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全球电信设备商第三财季业绩普遍黯淡,但华为却一路高歌猛进,成为危机中的大赢家。  相似文献   

尹生 《中国企业家》2005,(23):42-43
2005年4月10日,当美国《时代周刊》将他列为“2005年度全球最具影响力的100人”(他也是中国内地惟一一位入选的企业家)时,据说任正非特意嘱咐手下不要搞任何形式的宣传。  相似文献   

每一个企业都需要“一个真正意义上的领导者”,华为也不例外。正因为如此,华为的“轮流坐庄”,更多地被视为“过渡模式”谁会最终成为那个“真正的接班人”?答案,将在任正菲从华为彻底退出之前浮出水面。  相似文献   

没有人能够看透任正非。跟了他十几年的高管,往往习以为常的是任正非火暴的脾性,一种偏执狂才能生存的劲头,有谁会想到他会把中庸作为他最珍视的东西呢?比如,曾经作了12年的《华为人报》总编辑的周君藏,任正非的每一篇文章,每一次讲话,每一个要公开的批示,都曾经过他的手。他在今年4月出版的专著《任正非这个人》中有这样的描写:  相似文献   

<正>4月10日,美国《时代》周刊评选出了“2005年度影响世界的100位名人”,华为科技公司总裁任正非是入选“建设者和巨子”的唯一中国人。神秘低调,淡泊名利 1988年,任正非以2万元注册资本创建深圳华为, 2000年华为约值100亿美元,成为中国市场GSM设  相似文献   

让一线直接呼唤炮火 2008年,在国际巨头均出现收入大幅度下滑的背景下,华为年收入却达到了233亿美元,仍然实现了46%的增长.在普遍不被看好的2009年,华为的订单收入则有望达到300亿美元.这串美丽的数字,常常使人联想到2008年华为的那次裸奔.  相似文献   

一个大公司的总裁,拖着沉重的行李,以他那快速的脚步,一个人孤独地走向远方,背影越来越小,但夕阳下的身影却越来大  相似文献   

一个被企业裹挟着的企业家无法展示其柔弱的一面。  相似文献   

4 任正非 华为技术有限公司总裁 2007年,华为依然雷声不断,2007年,华为继续保持了一贯的沉默。  相似文献   

20世纪50年代以来,管理会计理论得到了不断的丰富、完善和发展。文章通过对七位"管理会计终身成就奖"获得者学术贡献的回顾和分析,勾勒出了管理会计的发展轨迹,并在此基础上对他们的成功经验进行了总结,期望能对当今的管理会计研究有所启发。  相似文献   

国务院副总理李克强3月21日称,转变经济发展方式、调整经济结构的首要任务是扩大内需,中国将坚持以内需为主、内外需结合,积极寻求投资与消费的结合点.  相似文献   

张雪兰 《价值工程》2007,26(1):39-42
评估顾客生涯价值有助于企业优化资源配置、提高战略营销绩效。然而,现有评估模型存在的不足以及对复杂数据库及复杂分析方法的要求,限制了顾客生涯价值评估在实践中的应用。鉴于此,在对顾客生涯价值评估方法进行系统回顾和评析的基础上,借鉴企业连续价值评估方法,对顾客生涯价值评估模型进行了完善,并将顾客生涯价值评估模型的应用范围进一步拓展至战略营销分析、顾客关系投资决策和企业并购决策。  相似文献   

Transient Jobs and Lifetime Jobs: Dualism in the British Labour Market   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
How long does a job last in Britain? We find that many workers have very short jobs and many have very long jobs. We estimate that in 1990, 40 percent of men were in jobs that will last 20 years or more. On the other hand, 24 percent were in jobs lasting less than five years. We conclude that the labour market is still capable of offering ‘lifetime jobs’ to many workers. Policy analysis of issues such as reform of the welfare state, pensions, and training should take note that reports of the death of ‘jobs for life’ appear to be exaggerated.  相似文献   

We normally think of government agencies as acting in a purely rational and instrumental way. In the case of intelligence agencies, we presume they rely on reason and science to protect the national interest. By contrast, the general view of secret societies and occult groups is that they engage in rituals and practices that have little or nothing to do with normal social intercourse, or even with reality. This article shows that these common assumptions are false, and that secret societies and intelligence agencies share many important traits. Our understanding of the CIA's role in supporting the production of Hollywood movies will be enhanced by taking these similarities into account. Intelligence work and the operations of secret societies are shown to overlap in five categories: religious underpinnings, occult practices to control the mind, cryptography, violations of social convention, and cryptic transparency—the ability to carry out secret activities in plain sight. These affinities explain why the CIA can promote movies that are actually quite candid in their revelation of the dark underside of the Agency. In so doing, the CIA projects a subliminal message that whatever questionable actions it takes are justified by a higher good, which can only be known by insiders.  相似文献   

凡是中国的优秀企业家,骨子里总有儒家的基因和情结。过去有人说儒家文化不利于商品经济,其实“兼善天下”的意义并不亚于韦伯的“新教伦理”。任吉忠的爱维艾夫的立业理念为“崇尚功德”,正是儒家的“三不朽”之一——“立德”。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between mathematics achievement and television viewing. The data consist of 13,542 high school seniors from the High School and Beyond project conducted by U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. A feed-forward neural network is employed as a nonlinear model. A curvilinear relationship is found, independent of viewer characteristics, parental background, parental involvement, and leisure activities, with a peak at about one hour of viewing, and persistent upon the inclusion of statistical errors. It is further shown that for low-ability students the curvilinearity is replaced with an entirely positive correlation across all hours of television viewing.  相似文献   

The presenft paper develops a structural decomposition analysis with cumulative product lifetime distributions to estimate the effects of both product lifetime shifts and energy efficiency changes on the embodied energy consumptions. The empirical analysis focuses on automobile use (ordinary passenger vehicles, small passenger vehicles, and light passenger vehicles) in Japan during the period 1990–2000. It reveals that the lifetime extension of existing old vehicles during the study period was more beneficial to the environment than purchasing new passenger vehicles with a relatively high fuel economy, because the lifetime extension empirically contributed to reducing the embodied energy consumption at the production and end-use stages. We also found that the energy-saving impact of a one-year lifetime extension was approximately 1.3 times larger than that of the most significant technological improvement in the electric power generation sector.  相似文献   

This paper examines the causal link that runs from classroom quality to student achievement using data on twin pairs who entered the same school but were allocated to different classrooms in an exogenous way. In particular, we apply twin fixed‐effects estimation to assess the effect of teacher quality on student test scores from second through eighth grade of primary education, arguing that a change in teacher quality is probably the most important classroom intervention within a twin context. In a series of estimations using measurable teacher characteristics, we find that (a) the test performance of all students improves with teacher experience; (b) teacher experience also matters for student performance after the initial years in the profession; (c) the teacher experience effect is most prominent in earlier grades; (d) the teacher experience effects are robust to the inclusion of other classroom quality measures, such as peer group composition and class size; and (e) an increase in teacher experience also matters for career stages with less labor market mobility, which suggests positive returns to on‐the‐job learning of teachers. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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