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马宇 《大经贸》2002,(12):42-44
我国加入世界贸易组织已近一年,惯例到了"盘点"的时候,我们于是惊喜地发现这是一份出乎意料优异的成绩单:国内法律政策体系完善进展顺利,已经完成2300多件法律法规和规章的清理修订工作;市场开放也在按承诺进行,5300多个税目降低了关税,关税总水平降低了3.3个百分点,金融、电信、分销等服务贸易领域的开放也在推进;进出口贸易增长迅速。1至9月进出口贸易同比增长18.3%,其中出口增长19.4%,进口增长17.2%,预计全年对外贸易总额将首次突破6000亿美元;外商投资再掀高潮。1至9月合同外商投资增长38.4%,实际外商投资增长22.6%,预计全年实际外商投资将达到创记录的520亿美元左右……我们原来担忧的冲击都没来。预期的好处却提前到了——初战告捷,真让人高兴得不知说什么才好。拿着这份成绩单,心里却又有些惶恐与疑虑,发现许多不那么令人塌实的地方——或许就是所谓的隐忧?  相似文献   

2004年重卡发展的板块正悄悄的发生着变化。第一板块:一汽、东风;第二板块:山东重汽、北汽福田、重庆红岩、陕西重汽;第三板块;江苏春兰、北方奔驰、三一重工、江淮JAC等。在号称中国重卡三驾马车的三大板块中,第一板块都在发生着一些变化。一汽、东风板块的占有率正呈下降趋势。第二板块是今年竞争最激烈,发生巨大变化的板块,北汽福田这匹黑马虎视眈眈正欲坐四望三;山东重汽与沃尔沃的合资今年开花结果——“济南华沃卡车有限公司”生产的第一批沃尔沃FM12系列重型卡车,在济南下线,在15吨以上的市场中山东  相似文献   

30年前,邓小平吹响了改革开放的号角;今天,由13亿中国人创造的奇迹已经呈现在世界的面前。30年来,正是无数像吴敬链、何光远、鲁冠球、赖炳荣,赵汀阳等一样在"旧邦新命"的使命召唤下坚持着自己的理想和事业的人,最终构成了三十年中国改革开放波澜壮阔的景象。同时在改革30年后中国社会进程也正在面对的诸多"临界点"。它们都指向一个核心问题:改革开放必须从前30年的伟人指点江山式的模式,全面转向有制度保障和权力制衡的体制性改革开放,才能使得中国的发展有预见性和稳定性,进而可持续性  相似文献   

In many Internet commerce applications buyers can easily achieve anonymity, limiting what a seller can learn about any buyer individually. However, because sellers need to keep a fixed web address, buyers can probe them repeatedly or pool their information about sellers with the information obtained by other buyers; hence, sellers' strategies become public knowledge. Under assumptions of buyer anonymity, publicly‐known seller strategies, and no negotiation transaction costs for buyers, we find that take‐it‐or‐leave‐it offers will yield at least as much seller profit as any attempt at price discrimination could yield. As we relax those assumptions, however, we find that sellers, and in some cases buyers as well, may benefit from a more general bargaining protocol. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of trade-ins in consumers' purchases of new durable goods. We argue that even if the net price paid by consumers who trade in an old product remains the same, varying the offer on the trade-in substantially affects consumers' satisfaction with the transaction. In particular, because the product is a part of their endowment, consumers' valuation of their used product can be more than the market's valuation. While the endowment effect is a well-documented phenomenon, its implications for trade-ins have yet to be studied. We use the notion of mental accounting and endowment effects to develop a model of trade-ins. We show that even if two deals are financially equivalent, the preferred option for consumers is often the one in which the consumer is overpaid on the trade-in. In addition, we find that consumers who are overpaid (relative to a market price) on their trade-in are willing to pay a higher net price than are consumers who are underpaid on their trade-in.  相似文献   

上海大众GOL在被谈论了几个月之后,一跃而出.直接闯人了中国车市.来到国内消费者面前,2月28日,中国大陆首款两门紧凑型经济轿车在上海降生.3月3日在北京正式上市。此次上市的GOL共有导入型、基本型和舒适型三种型号,定价在7.50983万元之间,它填补了上海大众产品谱系中经济型轿车的空缺.也为消费者拓展了选择空间。  相似文献   

