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经济人假说自十八世纪末斯密提出"经济人"以来,经历了由"古典经济人"到"新古典经济人"再到"新经济人"漫长的发展历程.在古典经济学时期,"经济人"完全依赖于功利主义而发展,到了新古典经济学时期,"经济人"则日益被抽象为数学晶体式的理性经济人.近三十年来,经济人假说在非经济领域得到拓展.尽管"经济人"假说常常遭到非主流经济学家的批评和责难,但其顽强的生命力却带给人们许多启示.  相似文献   

“经济人”假设与人的有限理性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人的有限理性使得经济学只可能是关于经济现象的最一般本质因素及其关系的知识体系。“经济人”是经济现象的最一般本质因素之一,故必然要包含在经济分析的逻辑起点之中。人的有限理性还使得经济分析的逻辑起点必须具有抽象单纯性,这使得能得到普遍认可的经济分析的逻辑起点只能由“经济人”构成。所以,人的理性有限性是“经济人”假设,尽管高度抽象简化,但仍能成为经济学家最广泛接受的经济分析的逻辑起点的根本原因。  相似文献   

亚当·斯密开创的经典经济学里经济人的逻辑的起点 马歇尔1890年在<经济学原理>中提出"经济动机不全是利己的"的命题(1964,P42)对斯密的"经济人"思想进行了修正,新古典经济学于是提出了按效用最大化原则行事的理性人作为经济学的逻辑起点,随后西蒙又提出"完全理性和有限理性"的概念,对理性人假定的合理性提出了疑问,尤其是随着进化博弈论的发展,一时间经济学大厦似乎在风雨中飘摇.难道理性人假定真的错了吗?经济人、理性人以及理性究竟应该是什么含义?经济学的逻辑起点又该是什么呢?  相似文献   

该文基于理性经济人批判,提出符合时代要求与社会进步的"国家理性行为体"假说,即假设国家作为一个整体,国家行为必须要从事物发展的客观规律出发,综合权衡全体国民短、中、长期的利益需求及其可获得性,以均衡、稳定与可持续地增进全体国民福利最大化为目的。  相似文献   

刘娟 《生产力研究》2006,1(5):12-13,27
自亚当·斯密之后,“经济人”假设就一直作为西方经济学理论的基本前提贯穿于其发展过程之中。在这其间,尽管随着时代的变化,“经济人”假设的涵义不断地被补充或修正,但万变不离其宗,“经济人”假设中最核心的内容——“自利”和“理性”始终是其中不变的东西。如何看待或评价“经济人”假说,特别是在我国社会主义市场经济条件下,“经济人”假说是否具有合理性或可借鉴性等问题,成为我们今天必须认真面对和迎面解决的问题。  相似文献   

基于马克思经济学逻辑的相对理性经济人假设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
相对理性经济人假设是在马克思经济学逻辑基础上提出的,这一假设主要强调了人的行为与外部约束条件的动态交互以及约束条件的动态变化,并在此基础上建立了评价相对理性程度的多要素动态评价体系。这一研究不仅试图挖掘、提炼出马克思经济学关于经济人以及理性分析的科学内涵,而且还将对构建一个更为贴近现实、更为客观、对现实社会更具有指导意义的经济学方法论体系有所贡献。  相似文献   

不确定性是认识论上的一个问题,用以描述事物间因果关系。有限理性则是对人认识能力的一种内在审视,说到底也是认识论的一个基本问题。通过对不确定性的有限理性的考察,探索不确定性和有限理性之间的认识关系,给我们研究不确定性提供了一种新的视角,同时也推动有限理性的进一步认识。文章通过对有限理性和不确定性概念的考察入手,分析不确定性认识的发展历程,探讨了有限理性之下的不确定性的具体形态和作用,并在此基础上将有限理性视为不确定性研究的逻辑起点。  相似文献   

