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适度包装的理论与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
适度包装和过度包装只有一字之差,其涵义和结果却有天壤之别。本文着重从理论的高度和实践的效果,阐述了适度包装的重要意义。文中论述的适度包装的误区,国外控制过度包装的举措,还有典型的过度包装案例和瓦楞纸箱适度包装方案,以及提出的关于整治过度包装的建议等,都是可资借鉴的理念和经验之谈,望能引起读者的关注。[编者按]  相似文献   

“Combining the Social and Technological Aspects of Innovation: Relationships and Networks” was the title of the 28th IMP Conference held in Rome, at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in 2012.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between a company’s dividend strategy and its risk of takeover. Our results from a large panel of UK quoted companies suggest that higher dividend payments are associated with a significantly lower conditional probability (hazard) of takeover. Moreover, firms which wish to avoid takeover would be better to distribute the marginal £1 of earnings in dividends rather than investing it in the company. We consider two explanations for these findings. We suggest that the presence of an active market for corporate control could encourage firms to raise dividends to maintain shareholder loyalty.  相似文献   

This study extends prior research by separating executive remuneration into salary and annual bonus for the purpose of empirically verifying their determinants. A model is introduced to estimate the extent to which pay and its determinants are related. Based on a net sample of 90 large UK firms, salary was found to be strongly related to firm size, as opposed to annual bonus, which was modestly associated with both firm performance and size. An important discovery was that salary showed no relationship to a firm's economic performance. The inability to find any association between salary and performance suggests that each component of pay has a different set of determining factors.  相似文献   

This article describes the application of alternative cost allocation methodologies to the Hull telephone system, which provides service to a small area of the UK independently of British Telecom. The article first discusses alternative uses of and methods for allocating costs among access, local usage and trunk usage. It then implements the fully distributed cost approach, using accountancy data provided by the company. In addition, several illustrative calculations are shown which cost individual services on a stand-alone basis using different technologies. The results broadly suggest that, on a full distributed cost basis, access costs exceed existing average tariff levels. The article concludes with some illustrative calculations showing the rebalancing of access and usage charges which would generate the same revenue but bring them more in line with costs.  相似文献   

A simplified analysis is presented of the physsical phenomena and mechanical stresses involved in schock and vibration hazards which lead to concealed damages. The role of industrial packaging design in reducing the destructive mechanical stresses to harmless levels is discussed. Consideration is also given to the factors to which contribute to an optimal package design based on a compromise between the cost of occasional concealed damage and the cost of extra protection achieved by the liberal use of expensive packaging designs.  相似文献   

面对日益严重的商品包装废物问题,建立了包装废物的分类标准并给出了实施建议,提出了包装废物识别包括物理识别和价值识别的观点,指出包装废物的识别可通过废物识别标志实现,构建了包装废物识别标志的概念模型及其网络框图。  相似文献   

绿色设计:包装可持续发展的必由之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工业革命三百多年来,人类文明飞速发展,同时可供利用的自然资源、生态环境也受到巨大影响,人类必须思考新的发展道路。联合国环境与发展委员会1987年发表《我们共同的未来》、联合国环境与发展大会1992年通过了《里约环境与发展宣言》、《二十一世纪议程》,随即在全世界范围内掀起了以保护生态环境为核心的绿色行动;中国包装行业“九五”发展规划及2010年远景发展目标明确指出,包装行业发展应当遵循坚持加速增长与保护环境相结合的原则,绿色包装设计将着眼于人与自然的生态平衡关系,尽量减少对生活环境的破坏这一战略高度来构架设计策略,以…  相似文献   

“知已知彼,百战不殆”。本文从技术的角度对代木包装国内外发展的动态进行了分析比较,可供读者参考。  相似文献   

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