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毕业设计是检验学生专业技术水平的一项重要工作。毕业设计管理系统是应用现代化网络管理技术解决毕业设计管理中存在的问题。以JSP为开发平台,采用B/S模式构建管理系统,实现了毕业设计的网上选题、信息发布等功能,为教师、学生和教学管理部门提供了一个毕业设计管理信息的交流平台,实现人性化的界面和方便的管理,从而提高高校毕业设计管理工作信息化水平,充分满足教学、管理等各方面的需要。  相似文献   

商务英语专业实践性毕业设计应符合高职院校教育改革的方向和要求.当前商务英语专业毕业设计(论文)存有诸多弊端,与专业课程教学和实践教学脱节.针对上述问题,安徽商贸职业技术学院根据岗位群能力要求对2014届商务英语专业毕业设计进行了改革,采用“汉英互译”、“国际商务函电”和“商务主题展示”三个环节考察商务英语学生的专业应用能力.通过改革,毕业设计的应用性得到提高,同时促进了学生对核心专业能力的重视,提高了师生对毕业设计工作的满意度.  相似文献   

胡巍  方艳 《中国电子商务》2010,(6):88-88,90
本文分析了造成大学生毕业设计与就业之间矛盾的原因,提出了解决毕业设计与就业之间矛盾的措施。针对近年来艺术设计专业毕业设计的教学模式缺少创新形式的问题,以全面促进就业为导向提出了新的理念及操作方法,并在毕业设计模式及教学环节上进行了大胆创新与实践。在毕业设计最后环节建立了毕业设计展览、毕业答辩、人才招聘一体化的高职毕业设计教学新模式,以达到学校、企业、学生“三赢”的最后目标。  相似文献   

慕光波 《消费导刊》2014,(11):148-148
对目前建筑工程专业毕业设计中存在的问题进行剖析,在保证充足的毕业设计时间、调动学生学习主动性、鼓励教师积极参与工程实践、建立完善的毕设资料系统等几个方面提出改进建议。  相似文献   

本文将国内外高职院校毕业设计模式进行了比对分析,对我国高职院校电子商务专业毕业设计提出了应借鉴国外毕业设计的模式,使得学生从入学到毕业都能够围绕毕业设计自主性地进行学习的建议,并就毕业设计模式改革引发的教学计划大改革可能遇到的问题和对策进行了探讨。  相似文献   

毕业设计是大学本科教学过程中检验学生知识综合应用能力的一个实践性很强的教学平台.文章详细介绍了同济大学土木工程专业毕业设计教学质量创新体系的建设内容,涉及毕业设计教学指导思想、教学组织工作、教学质量评价与激励机制的创新做法以及教学创新实践成果.  相似文献   

聂建军 《致富时代》2011,(10):247-248
该文介绍了中原工学院车辆工程专业本科生毕业设计的现状。在分析毕业设计(论文)及过程的优缺点的基础上,并结合河南省汽车工业的发展趋势,提出了有关毕业设计的一些具体的改革措施。实践表明,改革措施能有效的调动学生毕业设计的积极性,取得了良好的效果,第二届毕业生的毕业设计(论文)质量较第一届有了大幅度的提高。  相似文献   

王斐 《商场现代化》2010,(17):184-184
毕业设计是理工科大学生对四年所学知识的综合运用,毕业设计的质量是学校教学质量的直接表现,理工科大学必须不断提高学生毕业设计质量。本文从地方高校电子信息工程专业培养目的和课程特点出发,对毕业设计的选题、研究方法设计、实施过程的操作性,以及最终的答辩等方面进行讨论,提出一些提高地方高校电子信息工程专业毕业设计质量举措。  相似文献   

文章针对当前高职学院毕业设计存在的一些问题,以该院数控专业的毕业设计为例,阐述了对毕业设计中的选题、过程安排及成绩评定等方面进行改革的看法与措施。  相似文献   

计算机科学与技术专业毕业设计改革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高尚  房婧  秦斌 《电子商务》2011,(1):88-89
毕业设计是计算机科学与技术专业学生提高实践能力和达到专业培训目标的重要一环.针对计算机专业的特点和毕业设计中出现的间题,提出了相应的教学改革方法.实践表明所提出毕业设计的改革和探索是可行、有效的.  相似文献   

构建高职电子商务专业实践教学新体系刍议   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
吴自爱 《电子商务》2006,(12):76-80
以学生为中心,以社会需求为准则,以能力培养为纲,以实践教学体系最高层次即毕业设计作为检测学生是否达到技能培养与就业要求为依据,充分发挥项目实践教学对学生能力培养的驱动功能,进行构建高职电子商务专业实践教学新体系。  相似文献   


A comparison was made between 152 Navajo students and 245 Anglo students regarding their perceptions of the educational product. Based upon focus group outcomes, nine elements were used to represent the educational product in the analyses. The elements were conceptualized using the Marketing Lens Model. Four hypotheses were developed and tested. Significant cultural differences were found for the following elements of the educational product: importance ratings among educational attributes, anticipated preparation after graduation, and satisfaction with the educational product. Results are discussed and managerial implications for university administrators are offered.  相似文献   

