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提出了大型项目实现全过程管控的五个阶段,即机会识别与评估阶段,概念选择阶段,方案定义阶段,实施执行阶段,项目运营阶段.为了将项目从最初的机会识别按计划进行到最后的机会实现,应重点做好三方面工作:注重顶层设计,建立项目管理全生命周期的管控策略;重视项目前三个阶段的工作投入,用有效方法保证并最大化项目投资价值;强化基础工作,建立系统全面的项目管理体系,实现项目管理工具的标准化.  相似文献   

Publicly funded research institutes in most countries have been pressed by economic and political pressures through the 1990s to become more financially independent, to be more accountable and to adopt more businesslike principles and practices. In this context the occupational roles and career options for scientists and research managers in these organisations have undergone considerable change. As the research cultures of these institutions take on a more commercial perspective, new and critical career path choices for both researchers and the organisations themselves have emerged. This article focuses on the changing occupational roles of research scientists and research managers in the Australian CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation), one of the world's largest multidisciplinary research organisations. Two critical occupational pathways are discussed: one between science and science management and another between science management and commercial management. Key points where the pathways diverge are identified and linked to broader issues of organisational culture and human resource management. The authors argue that research institutes such as the Australian CSIRO require a ‘multicultural’ management approach that horizontally integrates the industrial, scientific and commercial domains of the organisations’ research cultures.  相似文献   

水电站升船机检测系统是个复杂的系统,涉及到不同性质的检测参数有十多种,本文就检测系统配置进行合理设计,对检测原理和方法进行了研究。  相似文献   

This study extended recent attempts to build a conceptual framework for the study of organizational influence behaviors. A hundred and four Hong Kong managers rated the perceived effectiveness of 16 influence tactics in six scenarios, covering three directions of influence—upward, downward, and lateral. Results consistently generated a two-dimensional model of basic strategies—the more nurturing, conformity-inducing Gentle Persuasion (GP); and the more agentic, compliance-pressuring Contingent Control (CC). A three-way interaction among these two strategies, the three influence directions, and gender was found, and the relationships between the perceived effectiveness of these strategies and the managers’ social beliefs explored.
Joyce L. T. LeongEmail:

This paper deals with the role of research and development (R&D) managers in shaping the landscape of public research in Europe. These R&D managers work in the sphere of public research within national government laboratory services. The case we present is of the reconfiguration of metrology research. Metrology is the science of measurement. We examine why scientists and research managers in nationally embedded institutes, which are performing R&D in support of national policy and local industry needs, have chosen to co‐operate in a shared research programme. This means giving up, in part, their national sovereignty over funds and decision making. Furthermore, we examine how they have achieved the shared programme, which was launched as a European Commission (EC) programme through the Article 185 1 initiative, which allows the European Union to participate in research programmes undertaken jointly by several Member States.  相似文献   

The financial value of research projects is difficult to assess because they are highly uncertain. Often, the result is either an overly conservative approach to strategic innovation, based on net present value analyses, or an overly aggressive approach based on optimistic qualitative portfolios. R&D project evaluation requires recognizing threats as well as opportunities from uncertain events, and incorporating flexibility in managerial action in response to them. Real options pricing analysis is a widely discussed tool for evaluating such managerial flexibility. The limitation of options pricing lies in its requirement for complete financial markets, in which a replicating asset can be found that reproduces (or, at least, is correlated with) the project’s payoffs in all possible states of the world. However, the major risks of research projects are typically project specific and cannot be replicated in external markets. In this situation, a decision tree is a better tool to represent managerial options during execution of the project, and to evaluate its value. A decision tree is equivalent to options pricing for risks that can be priced in the financial markets (if trading of securities is explicitly included), and moreover, it can incorporate risks and flexibility that are not traded in financial markets. Using decision trees, we demonstrate a quantitative evaluation of compound growth options from research at BestPharma, a large international pharmaceutical company. A growth option is a future opportunity that may arise from a current R&D investment. The growth option may not be related to the primary purpose of the R&D project, or not even be directly foreseeable. Kester (1984) has argued that growth options may account for a large part of project value. BestPharma faced the problem of choosing among several strategic research initiatives. They developed a decision tree representation of the projects, which helped to provide transparency about project value and strategic options. Most importantly, carefully thinking through the tree helped to identify growth options, represented by additional branches in the tree, and to quantify that they represented major sources of value.  相似文献   

