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我国关于公共产品的研究集中在供给方面,对公共产品需求的研究还相对较少.本文作者从需求角度,通过可行的计量分析,利用横截面数据,研究了人均教育支出与相关因素之间的关系.  相似文献   

我国关于公共产品的研究集中在供给方面,对公共产品需求的研究还相对较少。本文作者从需求角度,通过可行的计量分析,利用横截面数据,研究了人均教育支出与相关因素之间的关系。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the average taxpayer's demand for merit goods, namely, education and health, in Mauritius, a small developing island state. To study these development-related goods, a fresh methodology is employed that captures the characteristics of the Mauritian economy. The empirical evidence relates to the post-independence period of more than three decades, 1973 to 1999 and beyond. The respective demand elasticities for each merit good are analysed and evaluated. The findings indicate that, contrary to the conventional theory of demand, beneficiaries tend to demand more of such goods when their prices are increased, and less when they are decreased. The rationale for this behaviour is that people, in general, and taxpayers, in particular, being quality conscious, increase their demand when they are asked to pay more, expecting in return an improvement in the quality of services. However, there is evidence that over these three decades users' preferences have shifted, particularly in the case of education, towards private provision, indicating less reliance on public sector provision, and that during the years of structural adjustments the demand for these services was severely suppressed.  相似文献   


Demand-led skills development requires linkages and coordination between firms and education and training organisations, which are major challenges considering that each represents a ‘self-interested’ entity. The need for a ‘collaborative project’ involving government, firms, universities and colleges, and other bodies is thus increasingly recognised. However, the crucial role of intermediaries has been largely overlooked. The article addresses this gap by investigating the main roles of public and private intermediaries across three case studies: sugarcane growing and milling, automotive component manufacturing, and the Square Kilometre Array sectoral systems of innovation. The research highlights the need for a move towards systemic thinking, to bridge across public and private objectives. It shows that private intermediaries play a larger role than is recognised in policy; that public–private intermediaries play crucial roles in coordination; and the potential for public intermediaries to contribute more effectively to systemic functioning.  相似文献   

The paper uses cointegration analysis to investigate the demand for money in Switzerland in the context of an open economy. It considers the general process of financial asset substitution and tests for the relevance of an exchange rate and a foreign interest rate variable in a conventional money demand equation. The results show that the variables entering into the demand for either monetary base or narrow money equation may not form a cointegrated system unless the exchange rate or foreign interest rate variable is included. This provides support to both the currency substitution and capital mobility hypotheses.  相似文献   

The main reasons for the high poverty rate and income differentiation among Russia??s population are analyzed, and indispensable governmental measures of income policy are substantiated that will help resolve this problem and encourage domestic consumer demand.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung W?hrungssubstitution und Geldnachfrage: Der Fall Argentinien 1960–1976. - Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es festzustellen, ob W?hrungssubstitution eine empirisch signifikante Erscheinung in Argentinien im Zeitraum zwischen 1960 und 1976 war. Um zu ermitteln, ob es ein solches Ph?nomen m?glicherweise gab, wurden verschiedene Geldnachfragefunktionen gesch?tzt. Für Politiker ist es wichtig, die Extistenz eines W?hrungssubstitutionseffekts zu prüfen, weil dann, wenn er vorhanden ist, eine strenge W?hrungspolitik in der Regel nicht ausreichen wird, um die Inflation einzuschr?nken. Es ist au\erdem notwendig, da\ die Beh?rden gleichzeitig eine glaubwürdige Wechselkurspolitik und eine konsistente Zinspolitik durchführen. Die ?konometrischen Ergebnisse liefern deutliche Hinweise für eine W?hrungssubstitution in der argentinischen Volkswirtschaft, insbesondere dann, wenn der Geldbegriff eng definiert wird.
Résumé Substitution de monnaie et demande de monnaie: Le cas argentin, 1960–1976.- Le but de cet article est de déterminer si la substitution de monnaie était un phénomène empiriquement significatif en Argentine pendant la période 1960–1976. L’auteur estime quelques fonctions de demande de monnaie pour établir l’existence possible d’un tel phénomème. Il est important pour les politiciens de vérifier l’existence d’un effet de substitution de monnaie parce qu’en cas de l’existence une politique monétaire restrictive sera généralement insuffisante de réduire l’inflation. Il est aussi nécessaire que les autorités simultanément poursuivent une croyable politique de taux de change aussi bien qu’une politique “consistante” de taux d’intérêt. Les résultats économétriques démontrent une forte évidence de la substitution de monnaie en Argentine, particulièrement si la masse monétaire est étroitement définie.

Resumen Substitución de monedas y la demanda de dinero: el caso argentino, 1960–1976. - El objetivo de este artículo es determinar si la substitución de monedas fue un hecho empírico importante en Argentina en el periodo 1960–1976. Para establecer la posible existencia de tal substitución, varias funciones de demanda de dinero son estimadas. Es relevante que las autoridades verifiquen la existencia de substitución de monedas porque en su presencia, una política monetaria restrictiva no será por lo general suficiente para reducir la inflación. También es necesario que se implemente simultáneamente una política de cambio creíble y una consistente política de tasa de interés. Los resultados econométricos respaldan la presencia de tal substitución en la economía argentina, en especial cuando dinero si define como moneda en circulación y/o depósitos a la vista.

