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The transition towards renewable energy production will not occur without the involvement of entrepreneurs who dare to take action amidst uncertainty. In an earlier article, a conceptual model was introduced for analyzing how perceived uncertainties influence the decisions and actions of entrepreneurs involved in innovation projects that aimed at developing and implementing renewable energy technologies. In this article, the conceptual model is applied to stand-alone biomass combustion projects in the Netherlands. Although none of the biomass combustion projects has been abandoned, some entrepreneurs clearly have more difficulty to turn their project into a success than others. To create insight into the underlying dynamics of these projects, the article analyzes what types of positive or negative interaction patterns occur over time between (internal or external) factors in the project environment, perceived uncertainties, motivation and entrepreneurial action and how these patterns can be stimulated or prevented. The results provide several lessons to take into account when designing policies for stimulating the development and implementation of biomass combustion.  相似文献   

The transition toward a sustainable transportation system in the Netherlands takes place in the context of the Dutch “Transition management policy framework”. We study four technological routes that the “Platform Sustainable Mobility” has selected for this goal: (1) hybridization of vehicles, (2) liquid biofuels, (3) natural gas as a transportation fuel and (4) hydrogen as a transportation fuel. These technological routes all envision large-scale changes in vehicle propulsion technology and fuel infrastructure. Furthermore, they compete for the scarce resources available to invest in new (fuel) infrastructures, which implicates that these ‘transition paths’ are also interdependent at the level of the mobility system. The main outcome of the analysis is the identification of barriers that are currently blocking the transition toward sustainable mobility. Barriers are classified as being related to (1) technology and vehicle development, (2) the availability of (fuel) infrastructures, and (3) elements of the institutional infrastructure. The transition management framework currently misses guidelines for coping with (competing) technologies that each require large infrastructural investments. We further argue that avoiding undesired lock-ins and creating a beneficial institutional context for sustainable mobility cannot be pursued at the transition path level. Therefore, we recommend that a more systemic approach should be taken to the transition to sustainable mobility, in which the interdependencies between the transition paths are critically assessed and in which the possibilities to legitimize sustainable mobility as a whole should be used.  相似文献   

A wide range of intractable problems such as polluting emissions, noise, accidents, resource depletion, and inaccessibility of amenities are associated with the current transport regime. Given the slow movement towards a more sustainable mobility system, more radical, systemic innovation - a ‘transition’ - is required. Broadly speaking, this may be achieved via three routes: technological change, modal shift, and reduced travel demand. Drawing on concepts from the transitions literature (e.g., [Geels, F.W.: Technological Transitions and System Innovations: A Co-evolutionary and Socio-Technical Analysis, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2005.]), we conceptualise each of these routes as a bundle of niche activities within an Area of Innovation, deviating to differing degrees from the current mobility ‘regime’. We present empirical evidence and indications of ongoing development of niches in these three areas within the UK and Sweden, and explore processes of co-evolution, divergence and tension within and between niches. Findings indicate recent market penetration of novel transport technologies, more advanced than modal shift or demand management activities; however, different transport technologies are more successful in each country. We also identify examples of a close relationship between development of radical vehicle/fuel technologies and provision of mobility services; and information technology as a driver in all three areas of innovation. We conclude that future innovation in transport depends on diversity, hybridisation, and co-evolution of niches. Finally, policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

创新网络既是提高产业集群竞争力的重要基础,也是提高企业自身创新能力的有力保证。双元创新包括利用式创新和探索式创新,是企业创新过程中的两种模式。通过构建企业网络能力与双元创新概念模型,提出企业网络能力与双元创新正相关假设,通过收集生物医药、电子信息等高科技行业企业315份有效问卷进行模型验证。研究结果显示:网络能力与网络位置跃迁对企业双元创新有显著正向影响;网络位置跃迁在企业网络能力与双元创新之间起中介作用;环境不确定性在企业网络能力与网络位置跃迁的正向关系中起显著负向调节作用;创新支持氛围对企业网络能力与双元创新、网络能力与网络位置跃迁关系有显著正向调节效用。  相似文献   

基于事件系统理论,应用探索性案例研究方法,以两家本土知名制造企业为纵向研究案例,揭示创新氛围、创新能力、创新开放度在创新质量提升中的作用,可为其它制造企业提供指导。研究发现:事件空间、事件强度影响制造企业创新能力,企业在被动性事件中通过利用性创新能力识别创新机会,在主动性事件中通过探索性创新能力获取创新机会和资源;创新氛围有助于促进利用性创新能力向探索性创新能力转变,创新开放度有助于提升主动性事件对创新质量的促进效果;在制造企业成长历程中,被动性事件和主动性事件的交互作用形成创新质量提升的正反馈,被动事件变少、主动事件变多,创新质量得以提升。研究结论对中国本土制造企业如何在复杂动态的事件环境中进行创新管理、促进创新质量提升具有一定实践启示。  相似文献   

