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《Business History》2012,54(5):595-624
The seminal work of Alfred Chandler was based on observations relating to the so-called second industrial revolution. They concerned the development of the large modern manufacturing company and the paths of that development. This article attempts to apply the framework to a failed Danish slaughterhouse merger in 1890/91 between the established private slaughterhouses and the rising co-operative ones. The article deals with the question of the relevance of Chandler's concepts to the negotiation process and with that of the limits to the explanatory power of the framework. In order to answer these questions, the motives of both parties as well as the negotiation process are investigated in some depth. The analysis provides evidence that both sides made considerable use of arguments in line with Chandler's concepts and serving as a vehicle for creating mutual understanding of the economic rationale behind the merger. The article presents and discusses a number of factors and aspects that stalled the process and eventually caused the failure. These factors are all outside Chandler's universe, the corollary being that while ‘economic’ arguments unequivocally favoured the merger, ‘extra-economic’ factors were powerful enough to nullify the economic rationale. Technological and economic arguments were overpowered by political and social ones.  相似文献   

Since at least the early 1990s, researchers have criticized the antitrust authorities’ method for assessing the possible anticompetitive effects of mergers. Despite this, only recently, a method with a more sound economic foundation was included in the merger guidelines. We discuss how a sound economic foundation was developed and finally applied to merger control.  相似文献   

我国企业的并购活动日益突出技术寻求导向和连续性特征。本文首先分析企业连续并购的技术链补强战略、技术匹配战略和跨文化整合战略,在对连续并购活动中存在的跨文化整合、相关者利益协调等关键问题进行分析的基础上提出相应的建议。本文对以技术寻求为导向的我国企业连续并购活动具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

<正>并购是企业通过资本市场寻求扩张的主要方式,并购的实施会受到近期或长远利益动机的驱使,其成功的标志是并购后公司价值超过并购前的价值,而并购过程  相似文献   

本文以跨国并购的动因理论和跨国并购相互传导机制的相互依赖理论为基础,分析了抢占市场型、寻求资源型、寻求效率型等跨国并购的相互传导机制类型。基于发达国家与发达国家、发达国家与发展中国家两个层面分析了跨国并购的传导效应及跨国并购对发展中国家的寡占传导机制。并从技术进步、东道国的后续扩张、跨国公司跟随三个方面分析了跨国并购的持续性。  相似文献   

本文阐述国内外专家学者关于企业跨国收购与跨国兼并(CBA&Ms)动机的众多理论成果和企业CBA&Ms实践迅速发展所引起的理论需求的基础上,提出企业CBA&Ms诱发因素假说(HFI),侧重论述了企业CBA&Ms的根本动机是为了获得大于零的CBBA&Ms诱发因素净收益(NRV&F),估测NRV&F和真实NRV&F,以及正的真实NRV&F对社会整体的影响。构建HFI模型,并结合我国企业CBA&Ms的一些  相似文献   

试论我国企业跨国并购战略的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着经济全球化的发展,跨国并购正逐渐成为跨国公司实施自身国际化战略的重要途径。当前,我国有关跨国并购的政策十分缺乏,且相关的法律制度没有得到完善,政府职能还不健全。企业内部战略决策不科学,并购经验不足。政府应加快调整我国经济发展战略、产业发展战略和对外贸易发展战略,完善市场机制,开放资本市场,建立健全相关的法律法规并努力与国际接轨;作为企业,一方面要努力增强竞争实力,加强实际考察,科学选择并购企业,另一方面,要积极寻求与跨回公司实行并购重组及合资合作模式,促使企业不断发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of the merger of firms producing complementary components on the quality choice. We extend the model of Economides 1999 to considerably general situations about the quality function, utility function, and distribution function of consumers, and establish the results that a complementary merger provides products of higher quality, and achieves higher market coverage, higher profits and higher consumer surplus than independent ownership.  相似文献   