A key requirement for a top manager—whether from a scientific/technical background or from a commercial/administrative background—is the ability to appreciate and integrate the contributions that can be made by all the disciplines and viewpoints around the boardroom table.
It is no more difficult for a scientist to appreciate the perspectives of, say, production or marketing people than it is for them to appreciate those of the scientist. A great deal of general management development theory and practice is therefore equally applicable to the needs of those entering the domain of management from technical and scientific disciplines as it is to those arriving from the commercial, industrial and financial spheres.
The purpose of this paper is to outline a set of theoretical sources which have been found to assist managers and technical personnel to address cross-cultural issues within and between organisations.  相似文献   

This study of Japanese New Product Development (NPD) projects explores the fuzzy front end of innovation. The goal of the paper is twofold: First, we analyse the impact of the fuzzy front end on the success of all the NPD projects. We develop a conceptual model based on the information-processing approach. A structural equation model was fitted to data from 497 NPD projects in Japanese manufacturing firms to test the proposed model. The empirical analysis suggests that an early reduction of market and technical uncertainty as well as an initial planning before development have a positive impact on NPD project success. The model accounts for 17% of the variance of the efficiency and 24% of the variance of the effectiveness-dependent variable. Thus, the front end phase is an important driver of NPD project success. Second, we compare the fuzzy front end of incremental to radical NPD projects. Although these projects differ in many aspects of newness, we found only a few differences with regard to the fuzzy front end. For instance, it was more difficult to estimate the market size and price sensitivity of the customers during the fuzzy front end of the radical NPD projects compared with the incremental projects. Implications of the empirical results and limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

Choosing how to allocate resources to R&D projects is challenging, due to their uncertain success rates and achievement levels. We address the issue of allocating a given R&D budget among projects, and to parallel teams within each project. The achievement level of each team is assumed to be stochastically increasing in its funding level. We consider the objectives of maximizing: 1. the weighted sum of the probabilities that best team in each project achieves a threshold; 2. the weighted sum of expected achievement levels; and 3. the weighted sum of the expected number of teams attaining their threshold. Numerical results for a particular family of distributions are provided. The nature of the objective is seen to have a substantial impact on the optimal allocation.  相似文献   

目前中国集中式天然气发电面临着气价较高、设备投资成本高、气源不足等因素的困扰,而且执行的仍然是临时上网电价,没有体现气电“峰谷分时”电价、环境保护等外部成本,较煤电而言缺乏市场竞争力.本文采用平准化发电成本(ICOE)作为衡量集中式天然气发电竞争力的主要指标,计算出合理的LCOE电价,并对气价、利用小时数等因素进行敏感性分析,通过上海、北京、浙江等6个典型省市的气电上网电价对比,发现中国集中式天然气发电项目经济性较差,利润空间有待进一步发掘.针对当前市场环境和未来发展趋势,提出明确气电发展政策、完善上网电价机制、加快天然气发电核心技术开发等建议.  相似文献   

Dynamic changes in the Russian political economy during the 1990s led to a unique combination of low levels of social capital at the general (state) level and very high levels of social capital at the interpersonal level. This research uses the three dimensions of social capital as outlined by Nahapiet and Ghoshal [Nahapiet, J. and Ghoshal, S. (1998) Social capital, intellectual capital and the organizational advantage. Academy of Management Review, 23, 242-266.], to investigate the operation of business networks within Russia. Focusing on a generation of Russian business managers who had minimal exposure to the previous regime and who experienced western education/business practices, this study illustrates one snapshot of social capital in Russia in 2004. Results highlight how this generation of business managers operates and how they conduct their business networks. It is expected that there will be changes in Russian business networks, as formalized legal systems become stronger and the new generation of Russian managers, who have had little exposure to socialist systems and nomenklatura emerge.  相似文献   

A general framework is suggested for use by the marketing manager in maximizing efforts to safeguard consumer rights by thoughtfully preparing for his part in the corporate social audit. He can adapt a suggested audit preparation sequence to the needs and resources of his individual company.  相似文献   