This study examines the factors that influence the effectiveness of customer loyalty programmes to cause a change in consumers' behaviour in retailing services. In particular, three explanatory variables are analysed: the quality of service offered to the customer, her/his trust in the company, and her/his attitude towards loyalty programmes. The results obtained indicate that a change in the buyer's behaviour is directly influenced by her/his loyalty to the retailer and by her/his attitude towards loyalty programmes. Furthermore, an indirect effect on changes in buyer behaviour caused by the quality of service and the consumer's attitude towards loyalty programmes is observed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a dynamic supernetwork framework for the modeling and analysis of supply chains with electronic commerce that also includes the role that relationships play. Manufacturers are assumed to produce a homogeneous product and to sell it either through physical or electronic links to retailers and/or directly to consumers through electronic links. Retailers, in turn, can sell the product through physical links to consumers. Increasing relationship levels in our framework are assumed to reduce transaction costs as well as risk and to have some additional value for both sellers and buyers. Establishing those relationship levels incurs some costs that have to be borne by the decision-makers in the supernetwork, which is multilevel in structure and consists of the supply chain and the social network. The decision-makers, who are located at distinct tiers in the supernetwork, try to optimize their objective functions and are faced with multiple criteria including relationship-related ones and weight them according to their preferences. We establish the optimality conditions for the manufacturers, retailers, and consumers, derive the equilibrium conditions, and provide the variational inequality formulation. We then present the projected dynamical system, which describes the disequilibrium dynamics of the product transactions, relationship levels, and prices on the supernetwork, and whose set of stationary points coincides with the set of solutions of the variational inequality problem. We also illustrate the dynamic supernetwork model through several numerical examples, for which the explicit equilibrium patterns are computed.  相似文献   

The channel literature suggests that building a close relationship with key partners is one of the key strategies that channel members use to overcome the challenges of a changing environment. However, such a strategy may be ineffective when high technological turbulence exists in the buyer's market. This study focuses on the buyer's perspective in channel relationships and examines the buyer's satisfaction with outcomes resulting from engaging in relationships with a supplier. The results show that a buyer's performance is enhanced when a buyer develops a close relationship with a supplier whom it perceives to be market oriented but that a close relationship becomes detrimental to performance when technological turbulence increases. These findings suggest that managers need to be aware of the effect of technological turbulence and be alert in managing close relationships even with market-oriented suppliers.  相似文献   

This paper presents some significant empirical findings about generational cohorts and their shopping behavior. Marketing has long relied on the use of market segmentation. While birth age has been a useful way to create groups, it describes segments but does not help to understand segment motivations. However, environmental events experienced during one's coming of age create values that remain relatively unchanged throughout one's life. Such values provide a common bond for those in that age group, or generational cohort. Segmenting by ‘coming of age’ age provides a richer segmentation approach than birth age. This study compares two significant cohorts: Baby Boomers and Generation Y, with respect to their shopping behavior and purchase involvement for food, clothing and automobiles. For the three types of products, Baby Boomers value the retail experience and in-store service higher than Generation Y. For Baby Boomers, the purchase process starts with a retailer the consumer trusts, who gives advice for choosing the right product, while for Generation Y, the purchase process starts with choosing a product. This study presents implications for retail strategies that have an appeal to different generational cohorts and considers how retailers should deal with building customer relationships.  相似文献   

Building on literature in social psychology that discussed betrayal in interpersonal relationships, this article explored betrayal in buyer–seller relationships using data collected from a survey conducted among 109 buyers and 115 sellers in the United States. The results indicated that betrayal was a complex, multifarious, and dynamic phenomenon, consisting of a sequence of phases, namely causes, symptoms, forms, consequences, and therapies, with multiple issues being involved at each phase. Our study also revealed that the views of buyers differed from those of sellers in terms of how various relational characteristics contributed to the emergence of betrayal episodes, what behavior and attitudes helped to diagnose partner betrayal, in which forms the betrayal acts were manifested, how the victims of betrayal felt, and how betrayal problems could be handled in a working relationship. In fact, the various dimensions in each of the betrayal phases examined were consistently more frequently mentioned by buyers than sellers.  相似文献   

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