深化会计实践教学改革培养技术应用型人才   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
会计学是一门技术性、实践性很强的学科。做好会计工作,不仅需要扎实、系统的理论知识,更需要丰富的实践经验和动手操作能力。高职会计专业要培养出符合时代需求的应用型人才,培养出来的学生应该是专业知识扎实、动手能力强、毕业后能立即上岗。因而要以“理论够用,实践为重”作为培养学生的理念,注重对学生动手能力和操作能力的培养。  相似文献   

众所周知,会计是一门应用性很强、操作性高的学科,那么就需要会计专业的学生一方面在掌握基础理论知识的同时,还要具备娴熟的操作能力,而长时间以来高校的会计教学都是偏重于理论,学生的东操作技能相对落后,·对此,高校方面必须要将培养学生的操作能力当成创新教育的关键,把实验教学当成重要教学内容,只有这样才能提高学生在毕业后的竞争资本、提高学生适应工作需要的能力。  相似文献   

In this study, we present evidence on the changes inethical cognition of business students over afour-year period. We use the Principled Score(P-score) of the Defining Issues Test to measure thischange. Specifically, we first compare the P-scores ofstudents at the entry to, halfway through, and shortlyafter graduation from a business school to analyze theeffect size of education on ethical cognition.Secondly, for a sample of students in an electivebusiness ethics course, we compare P-scores at thebeginning, and at the end of the semester to analyzethe effect size of specific intervention course onethical cognition.Prior studies in liberal arts fields have reportedhigh effect sizes from four-year college education onethical cognition, while a few studies have reportedonly moderate gains for business students. Consistentwith the liberal arts studies, our results indicatestatistically significant gains, and high effect sizesfor business students as well. Similarly, priorstudies have reported moderate gains in the P-scorefrom intervention courses in various fields. Ourresults indicate only low to moderate effect sizes forbusiness students. Importantly, while the gain waslow, and statistically insignificant for femalestudents, it was moderate, and highly significant formale students. Implications for education and researchare discussed.  相似文献   

大学是人生的一个新起点,是大学生成长、成才的摇篮。如何度过这黄金般的宝贵年华,如何对待和规划自己的大学生活,将影响到毕业后大相经庭的人生之路。要正确认识大学生活对人生发展的意义,明确大学生活的特点和成长规律,并对大学生的成长教育提出建议,如明确学习目标,努力锻炼自己,学会与人相处,关注心理健康,树立健康的恋爱观和恰当的人生目标等。  相似文献   


This research compares the study-abroad perceptions and preferences of business and non-business majors. The results suggest that the two groups have somewhat different motivations for studying abroad. On balance, business students appear more pragmatic than their non-business counterparts, expressing greater concern for financial issues, and the effects of study abroad on both graduation dates and future job prospects. However, the two groups expressed virtually unanimous agreement when asked to describe their specific preferences regarding a study-abroad program. The results suggest that although the two groups seem driven by different motivations, their study-abroad needs may be satisfied by a single, carefully designed program.  相似文献   

India's substantial growth in recent years has resulted in a significant increase in demand for engineers. Information technology companies, now a major part of the Indian private sector, have been prominent in such recruitment, but the competences they seek in engineering students appear to be different in terms of priorities from those sought by engineering firms. Against this background, and Indian employers' general dissatisfaction with graduates' skills, the present study aims to investigate the importance of technical and non‐technical education, respectively, in the employability of undergraduate engineering students. Employability was determined according to students' success in campus recruitment drives by information technology companies, that is, whether they received an offer of employment. The study used a sample of two cohorts consisting of more than 500 undergraduate engineers in total, drawn from one of the leading engineering colleges in South India. Independent variables consisted of marks scored at the higher education admission stage, grades in engineering at graduation and performance in non‐technical education. The last named comprised verbal reasoning, logical reasoning and soft skills. The dependent variable was whether or not they were offered employment. The results, obtained through correlation and ordinal regression, revealed that the performance of students in non‐technical education was a stronger predictor of employability than was grade obtained in technical education. The findings will be of relevance to engineering colleges because they can be used in the formulation of a strategy to improve the employability of their students. The context is a concern in many countries that those leaving higher education are not properly equipped for the world of work.  相似文献   

Online education continues to grow at business schools. The authors compared undergraduate business student perceptions across three different classroom learning delivery environments: online, hybrid, and face to face. Based on the survey responses using two independent samples, the authors' analyses found that students who preferred online delivery perceived higher timely graduation and were more likely to recommend online or hybrid courses, whereas students' perceptions of persistence and institutional commitment were not related to classroom learning delivery preference.  相似文献   

The goal of phasing out, and ultimately eliminating, the differential treatment in trade presently accorded to developing countries was incorporated into the GATT during the Tokyo Round. What are the arguments in favour of this process of “graduation” and what would be its disadvantages? Which criteria should be applied to the selection of countries for graduation?  相似文献   

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