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本文设计和实现了基于asp.net的通用计算机辅助教学系统.详细介绍了利用asp.net、ado.net技术和数据库存储过程开发计算机辅助教学系统的方法;实现了学生在线学习、交流和教师在线课件制作、交流等功能.  相似文献   

服务业发展的国际视角及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20多年以来,世界范围内服务业得到快速发展,在国民经济中占据了重要的地位.与此同时,现代大城市也得到了巨大发展.服务业发展和城市化是一个相互促进的过程.本文分析了服务业发展的背景和基本模式,比较了亚太地区主要城市服务业发展的异同.最后,总结了对我国发展现代服务业的启示.  相似文献   

城乡统筹发展的困境与路径选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
二元经济结构现象是长期的历史问题.但其存在的主要原因在于体制性和资源配置方面的矛盾.本文分析了我国二元经济结构现状和其产生的深层次矛盾.提出了体制性创新和优化城.乡经济发展模式的城乡经济发展路径.  相似文献   

党文 《市场论坛》2004,(4):50-51
网络化、数字化、知识化是时代的主旋律.网络时代改变了整个社会生产结构和劳动结构,动摇了传统会计理论的框架.本文对此作了探讨和论述.  相似文献   

中国农业产业化问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国是一个农业大国,农业人口占全国人口的大多数.农业、农村和捉民问题是关系中国改革开放和现代化建设全局的重大问题.党的十一届三中全会以后,中国农村实行了以家庭承包经营为基础、统分结合的双层经营体制,极大地调动了农民的积极性,农业和农村经济快速发展,取得了举世瞩目的成就.但随着改革的深化,农业和农村经济发展遇到了一些深层次的矛盾和问题.为解决这些矛盾和问题,中国农民在实践中逐渐摸索出一种具有中国特色的农业产业化经营方式.这种新的经营方式一出现,就显示出了强大的生命力,有力地促进了农业和农村经济的发展.  相似文献   

由于建筑抗震设计的复杂性,在实际工程中抗震概念设计就显得尤为重要.由于钢筋混凝土材料性能的离散性、变形成分的多样和影响因素的众多.很难建立一个通用的可用于精确计算的本构模型.对钢筋混凝土框架结构的抗震分析还是较难的一个因事情.在有了计算机辅助设计分析以后,大大提高了分析的效率.本文就是文时静力弹塑性分析进行了研究,指出了它的基本原理和方法优势.然后讨论了采用etabs进行pushover计算的特点.  相似文献   

我作为中央银行在近几年的研究宏观调控过程当中.也接触了不少房地产商和房地产行业协会.也了解了一些情况.今天我借助这个机会和大家交流几个问题.第一个问题就是全球金融危机的问题.因为今年整个宏观经济实际上一个最大的变量是外部的因素的影响.  相似文献   

足球自诞生以来.给人类带来了无尽的欢乐和精神鼓舞.它几乎被社会各个方面、各个阶层所普遍接受,而成为社会生活的一部分.然而.足球赛场中球迷骚乱和暴力的出现.给这项运动蒙上了阴影.世界各国的球迷暴力事件时有发生.英德足球流氓更是臭名昭著,就连赛场纪律一向比较严明的中国.从20世纪80年代开始.也出现了球迷骚乱和暴力事件.如1985年中国足球史上最为严重的"5·19"暴力事件.2009年3月30日凌晨,世界杯非洲区预选赛科特迪瓦队的主场比赛爆发球迷骚乱事件,根据初步统计,已经造成至少22人在球场内丧生.并有132人受伤.  相似文献   

我国的"能源法"就把风机、泵类等设备采用变额调速技术实现节能运行列为通用技术加以推广.根据国家出台的相关规定,和实际的居民生活情况.丰台供热中心一直在努力致力于供热系统节能减排的行列中,并一直探索供暖系统中的节能问题.本文参照相关文献资料和技术规范,结合作者的工作实际,对丰台多个换热站的不同时期的改造和运行进行了长期的分析和判断.根据我们的经验和测试结果.我们认为变频技术对换热站的改造是非常有必要.即节省了国家的能源,又降低了污染物的排放.真正在为北京市环境的低碳做点贡献.根据国家的倡导和北京市相关规定.我们用现在的变频技术所带来的节能体会做个个人的总结汇报.请专家批评能够指正.  相似文献   

本文提出了利用引力波对飞行器和其它运动目标进行识别、跟踪和定化的理论.同时讨论了引力波通信原理和可能的技术方案.引力波通信的发射和接收,放大器原理在文末作了介绍.  相似文献   

