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美国总统奥巴马上任后,在国会发表首次演讲时,呼吁加强对清洁能源的投资,并重申将在3年内使美国的可再生能源产量翻一番。 奥巴马说,要想使美国的经济真正转型、维护美国的国家安全并使地球免遭气候变化之苦,生产清洁的可再生能源势在必行,掌握清洁的可再生能源的国家将领导21世纪,而奥巴马政府公布的预算中,风能、太阳能、生物燃料以及清洁煤技术等每年将从中获得150亿美元的投资,十年共计1500亿美元。此外,美国今后数年还将在新能源研究上投入数十亿美元。  相似文献   

国能生物发电集团有限公司(简称国能生物)是目前全球最大、产业链最完整的生物质能综合开发利用的专业化公司。利用国际先进的生物质直燃发电技术和中国丰富的生物质资源,  相似文献   

生物质能是太阳能以化学能形式贮存在生物质中的能量形式,生物质能源作为一种洁净而又可再生的能源.是惟一可替代化石能源转化成气态、液态和固态燃料以及其它化工原料或者产品的碳资源。福建是一个缺油缺煤缺气的省份.故而发展新能源和可再生能源是优化能源结构的必行之路。而在众多的能源之中,生物质能的开发利用无疑是最可行的一种。本文分析了福建生物质能源产业的现状问题.提出了发展建议  相似文献   

肖世俊  李元 《证券导刊》2009,(48):20-20
与当前主流的风电、太阳能等可再生能源发电相比,替代能源核电以其发电成本较低、可长期稳定运营及易于大规模建设供电等优点,而成为现阶段及未来十年最为"经济与绿色"的低碳发电方式。  相似文献   

能源对人类社会具有重要的意义,当今能源面,临着化石资源短缺且污染严重的问题,以清洁能源和可再生能源为主的新能源。如风能、水能、核能、太阳能等在未来将飞速发展,具有美好的前景。  相似文献   

陈平 《证券导刊》2009,(36):74-75
■环保发电项目运营稳健■积极打造新产业链■静待公司注资预期■当前股价:9.68元■今日投资个股安全诊断星级:★★★★凯迪电力主要致力于资源的高效利用和循环利用,重点发展高含硫煤和劣质煤发电、城市垃圾发电、秸秆发电、小水电、风能等可再生环保型能源的投资与建设,以及生物质的资源化利用等业务。二级市场股价在行业数据利好下企稳走强,近期量能明显放大,投资者可积极关注。  相似文献   

可再生能源资源分布图发布1月14日,国际可再生能源机构(IRENA)第三次全体会议落幕。会议推出了第一个全球可再生能源分布在线查询系统(ATLAS),该系统以地图形式,显示了各国太阳能和风能资源的详细分布情况,未来两年内该系统还将涵盖其他可再生能源资源的数据。各方需在可再生能源发电领域加大投资力度,扩大可再生能源和生物能源发电网络,在各方面充分利用可再生能源。美国推出低门槛光伏投资众筹平台1月15日,《每日经济新闻》消息,日前一家名为Mosaic的美国太阳能  相似文献   

打破瓶颈,开启清洁能源新篇章 近年来,面临资源枯竭危机,开发利用太阳能和可再生能源已成为各国制定可持续发展战略的重要内容,欧盟、日本和美国已把2030年以后能源供应安全重点放在了太阳能等可再生能源方面,从能源供应安全和清洁利用的角度出发,太阳能的商业化开发及利用已成为不可阻挡的发展趋势.预计到2020年,太阳能发电将占世界电力供应的10%以上,市场容量在5~7.5万亿美元,2050年将达到20%以上.  相似文献   

余跃泉 《金融研究》2008,(10):I0116-I0119
能源是一种极其重要的战略资源。当前,随着煤电供应日趋紧张以及石化能源带来的环境污染问题,提高能源效率和发展清洁的可再生能源已成为必然选择。近年来,国家出台了一系列优惠政策和扶持措施,颁布了《可再生能源法》和《促进风电产业发展实施意见》,提出了发展可再生能源的具体目标和任务。酒泉风能资源丰富,开发前景十分广阔。如何抢抓机遇,  相似文献   

谭亮  何景蕾 《新疆金融》2004,(11):58-59
风是由太阳辐射热引起的。太阳照射到地球表面,地表各处受热不同,产生温差,从而引起大气的对流运动形成风。据估计到达地球的太阳能中有大约2%转化为风能,总是十分可观,全球可利用的风能比地球上可开发利用的水能总量还要大10倍。风能是世界上发展速度最快的一种能源,其发电能力以每年约30%的速度递增。2002年全球新增73亿美元风能发电设备,风能发电总量比2002年增加28%,新增装机容量达到6868万千瓦。风能发电作为绿色无污染、可再生的朝阳产业,前景无限,对于新疆来说,大力发展风能发电更有特殊意义。  相似文献   

近年来,随着吉林省重点发展清洁可再生能源、实施打造国家重要新能源基地战略,吉林省风电产业外商投资呈快速发展的态势。本文通过调查吉林省风电产业外商投资的情况,分析了目前吉林省风电产业外商投资所面临的主要问题,并就此提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

