贴"真正起到加快现代农业建设、促进农业发展、增加农民收入的作用。  相似文献   

This paper finds that manufacturing firms in Kenya have responded poorly to the availability of export subsidies. It is argued that this has resulted from the delays and uncertainty surrounding disbursement procedures, and from the limited extent to which the subsidy lessened the anti-export bias of a policy structure which has emphasized import substitution. It is further argued that a budgetary constraint makes it impossible to offset the anti-export bias with export subsidies at existing levels of domestic market protection, and that what is required is the lowering and standardization of domestic market protection levels, which can be most appropriately achieved through a combination of devaluation and trade tax/subsidy changes.  相似文献   

Since agriculture has contributed significantly to China’s economic growth miracle, it is important to understand the contributions and determinants of agriculture related to different agricultural policies in structural transformation in China. However, as one of the most important agricultural policies in China, the effects of the grain subsidy policy on factor reallocation, economic growth, as well as agricultural and non-agricultural production have not been investigated systematically and comprehensively. The absence of using an economy-wide model to estimate the impacts of the grain subsidy policy in China leaves a vacuum in the policy-advising space. This research develops a dynamic single-country, multi-regional computable general equilibrium model of the Chinese economy to evaluate the historical impacts of the grain subsidy policy. Our results reveal that grain subsidies impede the efficiency of factor reallocation and economic structural transformation in China. However, grain subsidies promote grain production growth and temporarily reduce rural-urban income disparity. In order to achieve the long-term sustainable increase in rural income and to mitigate the rural-urban income gap, China needs to further develop its labor-intensive industries (e.g., services) to accommodate the large number of rural labor transfers. Moreover, the large-scale agricultural production and technology improvement in agriculture are the effective measures to ensure food security in China.  相似文献   

Regional policies that seek to reduce economic inequalities between regions are common. These policies normally involve subsidies or transfers to the poorest regions. Over any given short-term horizon such subsidies serve to reduce inter-regional inequalities, but as they also affect migration patterns the long-term effects are less clear. This paper demonstrates using a three-region general equilibrium model that subsidising the poorest region may be to the detriment of the periphery as a whole and even to the very region that receives the subsidy, if the subsidy draws firms away from a nearby region that would function better as a production centre. If the subsidy does not attract a sufficient number of firms to the subsidised region, then the long-term effect on the residents of that region would be negative. Though further research is needed to isolate the conditions under which such an effect would arise, this result has potentially important implications for the design of regional policy.  相似文献   

探讨上市高新技术企业如何利用财政补贴资源实施双元创新投资,并进一步分析市场压力对财政补贴激励双元创新投资的调节作用。研究发现:(1)财政补贴对企业创新投资具有激励效应,相对开发式创新投资,财政补贴对企业探索式创新投资具有更强的激励效应;(2)资本市场业绩预期压力的增加会显著促进财政补贴对企业开发式创新投资的激励效应;(3)当企业面临产品市场竞争与资本市场业绩预期双重压力时,财政补贴对企业开发式创新投资的激励效应更明显。研究结论对于引导企业合理分配财政补贴资源、减少创新投资的短视行为、提升企业自主创新能力和竞争优势具有一定的理论与现实意义。  相似文献   

The Upland Agricultural and Conservation Project in Central and East Java is representative of Indonesia's upland conservation efforts. An important component of the project was the use of subsidies to promote activities which increased farmer incomes and soil conservation. Two types of subsidies were used: an operating subsidy for annual inputs such as seed, fertiliser and pesticides; and a capital subsidy for terracing and related construction. This study measures the extent to which the effects of the subsidies were sustained over varying periods following termination of the project. The results show that the effects of the operating subsidies are clearly not sustainable; the effects of the capital subsidies may persist longer, but they too are probably not sustainable.  相似文献   

卢现祥  尹玉婷 《南方经济》2018,37(11):1-14,66
文章首先根据现有研究对市场中存在的功能性、选择性两种类型的政府补贴进行区分,并运用固定效应、logit与tobit模型研究了我国A股上市公司2008-2016年政府补贴对企业投资决策的影响,发现选择性补贴具有明显的人际关系化交换特征;通过对企业是否具有寻租行为与政治联系的分样本检验,发现在人际关系化下,选择性补贴具有寻租性,会占用生产性资本,表现为投资不足,而功能性补贴具有寻利性,普遍易使生产投资过度;在产业层面,通过研究两类补贴的分布特征对行业结构的影响,发现选择性补贴会更大程度地降低市场竞争性,通过logit中介效应模型与交互项检验,发现前期选择性补贴由于提高了企业投资不足的概率,增加了市场份额下降的可能性,从而市场竞争性降低;然而,尽管投资不足会增加企业退市风险,但寻租下的选择性补贴会减少企业退出市场的可能性,因此,市场竞争机制易被人际关系化下的选择性补贴扰乱。  相似文献   

Vaccination against infectious diseases produces externalities, and providing subsidies is one way of internalizing the externality. The effect of subsidies as a policy tool depends on individual's response to the cost of vaccine. However, there have been few studies on the effects of vaccine costs on vaccination uptake. Using regional variations in vaccination subsidy amount within Japan's current immunization program, we examined the impact of subsidies for the cost of influenza vaccine on the vaccination rates and on two health outcome measures. Our results show that an increase in the subsidy amount by 1,000 yen (10 USD) leads to a one percentage point increase in the vaccination rate among the elderly, suggesting that vaccination rate is responsive to the costs of vaccination. On the other hand, we found no substantial effects on health outcomes.  相似文献   

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