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电信企业开展资本运营的必要性受OTT业务发展的冲击,传统话音、短信业务量下降趋势明显,与此形成鲜明对比的则是移动互联网业务迅速崛起。随着移动互联网的加速发展,平台和内容价值增长迅猛,电信运营企业加快发展新兴业务势在必行,但是传统的电信运营企业缺乏代表性产品和核心竞争力,运营体制和运营模式等也难以与互联网企业有效竞争,在激烈的竞争中处于劣势。  相似文献   

2013年年底,工信部在一个月的时间里相继发放了4G牌照、调整了网间结算资费、批准了首批移动通信转售业务许可。这三大决策的出台给通信市场带来了深远的影响,显示2014年必将是通信业的变革年。时三大电信运营集团来说,尽管机遇与挑战并存,但移动互联网对传统电信的进一步替代,“更高速的通信网+更互联网化的业务模式”将成为电信运营企业新的发展方向。由此,电信运营企业首先要考虑的是管理变革,这包括销售、渠道、网络等全方位的管理变革。  相似文献   

全业务运营是一个多维度概念,包含了电信业务经营的两个维度:广度与深度。广度上的全业务运营是指运营商同时经营固定、宽带、移动等多种业务类型;而深度上的全业务运营,是指运营商全面参与网络接人、基础业务、增值业务、内容服务等价值链环节的活动。从全球范围来看,目前全业务运营可以分为三个层面:第一个层面是固移融合业务;第二个层面是宽带业务;第三个层面是Triple Play,即“三网融合业务”。全业务竞争环境下,使得电信业必须思考如伺应对业务融合带来的产业链多元竞争,而这意味着运营商必须重新思考自身的商业模式,以为电信企业、用户及相关产业链创造更大的价值。  相似文献   

在信息化过程中。人们对信息通信的个性化、移动性、多媒体的需求日益强烈,传统的电信网络已不能满足需求。这就对传统网络提出了新的课题,要求用创新的思维方式.全面系统地对传统电信网络进行升级改造。同时.互联网的蓬勃发展也颠覆了传统电信商业模式。互联网是免费的商业模式.资源占用与费用无关,这就使得大家不断地占用互联网资源,  相似文献   

全业务运营时代随着电信重组的尘埃落定而跃然纸上。数据表明,通信业正在经历从通话为主向网络数据业务为主的“蜕变”。移动通信将以媒体化、娱乐化、商务化三大方向完成“华丽转身”,未来移动网络的收入将主要依靠移动互联网。因此,运营商要保证竞争优势,避免沦为“管道”,必须通过大力发展移动宽带业务,以满足用户未来对网络移动化的需求来继续强化市场优势。  相似文献   

陆富琪 《当代通信》2004,(23):16-17
近期,作为宽带业务发展先进省份之一的江苏电信提出并积极实施了“E=A X”这一新的宽带赢利模式,其中E指赢利、A指基本业务收入(包括接入和终端基本费)、X指增值业务收入。江苏电信坚持以网络建设推动业务发展、以丰富应用促进服务升级、以模式创新实现运营目标,致力于提供良好的用户体验,构建合作共赢的产业价值链,充分发挥了宽带网络的效应,不断提升了宽带的价值。从而走出了一条江苏特色的宽带运营之路,本就是对江苏电信宽带内容运营模式所做的一些调查与思考,以供交流。  相似文献   

近年来,NGN(下一代网络“Next-generation network”的缩写)一直是业界关注的话题。运营商希望在业界的携手推动下使旗下固网实现向 NGN 目标科学演进,打造未来核心竞争力,实现业务和运营的新繁荣。然而 NGN 所依赖的基于 IP 以软交换为核心的技术与传统 PSTN 技术有着本质上的不同,其表现在网络结构、基本技术、业务承载、盈利模式等方面与传统网络相比具有根本的不同而又没有明确的说法,这预示着下一代网络所带来的不仅仅是技术上的革命,它将更深远地、更永恒地影响和改变电信运营的观念、市场和商业模式,给电信运营商带来了十分广阔的想象空间。  相似文献   