Perry Sadorsky 《Futures》2011,43(10):1091-1104
Energy security issues, climate change, fossil fuel depletion, new technologies, and environmentally conscious consumers are powerful forces shaping the renewable energy sector. The future of renewable energy depends upon how powerful these forces are and which combination of forces prevails. This paper defines and analyzes four different scenarios, business as usual (2010–2030), focus on climate change (2010–2060), focus on energy security (2010–2030), and a clean and secure energy future (2010–2100) for the future of renewable energy. A clean and secure energy future, where renewable energy accounts for between 50% and 80% of total energy demand, is the most favorable scenario for the future of renewable energy but also the scenario that takes the greatest amount of commitment, in terms of time and money from businesses, individuals, governments, and policy makers.  相似文献   

With the rise of high-tech industry and the continuous change of business scope of enterprises, it is vital to study the different performance between enterprises with professional development and enterprises with business orientation expansion across the industrial chain, and this process is related to the industrial development background of the region where the enterprises are located. The development of renewable energy industry provides an excellent opportunity for this research. By identifying the business data of Chinese listed renewable energy companies from 2003 to 2021, this paper explores the performance of their renewable energy business expansion, and further uses the US sample for comparative analysis. First, the empirical results show that the expansion of renewable energy business contributes to the outstanding performance of firms. Second, compared with American enterprises, Chinese enterprises have achieved greater relative performance improvement in expanding renewable energy business, which is mainly due to the advantages of directional transformation of Chinese manufacturing enterprises. Finally, China's policy environment is conducive to professional enterprises to achieve more outstanding performance when expanding renewable energy business. This study helps to understand the differences between specialized development companies and directional diversified business expansion companies, and has certain implications for the development of the renewable energy industry and industrial policies.  相似文献   

Using a large panel dataset that covers 116 countries and 62 renewable energy products over the period 2000–2012, this study evaluates the effects of trade liberalization on the export expansion of China’s renewable energy products. The results reveal that trade liberalization plays a crucial role in encouraging the exports of renewable energy products. Specifically, tariff reduction, in general, not only encourages the entry into new export markets, but also induces an increase in the volume of renewable energy products already traded. In addition, the positive effects of trade liberalization are more pronounced for foreign-owned exporters than for state-owned or privately-owned exporters. Also, the ways in which trade liberalization promotes exports of renewable energy products differ by the type, destination or origin of the renewable goods being exported.  相似文献   

The intellectual impact of this economic crisis has already been colossal. The "Greenspanist" doctrine in monetary policy is in retreat. It no longer seems clear that it is easier for central banks to clean up after asset price bubbles  相似文献   

扶持风力发电发展循环经济   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府总理温家宝在今年的政府工作报告中提出了要大力发展循环经济.风能是取之不尽,用之不竭的清洁能源,扶持风力发电符合发展循环经济的要求,从我国的国情来看,扶持风力发电对于转向循环经济更是有着特殊的意义.本文论述了国内风力发电发展的现状和所存在的障碍,并提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of the U. S. subprime crisis on the stock markets of the Asia-Pacific countries on various event dates. Using data from Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan, we find that the subprime crisis negatively affects these stock markets and investor behavior, especially in Hong Kong and Taiwan. In addition, the subprime crisis generally works through more financial linkages than trade linkages. However, when the subsamples are classified according to industry, this result exists only for the banking industry, but both financial and trade linkages become important to explain the impact of the crisis on the manufacturing industry.  相似文献   

We investigate how the lending activities abroad of a multinational bank’s local and hub affiliates have been affected by funding difficulties during the financial crisis. We find that affiliates’ local deposits and performance have been stabilizing loan supply. By contrast, relying on short-term wholesale funding has increasingly proven to be a disadvantage in the crisis, which has seen inter-bank and capital markets freeze. By introducing a liable approximate measure for intra-bank flows, we detect competition for intra-bank funding between the affiliates abroad as well as an increasing focus on the parent bank’s home market activities. In addition, the more an affiliate abroad relies on intra-bank funding in the crisis, the greater its dependence on its parent bank having a stable deposit and long-term wholesale funding position. We consider changes in long-term lending to the private sectors of 40 countries by the affiliates of the 68 largest German banks. To obtain a more precise picture, we clean our lending data from valuation effects.  相似文献   

2007年起始的全球金融危机暴露了银行业对压力时期的市场风险预测失灵。危机后,西方国家通过压力测试来评估银行的资本充足状况。这一举措起到了恢复市场信心的作用。因为影响市场的风险因素众多,所以市场风险压力测试有别于其他风险类别的压力测试。虽然市场风险压力测试在学术领域、监管层面和实际应用中都得到了一定程度的研究与发展,然而当前压力测试方法还存在诸多不足,如不能提供压力情景可能性分析、无法涵盖模型外风险因素的测度、受限于产品定价模型的假设等。因此,在未来发展中应更加关注压力测试结果在银行的运用,及充分考虑尚未被普遍纳入压力情景的隐性风险因素。  相似文献   

Is climate transition risk factored into sovereign bond markets? We find that carbon dioxide emissions, natural resources rents, and renewable energy consumption—as measures of transition risk—significantly affect yields and spreads. Countries with lower carbon emissions incur lower borrowing costs. Advanced countries with reduced earnings from natural resources rents and increased renewable energy consumption are associated with lower borrowing costs, which differ from the effects in developing countries. Given the threat that climate change poses to the global economy and the fast materialization of transition risk, we advocate an increase in the significance of climate transition risk factors as determinants in sovereign bond markets.  相似文献   

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