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工业制成品目前已经成为中国主要的出口商品。由于中国工业制成品方面的优势,使得中国的出口商品在国际市场占有一定的竞争优势,但是,中国的工业制成品还主要依托劳动力优势,自主创新能力差。如何充分发挥已有的优势,并致力于今後的长远发展,是本文所需探讨的问题。  相似文献   

本文运用显示性比较优势指数,研究汇率变动下,中国制成品各类别产品出口比较优势的具体变动情况,从而分析工业制成品各类产品对汇率变化的敏感程度,并据此提出我国政府应高度重视高技术含量制成品和低技术含量制成品在汇率变动下的发展和出口。  相似文献   

本文运用显示性比较优势指数,研究汇率变动下,中国制成品各类别产品出口比较优势的具体变动情况,从而分析工业制成品各类产品对汇率变化的敏感程度,并据此提出我国政府应高度重视高技术含量制成品和低技术含量制成品在汇率变动下的发展和出口  相似文献   

赵丽敏  刘鹏 《当代经济》2011,(1):129-130
山东省通过产业结构调整,工业制成品的出口规模不断扩大,出口竞争力和国际市场占有率均有所提高.本文以实证的方法分析了山东省出口商品呈现出逐渐向中等和高技术含量制成品转化的趋势,并就以后提高工业制成品的出口竞争力给出了建议.  相似文献   

基于技术含量角度,从不同技术含量水平下的制成品出口RCA指数、TC指数来分析山东省制成品出口的技术含量情况,同时引入了全要素生产率来构建测算山东省制成品出口技术复杂度指数,得出结论:山东省制成品出口技术结构近年来变化不大,比较优势仍然是在很多低技术产品和少数中技术产品上;山东省制成品出口技术复杂度近年来出现下降趋势。  相似文献   

本文采用跨国面板数据,结合引力模型研究新进展,检验和分析了影响中国工业制成品出口的重要因素。结果表明中国与进口国GDP的乘积、进口国是否为APEC成员国身分以及进口国是否与中国接壤等因素对中国工业制成品出口产生了显著的正面影响,贸易国的贸易保护政策、两国间的距离因素则产生了显著的负面影响。在此基础上,本文为提高中国工业制成品的出口提出了初步政策建议。  相似文献   

出口退税作为实行增值税的国家普遍使用的贸易政策手段,其目的在于促进一国商品的出口和平衡国际贸易。本文构建了一个新宏观开放经济动态模型,基于2014年出口退税政策变动这一“准自然实验”,采用倍差法探究差异性出口退税能否提高中国制造业的出口竞争力。结果表明:中国差异性出口退税政策存在产业结构优化效应。不同行业中,出口退税对于制造业出口竞争力影响的中介效应不同。部分高附加值产业无法通过利润传导途径来影响出口竞争力,农业产品则存在明显时滞效应。本文的研究结论不仅为出口退税政策的制定和实施提供决策依据,也为完善税收征管体制建设、提高对外贸易国际竞争力提供决策参考。  相似文献   

中国制成品出口比较优势及贸易结构研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文在144种制成品按技术含量分类的基础上,对1999—2009年期间我国制成品的出口比较优势及其稳定性、出口贸易结构及其变动程度进行了研究。研究结果表明:(1)我国出口产品在美国市场上的整体比较优势小于在世界市场上的比较优势;(2)无论是在世界市场还是在美国市场上,我国出口中具有比较优势的产品种类越来越多,出口比较优势变得更加稳定成熟,但是,这些产品主要是低技术含量制成品;(3)原本在我国制成品出口中占绝对优势地位的低科技含量制成品逐渐被高科技含量制成品所取代,目前高技术含量制成品已经成为我国第一大类出口产品。  相似文献   

一、引言 自20世纪80年代以来,社会责任问题逐渐成为发达国家和发展中国家在国际贸易领域的争执焦点之一。中国是世界制造业大国,出口贸易对推动我国经济快速发展起了极其重要的作用,尤其是工业制成品出口贸易发展迅速,在出口商品总额中的比重2005年已经达到93.56%。但我国的制造业仍以加工制造业为主,出口产品多为劳动密集型、技术含量低的产品,竞争优势长期依赖于低水平的劳工标准和劳动力成本。因此,如何应对劳工标准问题对我国出口贸易带来的挑战和制裁,成为当前需要研究和解决的迫切课题。  相似文献   

外国直接投资将提高中国的竞争力   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
著名的跨国公司理论专家、联合国贸发会议《世界投资报告》经济顾问邓宁教授分别于今年9月2日和8日在北京和厦门发表演讲,本刊特邀南开大学跨国公司研究中心葛顺奇博士根据邓宁教授演讲的记录编译整理成本文,敬请垂注。  相似文献   