本文介绍了以氯甲烷和邻苯二酚为原料合成1,2-二甲氧基苯的方法.通过物料配比、反应压力和催化剂等几个方面的优化,产品含量和收率得到了很大的提高.  相似文献   

本文综述了丙二胺和丙撑多胺的研究和应用。列举了国内外主要生产方法,讨论了下游产品的开发方向。认为萃取脱水为较佳工艺。  相似文献   

Peter Korn 《Intereconomics》1981,16(6):263-268
The EC-Commission and the European Council have both expressed their concern at the state of the internal market of the Community, which is jeopardized by trade barriers and subsidies to distressed industries. They both agree that a concerted effort must be made to strengthen and consolidate the internal market for goods and services.1,2 Has the bacillus of increasing protectionism in world trade now spread to the internal trade in the EC? How can the danger be averted?  相似文献   

在分析两站无源交叉测向平面定位的基础上,提出一种测向、时差联合定位的模型, 并分析了其定位原理和精度;推导了组网雷达的探测精度表达公式,并比较了单站、两站、 三站雷达定位精度的差异。在此基础上,结合有源组网探测的优点和无源侦察只被动接收、 不辐射信号的优点,提出了有源无源一体模式下的目标定位模型及其定位精度分析,并对五 站定位中的两种不同情况进行了仿真和分析。仿真结果表明,有源无源一体模式下的目标定 位方式能有效地对目标进行定位并有良好的定位精度。  相似文献   

This article reports a study of the future direction of the venture capital industry by examining the basic strategies and strategic assumptions of a broad sample of venture capital firms. There are three main sets of results:First, the once homogeneous venture capital industry is rapidly dividing into several different “strategic groups.” Members of these “groups” are increasingly distinguishing themselves from other groups on four basic dimensions followed by member firms: 1. Financial Resources—Equity capital comes from a greater variety of sources (five major sources) resulting in fundamentally different demands on the mission of the receiving venture capital firm. 2. Staff Resources—The way venture capital firms use staff resources, particularly regarding investee management assistance, is becoming increasingly varied across different groups. Some firms provide fewer than 2-days per year, while others provide up to 450 man-days per year per client. 3. Venture Stages—While the overall industry retains a primary interest in stage 1,2, and 3 investment, specific firms vary considerably in the distribution of investment emphasis across these three stages. 4. Use of Financial Resources-Firms in the industry are becoming increasingly differentiated in the size of minimum investments they make ($100 M to $1000 M) and in their role as a direct investor versus a “broker” for institutional funds. Practicing venture capitalists should make use of this first set of findings in two ways. First, they may find it useful to compare their firm's orientation along these four strategic dimensions with those of the firm's that comprised this study. Second, they may seek to use these four strategic dimensions as a basis on which they might examine, clarify, and/or redefine the marketing strategy pursued by their firm.A second set of results identified three goals and priorities of venture capital firms that have neither changed over time nor across increasingly different strategic groups. Annualized, after-tax return on investments of between 25% and 40% remain the most common objective across all firms. A 5-to-6 year investment time horizon and a major emphasis on the quality of the management team in evaluating new deals were universal priorities across diverse venture capital firms.A third finding in this study was that venture capital firms profess greater “certainty” about the future direction of the venture capital industry than the direction of their firm. The most notable example of this is a strong sense that industry-wide rates of return are headed downward yet few senior partners expect their firm to experience this decline.Practicing venture capitalists may be interested to peruse these results to see what trends are predicted within the venture capital industry by this subsample of that industry. Second, they should consider the finding that industry-wide rates of return are headed downward in light of the first two sets of findings to develop their own opinion about the future performance of different strategic groups within the industry.It is important to note that the sample of venture capital firms on which this study was based did not include most of the larger, older funds. Some of these funds would be characterized as “industry leaders, pace-setters, and innovators.” The sample provides a solid representation of the “broad middle” of the venture capital industry and newer entrants into the industry. While larger, older funds are under represented, their impact on future trends and strategies in the industry is captured to some extent in the set of questions about “future direction of the venture capital industry.“Finally, the emerging strategic groups in the venture capital industry that were identified by this study may be useful information for investors as well as users of venture capital. For investors, the opportunity to participate in venture capital activity should become more clearly understood and varied. Basically, this study should help investors differentiate the strategic posture of different venture capital firms and funds on four factors rather than simply industry/geographic considerations.For users of venture capital, the results of this study suggest a possibility for multiple options that are both more accessible and more catered to specific needs. Users of venture capital should find a clearer basis on which to differentiate venture capital firms in terms of venture stage priorities, staff utilization orientations, sources and uses of financial resources. This should make for more informed “shopping” among different venture capital sources and provide a basis on which to “shop” for the most compatible firm.  相似文献   