随着电信重组的尘埃落地,全业务运营已经提上运营商的工作日程,电信市场即将上演三大运营商全业务竞争的好戏。在刚刚召开的通信展上,新组建的三大运营商系数亮相,新推出的移动、固定业务吸引着观众的眼球,全业务运营初露峥嵘,让业界对下一步的发展充满期待。在全业务时代运营商应该如何发挥自身特点,获取独特的竞争优势,从而在新一轮的电信竞争占据领先地位呢?本刊特别精选了近期一组全业务运营的文章,分别从商业模式、网络建设、经营策略、渠道拓展、国际经验等方面分析我国全业务运营方面的种种问题和机遇,以飨读者。  相似文献   

在我国,传统的电信运营商已经开始转型,专业化分工日益显现,一大批国有、民营和个人投资的电信增值业务运营商纷纷进入运营市场,与基础运营商进行了全方位的合作与竞争,因此,对竞争与合作环境下的业务运营模式进行研究就具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

如果说2009年是我国电信运营行业重组后全业务运营的第一年、3G启动的元年,那么,随着2010年的到来,全业务运营与3G发展都将进入全面推进的关键时期。因此,2010年对电信运营企业来院,注定也是不平凡的一年。  相似文献   

Much scholarship has been devoted to identifying barriers that prevent the advancement of communication measurement and evaluation. This research focuses on the characteristics, objectives, and practices of chief communication officers (CCOs) with successful measurement and evaluation programs. Three key dimensions of practice emerged from in-depth interviews: communication executives’ measurement practices and evaluation programs were used to adjust communication strategies; were aligned with other business units; and were integrated with business priority plans. Interviewees also focused on the ability of communication measurement practices and evaluation programs to provide insights for executives, to align communication with the work of other business units, and to connect the organization with the outside environment and stakeholders. This study extends strategic communication scholarship by discussing how overcoming barriers and advancing measurement and evaluation work relates to roles adopted by organizational leaders. This article also offers a preliminary, scalable maturity model that aids in the development, formalization, and optimization of strategic communication measurement and evaluation. This study demonstrates the capacity for communication evaluation to overcome perceived barriers, realize appropriate stature with organizations, and grow communication functions accordingly.  相似文献   

The present study analyzes the relevance and structure of business journalism in the internet aiming at a systematic analysis and evaluation of journalistic diversity in online business news coverage. Based on a multi-step procedure, 16 websites with high relevance for internet users were identified. In a subsequent communicator survey, the providers of these internet platforms were interviewed to derive insights into the structure and quality evaluation of online business journalism. Results indicate that internet-only business news coverage has not been able to establish itself yet. Further, the importance of traditional media brands for online communication could be confirmed. In spite of a judicial and organizational autonomy of the majority of the internet platforms, no provider generates his content independently of the umbrella brand. These facts may be attributed to limited personal manpower as well as differentiated and topic-oriented content recycling strategies aimed at the exclusivity of topics in general rather than content specific to certain channels.  相似文献   

我国的电信网络发展数十年来,取得了非常辉煌的成果。但是在进入21世纪之后,固定电信网开始面临许多新的挑战,作为固网现金流的语音业务在激烈竞争的市场环境下,面临着越来越大的话务量分流压力;同时增值业务的开展又受到传统PSTN中设备某些疾的限制,难以推广应用。因此,固网运营商急需开拓思路寻找新的业务发展思路和模式,创造普及性业务增长点。[编按]  相似文献   

This is the first interdisciplinary study to empirically test a theoretical model described in 2013 by Bendisch, Larsen, and Trueman, regarding the CEO branding process—by comparing three founder CEO brands in Israel. The findings validate the model and display strongly perceived “authenticity” in each case study, strengthening the reliability of the CEO brand. The study clearly shows that each of these successful CEO brands has: a clear brand identity, built on the alignment of its human identity and its managerial identity; a strong CEO brand reputation, built on its human reputation and aligned managerial reputation; clear congruence between the CEO brand identity and reputation, producing a distinct, differentiating CEO brand positioning leading to CEO brand equity. These findings, along with stakeholders’ internalization of CEO Brand Reputation values, produce stakeholder positive perceptions of the company—largely through the central role of the business media in the process of CEO branding. Surprisingly, none of these founder CEOs had any prior intention of creating a CEO brand. This study also offers a clear, detailed replication methodology for studying other types of CEOs, in other countries/cultures.  相似文献   