行为经济人的三个基本特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕保军 《经济学家》2006,76(5):12-18
当代西方主流经济学的经济人假设越来越成为反主流学派批评的重点,固守经济人假设被认为是主流经济学在许多领域无能为力的原因。行为经济学运用认知心理学的研究成果和实验经济学的研究方法对经济人进行了全面验证,发现经济活动中的人事实上具有“有限利己”、“有限理性”、“有限意志力”的特征,我们把行为经济学的这一系列发现概括为行为经济人假设,并且认为行为经济人为经济学开拓新视野、研究新问题提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

在主流经济学的视野中,追求效用最大化是社会个体理性行为的基本准则。文章认为主流经济学理性假设的根本问题在于没有揭示特定人类社会的独特复杂特征。主流经济学家忽略了在现实生活中存在于西方文明之外的实然——中庸理性。文章尝试在以中庸理性为假设的理性经济人模型基础上,探讨中国传统伦理下中庸理性经济人的演化及其存在的可能空间。  相似文献   

有限理性投资者对会计信息的使用模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
边泓 《财经研究》2007,33(10):61-72
信息使用者的决策过程在会计理论研究中被视为一个黑匣子,文章从投资者认知能力出发,针对股票交易价格呈现出的扎堆现象,研究了不同股票会计特征的相似性与这种扎堆现象之间的关系。通过数据归纳,文章发现,由于投资者的有限理性特征使得他们并不能通过会计数据去有效预测未来的现金流,而是通过一个"捷径",即使用会计信息建立一个决策过程中的参照系来进行决策,价格的扎堆现象和历史粘性是这种会计信息使用模式的结果,从而对破解这个黑匣子做出尝试。  相似文献   

从经济理性到有限理性:经济学研究理性假设的演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
袁艺  茅宁 《经济学家》2007,(2):21-26
"经济理性"是经济学的传统研究假设,却因背离现实而受到质疑.基于行为人稀缺的心理资源和系统固有的不确定性而产生的"有限理性"正逐步取代"经济理性"成为经济学研究的理性假设.不同的理性观点可以从决策的视角得到系统地解释和比较.并且,随着理性假设的演变,经济行为的决策标准也相应从单一静态最优向多元动态平衡转变.  相似文献   

By summarizing the factor of the financial statement fraud in existing research outcome, the paper confirms the discriminating characteristic of the financial statement fraud and sets up a theoretic model to discriminate the financial statement fraud. Using radial basis function neural network, regarding to the swatch that the listed company that is punished by the Securities Regulatory Commission or the Ministry of Finance, and according to the clustering elements, validating across by set one aside, the paper verifies respectively the 22 characteristics and 31 characteristics of discriminating model. According to the clustering elements, validating across by set one aside, the paper verifies respectively the 31 characteristics and 8 characteristics selected by Fisher-ratio of discriminating model. The research outcome indicates the discriminating ability of the model including 8 characteristics is better elevated than the traditional model including 31 characteristics by comparing the disciplinary error and the forecast precision.  相似文献   

Whilst there are many models discussing the mechanics of financial crises, the notion of predation seems to be insufficiently taken into consideration as one of the explanatory behavioral factors, although it would enrich the understanding of dysfunctional financial markets. This paper provides a stylized model for disruptive and toxic economic behaviors in the context of predatory markets like the subprime crisis of 2007–2009. In this context, we investigate why consumers and sellers buy products they know to be toxic. Conventional economic models contain classical tenets that assume that consumers are rational and search for utility maximization; however, these models cannot straightforwardly explain the behaviors consumers and sellers adopted during times of financial crises, known as “exuberantly irrational”. Hence, we use and expand on a predator-prey perspective that endeavors to capture such behaviors more effectively while showing that four market variables must be considered together over time – consumers, suppliers, toxic products and regulations. Our analysis shows that during the GFC, consumers and lenders as well as regulators embraced whole-heartedly, and contrary to common economic sense, the development and marketing of toxic products. Their behaviors were actually quite rational in the context of a poisoned market. Such observation could assist in drafting regulations.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the effect of financial statement comparability on audit hours, which we use as a proxy for audit efficiency. We examine the hours worked by auditors in completing 2322 audits in Korea between 2006 and 2010. Audit efficiency can be determined by the total audit effort required to achieve a successful audit. Using a sample consisting of firms maintaining a certain level of audit quality, we investigate whether financial statement comparability reduces audit hours. We find that comparability is negatively associated with audit hours. In addition, we find that the effect of comparability on audit hours is attenuated for firms that are ‘highly followed’ by financial analysts. This study contributes to the literature by proposing a possible way to improve audit efficiency from a unique perspective. While prior studies show that a client’s inherent risk and control risk lower audit efficiency, the results of this study show that comparability between financial statements facilitates audit efficiency. Improvements in audit efficiency reduce the opportunity costs associated with audit effort and thereby enable auditors to spend more time and effort focusing on high-risk engagements. Comparability is one of four qualitative characteristics of accounting information included in accounting conceptual frameworks. Despite the importance of comparability, there is very little research on its benefits. This study makes a unique contribution by measuring audit effort using a large database of audit hours worked by auditors in Korean firms.  相似文献   