基于事件系统理论,应用探索性案例研究方法,以两家本土知名制造企业为纵向研究案例,揭示创新氛围、创新能力、创新开放度在创新质量提升中的作用,可为其它制造企业提供指导。研究发现:事件空间、事件强度影响制造企业创新能力,企业在被动性事件中通过利用性创新能力识别创新机会,在主动性事件中通过探索性创新能力获取创新机会和资源;创新氛围有助于促进利用性创新能力向探索性创新能力转变,创新开放度有助于提升主动性事件对创新质量的促进效果;在制造企业成长历程中,被动性事件和主动性事件的交互作用形成创新质量提升的正反馈,被动事件变少、主动事件变多,创新质量得以提升。研究结论对中国本土制造企业如何在复杂动态的事件环境中进行创新管理、促进创新质量提升具有一定实践启示。  相似文献   

Young entrepreneurial companies in biotechnology tend to cluster in space, nearby research universities and research centers. This pattern is often ascribed to the availability of external economies, mainly local knowledge spillovers that help to reduce the uncertainty from a disruptive technology faced by these companies. Given a shortage of empirical research on cluster advantages and performance of clustered companies, we present results of a comparative analysis of clustered and non-clustered companies in biotechnology and Bionanotechnology in the Netherlands. It appears that, among other influences, a clustered location has no significant influence on innovation and speed of growth. However, a location in the largest cluster (Leiden) does contribute to a better performance in terms of innovativeness compared with all other locations. The kind of external economies involved seems to vary according to the stage in the knowledge value chain and the segment in biotechnology industry. Knowledge spillovers tend to be local for companies involved in new drugs and diagnostics research only in the first stage of the knowledge chain and for service companies regardless of the stage in the knowledge chain.  相似文献   

荷兰是一个迅速向知识型转化的社会,贸易和创新是其发展的主要动力。为顺应国家发展趋势,荷兰政府将科技政策的重点放在营造优越的研究环境,吸引和培养杰出人才,从事开拓性的研究。同时,重视通过国际合作有效利用对象国和地区的科技资源,以不断增强自身优势和特色。  相似文献   

The grassroots has recently been identified as an alternative site for the development of innovations that may contribute to shifts towards more sustainable systems of consumption and production. While the characteristics of these innovations have been elaborated, it remains unclear how these alternative ideas and practices can be purposively supported to populate incumbent systems. This is especially so in light of the difficulty the grassroots face in connecting forcefully with the mainstream.This article will address this issue by outlining an adaptation of conceptual niche management - an approach that focuses on the embedding of guiding principles used to fulfill basic societal needs - that is sensitive to grassroots innovation. The framework will be applied to the current UK body disposal system to illustrate how such transformative sustainability ideas may be capitalised on.  相似文献   

We estimate the effects of four unit-based pricing systems on waste collected in Dutch municipalities. Unit-based pricing is shown to be effective in reducing unsorted and compostable waste and in stimulating recyclable waste. If the estimations are corrected for differences in environmental activism between municipalities the effects are still large but significantly lower. The bag- and weight-based systems perform equally and far better compared with the frequency- and volume-based systems. This is interesting, as administrative costs are significantly lower for the bag-based system. Finally, unit-based pricing has no effect on the amounts of waste collected in surrounding municipalities.  相似文献   

基于文献计量的我国创新驱动研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于中国期刊全文数据库和国家哲学社会科学学术期刊数据库,运用文献计量方法,对848篇创新驱动研究论文的研究特征和主题内容进行了总结分析,揭示了该主题领域的期刊与学科分布、核心作者群以及机构和区域分布。从研究主题来看,国内创新驱动理论成果划分为国家层面的宏观研究、产业和区域层面的中观研究、企业层面的微观研究3个层次。最后进行研究展望,认为创新驱动产业升级和经济发展的机理仍将是创新驱动系统的研究重点,基础研究和商业模式创新的驱动作用是重要衍生问题,科技金融和知识产权则是探讨的分域热点,创新驱动的绿色化和民主化将成为研究新趋向。  相似文献   