This article investigates the pricing-to-market (PTM) behaviour of Italian exporting firms, using quarterly survey data by sector and by region over the period 1999q1 to 2005q2. A partial equilibrium imperfect competition model provides the structure according to which the orthogonality of structural shocks is derived. Impulse response analysis shows non-negligible reactions of export-domestic price margins to unanticipated changes in cost competitiveness and in foreign and domestic demand levels, even though these effects appear to be of a transitory nature. For the period 1999 to 2001, a typical PTM behaviour emerges, while, during the most recent years favourable foreign demand conditions allowed firms to increase their export-domestic price margins in face of a strong deterioration of their cost competitiveness. Macroeconomic implications of the observed PTM behaviour are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article develops a new extension of the constant-market-shares model, attributing the gains or losses of market share of an exporter in a specific market to its competitors. The method is then applied to Brazil's exports of manufactured products to the US market, determining from which countries and by how much Brazil gained market share, and to which countries Brazil lost market share in the period between 1992, 1999 and 2004. The bilateral gains and losses of Brazil to OECD countries are shown to be related to changes in the relative unit labour costs of these countries through a two-period panel data analysis.  相似文献   

走向世界中国水电施工企业准备好了吗?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2000年9月14日-22日,国际大坝委员会第20届会议和第68届年会在北京举行。会议期间,国际大坝委员会主席霍格先生接受记者采访时这样说:“中国建坝的数量和坝工技术,世界领先”。毫无疑问,霍格先生的评价是中肯的。中国目前在大坝数量和技术上都处于世界领先地位。据《水力发电与大坝施工》(WaterPowerandDamConstruction)杂志统计,1998年世界在建的60米以上的大坝约有200座,而中国就有90座,与大坝和水利水电建设有关的新产品、新技术都在中国得到应用。另据统计,目前中国已…  相似文献   

The paper examines the impact of world commodity prices on national output and trade balances in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Norway, OECD economies that, unlike other advanced economies, are heavily dependent on commodity exports. Contrary to Dutch disease theory based on real exchange rate adjustment, it highlights the relative price effects of terms of trade (ToT) changes on gross domestic product and net exports with reference to the experience of this unique set of OECD countries. The econometric analysis verifies key predictions of this alternative perspective that ToT fluctuations should (i) have no significant short-run impact on GDP and that (ii) due to relative price effects a strong positive relationship between the ToT and net exports is unlikely.  相似文献   

This paper studies the impact of VER on an exporting country. It shows that a VER at the free‐trade level favours the concentration of industry, allows firms with an export licence to expand, causes the contraction of the size of the firms producing for the domestic market only, and raises the price mark‐up in the domestic market. The impact on welfare is indeterminate depending upon the effect on global efficiency. If a VER is binding, also the price mark‐up in the foreign market rises and this effect on terms of trade, ceteris paribus, is welfare improving. An applied general equilibrium model for Turkey supports the conjecture that with a VER the increased oligopolistic power of incumbent firms with an export licence, the higher price mark‐up in the domestic market and a possible social welfare gain, are the key elements in understanding the rationale behind VERs. However, if authorities induce firms to engage in unproductive profit‐seeking activities, rent dissipation occurs and the impact on social welfare becomes negative.  相似文献   

据世贸组织统计,我国已连续9年成为全球遭受反倾销调查最多的国家.国内有报道说,我国已成为全球贸易争端的最大受害国.  相似文献   

A model is presented incorporating various elements involved in the determination of theinterest rate in a capital market that is not purely competitive. It yields an equilibrium relation between the interest rate and the probability of default such that higher probability implies higher interest. Other factors affecting the rate of interest are the elasticity of demand, the perceived rate of loss related to default, and an extra premium due to risk aversion. The equilibrium relation is used as an econometric model which, under appropriate specifications, generates estimates of the weights attached to subjective risk indicators. The data cover transactions in the Eurocurrency market and deal only with publicly guaranteed loans to developing countries. Several economic indicators are identified as significantly affecting the subjective probability. These can be used to generate estimates of the subjective probabilities themselves.  相似文献   

Previous studies on PPP have tested either the null hypothesis of non-stationary or the null of a stationary real exchange rate and used the US as the base country and focused on industrialized countries. It has been argued that testing either null is insufficient to confirm the presence of PPP. It has also been noticed that the results are sensitive to the choices of the base country; for instance, the US versus Germany. In contrast to previous studies, this paper uses different unit root tests, confirmatory analysis, and different base countries to test PPP for a sample of developing countries in Asia during the current float. Overall, the results do not seem to be sensitive to the choice of the base country, and joint rejections are not present but joint non-rejections are far more common. Using Perron's test, which allows for a one-time break in the series, the results indicate evidence of stationarity for Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia and Thailand when the US is the base country. When Japan is the base country, evidence of stationarity is detected only for Indonesia.  相似文献   

This article investigates the effects of time-varying variance on the asymmetric exponential smooth transition autoregressive (AESTAR) unit root test. We propose a wild bootstrap-based implementation of the test, which is asymptotically valid under time-varying variance. We apply our proposed method to test the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) hypothesis for Asian countries and regions, and find that our proposed test provides stronger evidence against the PPP hypothesis than the conventional AESTAR test.  相似文献   

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