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面对竞争的日益加强,仓储企业的经营和管理出现了诸多的问题。文章通过从A火腿仓库存在的实际问题出发,分析得出导致问题的原因在于操作规范落后、人员配备不合理、管理制度不健全等,在此基础上尝试提出解决A火腿仓库落后管理的办法。  相似文献   

The reformed Italian water and sewerage industry has several distinctive features. It is based on a decentralized structure where local authorities are entitled to define detailed long-term budget plans that claim to provide efficiency incentives to operating suppliers. Unlike previous studies, this paper analyzes the cost efficiency embedded in these budget plans to evaluate the actual capability of local regulators to adequately orientate firm performance. Several panel data cost frontier models were estimated that incorporate diverse specifications for inefficiency and unobserved heterogeneity terms. The results indicate that the decentralized planning mechanism applied in Italian water and sewerage industry regulation failed in fulfilling the declared goal and further highlights that the time-invariant terms are the prevailing source of cost differences, which may conceal a structural component attributable to persistent inefficiency.  相似文献   

The most thoroughly debated format issue in designing a cash flow statement for a business enterprise concerns use ofthe direct or indirectmethod when reporting cash from operating activities. The article argues that the reason why we cannot solve this dilemma of using the direct or indirect method is related to the fact that our discussion is limited to using the axiom of double-entry bookkeeping within commercial accounting. In this article, however, the discussion of whether to use the direct or indirect method is not limited to commercial double-entry bookkeeping; it is also based upon another accounting framework, specifically designed to deal with cash transactions of governmental organizations: single-entry cameral accounting. The article argues that commercial accounting could learn from cameral accounting, separating cash from non-cash balance sheet changes, and directly prepare a cash flow statement from the single-entries of the cash transactions on the cash account, before they are entered into the double-entry bookkeeping system, to provide a performance result (revenues minus expenses) and related balance sheet information (assets, liabilities and equity). By applying this procedure, the direct method of preparing a cash flow statement becomes the natural method to use.  相似文献   

Conclusion No one approach is best along all of the four dimensions. The price approach maintains feasibility, where the other two do not necessarily. The quantity approach is coordinable where the other two are not necessarily (and, the price approach only in trivial situations). The mixed approach is very flexible to adapting to existing structures of prices, quantities, and information flows. The other two require specific information flows. And finally, all approaches are improved with rich a priori information. The final selection of an approach must depend upon the relative utilities attached to these four criteria, and that depends upon the particular situation and application.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, larger charities have adopted the techniques of direct marketing to considerable effect. However, the perceptions of direct marketing within the charity sector as a whole are not always positive. Fundraising activities are focused increasingly on those segments of the population that are most responsive and likely to commit to regular giving programmes. This has resulted in the concentration on one demographic segment, at the expense of the potential of others.  相似文献   

Journal of Productivity Analysis - Choosing the Most Preferred Solution (MPS), namely a real or artificial Decision Making Unit (DMU) reflecting the decision maker’s preferences over the...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore theoretically the qualitative impacts of the planning and development processes on the spatial dynamic interactions between land use and transportation. Specifically, an idealized abstract example of the interactions between two homogeneous regions was studied with respect to various issues related to land use and transportation planning. The study took the form of systems of simple differential equations. Each equation represents the rate of change of either the land use or the transportation condition of a region. Investigation with the two-region model suggested a possibility of spatial and temporal fluctuations under certain planning conditions. By examining the conditions underlying the model equations, planning and developmental practices that may cause system instabilities were identified and discussed.  相似文献   