This paper addresses two gaps in current research on transaction cost economics (TCE): first, the fundamental claim suggesting that firms that align their governance structure to transactions according to TCE perform better than those that do not, and second, the application of TCE to global sourcing transactions. A research model is presented and evaluated using a set of 150 relationships between Swiss buyers and foreign suppliers. The findings suggest that there are significant differences in how transactions and governance structures are aligned with varying performance and with suppliers from Western Europe as compared to suppliers from other regions.  相似文献   

Whether and why members of the same strategic group would experience different performance results has received little attention in previous research. These questions are addressed in this paper. First, conventional theory on the relationship between firm performance and strategic group membership is reviewed. Then a theory is developed as to how historical differences among strategic group members may result in performance differences. An empirical analysis of risk and return relationships is conducted, centered on the nature of environmental change characterizing the industry. The empirical setting throughout is the U.S. pharmaceutical industry over the period 1963–82.  相似文献   

Roy Payne 《R&D Management》1987,17(3):153-161
The literature on age and intelligence and scientific performance are briefly reviewed as a prelude to a more detailed consideration of recent work on the characteristics of innovative people. Attention is focussed on Kirton's measure of Innovation-Adaptation and a suggestion is made that it measures a mixture of level of creativity and style of innovation, and that future work should concentrate on developing the three sub-scales of originality, efficiency and rule-conformity. Some implications for the selection and development of R and D personnel are outlined.  相似文献   

Three years’ experience with this method of review has produced improvements in communications and established a framework within which scarce resources can be optimized and a five-year rolling programme pursued. The use of slip charts to monitor and progress research projects at the Electricity Council Research Centre is described.  相似文献   

Decisions in research and development are usually based on a variety of data inputs. Some of these will be concerned with the returns offered by projects in money terms. Others will relate to more qualitative aspects of research work such as, perhaps, the establishment of a base in a new area of technology or the achievement of a stronger market position. This paper describes and illustrates how checklists may be used to assemble qualitative data for purposes of decision. These were formulated in an industrial R & D laboratory and the illustrative examples in the text make reference to real projects. The checklists described are an integral part of a comprehensive system of project evaluation and control in R & D which includes an analysis of the financial implications using net present value or discounted cash flow rate of return of the project risk, analysis and sensitivity tests. The detail of this part of the scheme is conventional and is therefore omitted from the paper.  相似文献   

《Food Policy》1987,12(2):146-160
A framework for analysing intra-family distribution of food as part of the aetiology of protein-energy malnutrition of children and women is proposed in this article. Results of representative sample surveys in developing countries are reviewed; few bear directly on this issue, but it appears that misallocation of food is most likely to be an important cause of malnutrition in South Asia. Suggestions are made for the further development of information by nutritional surveillance systems and secondary analyses of survey data.  相似文献   

For many years international firms have been leveraging from the consistent growth rate of the Indian economy and, considering forecasts, will continue to do so in the future. This study identifies factors that influence the behaviour of business customers of international firms in emerging markets such as India. Based on the extant literature and in-depth personal interviews with practitioners, combined with a field survey, the authors have tried to understand the impact these factors have on the behaviour of business customers of international firms. The data were useful for testing the model developed using regression analysis and were found to be significant. The model demonstrates that the behaviour of local firms as customers of international firms in emerging markets is governed by factors such as business risk and a propensity to business sustainability. The model will be useful for international firms who wish to operate in emerging markets through local business firms that seek to associate with international firms.  相似文献   

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), like many other development agencies and donors, increasingly emphasizes evidence-based programming. This requires assessments of project performance at all stages of implementation, comprising ex-ante impact assessment, monitoring and evaluation, and ex-post attribution of outcomes. Ex-ante impact assessment, in particular, involves performing Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) to determine the Expected Net Present Value (ENPV) of the project in question. Unfortunately, the traditional ENPV approach has proven inadequate for dealing with uncertainty in the timing of investments and flexibility in future decision making. This is especially relevant for Research and Development (R&D) projects which require several stages of product development and multiple rounds of testing prior to releasing final products. As a consequence, the real-options approach to CBA has increasingly been used to evaluate private sector R&D projects. This paper advocates for the adoption of the real options approach in the evaluation of public investments in agricultural research, and illustrates its practical utility with an assessment conducted by USAID to determine the economic viability of a proposed project to develop improved varieties of critical food security crops in Uganda.  相似文献   

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