数字技术能够对组织协同创新活动以及数字经营环境产生差异化影响,重塑企业创新效应形成机制与实践路径。因此,深入探究数字技术与组织、环境间的联动交互及组态匹配关系对特质各异的企业协同创新路径研究具有重要意义。基于协同视角构建数字技术应用情境下的TOE分析框架,通过对64家数字密集型企业进行模糊集定性比较分析,结果表明:组织与数字技术在多主体协同过程中的交互方式主要分为协同自发与协同响应,具体包含4种组态类型。协同自发方式主要包括以高层次人才为主导的人才驱动型与以组织开放度为主导的文化引领型;协同响应方式主要包括以地区经济发展水平为主导的需求推动型与以政府注意力分配为主导的政策拉动型。结论能够为解释企业创新应用数字技术提供新的理论视角,为不同技术条件与资源禀赋的企业提供针对性协同策略,为我国协同创新实践提供新的优化路径,为推动数字经济高质量发展提供新的指导方向。  相似文献   

利用2010—2017年中国A股制造业上市公司数据,基于实物期权理论与宏观经济政策不确定性理论揭示经济政策不确定性对制造业突破式创新的影响及作用机制。由行为金融学视角出发,考察管理者过度自信对两者关系的调节作用。结果表明:经济政策不确定性对制造业突破式创新具有抑制作用,且这种抑制作用在先进制造业中更显著;管理者过度自信可削弱经济政策不确定性对制造业突破式创新的抑制作用;相较国有制造企业,非国有制造企业受经济政策不确定性的影响更显著,且管理者过度自信在非国有制造企业中的调节作用更显著。进一步分析其作用机制发现,融资约束在经济政策不确定性与制造业突破式创新关系中起部分中介作用。研究结论对制造业降低经济政策不确定性带来的风险,寻求高质量发展机遇具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

叶存军  何斌  孙旭  柳波 《技术经济》2020,39(11):136-146
应用社会信息加工理论,探索了包容型领导对创新的双刃剑效应。以375名员工为样本,运用层级回归方法分析数据。研究发现:包容型领导正向影响对创新有利的越轨创新行为、对创新不利的知识隐藏行为;违反规范可接受感知中介了包容型领导对越轨创新、知识隐藏的影响效应;主动性人格正向调节了包容型领导通过违反规范可接受感知对越轨创新的影响,但没有调节包容型领导通过违反规范可接受感知对知识隐藏的影响。  相似文献   

为探究军民融合战略背景下,中国航空制造业如何借助全球创新网络实现自主技术创新和技术“引进来→走出去→走上去”的战略意图,从历史沿革角度回顾分析中国军民融合内涵和演变过程,总结航空制造业军民融合“军转民→寓军于民→军民一体化”发展战略范式,在此基础上,借助全球创新网络理论分析军民融合战略背景下技术创新的内外部驱动力。通过对中国大飞机项目的纵向案例分析,探索并提出通过地理、组织和知识边界拓展构建研发网络,是航空制造业实现技术创新追赶和能力提升的重要途径。同时,中国大飞机市场面临全球化背景下寡头竞争格局,在国际化进程中,应采用整合、并购和合作方式优化配置全球创新资源并坚持以自主创新为主、国际合作为辅的发展思路,建成和完善自主创新体系,突破欧美技术封锁,形成军民技术创新“双螺旋”协同发展格局,进而实现核心技术“走上去”的战略意图。  相似文献   

文章从经济规模、创新投入和创新产出三者间关联的角度构建若干标度无关性指标,对我国30个省市、自治区2001-2010年企业技术创新的相对绩效进行评价,充分考虑并验证了非线性规模因素对企业技术创新绩效的影响。结果表明,经济规模对于企业技术创新绩效具有显著的非线性作用,企业研发经费与GDP和主营业务收入间均存在标度关系且由GDP增长带来的规模效应更强;绝大多数省份企业专利申请数、新产品销售收入与GDP存在不同程度的“马太效应”;传统的研发强度指标由于未考虑规模效应带来的非线性影响,对于各区域企业研发投入水平的评价有失偏颇。  相似文献   

The following paper contributes to the methodology of innovation forecasting. The paper analyzes the literature of engineering and technology management. A brief history and justification for interest in engineering and technology management is presented. The field has a sixty year history of interdisciplinary, and is therefore a ripe source for closer investigation into time trends of knowledge. The paper reviews the literature of innovation forecasting, examining a range of theoretical and methodological literatures interested in the evolution of knowledge. A new application of a model, suitable for sparse and count-like publication data, is presented. A mathematical presentation of the model is offered. A discussion is offered on how the model may be implemented in an approachable way within spreadsheet software. A time history of engineering management literature is extracted from a database and analyzed using the model. A projection of keyword growth is offered, and key features of the emerging knowledge base within engineering management are discussed. Recommendations for future research, as well as for those monitoring the status of the discipline of engineering management, are made.  相似文献   

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