In the early 1980’s Kopp and Diewert proposed a popular method to decompose cost efficiency into allocative and technical efficiency for parametric functional forms based on the radial approach initiated by Farrell. We show that, relying on recently proposed homogeneity and duality results, their approach is unnecessary for self-dual homothetic production functions, while it is inconsistent in the non-homothetic case. By stressing that for homothetic technologies the radial distance function can be correctly interpreted as a technical efficiency measure, since allocative efficiency is independent of the output level and radial input reductions leave it unchanged, we contend that for non-homothetic technologies this is not the case because optimal input demands depend on the output targeted by the firm, as does the inequality between marginal rates of substitution and market prices—allocative inefficiency. We demonstrate that a correct definition of technical efficiency corresponds to the directional distance function because its flexibility ensures that allocative efficiency is kept unchanged through movements in the input production possibility set when solving technical inefficiency, and therefore the associated cost reductions can be solely—and rightly—ascribed to technical-engineering-improvements. The new methodology allowing for a consistent decomposition of cost inefficiency is illustrated resorting to simple examples of non-homothetic production functions.  相似文献   

The insurance industry worldwide has become less fragmented through liberalization reforms. Yet, following the transformational changes, there is little empirical evidence on identifying the determinants of managerial efficiency. This paper employs a truncated regression analysis to determine the factors driving managerial efficiency of Malaysian insurers. Overall and divisional efficiencies are derived using data envelopment analysis. The decomposition analysis reveals that the observed inefficiency is mainly caused by investment capability division. The regression findings reveal that determinants of efficiency have dissimilar impacts on overall and divisional efficiencies. This study broadly supports financial liberalization as a means of promoting managerial efficiency.  相似文献   

分析了东南亚国家首都超前发展的城市一极化现象及其原因.  相似文献   

An economy may perform better because the firms become more efficient, the industries are better organized, or the allocation between industries is improved. In this paper we extend the literature on the measurement of industry efficiency (a decomposition in firm contributions and an organizational effect) to a third level, namely that of the economy. The huge task of interrelating the performance of an economy to industrial firm data is accomplished for Andalusia.  相似文献   

In this note a simpler method of cost efficiency decomposition than that of Kopp and Diewert (1982) is proposed. The method is obtained by application of a duality theorem for cost and distance functions.  相似文献   

Journal of Productivity Analysis - This paper applies a two-stage nonparametric approach to compare companies operating in different business models in the global semiconductor industry. Using...  相似文献   

In this study, the authors examine the relative economic efficiency of the commercial and cooperative telephone companies in the United States. A national sample of over 900 firms using annual data for the years 1973 through 1980 is analyzed. A Cobb-Douglas profit function is employed in the study. The results indicate that commercial firms are more profitable than cooperatives (and, therefore, are more economically efficient), that both types of firms are price takers in the output market, that there is evidence of regulatory effectiveness, that market density affects profits, and that commercial firms experience increasing returns to scale while cooperatives do not.  相似文献   

Firms often invest in sustainable development projects to improve their environmental and societal performance. Given the broad spectrum of these projects and limited resources, managers face challenges in determining where to improve (e.g., improving water consumption and reducing carbon footprint). The study examines the connection between environmental performance and firm performance from a new angle to help managers make informed decisions. The study examines firms in the consumer product industry regarding their efficiency in the operational aspect, the resource-related environmental aspect, and the climate-related environmental aspect. It then employs panel data models to investigate the implications of efficiency differences across these aspects on firms' financial performance and business risk. The results indicate that the effects of these differences are adverse in general. Additionally, the relationship between the operational and environmental efficiency difference and financial performance is in an inverted-U shape. The study contributes to the literature by offering theoretical support and empirical evidence for the balanced portfolio approach in managing multiple environmental concerns. The study findings also provide managerial guidelines for decision-making. To gain a greater benefit, managers should aim to minimize the performance differences across multiple environmental aspects and manage a subtle balance between operational performance and environmental performance.  相似文献   

郭晓华 《企业技术开发》2009,28(8):106-106,119
财务管理工作为企业生产经营和健康发展提供了有力保障,起到了保驾护航的作用。建立现代企业制度下什么样的财务管理体系,已成为关系到企业加快发展的重要因素。文章首先阐述了财务集中管理的意义,又对目前执行中的现状进行了剖析,最后对如何搞好财务集中管理提出了一已之见,意在抛砖引玉,集思广益。  相似文献   

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