This paper examines the effects of information and communication technology (ICT) and offshoring on the skill demand in Japanese manufacturing. One of the contributions of this paper is that we focus explicitly on the demand for low-wage part-time workers, which we call low skilled workers. Estimating a system of variable factor demands for the period 1980–2011, we find that industries with higher ICT stock shifted demand from middle-low to middle-high and low skilled workers. Offshoring is associated with the increasing demand for high skilled workers but it has insignificant effects on the demand for middle-high, middle-low, and low skilled workers. The results together suggest that the increasing demand for low-wage part-time workers can be attributable to ICT in Japan.  相似文献   

Summary This paper extends the basic Markov-chain, transition-proportions model by considering human capital investment behavioural variables. The demand for enrolment in higher education is expressed as a function of tuition, income and relative wages of graduates. According to the empirical results the hypothesis cannot be rejected that high school graduates are investment oriented in their decision to enrol to college.  相似文献   

论民办教育的可持续发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴长法 《特区经济》2004,(12):229-230
可持续性发展是人类对客观世界认识的一个重大突破,在取得这一认识进步的历程中,人类社会曾付出过惨重的代价。要实现经济社会的可持续发展,首先必须抓好教育的可持续发展这一基础环节。教育的可持续发展就是要巩固和发展教育的大好局面,进一步解放思想,实事求是,开拓进取,不断  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of poverty and inequality in post-war Rwanda. Rwanda is one of the poorest countries in the world, and has recently become one of the most unequal. High levels of poverty and inequality have important implications not only in terms of evaluations of social welfare, but also for management of social tensions and the propensity for violent conflict in the future. This paper uses the first two available and nationally representative rounds of household surveys –EICV1 2000 and EICV2 2005 – to decompose and identify the major ‘sources' of poverty and inequality in the country. I find stark differences in vulnerability to poverty by region, gender and widow status of the head of household. I additionally find important changes in the ‘income generating functions' of Rwandan households, and that distribution of land and financial assets are increasingly important in determining the inter-household distribution of income.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the hypothesis that a redistribution of private consumption expenditure from rich to poor, or from urban residents to rural residents, would bring about an increase in employment and reduce capital and import requirements, through its impact on the structure of aggregate demand. The simulations reported here, using Indian data, do not provide much support for the ‘redistribution promotes employment’ argument. The analysis suggests that even ‘radical’ redistributions of private consumption expenditure would have no significant impact on the level of employment, either directly through increasing labour requirements or indirectly through reducing scarce resource requirements.  相似文献   

This paper examines the hitherto unexplored question of the effects of the black market exchange rate expectations on the domestic demand for money in Nigeria. This study finds that real income and expected inflation rates are the appropriate scale and opportunity cost variables for the demand for money function in Nigeria. The results also suggest that depreciation in black market exchange rate exerts a significant negative impact on the domestic demand for money. A policy implication of this research is that since a depreciation of the black market exchange rate tends to decrease the demand for money, it should be taken into account in the execution of monetary policy. The authors would like to thank an anonymous referee for helpful suggestions which substantially improved the quality of the paper. This research was supported in part by a summer research grant from the College of Business Administration, University of New Orleans.  相似文献   

Using Japanese money market data, this paper compares the predictive ability of the log–log specification with infinite elasticity at a zero interest rate and the semilog specification with a one time switch from moderate to relatively high semielasticity at annual interest rates less than 0.5%. We find that the latter specification dominates the former in terms of predictive ability for the extremely low interest rate regime (the period between 1999 and 2006) because under the former the semielasticity is excessively sensitive to slight changes in interest rates. We find that interest rate semielasticity has remained stable at a high level since the mid-1990s.  相似文献   

Privatisation is currently a globally topical and controversial issue. There are various approaches to privatisation all of which aim to shrink the extent of the public sector's activities, a sector whose performance has generally been unimpressive. The disillusionment with public sector enterprises has prompted many countries, including South Africa, to embark on a reform programme of selling off much of their state assets to the private sector. The underlying rationale is that scarce resources can more efficiently be allocated and accordingly goods and services more efficiently produced by the private sector than the public sector. Admittedly, privatisation can bring certain efficiency benefits, but it should not be considered as a panacea.

This paper seeks firstly to clarify the concept of privatisation: secondly, to analyse the benefits, drawbacks, implications and mechanics of privatisation; thirdly, to consider the case for privatisation in South Africa, and finally to examine certain policy guidelines.  相似文献   

We employ cost‐of‐living surveys, business archives, and firm data to examine the impact of the compulsory pension on the demand for life insurance in Sweden from 1884 to 1914—a period that covers the implementation of the first public compulsory old‐age pension reform and the take‐off of industry life insurance. As predicted on the basis of the contemporary literature on crowding‐out effects, we find that the compulsory pension reduced the demand for life insurance. Our panel‐data analysis of lapse rates on insurance policies shows a significant crowding‐out effect of pension payments. We conclude that the introduction of the general compulsory pension had a crowding‐out effect on households’ holdings of insurance policies.  相似文献   

This paper documents wage differentials between private and public school graduates in Bangladesh and Pakistan. While evidence in support of a wage advantage of private school graduates in Bangladesh is lacking, Pakistani private school graduates are found to earn more than their public school counterparts. This finding has important implications for the current debate over the effectiveness of private schools in South Asia. To the extent the wage premium arises owing to education in private schools, our result suggests relative superiority of private schools in Pakistan and are consistent with extant studies that have assessed private school quality using test scores of students. The difference in the performance of private schools in the two countries, however, remains a puzzle. This difference, we conjecture, may be partly explained by the between-country differences in public policy towards private schools and, therefore, the regulatory regime facing these schools.  相似文献   

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