Sustainable Development: Lost Meaning and Opportunity?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The term Sustainable Development has been used in many different contexts and consequently has come to represent many different ideas. The purpose of this paper was to explore the underlying meaning of the term Sustainable Development, and to assess the dominant ethic behind such meaning. Through this exploration, we uncovered a change in the semantic meaning of the term, and described what that meaning entails. The term Sustainable Development had the potential, we argue, to stimulate discursive engagement with respect to the future development of society within an ethical framework based around the values of inclusivity, diversity, and integration. The importance of philosophical context within which the term is used influences the definitional process of meaning, and has been simulated into the language of the dominant scientific-economic paradigm. We go on to explore how this meaning change has come about. In doing so we looked to the Enlightenment period and the resulting philosophies to explore the foundations of meaning, and then to the work of Jürgen Habermas to explain how the scientific-economic paradigm came to dominate the meaning of Sustainable Development.Andrew Fergus is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Haskayne School of Business, with a double major in Organizational Dynamics (Organizational theory/behaviour) and Environmental Management/Sustainable Development. His research is focused towards the dynamic relationships found at the interface of organizations, society, and the environment. Julie Rowney is a Professor, Human Resources and Organizational Dynamics, in the Haskayne School of Business at the University of Calgary. Dr. Rowney’s research activities lie in the areas of diversity, gender, environmental organizational interactions, human resources (leadership, change, crisis issues) and international/cross-cultural comparisons.  相似文献   

社会不同群体间的相互融合是一个复杂的动态过程,要促进残疾人更好地融入社会、实现自我价值,需要充分理解残疾人社会融合的理论界定与实践经验,以此为基础完善新时代残疾人社会融合多领域综合保障机制体系,推动残疾人平等参与和全面融合。通过梳理和分析新时代我国残疾人社会融合的思想渊源,对国内外残疾人社会融合现状、理念、实践进行总结,分析得出应该秉持平等原则、倾斜保障原则、充分融合原则来推进新时代我国残疾人社会融合,并且通过加强制度设计,完善制度框架,构建友好环境,健全设施建设,注重社会引导,实现良性互动,完善社会保障,促进自我认同,推动教育融合,构建全纳教育等方式,将我国残疾人社会融合体制机制建立起来,为我国残疾人对美好生活的向往凝心聚力,彰显大国担当,推动相关研究向世界一流水平迈进。  相似文献   

This article introduces and summarizes selected papers from the first World Business Ethics Forum held in Hong Kong and Macau in November 2006, co-hosted by the Hong Kong Baptist University and by the University of Macau. Business Ethics in the East remain distinct from those in the West, but the distinctions are becoming less pronounced and the ethical traffic flows both ways. Gabriel D, Donleavy is Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Macau teaching Business Ethics, Business Negotiation and Advanced Management. His work has been published in Critical Perspectives in Accounting, Corporate Governance, the Journal of Business Ethics, Advances in Applied Business Strategy, the Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, Long Range Planning and the Asian Review of Accounting which he co-founded. Kit-Chun Joanna LAM is Professor in Department of Economics of the Hong Kong Baptist University. She is also Guest Professor in the Centre for Business Ethics of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, China. She received her Ph.D. degree in economics from Harvard University. Her work has appeared in the Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Labor Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, Economica, Journal of Comparative Economics, and Labour Economics. Simon S.M. Ho is Dean and Professor at the School of Business and Director for Corporate Governance and Financial Policy, Hong Kong Baptist University. He founded the Asia-Pacific Corporate Governance Conference and the world’s first master programme in corporate governance & directorship in 2004. He published over 40 academic refereed articles in leading journals such as Journal of Accounting, Accounting & Finance, Journal of Accounting & Public Policy, and Journal of Corporate Finance.  相似文献   

流通生财   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流通生财。流通因交换而发生,交换产生财富,推进了整个财富创造的过程。从逻辑上讲,交换有利于双方,自然应该有财富的创造。从经济学上讲,交换使物品的使用价值得到提高,同时发展了分工,促进了专业化,提高了生产力,给社会带来了巨大利益。流通是有成本的,如果流通的成本太高,把本来双方可以得到的利益吃掉了,交换就难以实现,所以降低流通成本对于帮助交换获利至关重要。流通成本的降低可以使全社会获得巨大的财富创造的机会。物流是一门伟大的学问,它联系消费和生产,沟通了物和人,也沟通了人和人,帮助社会创造了财富。  相似文献   

This paper extends the discussion of business ethics by examining the issue of corruption, its definition, the solutions being proposed for dealing with it, and the ethical perspectives underpinning these proposals. The paper’s findings are based on a review of association, think-tank, and academic reports, books, and papers dealing with the topic of corruption, as well as the pronouncements, websites, and position papers of a number of important global organizations active in the fight. These organizations include the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, Transparency International, USAID, the United Nations, the International Chamber of Commerce, the Organization of American States, and the Council of Europe. Our discussion departs from prior analyses by adopting a Foucaultian theoretical framing and by incorporating insights found in the virtue ethics literature. Implications are provided for international business organizations.  相似文献   

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