随着全球经济环境发生巨变,作为单位的会计环境,由于受整个经济环境的影响,也发生了变化。面对新的会计环境,现行财务报告体系如何满足使用者对风险信息和不确定信息披露的要求,是值得我们深入研究的新课题。从对新的会计环境下传统的财务报告存在的局限性进行分析入手,可提出对我国现行财务报告改进的思考,找出解决方法。  相似文献   

金融创新是金融深化的突破口,金融监管作为一种管制手段对金融创新既有促进作用也有抑制作用。不同类型的金融创新对金融监管也提出了不同的要求。金融创新与金融监管在"博弈"互动过程中共同促进金融业发展。  相似文献   

在改革开放30年之后,中国社会主义市场经济改革进入了深水区,国际格局呈现了一超多强的格局,中国在各方面都面临着新的挑战。建设廉政性政府是出于国内政治环境的需要,也是应对国外挑战的需要。加强事业单位财务管理是建设廉政性政府的迫切需要,如果不采取相应措施事业单位就可能会滋生腐败,严重降低在职人员的工作积极性以及工作效率。  相似文献   

有效市场假说是现代金融理论的重要基石,其理论基础是理性人和完全套利假定.20世纪80年代以来在西方国家兴起的行为金融理论,以心理学的研究成果为依据,从投资者的实际决策心理出发,重新审视了主宰金融市场的人为因素对市场的影响,对有效市场假说的理论基础进行了反思,并指出了投资者的行为并非是完全理性的,套利行为也是有限的.  相似文献   

Xuan Shen 《Applied economics》2018,50(41):4402-4417
This article provides empirical evidence on how profitability of small community banks was affected by derivatives use before and after the 2008 crisis. We use an endogenous switching regressions model to estimate the sensitivity of bank profitability to risks and control for the endogenous choice to use or not to use derivatives. We then compute counterfactual effects and show how profitability would have looked without derivatives use for banks that used derivatives and how it would have looked with derivatives for banks that did not use derivatives. The results show that derivatives helped reduce the sensitivity of profitability to credit risks and improved profitability for most specialists. However, for the largest number of banks which are non-user non-specialists, devivates use would have resulted in lower return on assets had they used derivatives post 2008. Therefore, our evidence suggests that implementation of the Volcker Rule, imposing high compliance costs on community banks and, thus, discouraging hedging, may have a negative impact on profits of specialists banks but, overall, a neutral effect on profits in the community banks industry as a whole.  相似文献   

Nash equilibrium without mutual knowledge of rationality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary. In a Nash equilibrium, players' rationality is mutual knowledge. However, both intuition and experimental evidence suggest that players do not know for sure the rationality of opponents. This paper proposes a new equilibrium concept, cautious equilibrium, that generalizes Nash equilibrium in terms of preferences in two person strategic games. In a cautious equilibrium, players do not necessarily know the rationality of opponents, but they view rationality as infinitely more likely than irrationality. For suitable models of preference, cautious equilibrium predicts that a player might take a “cautious” strategy that is not a best response in any Nash equilibrium. Received: January 28, 1998; revised version October 2, 1998  相似文献   

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