Scholars in the fields of organization and strategic communication have long been interested in organizational identification as a phenomenon favoring employees’ alignment with corporate values and consequently achievement of the organizational mission. To date, most studies on the subject have relied on social identity theory, which focuses on cognitive categorization processes but overlooks the role of employees’ relationships within their organization. In this research, we introduce a social capital perspective into organizational identification models. We propose and test a model looking at the influence of an individual’s social capital, a variable deriving from different dimensions of an individual’s communication network (i.e., prestige, resourceful others, friendship), on organizational identification, mediated by the attractiveness of perceived organizational identity. The results from a survey conducted in a business organization suggest that a person’s social capital influences organizational identification, both directly and through the attractiveness of perceived organizational identity. Our organizational identification model contributes to extend knowledge on the complementarity of the cognitive and relational perspectives of strategic communication and on the role of relationship building and networks in strategic communication management.  相似文献   

The case study regards the question whether economic self-interests of publishers have a significant influence on the reporting of their own newspapers with regard to crucial topics touching those interests. The conflict about the minimum wage in the mailing business is scrutinized. The newspapers engaged in the mailing business are compared with those of independent newspapers without these interests. Because the political inclination of a newspaper, even beyond the self-interests of its publisher, affects the reporting of a conflict, newspapers with different political views are chosen among economically involved and uninvolved media companies. The study is based on the “public task” of press and researches, using a quantifying analysis of contents, relevance and plurality of conflict reports. The results show that in this case the basic political orientation of a newspaper had a significant influence on the portrayal of the conflict. An additional influence with regard to the economic self-interests could not be proven significantly. Ideology seems to be more important than self-interest. However in this case political orientation and economic self-interests harmonized. Therefore it is still relevant to study the role of economic interests for the realization of the “public task”.  相似文献   

马龙 《中国电信建设》2005,17(12):15-20
随着国内各商业银行数据大集中工作的逐步实施,支持银行业务和数据处理的信息系统在物理分布、IT基础设施资源共享、统一的核心应用系统架构等不同层面逐步趋向集中,从而促进丫银行业务运作模式和管理流程的变革。但是,数据集中也导致了操作风险的集中,银行业务的连续运作与信息系统的稳定运行成为各商业银行需要优先考虑的关键问题。  相似文献   

全球电信业正在从以窄带语音业务为主向以宽带多媒体业务为主转变。宽带技术的成熟推动了全球宽带市场蓬勃发展,尤其是中国的宽带产业在过去10年以年均124%的速度迅猛增长。宽带正在日益渗透到经济社会和人们生活中,在给电信运营商带来了广阔发展空间的同时,也使得运营商面临网络带宽、商业模式和管控模式等诸多挑战。[编者按]  相似文献   

目前,全球的传统固网运营商都面临着移动通信和互联网新业务的巨大冲击。为摆脱这种困境,传统电信运营商纷纷高举转型大旗,转换自身角色,谋球新的发展,具有百年历史的中国网通,早在2003年就意识到了转型的紧迫性,提出了宽带战略、奥运战略和国际化战略三大战略。2006年中国网通进一步理清思路,提出向“宽带通信和多媒体服务提供商”转型的发展战略。那么,三大战略在中国网通的转型中占据什么样的地位?其成效如何?宽带通信和多媒体服务提供商的道路又该如何走?在“2007年宽带世界论坛亚洲会议”期间,中国网通总裁左迅生对中国网通的转型思路进行了解读。  相似文献   

This study reviews the status of image management research published in public relations-specific journals, as well as broader management, business, strategic communication, and communication journals, to extrapolate important trends for future research and practice. A content analysis of relevant research (n = 261) was conducted based on several criteria (area focus, application group, country of study, methodology, application of theory or conceptual framework, type of focus on image, communication type and medium). Findings suggest two considerations for the strategic communication of organizational image: 1) image as outcome, and 2) image as social influence in online communication.  相似文献   

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