并购企业文化整合研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
仲崇峰  段万春 《商业研究》2006,(19):208-211
企业并购的成功与否并不在于并购本身,而在于并购后的整合,企业文化的整合是保证企业并购顺利实施的最重要因素。分析并购企业文化冲突的表现与原因,得出并购企业文化的整合具有明显的路径依赖型,并提出文化整合的具体路径。  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法、逻辑分析等方法对阿迪达斯公司并购锐步公司的行为从经济学的视角进行了细致的分析。以企业的市场非价格行为——并购为依据,认为阿迪并购锐步具有形成规模经济、减少经营风险、进一步增强竞争力等方面的动因,同时说明该事件的风险不确定性。分析探讨了该事件对我国体育用品业的冲击和挑战。  相似文献   

本文试图通过对新世纪又一轮的兼并浪潮的观察和阐述,对比历史上的五次购并浪潮,从经济学的角度,分析出这一轮新的购并的内在动因和外在趋势;最后,还从我国的现实国情出发,提出我国在此次购并浪潮中所应扮演的角色和可能采取的对策.  相似文献   

A statistical test is applied to explore the possibility that children can affect the efficiency with which parents consume. Parents may receive some economic benefits from children in the form of reverse integenerational transfers that occur because of a positive influence children have on family behavior. Results show that not only do children have an influence on parental consumption, but also that the influence is beneficial. In fact, not accounting for such a benefit could cause an underestimate in such measures as the rate of return to education or the benefits from such governmental programs as Head Start.  相似文献   

不对称性信息下如何诱导企业如实申报自身履行节能义务的状况,减少政府的监管成本,增加社会的福利,是节能监管机制设计的目标。从监管成本的视角出发,运用博弈论建立随机稽查机制和自行申报机制的数学模型,比较分析两种节能监管机制的成本和效率。结果表明,当执行成本无明显差距时,节能自行申报机制较随机稽查机制更能有效减少监管成本、社会成本和企业的稽查成本,提高执行效率。  相似文献   

In previous work, little evidence of share‐price response to Australian price‐fixing investigations was found. However, these investigations often involve a small part of a company’s operations and antitrust penalties have tended to be relatively small; in fact, some weak support was found for a greater response by investors when penalties were expected to be more significant. Mergers, on the other hand, clearly represent a much more significant event, and we would anticipate a clearer share‐price response both to announced mergers and to associated antitrust challenges. While such studies have been done in other countries (primarily for the US), we know of no prior research of this sort for Australia. In this paper we focus on a sample of about 50 mergers and acquisitions involving Australian companies from 1996 to 2003, examining the impact on share prices of the announcement of these mergers both on the firms involved and on rival firms. For those which were challenged by the Australian antitrust enforcers, we also consider the impact of the announcement of such a challenge.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展,外资并购已成为国际直接投资的主要方式,这一方式在推动东道国经济的发展的同时,也会对东道国经济和社会的发展造成冲击.主要表现在:冲击国内市场份额、民族工业及国有品牌;冲击政府经济政策;阻碍获得国际先进技术等方面.对外资并购,我国应采取反并购的法律手段,健全关于规制外资并购的法律制度,完善外资并购的法律环境,有效规范、控制外资并购行为.  相似文献   

企业并购中进行文化整合的基本思路与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日前企业并购中存在的问题,究其原因,主要是文化管理体制没有进行根本性的改革。企业并购中文化整合的基本思路是将企业文化整合的内容划分为观念文化的整合、制度文化的整合、行为文化的整合、物质文化的整合。加强并购企业文化整合,必须建立良好的文化整合机制,提炼核心价值观,增强企业领导者的文化整合观念和能力,自上而下地加速整合的进程。  相似文献   

我国外资并购监管制度的立法研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
完善的外资并购监管制度是使外资并购促进东道国经济发展的制度保障。本文分析了完善我国外资并购监管立法的必要性,探讨了我国外资并购监管立法在外资并购立法体系中的地位,建构了我国外资并购监管制度的基本框架,提出了对外资并购实施监管的实体标准。  相似文献   

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