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The purpose of the present study is to analyse the relations between the subjective career plateau—in other words, plateauing as perceived by the principal—and two psychological phenomena: the sense of competence and the sense of anxiety. The data which were gathered by survey from 244 Quebec managers confirm the two research hypotheses. The more the person considers that he/she has reached a career plateau, the more the feeling of competence is weak and the more the feeling of anxiety increases. The results also illustrate the effect of respondents' salary on the two phenomena. The discussion focuses on the subjectivity of the career plateau and on its psychological repercussions. The conclusion suggests more study of the dynamic and subjective dimensions of plateauing, and more specifically, longitudinal research. Résumé La présente étude analyse la relation entre le plateau subjectif de carrière, c'est-à-dire le plateau tel que perçu par le sujet et deux phénomènes psychologiques: le sentiment de compétence et l'anxiété. Les données recueillies par questionnaires auprès de 244 gestionnaires québécois confirment les deux hypothèses de la recherche. Plus les sujets s'estiment plafonnés dans leur carrière, plus leur sentiment de compétence est faible et plus leur degré d'anxiété est élevé. Les résultats démontrent également le rǒle du salaire sur les deux phénomènes étudiés. La discussion traite de la subjectivité du plateau de carrière et des répercussions psychologiques qu'il peut entraǐner. La conclusion suggère d'étudier plus à fond le caractère dynamique et subjectif du plafonnement, en particulier à l'aide de recherches longitudinales.  相似文献   

泽人 《中国海关》2003,(9):32-33
8月8日上午,江门海关的周捷可忙得够戗,她精心手工制作的几十本<特定减免税货物进口业务指南>被前来咨询的企业人员一抢而空.这天是海关法律法规咨询宣传日,100多家进出口企业的领导、报关员踊跃参加,新会纺织进出口公司的管理人员和报关员就来了7个.  相似文献   

Dans le but d'expliquer la décision des gestionnaires de se syndiquer, un modèle théorique de la syndicalisation cadre a été élaboré et vérifié empiriquement auprès d'un échantillon de cadres de niveaux inférieurs (N = 185). Les variables à la base du modèle conceptuel sont la satisfaction au travail, la perception instrumentale des syndicats, les attitudes à l'égard des syndicats et de l'administration, et l'intention de se syndiquer. l'analyse du cheminement causal supporte partiellement le modèle théorique. Toutes les relations causales postulées par le modèle sont significatives à seuil de signification égal ou supérieur à 0,05, sauf la relation entre l'attitude à l'égard de l'administration et l'intention de vote et celle entre la satisfaction au travail et la perception instrumentale des syndicats. Les implications des résultats de cette recherche sur la problématique de la syndicalisation des gestionnaires et sur les sciences du comportement organisationnel font l'objet d'une discussion. Abstract To help explain why managers decide to unionize, a theoretical model of management unionization was established and empirically tested on a group of lower-level managers (N = 185). The basic variables of the conceptual model were job satisfaction, instrumental perception of unions, attitudes towards unions and management, and intention to unionize. The causal analysis partly supports the theoretical model. All cause-and-effect relationships postulated by the model attained a significance level greater than or equal to 0.05, except the relationship between attitude towards management and voting intentions and the one between job satisfaction and perception of unions. Discussed are the implications of these results on the issues of management unionization and organizational-behaviour sciences.  相似文献   

Dans cette étude, nous utilisons le modèle d'apprentissage de l'erreur pour examiner le processus suivi par les agents économiques pour réviser les taux de change à terme, ceux-ci étant considérés comme des anticipations du taux de change au comptant futur. Nos résultats basés sur deux échantillons indiquent: 1) que le simple écoulement du temps n'a pas d'effet systématique sur la révision des taux de change à terme; 2) que les agents économiques semblent utiliser l'hypothèse plausible que les taux de change au comptant suivent une marche aléatoire; 3) que seulement quelques devises manifestent des possibilités d'inefficience. Abstract In this paper, the error-learning model is used to examine the updating process of forward exchange rates, these being considered as expected future spot rates. The results based on two samples show that:1) the mere passage of time does not have a systematic effect on the revision of forward exchange rates; 2) economic agents seem to use the plausible hypothesis that spot rates follow a random walk; 3) only a few currencies exhibit possibilities of inefficiency.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents in Tromsø relating to nutrition; whether pupil behaviour and attitudes regarding nutrition had changed in the tenth grade compared with the eighth grade; and whether this was linked to pupils’ home economics lessons in grade 9. In total, 606 adolescents (321 boys and 285 girls) were studied on two different occasions – 2002 and 2005. A food frequency questionnaire focusing on 16 different food and beverage groups was used. It investigated knowledge and attitudes, the amounts of food items consumed and the socio‐economic situation of the participants and their families. The study produced interesting findings. The boys had surprisingly low knowledge of fruit and vegetables that did not change in a positive direction, between the eighth and tenth grades. The change among the girls was very small and therefore this study concludes that the teaching of home economics had no significant influence on the pupils’ knowledge of and attitudes towards eating fruit and vegetables. The study of home economics does not appear to enhance adolescents’ skills and attitudes to the extent expected from the curriculum. But there are gender differences at both grades. Changes in the home economics course are necessary to improve children's and adolescents’ knowledge and attitudes. Increased focus on the scope and variety of teaching methods will be a key to improvement. Future research is required to understand the potential of the home economics curricula to change adolescents’ knowledge about and attitudes to home economics in Norway.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to discover potential ways to enhance debriefing so that more can be learned from the experience of extreme events. In order to reach this aim, we explored how personnel in the Explosive Ordnance Disposal team from the Norwegian Armed Forces experienced debriefing after an extreme event. That event was a terror attack on the Norwegian island of Utøya on 22 July, 2011, in which 69 people were killed and 66 were wounded. An Explosive Ordnance Disposal team was sent to the island to search for and disarm potential bombs. We explored how personnel in the team experienced their debriefing after this event. Reports of interviewees' experiences identified two relevant dimensions: content (technical and personal) and form (formal and informal), leading to the development of four categories. The main learning points were that although personnel experienced room to share technical issues during debriefing and hence learn from the situation, there were fewer opportunities to share personal issues, and this seemed to limit the debriefing as a learning process.  相似文献   

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